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赵雅甜,1992-,女,毕业于北京航空航天大学,获流体力学专业博士学位。 主要从事主要从事计算流体力学、高精度气动力/热预测、湍流/转捩模拟方法及流动机理等方面研究。参与多个国家/省部级重点专项和课题关键技术攻关。在《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》,《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》,《Aerospace Science and Technology》等国内外期刊和会议发表SCI/EI收录论文10余篇。受邀担任《Energy Conversation and Management》、《Aerospace Science and Technology》期刊审稿人。 教育经历 [1]. 2011.9- 2015.7 北京航空航天大学 | 大学本科毕业 | 工学学士学位 [2]. 2015.9- 2020.6 北京航空航天大学 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士学位


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1].Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of inflow parameters for HyShot II scramjet numerical simulation.[J]:Acta Astronautica [2].Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of flow parameters for transition models on hypersonic flows:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,135:1286-1299 [3].Active control method for restart performances of hypersonic inlets based on energy addition.[J]:Aerospace Science and Technology [4].Numerical study of the cone angle effects on transition and convection heat transfer for hy-personic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator aeroshell:International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer,110 [5].Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of flow parameters on aerodynamics of a hypersonic inlet.[J]:Acta Astronautica [6].Predicting distributed roughness induced transition with a four-equation laminar kinetic ener-gy transition model.[J]:Aerospace Science and Technology,99 [7].Analysis of pressure fluctuation in transonic cavity flows using modal decomposition:Aerospace Science and Technology [8].Assessment of laminar-turbulent transition models for Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator aeroshell in convection heat transfer:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,132 [9].Quantification of Parametric Uncertainty in k-ω-γ Transition Model for Hypersonic Flow Heat Transfer:Aerospace Science and Technology,96 [10].Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of SST turbulence model on hypersonic flow heat trans-fer.[J]:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
