肖嘉莹副教授长期从事以光声成像为主的生物医学多模态影像技术,以及相关的光声/超声/光学信号的跨学科无损检测应用研究。于2013年创立了湖南省首家生物医学光学成像实验室,为该实验室负责人。其研究内容包括光声成像系统的设计和优化、超声传感器件的研究和制作、基于超声声场的图像重建理论和方法,以及光声成像的医学应用等方面。近年来,其带领团队率先研发出用于宫颈癌无创检测的实时手持式光声内窥成像系统,开发了用于光声/超声内窥成像的小型中空超声传感器件,并开发了多种快速有效的高分辨光声层析成像算法,以及高分辨大景深动态聚焦内窥成像算法,具有丰富的系统开发、理论计算及临床转化经验。另外,肖嘉莹副教授还作为核心研发人员参与了改性沥青中SBS的含量检测项目,主持了超声成像对T梁预应力孔道压浆质量的无损检测等课题。其开发的改性沥青中SBS含量检测方法已纳入湖南省和辽宁省地方标准,以及交通运输部行业标准,相关成果产业转化价值高达数亿元。共主持国家自然科学基金、以及省、市和企业的各级科研项目等10余项,以第一或通讯作者身份在Optics Express等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,获得国家发明专利14项。
[1] 2008.9-2010.8
佛罗里达大学 | 生物医学工程 | 博士学位 | 研究生(博士) | 导师:蒋华北
[2] 2006.9-2008.8
中南大学 | 生物医学工程 | 博士学位 | 研究生(博士) | 导师:汤井田
[3] 2003.9-2006.7
中南大学 | 生物医学工程 | 硕士学位 | 研究生(硕士) | 导师:何继善
[4] 1999.9-2003.7
中南大学 | 计算机科学技术与应用 | 学士学位 | 本科(学士)
[1] 2016.6-至今
中南大学 | 基础医学院 | 副教授
[2] 2013.10-2016.5
中南大学 | 地球科学与信息物理学院 | 副教授
[3] 2007.09-2013.10
中南大学 | 信息物理工程学院 | 讲师
《生物医学工程创新设计和创业训练课 》
李亚楠、 周燕(2013级)
罗晓飞、王天爽、 冷志明(2015级)
[1]湖南创新型省份建设专项 基于近红外光敏剂的宫颈癌浸润深度评估 2021年01月01日 至 2023年12月31日 580万 在研 参与
[2]湖南省应急管理科技项目 2020YJ004 陆空两栖生命搜索和紧急救援小型机器人研究 2020/08 - 2021/09 138万 在研 主持
[3]湖南省自然科学基金面上项目 2018JJ2530 基于PVDF环形阵列的早期宫颈腺癌内窥光声/超声成像研究 2018/01-2020/12 在研 主持
[4]长沙市科技计划科技成果转化重点项目 KH801117 基于电化学分析的公路改性沥青SBS改性剂含量检测技术研发及推广应用 2017/11 - 2019/10 150万 已结题 主持
[5]湖南省交通科技项目 201554 公路改性沥青SBS改性剂含量检测技术推广应用 2015/09-2016/12 70万 已结题 参与
[6]国家自然科学基金青年基金 61401520 基于内窥定量光声断层成像的宫颈腺癌早期检测研究 2015/01–2017/12 已结题 参与
[7]湖南省交通科技项目 201306 改性沥青中SBS含量的检测方法及成套技术研究,2013/01-2014/06 已结题 参与
[8]中南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 201212200152 定量光声成像在骨关节炎早期诊断中的应用研究,2012/7-2014/12 已结题 主持
[9]国家自然科学基金青年基金 31200748 可用于早期骨关节炎检测的三维多波长光声成像算法研究 2012/01–2015/12 已结题 主持
[10]长沙市科技计划项目产业投资资金专项 重点 K205219-11 预应力桥梁管道注浆质量检测仪的研发与应用 2012/01-2013/12 200万元 已结题 主持
[2]王波;魏宁宁;苏天宁;熊文祥;肖嘉莹;彭宽;肖梦迪;庞未然;罗晓飞,透明化超声换能器及应用 ,国家发明专利, 201810515835.9
[7]章照宏;朱自强;肖嘉莹;刘正春;刘爱平;牛艳芳, 一种基于永停滴定的改性沥青中改性剂掺入量的检测方法,国家发明专利,201310258129.8
[9]肖嘉莹;朱自强;刘正春;张东兴;赵朝阳, 一种基于热失重分析测定改性沥青中SBS改性剂掺入量的方法,国家发明专利,201310258139.1
[1].Bo Wang, Congcong Wang, Fangyi Zhong, Weiran Pang, Lili Guo, Kuan Peng, Jiaying Xiao*. “3D acoustic resolution-based photoacoustic endoscopy with dynamic focusing,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 11, no. 2 (2021): 685-696.
[2].Bo Wang, Tianning Su, Weiran Pang, Ningning Wei, Jiaying Xiao, and Kuan Peng*. “Back-projection algorithm in generalized form for circular-scanning-based photoacoustic tomography with improved tangential resolution,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 9, no. 3 (2019): 491-502.
