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田博,1988年生,生物医学工程系特聘教授,欧盟玛丽居里学者。主要从事磁学生物传感器、核酸扩增与定量等方法学体系构建,用于病原体或疾病标志物的快速分析检测。自2013年以来以第一或通讯作者身份在Nucleic Acids Research、ACS Nano、Biosensors & Bioelectronics、Analytical Chemistry 等期刊发表SCI论文18篇(其中IF>5 的论文14篇;IF>10 的论文5篇)。 欢迎志同道合者随时联系、共建团队! 教育经历 [1] 2014.9-2018.5 瑞典乌普萨拉大学 | 工程物理 | 哲学博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 导师:Peter Svedlindh, Mattias Stromberg [2] 2010.9-2013.7 中科院武汉病毒所 | 生物工程 | 工程硕士学位 | 硕士研究生毕业 导师:张先恩 [3] 2006.9-2010.6 华中科技大学 | 生物技术 | 理学学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1] 2020.9-至今 中南大学 | 生物医学工程系 | 特聘教授 [2] 2019.2-2020.8 丹麦科技大学 | 健康技术系 | 博士后,居里学者 [3] 2018.9-2019.1 丹麦科技大学 | 微纳技术系 | 博士后,居里学者 科研项目 [1]Towards scalable and affordable point-of-care molecular flavivirus diagnostics,Bo Tian


[1] 等温均相核酸扩增 [2] 磁性纳米生物传感


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[1]Bo Tian*,Fei Gao,Jeppe Fock,Martin Dufva,Mikkel Fougt Hansen*.Homogeneous circle-to-circle amplification for real-time optomagnetic detection of SARS-CoV-2 RdRp coding sequence.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2020,165 [2]Bo Tian*,Jeppe Fock,Gabriel Antonio S. Minero,Mikkel Fougt Hansen*.Nicking-assisted on-loop and off-loop enzymatic cascade amplification for optomagnetic detection of a highly conserved dengue virus sequence.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2020,160 [3]Bo Tian*,Gabriel Antonio S. Minero,Jeppe Fock,Martin Dufva,Mikkel Fougt Hansen*.CRISPR-Cas12a based internal negative control for nonspecific products of exponential rolling circle amplification.[J]:Nucleic Acids Research,2020,48(5) [4]Bo Tian,Jeppe Fock,Gabriel Antonio S. Minero,Francesca Garbarino,Mikkel Fougt Hansen*.Ultrasensitive real-time rolling circle amplification detection enhanced by nicking-induced tandem-acting polymerases.[J]:Analytical Chemistry,2019,91(15):10102-10109 [5]Bo Tian*,Yuanyuan Han,Jeppe Fock,Mattias Stromberg,Klaus Leifer,Mikkel Fougt Hansen*.Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanoparticle-Graphene Oxide Nanotag for Optomagnetic Detection of DNA.[J]:ACS Applied Nano Materials,2019,2(3):1683-1690 [6]Yuanyuan Han,Zhen Qiu,Ganesh N. Nawale,Oommen P. Varghese,Jons Hilborn,Bo Tian*,Klaus Leifer*.MicroRNA detection based on duplex-specific nuclease-assisted target recycling and gold nanoparticle/graphene oxide nanocomposite-mediated electrocatalytic amplification.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2019,127:188-193 [7]Bo Tian*,Yuanyuan Han,Erik Wetterskog,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.MicroRNA detection through DNAzyme-mediated disintegration of magnetic nanoparticle assemblies.[J]:ACS Sensors,2018,3(9):1884-1891 [8]Bo Tian,Xiaoqi Liao,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*,Erik Wetterskog*.Ferromagnetic resonance biosensor for homogeneous and volumetric detection of DNA.[J]:ACS Sensors,2018,3(6):1093-1101 [9]Bo Tian,Zhen Qiu,Jing Ma,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.On-particle rolling circle amplification based core-satellite magnetic superstructures for microRNA detection.[J]:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018,10(3):2957-2964 [10]Bo Tian,Erik Wetterskog,Zhen Qiu,Teresa Zardan Gomez de la Torre,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Shape anisotropy enhanced optomagnetic measurement for prostate-specific antigen detection via magnetic chain formation.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2017,98:285-291 [11]Bo Tian,Jing Ma,Zhen Qiu,Teresa Zardan Gomez de la Torre,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Optomagnetic detection of microRNA based on duplex-specific nuclease-assisted target recycling and multilayer core-satellite magnetic superstructures.[J]:ACS Nano,2017,11(2):1798-1806 [12]Bo Tian,Zhen Qiu,Jing Ma,Teresa Zardan Gomez de la Torre,Christer Johansson,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Attomolar Zika virus oligonucleotide detection based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification and AC susceptometry.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2016,86:420-425 [13]Bo Tian,Jing Ma,Teresa Zardan Gomez de la Torre,Adam Balint,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Rapid Newcastle disease virus detection based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification and optomagnetic readout.[J]:ACS Sensors,2016,1(10):1228-1234 [14]Bo Tian,Teresa Zardan Gomez de la Torre,Marco Donolato,Mikkel Fougt Hansen,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Multi-scale magnetic nanoparticle based optomagnetic bioassay for sensitive DNA and bacteria detection.[J]:Analytical Methods,2016,8(25):5009-5016 [15]Bo Tian,Rebecca S. Bejhed,Peter Svedlindh,Mattias Stromberg*.Blu-ray optomagnetic measurement based competitive immunoassay for Salmonella detection.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2016,77:32-39 [16]Rebecca S. Bejhed,Bo Tian,Kristofer Eriksson,Rimantas Brucas,Sven Oscarsson,Mattias Stromberg,Peter Svedlindh,Klas Gunnarsson*.Magnetophoretic transport line system for rapid on-chip attomole protein detection.[J]:Langmuir,2015,31(37):10296-10302 [17]Dian-Bing Wang,Bo Tian,Zhi-Ping Zhang,Xu-Ying Wang,Joy Fleming,Li-Jun Bi,Rui-Fu Yang,Xian-En Zhang*.Detection of Bacillus anthracis spores by super-paramagnetic lateral-flow immunoassays based on "Road Closure".[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2015,67:608-614 [18]Dian-Bing Wang,Bo Tian,Zhi-Ping Zhang,Jiao-Yu Deng,Zong-Qiang Cui,Rui-Fu Yang,Xu-Ying Wang,Hong-Ping Wei*,Xian-En Zhang*.Rapid detection of Bacillus anthracis spores using a super-paramagnetic lateral-flow immunological detection system.[J]:Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2013,42:661-667
