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严小新,男, 1963年11月出生。1984年获湖南医学院临床医学学士学位,1990年获湖南医科大学神经解剖学硕士学位,2013年获中南大学神经生物学博士学位。1992-1994年获英国文化协会资助在查令十字和威斯敏斯特医学院(Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, 现并入帝国理工学院)解剖学系任访问学者,1995-2000年在美国犹他大学Moran眼中心和加州大学尔湾分校解剖与神经生物学系接受博士后训练。2001-2004年任美国百时美-施贵宝制药公司(Bristol-Myers Squibb)高级研究科学家(Senior Research Scientist)。2005-2010年任南伊利洛伊斯大学医学院解剖系(tenure-track)助理教授。2010年起任湘雅医学院人体解剖学与神经生物学系教授。 曾获美国国立健康研究院(NIH)、伊利诺伊州公共卫生部(IDPH)及南伊利洛依大学老年性痴呆中心等多项课题资助。2011年以来主持国家自然科学基金项目4项。指导博士、硕士研究生十多名。任多种国际杂志审稿人及数家学术期刊编委。美国阿尔兹海默病联合会、国家自然科学基金委和部分省自然科学基金委标书、高校研究生论文和专业人才职称晋升材料评审人。在国内外学术期刊发表论文130多篇,论文被引用3700多次,H因子34 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uEJt9TQAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao)。获中华医学会、中国国家教委,湖南省、广东省及美国癫痫学会科技进步奖等10余项。 教育经历 [1] 2011.9-2013.12 中南大学 | 神经生物学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 [2] 1996.2-2000.12 加州大学尔湾分校,解剖学与神经生物学系 | 神经解剖学 博士后 [3] 1995.5-1996.1 犹他大学, Moran 眼中心 | 神经解剖学 博士后 [4] 1992.5-1994.1 查令十字和威斯敏斯特医学院(解剖学系) | 神经解剖学 访问学者 [5] 1987.9-1990.7 湖南医科大学 | 神经解剖学 | 硕士学位 | 硕士研究生毕业 [6] 1979.9-1984.7 湖南医学院 | 临床医学 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1] 2010.10-至今 中南大学基础医学院 | 人体解剖学与神经生物学系 | 教授 [2] 2005.1-2011.2 南伊利洛依大学医学院 | 解剖学系 | 助理教授 [3] 2001.1-2005.12 美国百时美-施贵宝制药公司 | 神经系统药物研发部 | 高级研究员 [4] 1990.7-1998.3 湖南医科大学 | 解剖学教研室 | 讲师 [5] 1984.8-1987.6 湖南医学院 | 解剖学教研组 | 助教 科研项目 [1]细胞外分拣蛋白病变与阿尔茨海默样神经元及突触变性相关性探讨,在研,自然科学基金委 [2]人脑分拣蛋白神经病变:病理发生机制与AD诊断应用探讨,在研,国家自然科学基金委,严小新 [3]中国人脑库建设国际研讨会,已结题,国家自然科学基金委,严小新 [4]成年哺乳类大脑皮质浅层未成熟神经元起源与发育,在研,国家自然科学基金委,严小新 [5]脑微小血管栓塞诱导阿尔兹海默样病理变化:动物模型构建与药理学验证,已结题,国家自然科学基金委,严小新 [6]中南大学“校长特聘教授”启动基金,已完成,中南大学(985人才引进),严小新 [7]Role of kainate receptors in ictogenesis in mouse models of epilepsy,Completed,NIH,P.I.: Patrylo PR; Co-P.I.: Xiao-Xin Yan [8]转基因小鼠及人脑BACE1上调与淀粉样病变发生,已完成,南伊利洛依大学老年痴呆研究中心,严小新 [9]Tg2576 小鼠嗅觉通路BACE1上调及淀粉样病变,以完成,伊利洛依州公共卫生厅 (Illinois Department of Public Health),严小新 [10]哺乳类动物视觉系统钙结合蛋白表达,已完成,国家教委回国人员基金,严小新 [11]伽马分泌酶放射性标记探针检测淀粉样蛋白生成,已完成,南伊利洛依大学科研中心 (Central Research Committee, SIUC),严小新 [12]中英文化交流访问学者计划,英国文化协会,严小新 [13]教师启动基金,已完成,南伊利洛依大学,严小新 教学资源 [1]医学专业神经系统模块教学|神经系统神经系统模块教学授课大纲|2016-03-05 [2]研究生认知神经生物学|认知神经生物学研究生教学大纲|2016-10-27 著作成果 [1]《系统解剖学》,第14章,第二节,脑,第254-281页;廖华主编,第4版,2020 [2]《8年制系统解剖学实习指导》-第17章,第2节,端脑,第 100-102页;邵旭建、丁文龙主编[教材].范春玲,严小新,人民卫生出版社,2020 [3]《8年制系统解剖学》, 第18章,端脑,441-458页;丁文龙主编, 第3版[教科书].严小新,人民卫生出版社,2020 [4]Seizure-induced formation of hilar basal dendrites on dentate granule cells. In Noebels JL, Avoli M, Rogawski MA, Olsen RW, Delgado-Escueta AV (eds): Jasper’s Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, 4th Edition, Chapter 36, Section III, pp484-490[专著]. Spigelman I & Buckmaster P, Obenaus A, Nadle V, Dashtipour K, Yan XX, Shapiro L,Ribak CE,Oxford University Press,2020 [5]GABA neurons in the neocortex. In D.L. Martin and R.W. Olsen (Eds): GABA in the Nervous System: The View at Fifty