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教育背景:本人于03年考入中国科学技术大学电子信息工程系(安徽省高考前50名, 科大入学新生金奖),07年申请到 Dean's Distinguished Fellowship 进入美国UC Riverside (加州大学河滨分校) 的 ECE department攻读博士学位,博士导师为Dr. Ertem Tuncel (IEEE Trans. on Information Theory副主编),并于12年1月博士毕业。 工作经历:先后在NTT Docomo Research Lab (USA) 任Research Engineer,Bell Lab Center(Shanghai)任Research Scientist,之后在中山大学任教。(曾在中投证券总部实习,通过CFA一级) 2020年加入中南大学计算机学院任副教授。 访问经历:2016年暑假在田纳西大学田超教授(现在TAMU)处交流。 成果介绍:本人持有美国和中国专利多项, 参与3GPP标准制定一项。现为IEEE member,为IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,IEEE Trans.on Circuit and System I, IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE sensors Journal, IEEE Communications Letters, Artificial Intelligence Review等期刊审稿人。第二完成人承担的项目“城市安全保障物联网关键技术研发与应用”获2019年度天津市科学技术进步二等奖。 主讲过的课程:本人在中山大学主讲过的课程包括“电路原理和模电初步”,“移动信息工程物理基础(电磁学)”,“通信原理与系统(理论及实验课)”,“无线传感网络(理论及实验课)”,"数据结构与算法设计","高级程序设计"。其中“无线传感网络(理论及实验课)”评教成绩列全校第一。 在原中山大学信息学院任教期间,负责了通信原理与系统教学实验室和无线传感网络教学实验室的建立和相关实验课程的设计。 在中南大学目前承担课程 “工程研究与实习"。 Grants(仅列出主持项目): 中山大学期间到账经费121.5万元 1.国家自然基金青年项目,“应用于无线传感网络的低时延分布式信源编码及延伸性研究” 2.广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目,“低复杂度低功耗的分布式数据采集及编码算法研究” 3. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,“网络信息论在低时延场景下的应用性研究” 4.企业横向项目,“无线测距信息和定位信息的加密方法” 5.企业横向项目,“大规模自组织无线传感网定位算法” 6.企业横向项目,“无线测距信息的压缩方法” 7.企业横向项目,“三维相对定位算法设计" 8.中山大学中央高校基本业务费 中南大学(目前) 1. 中南大学科研启动经费 80W 2. 参与重点研发计划子课题 医疗行为多维度感知关键技术及应用研究 毕业学生去向: 硕士研究生 熊文君:广发银行技术部 殷勇强:中国兵器研究院 钱勇翔:广汽研究院 李繁: 深圳华为算法岗 赖基泉:深圳TP-Link算法岗 周子杰:深圳腾讯研发 郑坚泽:中国移动公司深圳分公司 万里:深圳华为技术支持岗 本科生: 林学贤:字节跳动开发岗 郑栎欣:中国联通公司深圳分公司 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红


包括但不限于机器学习在信息领域应用(the appliation of machine learning algorithms in information processing), 智能联合信源信道编码(Joint Source Channel Coding), 分布式压缩感知应用(Distributed Compressive Sensing), 海量数据特征提取(feature selection), 网络信息论在低时延场景下的应用(The application of network information theory in low delay scenario), 室内智能定位(Intelligent Indoor Positioning)等.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Publications:(*为通讯作者,#为共同第一作者) 23. T. Liu, X. Chen*, "Deep learning based joint source channel coding for text ", in preparation 22. W. Zhao, X. Chen*, "Zero-Delay Joint source channel coding for bivariate Gaussian sources over broadcast channels with one-bit ADC front ends", in preparation 21. Z. Lin, X. Chen*, "Low Delay Wyner-Ziv Coding over Broadcast Channels", in preparation 20. X. Chen*, W. Xiong, S. Chu, "Two-tier PSO based Data Routing employing Bayesian Compressive Sensing in Underwater Sensor Networks", Sensors, 2020 19. Y. Qian, X. Chen*, "An improved particle filter based indoor tracking system via joint wi-Fi/PDR localization", 2020, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/abaa1f, Measurement science and technology 18. T. Liu, X. Chen*," Deep Learning-Based Belief Propagation Algorithm over Non-Binary Finite Fields", 2020 WCSP 17. Y. Yin, Q. Tu, X. Chen*, "Enhanced Salp Swarm Optimizer based on Random Walk and its applicaions on training Feedforwad Neural Networks", Soft Computing, https://rdcu.be/b28Ps, 2020 16. L. Lin, Y. Yang, H. Cheng*, X. Chen, "Autonomous Vision-Based Aerial Grasping for Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", Sensors, 2019. 15. X.Chen, F. Li and X. Liu, "A Distributed Digital Codec for Jointly Sparse Correlated Signals", 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2019. 14. X.Chen, F. Li and X. Liu, "An Efficient and Robust Digital Codec Framework for Jointly Sparse Correlated Signals", IEEE access,2019. 13. Q. Tu, X. Chen* and X. Liu, "Hierarchy Strengthened Grey Wolf Optimizer for Numerical Optimization and Feature Selection", IEEE access, 2019. 12. X. Liu, G.Yang and X. Chen*, "Variable-Node-Based Belief-Propagation Decoding with Message Pre-processing for NAND Flash Memory", IEEE access, 2019. 11. Tu Qiang, Xuechen Chen*, Xingcheng Liu, "Multi-strategy Ensemble Grey Wolf Optimizer and Its Application to Feature Selection", Applied Soft Computing, Dec. 2018. 10. Xuechen chen, “Zero-Delay Gaussian Joint Source-Channel Coding for the Interference Channel”, IEEE Communications Letters, April. 2018, the extended version on arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07851 9. X. Liu, C. Fan, X. Chen#, “Dynamic Scheduling Decoding of LDPC Codes Based on Tabu Search”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Nov. 2017. 8.X.Chen, S. Chu, F. Li, G. Chu, "Hybrid ToA and IMU Indoor Localization Systemby Various Algorithms", Journal of Central South Univeristy, Dec. 2018. 7. G. Wang, X. Chen#, S. Liu, C. Wong, S. Chu*,"Mechanical Chameleon through Dyanmic Real-Time Plasmonic Tuning," ACS Nano, 10(2), 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07472 6. Xuechen Chen,Shupeng Song,Jihong Xing,“A ToA/IMU indoor positioning system by extended Kalman filter, particle filter and MAP algorithms,” International symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2016. 5. Xuechen Chen, Ertem Tuncel, "Low-Delay Prediction-and Transform-Based Wyner-Zive Coding", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 2011. 4. Guoping Wang, Xuechen Chen#, Sheng Liu, Wong Chingping, Chu Sheng*, “Mechanical chameleon through Dynamic Real Time-Plasmonic Tuning,”ACS NANO, Feb. 2016. 3. X. Chen, H.Liu, Q. Li, H. Chen, R. Peng, S. Chu and B. Cheng, “Terahertz detectors arrays based on orderly aligned InN nanowires”, Scientific Reports, Aug. 2015. 2. X.Chen, E. Tuncel, "Low-Delay Wyner-Ziv coding on Memory Sources", ISIT, 2009 1. X. Chen, E. Tuncel,"Low Delay HDA JSCC Coding", ISIT 2011
