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戴健,2018年任中南大学航空航天学院航空航天工程系特聘副教授。长期从事液体火箭发动机气气喷注器燃烧数值仿真、地面试验技术研究。先后参与了国家863项目“XXX共性技术研究”、空间XXX发动机设计与仿真研究、地面试验XXX推力室仿真和试验研究等国家重点课题,具有充足科研经费保障学生培养质量,助力学生成长成才。近两年来,与本课题组优秀研究生共同合作,已在Aerospace Science and Technology, Acta Astronautica,推进技术等航空航天领域权威期刊上公开发表学术论文10余篇,并助力其获得一等学业奖学金及企业奖学金。欢迎各位有志于从事空天组合先进动力、爆震发动机等基础研究的研究生报考,一起携手共进为祖国航天事业添砖加瓦!!! 教育经历 [1] 2012.9-2018.7 北京航空航天大学 | 航空宇航推进理论与工程 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 工作经历 [1] 2018.9-至今 中南大学 | 航空航天学院 | 在职 科研项目 [1]国防科技创新特区项目子课题,基于××××××的发动机××××技术研究,200万,在研 专利成果 [1]小型气气喷注光学透明燃烧装置 [2]一种适用于小推力发动机试验的气体试验系统 [3]一种适用于大型低温液体火箭发动机试验台供应系统 [4]小型火箭发动机试验台喷淋装置 [5]一种针对重复使用发动机试验的氧气供应系统 [6]一种针对液体火箭发动机试验的燃料供应系统


[1] 先进航天组合动力爆震技术研究 [2] 高超声速组合动力燃烧性能技术研究 [3] 液体火箭发动机地面试验技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Dai Jian,Zuo Qiuru,Huang Chao.Numerical investigation of cavity-induced enhanced supersonic mixing with inclined injection strategies.[J]:Acta Astronautica,2021 [2]Dai Jian, Huang Chao,.Secondary fuel jet strategies on mixing enhancement performance of rocket-based combined cycle engine:Acta Astronautica,2020 [3]Dai Jian, Yu Huanli,.Numerical and experimental investigations of geometrical parameters on GH2/GO2 injector:Aerospace Science and Technology,2020 [4]Dai Jian, Zuo Qiuru,.Key technologies for thermodynamic cycle of precooled engines: A review:Acta Astronautica,2020 [5]戴健,许菲,陈琪峰,.多无人机协同搜索区域划分与路径规划研究:航空学报,2020 [6]Huang Chao, Yu Huanli, Dai Jian,.Mixing and combustion augmentation of the RBCC with different mixer configurations in ejector mode:Acta Astronautica,2020 [7]Nanjia Yu, Yang Zhang, Feng Li, Jian Dai,.Numerical and experimental investigations of single-element and double-element injectors using gaseous oxygen/gaseous methane:AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018,75:24-34 [8]Jiawen Li, Qiang Li, Jinpeng Jiang, Jian Dai,.Particle swarm optimization procedure in determining parameters in Chaboche kinematic hardening model to assess ratcheting under uniaxial and biaxial loading cycles:FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES,2018,41(7):1637-1645 [9]Yue Han,Nanjia Yu,Jian Dai,Cai Guobiao.Application of conditioned level-set method to OH-PLIF image processing of typical molecule diffusion flames.[C]:2nd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering,2015 [10]Dai Jian, Yu Nanjia, Cai Guobiao,.Investigation of non-premixed flame combustion characters in GO(2)/GH(2) shear coaxial injectors using non-intrusive optical diagnostics:SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2015,58(12) [11]Cai Guobiao, Dai Jian, Zhang Yang, Yu Nanjia.Combustion behaviors of GO2/GH2 swirl-coaxial injector using non-intrusive optical diagnostics.[J]:ACTA ASTRONAUTICA,2016,123:246-256 [12]Dai Jian, Cai Guobiao, Zhang Yang, Yu Nanjia,.Experimental investigations of coaxial injectors in a laboratory-scale rocket combustor.[J]:AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2016,59:41-51 [13]Dai Jian, Cai Guobiao, Zhang Yang, Yu Nanjia,.Experimental and numerical investigation of combustion characteristics on GO2/GH2 shear coaxial injector.[J]:AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018,77:725-732