Years, Chapter 20, pp355-366.Ribak CE & Yan XX,Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins,2020 [6]Development of GABAergic neurons in the human visual cortex. In D. Tracey, G. Paxinos and J. Stone (Eds): Advances in Behavioral Biology, Volume 43, Neurotransmitters in the Human Brain, pp35-40,[专著].Garey LJ & Yan XX,Plenum Press, New York and London,2020 [7]Maturation of synapses and GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the perinatal human visual cortex. In D. de Boysson-Bardies et al. (Eds): Developmental Neurocognition: Speech and Face Processing in the First Year of Life, pp41-49[专著].Garey LJ & Yan XX,Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands,2020 获奖信息 [1]视觉神经系统内神经元的化学属性及有关神经元的发育|2002,罗学港;第二完成人严小新 [2]中枢神经系统内含NOS神经元的形态学研究|1998,严小新(第二完成人);第一完成人罗学港 [3]新皮质局部回路神经元及胼胝体投射的介质,发育与形态|1997,严小新(第四完成人);第一完成人郑德枢 [4]Young Investigator Award|1997 [5]人胎儿皮质含GABA,Parvalbumin 及Calbindin-D28K 神经元的发育研究|1996,郑德枢; 第四完成人严小新 [6]还原型辅酶II组化法显示发育中及成年大鼠小脑皮质颗粒层纵带|1994,严小新 [7]人纹区GABA免疫阳性神经元的出生前发育|1994,严小新(第一完成人)


[1] 阿尔茨海默氏病神经病理发生机制。 [2] 大脑皮质中间神经元的发育及塑性变化。 [3] 老化过程中的神经元病变。 [4] 人脑组织资源库建设


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[1]Xiao W, Yang Z, Yan XX, Feng L, Long L, Tu T, Deng N, Chen W, Xiao B, Long H & Zeng Y.iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis of dentate gyrus in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis.[J]:Front. Neurol.,2021,13:626013 [2]Yan-Bin Shi, Tian Tu, Juan Jiang, Qi-Lei Zhang, Jia-Qi Ai, Aihua Pan, Jim Manavis, Ewen Tu, Xiao-Xin Yan,.Early Dendritic Dystrophy in Human Brains with Primary Age-Related Tauopathy.[J]:Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience,2020,12:596894 [3]Tu T, Jiang J, Zhang QL, Wan L, Li YN, APan A, Manavis J, Yan XX.Extracellular Sortilin Proteopathy Relative to β‐Amyloid and Tau in Aged and Alzheimer's Disease Human Brains.[J]:Front Aging Neurosci,2020,12:93 [4]Zhuang K, Zuo YC, Sherchan P, Wang JK, Yan XX, Liu F.Hydrogen Inhalation Attenuates Oxidative Stress Related Endothelial Cells Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats.[J]:Front Neurosci,2020,13:1441 [5]Zhang Q, J Deng J, Yan C, Yan XX, Li F, Pan AH.Who is Willing to Donate Their Bodies in China? Perceptions, Attitudes and Influencing Factors among Citizens of Changsha.[J]:Annals of Anatomy,2020(151483) [6]Zhang Q, Deng J, Li YN, Gou Y, Yan XX, Li F, Pan AH.Perceptions and Attitudes toward Brain Donation among the Chinese People.[J]:Anat Sci Educ,2020,13(1):80-90 [7]Zuo Y, He T, Liao P, Zhuang K, Yan X, Liu F.17-Allylamino-Demethoxygeldanamycin Ameliorate Microthrombosis Via HSP90/RIP3/NLRP3 Pathway After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats.[J]:Acta Neurochir Suppl,2020,127:69-75 [8]J Wang, Y Zuo, K Zhuang, K Luo, XX Yan, J Li, JH Zhang, F Liu.Recombinant Human Milk Fat Globule-Epidermal Growth Factor 8 Attenuates Microthrombosis after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats.