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男,2004年获扬州大学作物遗传学博士学位,同年赴美国伊利诺斯大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)做博士后研究,主要从事了苹果BAC文库的构建、物理图谱构建、分子标记开发和遗传图谱的构建、功能基因的分离等基因组学方面的研究,并于2010年获得择优支持。近年来在Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Journal Experimental Botany、Genetics、Critical Review in Plant Science、BMC Genomics、Plant Molecular Biology等期刊上发表与果树分子遗传学有关的论文50余篇。 2008.11–至今,中国科学院武汉植物园研究员 2004–2009.2,美国伊利诺大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)博士后,从事苹果基因组研究 2001–2004,博士,扬州大学农学院,作物遗传育种专业 1998–2001,硕士,扬州大学农学院,作物遗传育种专业 1993–1998,扬州农科所,从事水稻、大麦、小麦新品种的辐射诱变选育 1989–1993,本科,江苏农学院,农业教育与推广 获奖及荣誉: 1)湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家,2016; 2)湖北省科协“科技创新源泉工程”创新创业人才,2016; 3)教育部提名国家科学技术自然科学二等奖,小麦黄色花叶病毒的分子生物学及抗病毒小麦的基础研究,2003,第七完成人; 4)江苏省科技进步三等奖,优质、高产水稻新品种扬辐糯4号的选育与推广,1999,第三完成人; 5)江苏省科技进步三等奖,扬辐籼3号的选育与推广,1998,第三完成人。 承担科研项目情况: 国家项目: 1)国家自然科学家基因面上项目(31672134),桃PpOA3基因参与果实酸度调控的功能及机理解析,2017-2020; 2)国家自然科学基金国际合作重点(31420103914),苹果果实糖酸性状的全基因组关联分析及其遗传调控网络研究,2015-2019; 3)973项目,重要园艺作物果实品质形成机理与调控(2011CB100600),2011-2015,研究骨干; 4)农业部948项目,重要果树基因资源发掘与创新的关键技术合作研发,2011-2015,课题负责人; 5)国家自然科学基金(31372048),苹果果实酸度QTLs区域液泡膜H+-ATPase及相关调节基因的关联分析和功能研究,2014-1017; 6)国家自然科学基金(30971987),基于SSR 遗传图谱的苹果糖酸品质性状的基因定位,2010-2012; 7)国家科技部“863”项目,基于水稻基因序列的品质性状主效QTL克隆,2002-2005,主要参加。 省部级项目: 1)中国科学院先导专项(XDA05130000),气候变化背景下人类适应方式(子课题负责人),2011-2015; 2)中国科学院“百人计划”项目,桃等果树果实重要品质性状的分子剖析与改良; 3)美国农业部,苹果物理图谱的构建,2005-2008;主要参加。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Ma B, Liao L, Peng Q, Fang T, Zhou H, Korban SS, Han YP* (2017) Reduced representation genome sequencing reveals patterns of genetic diversity and selection in apple. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12522 Fang T, Zhen Q, Liao L, Owiti A, Zhao L, Korban SS, Han YP* (2017) Variation of ascorbic acid concentration in fruits of cultivated and wild apples. Food Chemistry 225: 132-137 Tan Y, Lv S, Liu X, Gao T, Li T, Wang Y, Wu T, Zhang X, Han YP, Korban SS, Han Z (2017) Development of high-density interspecific genetic maps for the identification of QTLs conferring resistance to Valsa ceratosperma in apple. Euphytica 213: 10 Zhou H, Peng Q, Zhao J, Owiti A, Ren F, Liao L, Wang L, Deng X, Jiang Q, Han YP* (2016) Multiple R2R3-MYB transcription factors involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in peach flower. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1557 Vimolmangkang S, Zheng H, Peng Q, Jiang Q, Wang H, Fang T, Liao L, Wang L, He H, Han YP* (2016) Assessment of sugar components and genes involved in the regulation of sucrose accumulation in peach fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64: 6723-6729 Wang W, Zhou H, Ma B, Owiti A, Korban SS, Han YP* (2016) Divergent evolutionary pattern of sugar transporter genes is associated with the difference in sugar accumulation between grasses and eudicots. Scientific Reports 6: 29153 Ogutu C, Fang T, Yan L, Wang L, Huang L, Wang X, Ma B, Deng X, Owiti A, Nyende A, Han YP* (2016) Characterization and utilization of microsatellites in the Coffea canephora genome to assess genetic association between wild species in Kenya and cultivated coffee. Tree Genetics Genomes 12: 54 Vimolmangkang S, Deng X, Owiti A, Meelaph T, Ogutu C, Han YP* (2016) Evolutionary origin of the NCSI gene subfamily encoding norcoclaurine synthase is associated with the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids in plants. Scientific Reports 6: 26323 Wang L, Peng Q, Zhao J, Ren F, Zhou H, Wang W, Liao L, Owiti A, Jiang Q, Han YP* (2016) Evolutionary origin of Rosaceae-specific active