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招生专业 070601-气象学 070602-大气物理学与大气环境 招生方向 台风、暴雨高影响天气数值模拟及预测 积云对流参数化方案构造研究 云降水过程研究 教育背景 1998-09--2001-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 博士 1991-09--1994-07 中国科学院大气物理研究所 硕士 工作简历 2008-01--今 中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究员 2004-01--2007-12 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副研究员 2001-07--2003-12 中国科学院大气物理研究所 助理研究员 奖励信息 (1) 涡旋自组织动力学研究及应用,二等奖,省级,2011 (2) 北京气象学会优秀论文奖,二等奖,省级,2003 合作情况 作为973项目课题负责人,与南京大学大气科学学院合作,进行973课题的合作研究。 作为863项目课题副组长,与解放军总参大气研究所,进行863项目的合作研究。 作为为南京信息工程大学兼职教授、博士生导师,进行培养学生及江苏省课题的合作研究。 同中国气象科学研究院进行气象局行业专项的合作研究。 科研项目 (1) 台风发生、发展和移动路径的敏感因子及干预方法,主持,国家级,2011-10--2016-10 (2) 热带气旋强度和结构突变研究,主持,部委级,2011-01--2013-01 (3) 东亚区域云与陆表物理过程的模,参与,国家级,2011-01--2013-12 (4) 圈层相互作用与亚洲季 风年际和年代际变化,参与,部委级,2010-01--2012-12 (5) 云尺度过程影响热带气旋强度变化的研究,主持,国家级,2009-01--2012-12 (6)对流云的微物理过程及反馈,主持,国家973项目课题,2013-1-2017-12 科研项目 (1) 台风发生、发展和移动路径的敏感因子及干预方法,主持,国家级,2011-10--2016-10 (2) 热带气旋强度和结构突变研究,主持,部委级,2011-01--2013-01 (3) 东亚区域云与陆表物理过程的模,参与,国家级,2011-01--2013-12 (4) 圈层相互作用与亚洲季 风年际和年代际变化,参与,部委级,2010-01--2012-12 (5) 云尺度过程影响热带气旋强度变化的研究,主持,国家级,2009-01--2012-12 参与会议 (1) Phase Differences between Rainfall and Its Sources in the Tropical Deep Convective Regime: A Partitioning Analysis Based on Surface Rainfall Budget,2012-08,PingFan Luo zhexian (2) Effects of Ice Microphysics and its Interaction with Radiation on Tropical Equilibrium States: A Two-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Modeling Study,2011-06,Ping Fan, Luo Zhexian (3) Multiple Scale Interactions Affecting Tropical Cyclone Track Changes,大气物理、气候和环境”国际学术研讨会,2010-06,Ping Fan Noel Dividson




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Simulations of the Motion of Tropical Cyclone-like Vortices in the Presence of Synoptic and Mesoscale Circulations,Advance in Atmospheric Science,2012,通讯作者 (2) Multiple-Scale Interactions Affecting Tropical Cyclone Track Changes, Advances in Mechanical Engineering ,Advances in Mechanical Engineering ,2011,通讯作者 (3) Mechanism for initial brows-like meso-scale vortex effects ontropical cyclone track ,Science China ,2011,第2作者 (4) Investigation of fine and complex vortex circulation structures,Science China D,2011,第3作者 (5) Statistical characteristics of meso-scale vortex effects on the track of a tropical cyclone,Chinese Physics,2011,通讯作者 (6) Regional Dependence of Microphysical and Radiative Effects of Ice Clouds on Vertical Structures of Tropical Tropospheric Temperature,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics ,2011,第1作者 (7) Effects of Ice and Water Clouds on Rainfall: A Partitioning Analysis Based on Surface Rainfall Budget,Atmosphere Science letters,2011,第1作者 (8) Highly localized energy transfer induced by the interaction between a large vortex and four small vortices ,Atmospheric Sciences letters,2010,通讯作者 (9) Effects of Ice Microphysics on a Tropical Coupled System,Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,2010,第1作者 (10) Comparative Studies of Different Mesoscale Convection Parameterization Schemes in the Simulation of Mei-Yu Front Heavy Rain,Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences Letters,2010,第1作者 (11) 热带对流活动日变化的模拟研究,物理学报,2009,第1作者 (12) Microphysical and Radiative Effects of Ice Clouds on Diurnal Variations of Tropical Convective and Stratiform Rainfall,Atmospheric Research,2009,第1作者 (13) Kinematics, Cloud Microphysics and Spatial Structures of Tropical Cloud Clusters: A Two-Dimensional Cloud Resolving Modeling Study, Atmospheric Research,2008,第1作者 (14) Effects of Salinity on Long-Term Tropical of Atmospheric and Atmospheric and Oceanic Variability ,Atmospheric Research,2007,第1作者 (15) Effects of Ice Microphysics and its Interaction with Radiation on Tropical Equilibrium States: A Two-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Modeling Study,Month Weather Review,2007,第1作者 (16) Numerical simulation of Meiyu front and the diagnosis of moist vorticity ,PRO GRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE,2007,第1作者 (17) Cloud microphysical processes associated with the diurnal variations of tropical convection: A 2D cloud resolving modeling study,Meteorology Atmospheric Physics,2006,第2作者 (18) Tropical heat/water vapor quasi equilibrium and cycle as simulated in a 2D cloud-resolving model,Atmospheric Research,2006,第2作者 (19) Short timescale air-sea coupling in the tropical deep convective regime,Meteorology Atmospheric Physics,2006,第2作者 (20) The numerical studies of vortexes and precipitating clouds merging in the middle latitude continent,Chinese Physics letters,2006,第1作者 (21) The annual variety and decadal variety over the Yangtze River Valley,Chinese Science bulletin,2006,第1作者 (22) Laboratory Studies of the Low Vortices in a Low Froude Number Flow Pasting over an Isolated Obstacle,Chinese Physics letters,2005,第1作者 (23) An experiment study of lee vortex with large topography forcing,Chinese Science Bulletin,2005,通讯作者 (24) A convective vorticity vector associated with tropical convection: A two-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling study,Journal. Geophysics. Research,2004,第2作者 (25) Laboratory Studies of the Stratified Rotating Flow Passing over an Isolated Obstacle,Chinese Physics letters,2003,通讯作者 (26) A comparative study of the numerical simulation of the 1998 summer flood in China by two kinds of cumulus convective parameterized methods,Advance of Atmospheric Science,2003,第1作者 (27) An improvement of mass flux convection parameterization scheme and its sensitive tests for seasonal predication over China,Advance of Atmospheric Science,2003,第1作者 (28) A Development and Improvement of Mass flux Convection Parameterization Scheme and its Applications in the Seasonal Climate Predication Model,Chinese Science bulletin,2003,第1作者


2011-05--今 南京信息工程大学博士生导师 2011-01--今 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Letters 编委 2010-01--今 大气科学编委 2010-01--今 Advance in Atmosphere Sciences 编委 2009-03--今 南京信息工程大学兼职教授