[J]:Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases,2019,104536 [9]Qiu W, Zhang H, Bao A, Zhu K, Huang Y, Yan X, Zhang J, Zhong C, Shen Y, Zhou J, Zheng X, Zhang L.Standardized Operational Protocol for Human Brain Banking in China.[J]:Neurosci Bull,2019,35(2):270-276 [10]Tu BX, Wang LF, et al.Acute restraint stress alters food-foraging behavior in rats: Taking the easier way while suffered.[J]:Brain Res Bull,2019,149:184-193 [11]Wang XS, Chen D, Wang H, Liu L, Huang JF, Duan XM, Yan XX, Luo XG.Mawangdui-Type Ancient Human Cadavers in China and Strategies for Their Long-Term Preservation:Biopreserv Biobank,2019,17(2):113-118 [12]Yan XX, Chen D, Wang H, Wang XS, Luo XG.A Well-Preserved 2000-Year-Old Chinese Cadaver.[J]:Biopreserv Biobank,2019,17(2):93-94 [13]Wang H, Chen JM, Wang XS, You ZQ, Chen D, Chen QL, Wu XY, Peng GC, Xia ZD, Tang HH, Yan XX, Huang JF.Reappraisal of the Mawangdui Han Tomb Cadaver Thirty Years After Its Unearthing.[J]:Biopreserv Biobank,2019,17(2):98-104 [14]Chen D, Huang JF, Chen JM, You ZQ, Wang H, Wang XS, Yan XX, Luo XG.Autopsy and Forensic Study on a Rare Human Corpse Preserved Over Two Thousand Years: The Mawangdui Ancient Cadaver.[J]:Biopreserv Biobank,2019,17(2):105-112 [15]Wan L, Tu T, Zhang QL, Jiang J, Yan XX.Pregnancy Promotes Maternal Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Guinea Pigs.[J]:Neural Plasticity,2019,2019:#5765284 [16]Griffith CM, Macklin LN, Cai Y, Sharp AA, Yan XX, Reagan LP, Strader AD, Rose GM, Patrylo PR.Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Reduced Plasma Insulin Precede Decreased AKT Phosphorylation and GLUT3 Translocation in the Hippocampus of Old 3xTg-AD Mice.[J]:J Alzheimers Dis,2019,68(2):809-837 [17]Ma C, Bao AM, Yan XX, Swaab DF.Progress in Human Brain Banking in China.[J]:Neurosci Bull,2019,35(2):179-182 [18]Ma C, Bao AM, Yan XX.人脑组织库建设的意义与国内外进展.[J]:重庆医科大学学报,2019,44(4):547-550 [19]Xu SY, Zhang QL, Zhang Q, Wan L, Jiang J, Tu T, Manavis J, Pan A, Cai Y, Yan XX.Regional and Cellular Mapping of Sortilin Immunoreactivity in Adult Human Brain.[J]:Front Neuroanat,2019,13:31 [20]Liao B, Yan X, Zhang J, Chen M, Li Y, Huang J, Lei M, He H, Wang J.Microbial community composition in alpine lake sediments from the Hengduan Mountains.[J]:Microbiologyopen,2019,2019:e832 [21]Zuo Y, Wang J, Enkhjargal B, Doycheva E, Yan X, Zhang JH, Fei Liu F.Neurogenesis changes and the fate of progenitor cells after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats.[J]:Exp. Neurol.,2019,311:274-284 [22]Liu F, Zuo YC, Wang JK, Yan XX, Liao F, Li JM.Inhibition of Heat Shock Protein 90 by 17-AAG reduces inflammation via P2X7R/NLRP3 inflammasome pathway and increases neurogenesis after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in mice.