1.Lang Xanmei, A hybrid dynamical-statistical approach for predicting winter, precipitation over eastern China, ACTA Meteorologica sinica, 2011,25(3), 272–282.(中文版:郎咸梅, 中国冬季降水的动力结合统计预测方法研究, 气象学报, 2011, 气象学报, 待刊 )
2. 王会军, 张颖, 郎咸梅, 论短期气候预测的对象问题, 气候与环境研究, 2010, 15(3), 225–228.
3. Jiang, D., and X. Lang, Last Glacial Maximum East Asian monsoon: Results of PMIP simulations, Journal of Climate, 2010, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3526.1. SCI
4. Lang, X., and H. J. Wang, Improving extraseasonal summer rainfall prediction by merging information from GCMs and observations, Weather and Forecasting, 2010, 25, 1263–1274. SCI
5. Lang X. M. and Zheng F., 2011: A statistical-dynamical scheme for the extraseasonal prediction of summer rainfall for 160 stations over China, Advances of Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-011-0177-6.
6. 陈红, 郎咸梅, 周广庆, 林朝晖, 2008年1月中国气候异常的动力学预测及效果检验, 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(4), 531–538.
7. 王会军, 孙建奇, 郎咸梅, 陈丽娟, 符伟伟, 几年来我国气候年际变异和短期气候预测研究的一些新成果, 大气科学, 2008, 32(4), 806–814.
8. 郎咸梅, 陈红, 我国冬季气候数值预测潜力的初步分析, 气候与环境研究, 2008, 13(4), 539–547.
9. Lang, X., and H. J. Wang, Can the climate background of western North Pacific typhoon activity be predicted by climate model?, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(15), 2392–2399. SCI (中文版:郎咸梅, 王会军, 利用气候模式能够预测西北太平洋台风活动的气候背景吗?, 科学通报, 2008, 53(14), 1702–1708.)
10. Lang, X., Prediction model for spring dust weather frequency in North China, Science in China, Series D, 2008, 51(5), 709–720. SCI (中文版:郎咸梅, 中国华北春季沙尘天气频次的气候预测模型, 中国科学 (D辑), 2008, 38(4), 508–518.)
11. 王会军, 郎咸梅, 范可, 孙建奇, 周广庆, 关于2006年西太平洋台风活动频次的气候预测试验, 气候与环境研究, 2006, 11(2), 133–137.
12. Lang, X. and H. J. Wang, Seasonal differences of model predictability and the impact of SST in the Pacific, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2005, 22(1), 103–113. SCIE
13. 郎咸梅, 王会军, 姜大膀, 应用九层全球大气格点模式进行的跨季度短期气候预测系统性试验, 地球物理学报, 2004, 47(1), 19–24. SCIE (英文版:Lang, X., H. J. Wang, and D. Jiang, Extraseasonal short-term predictions of summer climate with IAP9L-AGCM, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2004, 47(1), 22–28.)
14. 郎咸梅, 王会军, 姜大膀, 大气初始异常在跨季度短期气候预测中作用的研究, 大气科学, 2004, 28(2), 231-240. (英文版:Lang, X., H. J. Wang, and D. Jiang, A study of the impact of atmospheric initial anomalies on extraseasonal short-term climate prediction, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2004, 28(3), 249–259.)
15. 郎咸梅, 王会军, 周广庆, 姜大膀, 应用IAP9L-AGCM对2002年中国夏季气候的预测及效果检验, 南京气象学院学报, 2004, 27(1), 29–35.
19. Lin, Z., H. J. Wang, G. Zhou, H. Chen, X. Lang, Y. Zhao, and Q. Zeng, Recent advances in dynamical extra-seasonal to annual climate prediction at IAP/CAS, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2004, 21(3), 456–466. SCIE
16. 郎咸梅, 王会军, 周广庆, 我国2003年冬季气候异常与2004年春季沙尘气候形势的实时预测初步报告, 气候与环境研究, 2003, 8(4), 381–386.
17. Lang, X., H. J. Wang, and D. Jiang, Extraseasonal ensemble numerical predictions of winter climate over China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(19), 2121–2125. SCI (中文版:郎咸梅, 王会军, 姜大膀, 我国冬季气候可预测性的跨季度集合数值预测研究, 科学通报, 2003, 48(15), 1700–1704.)