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梁巧,浙江大学农业经济管理系和荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学组织管理系双博士学位,麻省理工学院访问学者(2018.9-2019.9),现为浙江大学公共管理学院副教授,博士生导师,主持或参与国际、国家级和省部级多个科研项目,近五年来已出版专著和合著3本,并以第一或唯一通讯作者在Agricultural Systems,Land Use Policy,Journal of Evolutionary Economics等国内外际期刊发表论文30来篇,受邀于多个国内外学术会议做口头报告。 教学与课程 1《中级微观经济学(全英文)》 2《农业与食品企业管理》 3《食物经济与农商管理》中“食物生产与组织”专题 项目主持 政府支持对农民合作社发展和绩效的影响研究:基于宏观和微观视角的双重论证。浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1-2021.12。 水产品质量安全风险识别和传递机理研究,重大基础理论研究专项课题,2018.1-2020.12。 我国农业产业组织体系的理论梳理和实践判别:演进机理和发展规律,青年人才科研创新与青年团队建设,2017.1-2017.12。 关系嵌入性环境下社会资本对农民合作社绩效的作用及机理研究,浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题,2017.1-2018.12。 合作社社会资本及其对农民合作社绩效影响的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.1-2019.12。 涉农企业农产品电子商务开展模式,中央高校基本科研业务费青年科研创新专项,2015.1-2015.12。 浙江省农业产业组织体系的创新和优化:基于农民合作社的发展,浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,2014.1-2016.12。 农民合作社设立与治理机制研究,浙江省哲学社会科学研究基地项目(项目号:13JDQY01YB),2013.9-2015.6。 我国合作社治理结构与管理模式研究,中国博士后科学基金会,2011.5-2013.5,项目主持。 农产品生产者与生鲜电商企业的有效对接模式研究,中央高校基本科研业务费青年科研创新专项,2014.1-2014.12. “Cooperatives in Chain:China case”(供应链环境下合作社的发展:中国),Wotro Project,Dutch Science Foundation(荷兰科学基金会项目),2008-2012年。 参与的主要科研项目 农业产业组织体系与农民合作社发展:以农民合作组织发展为中心的农业产业组织体系创新与优化研究,国家自然基金农林经济管理学科群重点项目,2014.1–2018.12。 全球化背景下中国农民合作组织发展:运营模式、治理结构与比较研究,自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作项目,2011年1月-2014年12月。 Systemic Risk Management of Food Supply Chains in China,国际合作项目,麻省理工学院。 出版著作 1、Qiao Liang.Governance,CEO Identity,and Quality Provision of Farmer Cooperatives.ERIM(Erasmus Research Institute of Management)PHD Series in Research in Management,Reference number:ESP-2013-281-ORG,ISBN 978-90-5892-325-7. 2、梁巧。中国农民合作社的设立、治理与效率,浙江大学出版社,2014年2月。 3、黄祖辉,张晓山,郭红东,徐旭初,苑鹏,梁巧。《现代农业的产业组织体系及创新研究》,社会科学研究院,2019年12月。 4、黄祖辉,梁巧,吴彬,鲍陈晨:农业合作社的模式与启示:美国、荷兰和中国台湾的经验研究,浙江大学出版社,2014. 学术交流(讲座报告) 近五年参与国际&国内学术会议 2017年6⽉18⽇-21⽇,赴美国参加“国际⾷品与农商管理学会2017年会(International Food and Agribusiness Management Association,IFAMA),口头汇报了题为“Adoption of Input Use Practices for Food Safety Control:From the Perspective of Social Capital”的论文。 2017年11月1-2号,赴北京参加第11届“中国国际食品安全与质量控制China International Food Safety&Quality”国际会议,口头汇报了论文“safety risks of aquatic products:based on the data of CFDA tests”。 梁巧,黄祖辉,徐一宁。合作社中社会资本的益处与困境,中国合作经济中青年学者工作坊,山东农业大学,泰安,2017年7月24-25。 Liang Q.,H.Lu,and W.Deng.Social capital and economic performance of farmer cooperatives:Does formal governance matter?ICA 2016 conference,New Strategies for Co-operatives:Understanding and Managing Co-operative Creation,Transition and Transformation.Almería,Spain,24-27 May,2016. 2017年5月26-27号,赴香港科技大学参加“中国食品安全:治理调整和政策选择Food Safety in China:Governance Challenges and Policy Options”研讨会,口头汇报了论文“Chemical input use and social capital in farmer cooperatives:Evidence from China”。 Liang Q.and X.Wang.Cooperatives as market“competitive yardstick”in hog industry:Evidence from China.IFAMA-WICaNeM 2016 Conference,Aarhus,Denmark,19-23 June,2016.


