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董陇军,男,汉族,甘肃陇西人。 应邀担任Elsevier出版社Safety Science, Nature旗下Scientific Reports、Springe出版社Journal Safety in Extreme Environments编委; 美国声学学会会刊JASA-EL及Shock and Vibration 期刊副主编; Springe出版社Arabian Journal of Geosciences 地震学主编。 是国家自然科学优秀青年基金和湖南省杰青获得者,入选2018年“湖湘英才”,2016年中国科协“青年人才托举工程”、中南大学升华育英计划等项目。 主持国家自然科学基金3项、湖南省自然科学基金1项、博士后基金特别资助和面上资助各1项,参与973项目2项,主持中南大学创新驱动青年团队项目1项,为《岩石力学与工程英汉大辞典》审查委员会成员。主持和参与包括金属矿残矿安全回采、地压监测、复杂结构震源定位等多项校企合作课题的研究。获湖南省技术发明奖一等奖1项,中国黄金协会科学技术奖一等奖3项、中国岩石力学与工程学会青年科技奖和优秀博士论文奖,湖南省优秀博士论文奖,中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文3篇,中国有色金属学会科技论文一等奖3项。 主要学术贡献方面,发明了复杂结构(不同形状空洞或者不规则形状)与应力下的声发射震源定位方法,突破了传统震源定位方法中测量波速在空间和时间上对震源定位精度造成影响的技术瓶颈,攻克了传统方法存在的延迟信号和异常信号识别困难、预先给定或测定的波速与实际路径波速的误差严重影响定位精度的难题;提出的微震震源实时自动精准识别方法从根本上解决了传统方法通过人工方式分离爆破事件耗时长、结果不统一的问题。以上成果引起了来自法国、意大利、美国、日本、德国、西班牙、俄罗斯、波兰、马来西亚等50余家单位多名同行专家的关注和肯定。 教育经历 [1] 西澳大学 [2] 中南大学 工作经历 [1] 中科院武汉岩土所 [2] 澳大利亚岩土工程中心 科研项目 [1]Rock Mechanics in Mines. (2019.01-2021.12) [2]Prevention and Control Mechanism of Rockburst induced by Fault Slip in mines. (2018.01-2020.12) [3]Quantitative Characterization and Regulation Mechanism of Stress in Deep Hard Rock Near Mining Area. (2018.01-2021.12) [4]Rock dynamic Mechanics in deep Mining. (2016.12-2018.12) [5]Mechanism of Disaster Hazard in Stope Area Caused by Dynamic Disturbance induced by Fault Slip. (2016.08-2017.08) [6]Source Characteristics and Catastrophic Mechanism of Rockburst induced by Mining Disturbance. (2016.01-2018.12) [7]Disaster Mechanism of Activation Faults in Deep Mines. (2015.08-2016.09) [8]Self-optimizing Location Method of Acoustic Emission and Microseismic Source in Inhomogeneous Media. (2015.01-2015.12) [9]Focal Localization Method of Mining Microseismicity Considering Non-uniform Wave Velocity Field. (2015.01-2017.12) [10]Mechanism of Prevention and Control for Rockburst in Deep Mining. (2016.07-2017.12) 获奖信息 [1]National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars 2018 [2]“Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship” Program of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) [3]The Young Science and Technology Award of China Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. [4]Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of China Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering [5]The Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Hunan Province [6]The First Prize and Second Prize of China Gold Association [7]Outstanding F5000 papers of Statistical Data of Chinese S&T Papers [8]The First Prize of Science and Technology Papers of China Nonferrous Metals Society [9]Outstanding reviewer for International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Elsevier Reviewer Recognition [10]Outstanding reviewer for Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier Reviewer Recognition


[1] 声发射检测技术,复杂形状结构声发射源定位技术 [2] 金属矿安全高效回采技术;资源绿色清洁开发技术 [3] 人机工程可靠性评估,安全评价理论与技术 [4] 地质灾害监测、预警、控制技术与设备;诱发地震机理及防控