[J]:Front. Mol. Neurosci.,2018,11:401 [23]He T, Zuo Y, Ai?Zakwani K, Luo J, Zhu H, Yan XX, Liu F.Subarachnoid hemorrhage enhances the expression of TDP?43 in the brain of experimental rats and human subjects.[J]:Exp. Therap. Med.,2018,16(4):3363-3368 [24]Zhou FQ, Jiang J, Griffith CM, Patrylo PR, Cai H, Chu Y & Yan XX.Lack of human-like extracellular sortilin neuropathology in transgenic Alzheimer’s disease model mice and macaques.[J]:Alzheimers Res. Ther.,2018,10:40 [25]Xu SY, Jiang J, Pan A, Cai Y, Yan XX.Sortilin: a new player in dementia and Alzheimer-type neuropathology.[R]:Biochem Cell Biol,2018,96:491-497 [26]Li JM, Huang LL, Liu F,Tang BS, Yan XX.Can brain impermeable BACE1 inhibitors serve as anti-CAA medicine?.[R]:BMC Neurology,2017,17(1):163 [27]Lei Y, Chen CJ, Yan XX, Li Z, Deng XH.Early-life lipopolysaccharide exposure potentiates forebrain expression of NLRP3 inflammasome proteins and anxiety-like behavior in adolescent rats.[J]:Brain Res,2017,1671:43-54 [28]Qiu WY, Ma C, Bao AM, Zhu KQ, Huang Y, Yan XX, Zhang J, Zhong QJ, Zhou JN, Shen Y, Zheng XY....Standardized operational protocol for human brain banking in China.[R]:ACTA ANATOMICA SINICA,2017,48(3):282-289 [29]Hu X, Hu ZL, Li Z, Ruan CS, Qiu WY, Pan A, Li CQ, Cai Y, Shen L, Chu Y, Tang BS...Yan XX.Sortilin fragments deposit at senile plaques in human cerebrum.[J]:Front. Neuroanat.,2017,11(45) [30]Yan XX.Welcome note for special issue “Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease”.[R]:J Clin Diagn Res,2017,5:e108 [31]Long HY, Feng L, Kang J, Luo ZH, Xiao WB, Long LL, Yan XX, Zhou L, Xiao B.Blood DNA methylation pattern is altered in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.[J]:Scientific Reports,2017,7:43810 [32]Macklin L, Griffith GM, Yan Cai Y, Rose GM, Yan XX, Patrylo PR.Glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity are impaired in APP/PS1 transgenic mice prior to amyloid plaque pathogenesis and cognitive decline.[J]:Exp. Gerontol.,2017,88:9-18 [33]Griffith CM, Xie MX, Qiu WY, Sharp AA, Ma C, Pan A, Yan XX, Patrylo PR.Aberrant expression of the pore-forming KATP channel subunit kir6.2 in hippocampal reactive astrocytes in the 3×Tg-AD mouse model and human Alzheimer’s disease.[J]:Neuroscience,2016,336:81-101 [34]Zhang XM, Cai Y, Wang F, Wu J, Mou L, Zhang F, Patrylo PR, Pan A, Ma C, Fu J, Yan XX.Sp8 expression in putative neural progenitor cells in guinea pig and human cerebrum.[J]:Dev Neurobiol,2016,76(9):939-955 [35]Huang G, Xue Z, Hu X, Wan L, Li J, Cai Y, Patrylo PR, Luo X, Pan A, Yan XX.Cholesterol Potentiates β-Amyloid Genesis in Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells.[J]:Advances in Alzheimer's Disease,2016,5:23-34 [36]Xu B, Gao Y, Zhan S, Xiong F, Qiu W, Qian X, Wang T, Wang N, Zhang D, Yang Q, Wang R,...Yan XX,....Quantitative protein profiling of hippocampus during human aging.