[3].Jiaying Xiao, Mengdi Xiao, Bo Wang, Zhongchao Huang, and Kuan Peng*. " Acoustic field simulation method for arbitrarily shaped transducer with dynamically refined sub-elements," Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 8(11), 1084-1094 (2018).
[4].Jiaying Xiao, Tianshuang Wang, Kuan Peng, Xiaokai Zhang, and Bo Wang*. “Lithography of aluminum coated PVDF annular array for photoacoustic endoscopy,” Communications in Computational Physics 32, no. 2 (2018): 561-571
[5].Bo Wang, Ningning Wei, Kuan Peng, and Jiaying Xiao*. “Modified back-projection method in acoustic resolution-based photoacoustic endoscopy for improved lateral resolution,” Medical Physics 45, no. 10 (2018): 4430-4438.
[6].Bo Wang, Wenxiang Xiong, Tianning Su, Jiaying Xiao, and Kuan Peng*. “Finite-element reconstruction of 2D circular scanning photoacoustic tomography with detectors in far-field condition,” Applied Optics 57, no. 30 (2018): 9123-9128.
[7].Jiaying Xiao, Xiaofei Luo, Kuan Peng, and Bo Wang*. “Improved back-projection method for circular- scanning-based photoacoustic tomography with improved tangential resolution,”Applied Optics 56, no. 32 (2017): 8983-8990.
[8].Jiaying Xiao, Yanan Li, Kuan Peng, Wentao Jin, and Bo Wang*. “Photoacoustic endoscopy with hollow structured lens-focused PVDF transducer.” Applied Optics 55, no. 9 (2016): 2301-2305.
[9].Peng, Kuan, Ling He, Bo Wang, Ziqiang Zhu and Jiaying Xiao*. "Detection of cervical cancer based on photoacoustic imaging—the in-vitro results." Biomedical optics express 6, no. 1 (2015): 135-143.
[10].Zi-qiang Zhu, Bo Yu, Ya-nan Li, Jia-ying Xiao, and Yong Zhou. "Simulation study on ultrasonic tomography for grouted reinforced concrete by finite element." Journal of Central South University 22 (2015): 2791-2799.
[11].Bo Wang, Jiaying Xiao, and Huabei Jiang. "Simultaneous real-time 3D photoacoustic tomography and EEG for neurovascular coupling study in an animal model of epilepsy." Journal of neural engineering 11, no. 4 (2014): 046013.
[12].J. Xiao, B. Wang, K. Peng, and Z. Zhu. "Neurovascular coupling study of PTZ-induced seizure in rats by simultaneous real-time 3D PAT and EEG at two wavelengths." In Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on, pp. 326-329. IEEE, 2014.
[13].J. Xiao, B. Wang, K. Peng, and Z. Zhu. "Simultaneous electroencephalography and photoacoustic monitoring of seizure in free moving rats." In Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on, pp. 105-108. IEEE, 2014.
[14].Kuan Peng, Ling He, Ziqiang Zhu, Jingtian Tang, and Jiaying Xiao*. "Three-dimensional photoacoustic tomography based on graphics-processing-unit-accelerated finite element method." Applied optics 52, no. 34 (2013): 8270-8279.
[15].Jing-tian Tang, Yang Cao, Jia-ying Xiao, and Qu-lianGuo. "Predication of plasma concentration of remifentanil based on Elman neural network." Journal of Central South University 20 (2013): 3187-3192.
[16].Jiaying Xiao, Bo Wang, Guangyin Lu, Ziqiang Zhu, and Yujiao Huang. "Imaging of oocyte development using ultrahigh-resolution full-field optical coherence tomography." Applied optics 51, no. 16 (2012): 3650-3654.
[17].Jiaying Xiao, Jingtian Tang, GuangYin Lu, and Zhensen Chen. "Functional photoacoustic imaging of osteoarthritis in the finger joints." In Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2011 4th International Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 299-303. IEEE, 2011.
[18].Zhen Yuan, J. Xiao, Yao Sun, Eric S. Sobel, Jishan He, and Huabei Jiang. "Image-guided photoacoustic spectroscopy in diagnosis of osteoarthritis in hands: an initial study." In SPIE BiOS, pp. 78834N-78834N. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011.
[19].Jiaying Xiao, Lei Yao, Yao Sun, Eric S. Sobel, Jishan He, and Huabei Jiang. "Quantitative two-dimensional photoacoustic tomography of osteoarthritis in the finger joints." Optics express 18, no. 14 (2010): 14359-14365.
[20].Kuan Peng, Xinbo Gao, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Nunu Ren, Xueli Chen, Bin Ma, and Jie Tian. "Study on photon transport problem based on the platform of molecular optical simulation environment." Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2010 (2010): 9.
[21].JiayingXiao, and Jishan He. "Multispectral quantitative photoacoustic imaging of osteoarthritis in finger joints." Applied optics 49, no. 30 (2010): 5721-5727.