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1].Qualitative Method and Case Study for Ground Vibration of Tunnels Induced by Fault-Slip in Underground Mine:Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,2018 [2].Some developments and new insights of environmental problems and deep mining strategy for cleaner production in mines:Journal of Cleaner Production [3].Quantitative evaluation and case studies of cleaner mining with multiple indexes considering uncertainty factors for phosphorus mines:Journal of Cleaner Production [4].Collaborative localization method using analytical and iterative solutions for microseismic/acoustic emission sources in the rockmass structure for underground mining:Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018 [5].Discriminant models of blasts and seismic events in mine seismology:Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences [6].Discrimination of Mine Seismic Events and Blasts Using the Fisher Classifier, Naive Bayesian Classifier and Logistic Regression:Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering [7].Time-lapse seismic tomography of an underground mining zone:Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science [8].An Improved P-Phase Arrival Picking Method S/L-K-A with an Application to the Yongshaba Mine in China:Pure & Applied Geophysics [9].Enhancing micro-seismic P-phase arrival picking: EMD-cosine function-based denoising with an application to the AIC picker:Journal of Applied Geophysics [10].Discrimination of seismic sources in an underground mine using full waveform inversion:Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences [11].Influence of Early Age on the Wave Velocity and Dynamic Compressive Strength of Concrete Based on Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Tests:Shock and Vibration [12].Quantitative evaluation and case study of risk degree for underground goafs with multiple indexes considering uncertain factors in mines:Geofluids [13].Early-Warning System with Quasi-Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Networks and Cloud Computing for Soil Slopes:IEEE Access [14].K-Means Cluster for Seismicity Partitioning and Geological Structure Interpretation, with Application to the Yongshaba Mine (China):Shock and Vibration [15].A multi-step source localization method with narrowing velocity interval of cyber-physical systems in buildings:IEEE Access [16].Pre-alarm system based on real-time monitoring and numerical simulation using internet of things and cloud computing for tailings dam in mines:IEEE Access [17].Interval non-probabilistic reliability of a surrounding jointed rockmass in underground engineering: a case study:IEEE Access [18].Theoretical and experimental studies of localization methodology for AE and microseismic sources without pre-measured wave velocity in mines:IEEE Access [19].Theoretical and Case Studies of Interval Nonprobabilistic Reliability for Tailing Dam Stability:Geofluids [20].Three dimensional comprehensive analytical solutions for locating sources of sensor networks in unknown velocity mining system:IEEE Access [21].Locating single-point sources from arrival times containing large picking errors (LPEs): the virtual field optimization method (VFOM):Scientific Reports [22].Identifying P-phase arrivals with noise: An improved Kurtosis method based on DWT and STA/LTA,:Journal of Applied Geophysics [23].Three-dimensional analytical solution of acoustic emission source location for cuboid monitoring network without pre-measured wave velocity.China:Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society [24].Classification of mine blasts and microseismic events using starting-up features in seismograms.China:Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society [25].Mechanical Characteristics for Rocks under Different Paths and Unloading Rates under Confining Pressures:Shock and Vibration [26].A Comparison of Mine Seismic Discriminators Based on Features of Source Parameters to Waveform Characteristics:Shock and Vibration [27].Nonlinear Methodologies for Identifying Seismic Event and Nuclear Explosion Using Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Naive Bayes Classification:Abstract and Applied Analysis [28].An Analytical Solution for Acoustic Emission Source Location for Known P Wave Velocity System:Mathematical Problems in Engineering [29].An efficient closed-form solution for acoustic emission source location in three-dimensional structures:AIP Advances [30].A Microseismic/Acoustic Emission Source Location Method Using Arrival Times of PS Waves for Unknown Velocity System:Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks [31].Comprehensive Models for Evaluating Rockmass Stability Based on Statistical Comparisons of Multiple Classifiers:Mathematical Problems in Engineering [32].Prediction of rockburst classification using Random Forest.China:Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society [33].Three-dimensional analytical solution of acoustic emission or microseismic source location under cube monitoring network.China:Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society [34].Effects of sonic speed on location accuracy of acoustic emission source in rocks.China:Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society [35].Comparison of Two Methods in Acoustic Emission Source Location Using Four Sensors Without Measuring Sonic Speed:Sensor Letters


[1]   国际岩石力学学会(ISRM)、美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE,senior member )、美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会员。