[J]:Neurobiol Aging,2016,39:46-56 [37]Jia YL, Sun SJ, Chen JH, Jia Q, Huo TT, Chu LF, Bai JT, Yu YJ, Yan XX, Wang JH.SS31, a Small Molecule Antioxidant Peptide, Attenuates β-Amyloid Elevation, Mitochondrial/Synaptic Deterioration and Cognitive Deficit in SAMP8 Mice.[J]:Curr Alzheimer Res,2016,13(3):297-306 [38]Liu L, Gao C, Chen W, Ma W, Li X, Shi Y, Zhang H, Zhang L, Long Y, Xu H, Guo X, Deng S, Yan X, Yu.CRISPR/Cas9 facilitates investigation of neural circuit disease using human iPSCs: mechanism of epilepsy caused by an SCN1A loss-of-function mutation.[J]:Transl Psychiatry,2016,6:e703 [39]Yan H, Chen Y, Li L, Jiang J, Wu G, Zuo Y, Zhang JH, Feng H, Yan X, Liu F.Decorin alleviated chronic hydrocephalus via inhibiting TGF-β1/Smad/CTGF pathway after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats.[J]:Brain Res,2016,1630:241-253 [40]Yang Y, Xie MX, Li JM, Hu X, Patrylo PR, Luo XG, Cai Y, Li Z, Yan XX.Prenatal genesis of layer II doublecortin expressing neurons in neonatal and young adult guinea pig cerebral cortex.[J]:Front Neuroanat,2015,9:109 [41]Zhu HX, Xue ZQ, Qiu WY, Zeng ZJ, Dai JP, Ma C, Luo XG, Yan XX.Age-related intraneuronal accumulation of αII-spectrin breakdown product SBDP120 in the human cerebrum is enhanced in Alzheimer's disease.[J]:Exp Gerontol,2015,69:43-52 [42]Li JM, Cai Y, Liu F, Yang L, Hu X, Patrylo PR, Cai H, Luo XG, Xiao D, Yan XX.Experimental microembolism induces localized neuritic pathology in guinea pig cerebrum.[J]:Oncotarget,2015,6(13):10772-85 [43]Xue ZQ, He ZW, Yu JJ, Cai Y, Qiu WY, Pan A, Gai WP, Cai H, Luo XG, Ma C, Yan XX.Non-neuronal and neuronal BACE1 elevation in association with angiopathic and leptomeningeal β-amyloid deposition in the human brain.[J]:BMC Neurol,2015,15:71 [44]Yan XX, Ma C, Bao AM, Wang XM, Gai WP.Brain banking as a cornerstone of neuroscience in China.[C]:Lancet Neurol,2015,14(2):136 [45]Liu C, Yang Y, Hu X, Li JM, Zhang XM, Cai Y, Li Z, Yan XX.Ontogenesis of NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons in guinea pig neocortex.[J]:Front Neuroanat,2015,9:11 [46]Li JM, Liu C, Hu X, Cai Y, Ma C, Luo XG, Yan XX.Inverse correlation between Alzheimer's disease and cancer: implication for a strong impact of regenerative propensity on neurodegeneration?.[R]:BMC Neurol,2014,14:211 [47]Yang ZY, Li JM, Xiao L, Mou L, Cai Y, Huang H, Luo XG, Yan XX.[(3) H]-L685,458 binding sites are abundant in multiple peripheral organs in rats: implications for safety assessment of putative γ-secretase targeting drugs.[J]:Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol,2014,115(6):518-526 [48]Deng XH, Li ML, Ai WM, He LX, Lu DH, Patrylo PR, Cai H, Luo XG, Li Z & Yan XX.Lipolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation is associated with Alzheimer-like amyloidogenic axonal pathology and dendritic degeneration in rats.[J]:Adv. Alzheimer's Dis.,2014,3(2):78-93 [49]Yan XX, Ma C, Gai WP, Cai H, Luo XG.Can BACE1 inhibition mitigate early axonal pathology in neurological diseases?.