食物经济与农商管理 农产品供应链和食品安全 农民合作社


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Liang Qiao, Lin Li*, Rongrong Bai. Welfare effects of vegetable producers’ inclusiveness in supply chain coordination: direct effects and spillovers, British Food Journal, 2020/12/09 Liang Qiao, Yining Xu*, Xinxin Wang, Songqing Jin. A driver or a placebo? The role of financial support in farmer cooperative development in China. China Agricultural Economics Review. 2020/12/15 Jin Cangyu, Retsef Levi, Qiao Liang, Nicholas Renegar, Jiehong Zhou, and Weihua Zhou. Testing at the Source: Analytics-Enabled Risk-Based Sampling of Food Supply Chains in China. Management Science, 2020 Wendong Deng, George Hendrikse, Qiao Liang*. Internal social capital and the life cycle of agricultural cooperatives.Journal of Evolution Economics. 2020 Liang Qiao and Xinxin Wang*. Cooperatives as competitive yardstick in the hog industry? - Evidence from China. Agribusiness. 2020, 36(1): 127-145. Peng Xiao, Qiao Liang*. CEOs versus Members' Evaluation of Cooperative Performance: Evidence from China. Social Science Journal. 2020, 57(02): 219-229. Liang Qiao, Weibin Hu, Fu Jia. A hybrid form of agricultural organization: The case of the BZJ vegetable cooperative in China. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 2019, 22(2): 283-293. Zheng S., Wang S., and Liang Qiao*, 2019. Total factor productivity and decomposition of fisheries economy in coastal areas of mainland China and Taiwan: Using the DEA-Malmquist index. Journal of Coastal Research, 2019 (93): 371–380. Zheng Sining, Qiao Liang, Qiang Liu*. Governance structure and performance of mariculture Sci-Tech parks: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China. Marine policy, 2019, 109: 1-9. Wang Xinxin, Fan, P., Wu, Z., and Qiao Liang (2019). Pollution, demographic, and public willingness to participate in environment protection in China-a study based on micro-survey data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(24): 25117-25129. Xu Yining, Qiao Liang*, Zuhui Huang. Benefits and pitfalls of social capital in farmer cooperatives: Evidence from China. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2018, 21(8): 1137-152. Gao Yuling, Zuhui Huang,* Qiao Liang*. service realization and determinants in agricultural cooperatives in China: Evidence from Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Heilongjiang provinces. Singapore Economic Review, 2018, 63(5): 1205-1225. Liang Qiao *, Haiyang Lu, and Wendong Deng. Between social capital and formal governance in farmer cooperatives: evidence from China. Outlook on Agriculture. 2018, 47(3): 196-203. Huang Zuhui* and Qiao Liang. Agricultural organizations and the role of farmer cooperatives in China since 1978: past and future. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2018, 10 (1): 48-64. Zhou J., Qing Liu, and Qiao Liang*. Cooperative membership, social capital, and chemical input use: Evidence from China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 70: 394-401. Liang Qiao and G. Hendrikse. Pooling and the Yardstick Effect of Cooperatives. Agricultural Systems, 2016, 143: 97-105. Zhou J., K. Li, and Qiao Liang*. Food safety controls in different governance structures in China’s vegetable and fruit industry. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015, 14(11): 2189-2202. Huang Z., V. Vyas, Qiao Liang*. Farmer organizations in China and India. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2015, 7(4): 601 - 615. Liang Qiao*, Z. Huang, H. Lu, and X. Wang. Social capital, member participation, and cooperative performance: Evidence from China’s Zhejiang. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2015, 18(1), 49-78. Liang Qiao*, G. Hendrikse, Z. Huang, and X. Xu. Governance structure of Chinese farmer cooperatives: Evidence from Zhejiang province. Agribusiness, 2015, 31(2): 198-214. Liang Qiao* and G. Hendrikse. Cooperative CEO identity and efficient governance: Member or outside CEO? Agribusiness, 2013, 29(1): 23-38. Liang Qiao* and G. Hendrikse. Core and common members in the genesis of farmer cooperatives in China. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2013, 34(3-5):244-257. Huang Zuhui*, Bin Wu, Xuchu Xu, Qiao Liang. Situation Features and Governance Structure of Farmer Cooperatives in China: Does Initial Situation Matter? The Social Science Journal, 2016, 53(1): 100-110. Huang Z., F. Fu, Qiao Liang, and X. Xu. The efficiency of agricultural marketing cooperatives in China’s Zhejiang province. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2013, 34(3-5), 272-282. Xu X., K. Shao, Qiao Liang, H. Guo, J. Lu, and Z. Huang. Entry of Chinese small farmers into big markets: From enterprise-led structures to farmer cooperatives. Chinese Economy, 2013, 6(1), 7-19. 周洁红, 金宇, 王煜,梁巧*.质量信息公示、信号传递与农产品认证——基于肉类与蔬菜产业的比较分析, 农业经济问题,2020,9: 76-87. 梁巧,董涵。从国内外农民合作社相关研究看我国农民合作社发展问题:基于对2015—2018年相关文献的梳理,农业经济问题,2019, 12: 86-98. 周洁红,杨之颖,梁巧*。从合作社内部管理模式看质量安全实施绩效:基于农户农药安全间隔期执行视角,浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2019, 5(1): 37-50. 梁巧。合作社的市场竞争标尺效应,中国农民合作社,2017(5). 梁巧。荷兰合作社法律概况,中国农民合作社,2016(10). 梁巧。基于2012-2014年间国内外合作社文献的梳理与思考,农业经济问题,2015 (11): 97-107+112. 梁巧,吴闻,刘敏,卢海阳。社会资本对农民合作社社员参与行为及绩效的影响,农业经济问题,2014,11: 71-79. 梁巧,王鑫鑫。我国农民合作社设立机制——基于产业组织生态学的探讨,经济理论与经济管理,2014, 34 (7): 101-112. 中国人民大学复印报刊资料《农业经济研究》2014年第11期全文转载。 梁巧,郭红东。荷兰花卉拍卖合作社:生存还是消失?,农林经济管理学报,2014,13(5):512-517。 梁巧。“股份公司+合作社”治理模式的探索:以荷兰Nedato土豆合作社为例。农业部管理干部学院学报,2013,2:21-25. 梁巧,黄祖辉。关于合作社研究的理论和分析框架:一个综述。经济学家,2011(12):77-85。中国人民大学复印报刊资料《农业经济研究》转载.
