开展了工效学介入针对静态生活方式下的久坐行为和日常生活中肌肉载荷的研究,其中以职业性久坐行为以及干预为研究方向,以三轴加速度传感器和柔性穿戴表面肌电等技术为主。主持了多项科研项目在不同人群中的应用,包括老年人久坐行为,身体健康以及体力活动监测; 儿童青少年体力活动,久坐行为以及肌肉载荷的研究; 超声检测运动员跟腱受损发展机制等。近五年在国内外核心期刊共发表论文17篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI论文9篇,包括发表在Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise、Journal of Sport and Health Sciences等领域内国际顶级期刊。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。
Gao Y*,Rantalainen T,Finni T,Portegijs E,Eronen J,Rantanen T&Rantakokko M.2020.Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Time Assessed by Acceleration Based on Mean Amplitude Deviation Among Older People.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.17:6887.IF:2.849
Eero A.Haapala*,Ying Gao,Niina Lintu,Juuso Väistö,Anssi Vanhala,Tuomo Tompuri,Timo A.Lakka,Taija Finni.2020.Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness,motor competence,and adiposity in children.Translational Sports Medicine.Accepted.
Kirsi E.Keskinen*,Ying Gao,Merja Rantakokko,Taina Rantanen,Erja Portegijs.2020.Associations of environmental features with outdoor physical activity on weekdays and weekend days:a cross-sectional study among older people.Frontiers in Public Health.Accepted.IF:2.483
Gao Y*,Cronin NJ,Nevala N&Finni T.2020.Validity of long-term and short-term recall of occupational sitting time in Finnish and Chinese office workers.Journal of Sport and Health Sciences 9(4),345-351.IF:5.2
Haapala EA*,Gao Y,Vanhala A,Rantalainen T and Finni T.2020.Validity of traditional physical activity intensity calibration methods and the feasibility of self-paced walking and running on individualised calibration of physical activity intensity in children.Scientific Reports 10:11031.IF:4.259
Gao Y,Kristensen LA,Grøndberg TS,Murray M,Sjøgaard G and Søgaard K*.2020.Electromyographic Evaluation of Specific Elastic Band Exercises Targeting Neck and Shoulder Muscle Activation.Applied Sciences 10:756.IF:2.474
Gao Y*,Haapala EA,Vanhala A,Sääkslahti A,Rantakokko M,Laukkanen A,Pesola AJ,Rantalainen T and Finni T.2019 Sedentary Thresholds for Accelerometry-Based Mean Amplitude Deviation and Electromyography Amplitude in 7–11 Years Old Children.Frontiers in Physiology.10:997.IF:3.367
Zhang Z,Gao Y&Wang J*.2019.Effects of vision and cognitive load on anticipatory and compensatory postural control.Human movement science 64,398-408.IF:2.096
Gao Y*,Melin M,Mäkäräinen K,Rantalainen T,Pesola AJ,Laukkanen A,Sääkslahti A&Finni T.2018.Children's physical activity and sedentary time compared using assessments of accelerometry counts and muscle activity level.PeerJ 6:e5437.IF:2.38
Pesola A*,Melin M,Vanhala A.,Gao Y&Finni,T.2018.Does SuperPark make children less sedentary?How visiting a commercial indoor activity park affects 7 to 12 years old children's daily sitting and physical activity time.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(8),1595.IF:2.849
Gao Y*,Silvennoinen M,Pesola AJ,Kainulainen H,Cronin NJ&Finni T.2017.Acute metabolic response,energy expenditure and EMG activity in sitting and standing.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49(9),1927-1934.IF:4.320
Gao Y*,Nevala N,Cronin NJ&Finni T.2016.Effects of environmental intervention on sedentary time,musculoskeletal comfort and work ability in office workers.European Journal of Sport Science 16(6),747-754.IF:2.781
Gao Y*,Cronin NJ,Pesola AJ&Finni T.2016.Muscle activity patterns and spinal shrinkage in office workers using a sit–stand workstation versus a sit workstation.Ergonomics 59(10),1267-1274.IF:2.190