1. Aqueous phase recirculation during hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae and soybean straw: A comparison study. Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122502.
2. Surfactant assisted upgrading fuel properties of waste cooking oil biodiesel. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 210, 1376-1384.
3. Characterisation of ashes from UK waste biomass power plant and phosphorus recovery. Science of the Total Environment 2019. 690, 573–583.
4. Use of microalgae to recycle nutrients in aqueous phase derived from hydrothermal liquefaction process. Bioresource Technology. 2018. 256. 529-542.
5. Beneficial synergistic effect on bio-oil production from co-liquefaction of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology. 2018. 251: 49–56.
6. Biodiesel microemulsion upgrading and thermogravimetric study of bio-oil produced by liquefaction of different sludges. Energy 2018. 153, 1061–1072.
7. Study on demetalization of sewage sludge by sequential extraction before liquefaction for the production of cleaner bio-oil and bio-char. Bioresource Technology, 2016. 200: 320-327.
8. Characterization of liquefaction bio-oil from sewage sludge and its solubilization in diesel microemulsion. Energy. 2015. 82: 218–228.
9. Surface characteristics of rice husk derived bio-char and cationic dye (Malachite green) adsorption. Fuel. 2015. 155: 77–85.
10. The comparison of oxidative thermokinetics between emulsion and microemulsion diesel fuel. Energy conversion and management. 2015. 101: 364–370.
Science of the Total Environment 2021,756,143679
Science of the Total Environment 2021,763,144204
Fuel 2021, 291, 120128
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 16823-16832
Chemical Engineering Journal 2020. 401,126030
Bioresource Technology 2020. 315, 123801
Bioresource Technology 2020. 318,124081
Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122286
Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122502
Science of the Total Environment 2020. 748,142383
Chemosphere 2020. 238,124680
Energy & Fuels 2020. 34(9),10364-10383
Algal Research 2020.47, 101819
Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 210, 1376-1384
Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 238, 117960
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 664, 11–23
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 647, 210-222
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 690, 573–583
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2019, 142, 104623
Energy Sources A 2019. 41:829–43
Energy Sources A 2019. 1-10
Energy 2018. 161, 214-232
Energy 2018. 153, 1061–1072
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 256. 529-542
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 251: 49–56
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 259. 156-163
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 259. 181-190
Bioresource Technology 2018. 270, 627-642
Energy Sources A 2018. 2648–2659
Fuel 2016. 182, 502–508
Bioresource Technology, 2016. 200: 320-327
Energy conversion and management. 2015. 101: 364–370
Energy. 2015. 82: 218–228
Fuel. 2015. 155: 77–85
Fuel. 2015. 147: 76–81
Fuel Processing Technology. 2015. 129: 8-14
Applied Surface Science. 2015. 346: 223–231
Chemosphere. 2015. 120: 645–652
Environmental Science Pollution Research International. 2015. 22:18945–55
Bioresource Technology. 2014. 167: 144-150
[1] 生物质多联产:实验研究生物质/有机固废热转化(水热液化/碳化、热解、气化等)生产固、液、气态新能源或材料、化学品;生物炭及生物油的提质加工;
[2] 生物质能相关环境问题:实验研究热化学能源化转化过程相关环境问题研究(如重金属、氮、磷、硫的迁移转化、排放等);水相资源化;
[3] 人工智能与分子动力学模拟:人工智能(机器学习、深度学习等)及分子动力学模拟(反应力场计算、DFT计算等)在以上领域及其他相关领域的应用。
1. Aqueous phase recirculation during hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae and soybean straw: A comparison study. Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122502.
2. Surfactant assisted upgrading fuel properties of waste cooking oil biodiesel. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 210, 1376-1384.
3. Characterisation of ashes from UK waste biomass power plant and phosphorus recovery. Science of the Total Environment 2019. 690, 573–583.
4. Use of microalgae to recycle nutrients in aqueous phase derived from hydrothermal liquefaction process. Bioresource Technology. 2018. 256. 529-542.
5. Beneficial synergistic effect on bio-oil production from co-liquefaction of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology. 2018. 251: 49–56.
6. Biodiesel microemulsion upgrading and thermogravimetric study of bio-oil produced by liquefaction of different sludges. Energy 2018. 153, 1061–1072.
7. Study on demetalization of sewage sludge by sequential extraction before liquefaction for the production of cleaner bio-oil and bio-char. Bioresource Technology, 2016. 200: 320-327.
8. Characterization of liquefaction bio-oil from sewage sludge and its solubilization in diesel microemulsion. Energy. 2015. 82: 218–228.
9. Surface characteristics of rice husk derived bio-char and cationic dye (Malachite green) adsorption. Fuel. 2015. 155: 77–85.
10. The comparison of oxidative thermokinetics between emulsion and microemulsion diesel fuel. Energy conversion and management. 2015. 101: 364–370.
Science of the Total Environment 2021,756,143679
Science of the Total Environment 2021,763,144204
Fuel 2021, 291, 120128
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 16823-16832
Chemical Engineering Journal 2020. 401,126030
Bioresource Technology 2020. 315, 123801
Bioresource Technology 2020. 318,124081
Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122286
Bioresource Technology 2020. 298, 122502
Science of the Total Environment 2020. 748,142383
Chemosphere 2020. 238,124680
Energy & Fuels 2020. 34(9),10364-10383
Algal Research 2020.47, 101819
Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 210, 1376-1384
Journal of Cleaner Production 2019. 238, 117960
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 664, 11–23
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 647, 210-222
Science of the Total Environment 2019. 690, 573–583
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2019, 142, 104623
Energy Sources A 2019. 41:829–43
Energy Sources A 2019. 1-10
Energy 2018. 161, 214-232
Energy 2018. 153, 1061–1072
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 256. 529-542
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 251: 49–56
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 259. 156-163
Bioresource Technology. 2018. 259. 181-190
Bioresource Technology 2018. 270, 627-642
Energy Sources A 2018. 2648–2659
Fuel 2016. 182, 502–508
Bioresource Technology, 2016. 200: 320-327
Energy conversion and management. 2015. 101: 364–370
Energy. 2015. 82: 218–228
Fuel. 2015. 155: 77–85
Fuel. 2015. 147: 76–81
Fuel Processing Technology. 2015. 129: 8-14
Applied Surface Science. 2015. 346: 223–231
Chemosphere. 2015. 120: 645–652
Environmental Science Pollution Research International. 2015. 22:18945–55
Bioresource Technology. 2014. 167: 144-150
SCI 期刊Journal of Renewable Materials (IF 2019 1.341) 编委,2020-
Energy、Fuel、Applied Energy、Science of the Total Environment、Bioresource Technology等能源环境领域SCI期刊审稿人