[R]:J Alzheimers Dis,2014,38(4):705-718 [50]He X, Zhang XM, Wu J, Fu J, Mou L, Lu DH, Cai Y, Luo XG, Pan A, Yan XX.Olfactory experience modulates immature neuron development in postnatal and adult guinea pig piriform cortex.[J]:Neuroscience,2014,259:101–112 [51]Xiao D, Peng S, Wang B, Yan XX.Anthracite biodegradation by methanogenic consortia in Qinshui basin.[J]:Int. J. Coal Geol.,2013,116–117:46-52 [52]Li JM, Xue ZQ, Deng SH, Luo XG, Patrylo PR, Rose GW, Cai H, Cai Y, Yan XX.Amyloid plaque pathogenesis in 5XFAD mouse spinal cord: retrograde transneuronal modulation after peripheral nerve injury.[J]:Neurotox Res,2013,24(1):1-14 [53]Yan XX.Advances in Alzheimer's disease (AAD): Standing firm at its first anniversary.[C]:Advances in Alzheimer's Disease,2013,2(2):49-50 [54]Pan A, Li M, Gao JY, Xue ZQ, Li Z, Yuan XY, Luo DW, Luo XG, Yan XX.Experimental epidural hematoma causes cerebral infarction and activates neocortical glial and neuronal genesis in adult guinea pigs.[J]:J Neurosci Res,2013,91(2):249-261 [55]Liu F, Xue ZQ, Deng SH, Kun X, Luo XG, Patrylo PR, Rose GM, Cai H, Struble RG, Cai Y, Yan XX.γ-secretase binding sites in aged and Alzheimer's disease human cerebrum: the choroid plexus as a putative origin of CSF Aβ.[J]:Eur J Neurosci,2013,37(10):1714-1725 [56]Huang JF, Shang L, Zhang MQ, Wang H, Chen D, Tong JB, Huang H, Yan XX, Zeng LP, Xiong K.Differential neuronal expression of receptor interacting protein 3 in rat retina: involvement in ischemic stress response.[J]:BMC Neurosci,2013,14:16 [57]Lu D, He L, Xiang W, Ai WM, Cao Y, Wang XS, Pan A, Luo XG, Li Z, Yan XX.Somal and dendritic development of human CA3 pyramidal neurons from midgestation to middle childhood: a quantitative Golgi study.[J]:Anat Rec,2013,296(1):123-132 [58]Jiang X, Huang JF, Huo Z, Zhang Q, Jiang Y, Wu X, Li Y, Jiang G, Zeng L, Yan XX, Yu P, Cao R.Elevation of soluble major histocompatibility complex class I related chain A protein in malignant and infectious diseases in Chinese patients.[J]:BMC Immunol,2012,13:62 [59]Knafo S, Gouras GK, Yan XX, Spires-Jones T.Pathology of synapses and dendritic spines.[C]:Neural Plast,2012,2012:972432 [60]Yan XX, Cai Y, Shelton J, Deng SH, Luo XG, Oddo S, Laferla FM, Cai H, Rose GM, Patrylo PR.Chronic temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with enhanced Alzheimer-like neuropathology in 3×Tg-AD mice.[J]:PLoS 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[1] BMC Neuroscience, 资深编辑(https://bmcneurosci.biomedcentral.com/about/editorial-board) [2] Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 副编辑(https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/aging-neuroscience#editorial-board) [3] 解剖学报, 编委 (http://jpxb.bjmu.edu.cn/CN/column/column3.shtml) [4] Advances in Alzheimer's Disease, 编委 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/aad/) [5] Brain Circulation, 编委(http://www.braincirculation.org/editorialboard.asp)