non-autonomous hAT elements and their contribution to gene regulation and genomic structural variation. Plant Molecular Biology 91: 179-191 Deng X, Zhu L, Fang T, Vimolmangkang S, Yang D, Ogutu C, Liu Y, Han YP* (2016) Analysis of isoquinoline alkaloid composition and wound-induced variation in Nelumbo using HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64: 1130–1136 Gu C, Wang L, Wang W, Zhou H, Ma B, Zheng H, Fang T, Ogutu C, Vimolmangkang S, Han YP* (2016) Copy number variation of a gene cluster encoding endopolygalacturonase mediates flesh texture and stone adhesion in peach. Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 1993-2005 Zhou Y, Zheng H, Wei G, Zhou H, Han Y, Bai X, Xing Y, Han YP* (2016) Nucleotide diversity and molecular evolution of the ALK gene in cultivated rice and its wild relatives. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 34: 923-930 Ma B, Zhao S, Wu B, Wang D, Peng Q, Owiti A, Fang T, Liao L, Ogutu C, Korban SS, Li S, Han YP* (2016) Construction of a high density linkage map and its application in the identification of QTLs for soluble sugar and organic acid components in apple. Tree Genetics Genomes 12: 1 Cheng J, Liao L, Zhou H, Gu C, Wang L, Han YP* (2015) A small indel mutation in an anthocyanin transporter causes variegated colouration of peach flowers. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 7227-7239 Zhou H, Lin-Wang K, Liao L, Gu C, Lu Z, Allan AC, Han YP* (2015) Peach MYB7 activates transcription of the proanthocyanidin pathway gene encoding leucoanthocyanidin reductase, but not anthocyanidin reductase. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 908 Ma B, Liao L, Zheng H, Chen J, Wu B, Ogutu C, Li S, Korban SS, Han YP* (2015) Genes encoding aluminum-activated malate transporter II and their association with fruit acidity in apple. Plant Genome 8: 1-14 Cui MS, Yang LL, Han YY, Zhang Q, Zhao YB, Li CM, Han YP, Wang Y, Chen DM, Yang FQ, Zhang XZ, Han ZH (2015) Genetic Mapping Reveals Sophisticated Responses of Malus domestica to Botryosphaeria dothidea Isolates. Journal of Phytopathology 163: 42-53 Gu C, Liao L, Zhou H, Wang L, Deng X, Han YP*(2015) Constitutive activation of an anthocyanin regulatory gene PcMYB10.6 is related to red coloration in purple-foliage plum. PLoS One 10: e0135159 Liao L, Vimolmangkang S, Wei C, Zhou Z, Korban SS, Han YP* (2015) Molecular characterization of genes encoding leucoanthocyanidin reductase involved in proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in apple. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 243 Zhou H, Lin-Wang K, Wang H, Gu C, Dare AP, Espley RV, He H, Allan AC, Han YP* (2015) Molecular genetics of blood-fleshed peach reveals activation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by NAC transcription factors. Plant Journal 82: 105–121 Ma B, Chen J, Zheng H, Fang T, Ogutu C, Li S, Han YP*, Wu B (2015) Comparative assessment of sugar and malic acid composition in cultivated and wild apples. Food Chemistry 172: 86-91 Gu C, Wang L, Korban SS, Han YP* (2015) Identification and characterization of S-RNase genes and S-genotypes in Prunus and Malus species. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 95: 1-13 Zhou Y, Zhou H, Lin-Wang K, Vimolmangkang S, Espley RV, Wang L, Allan AC, Han YP* (2014) Transcriptome analysis and transient transformation suggest an ancient duplicated MYB transcription factor as a candidate gene for leaf red coloration in peach. BMC Plant Biology 14: 388 Cheng J, Wei G, Zhou H, Gu C, Vimolmangkang S, Liao L, Han YP* (2014) Unraveling the mechanism underlying the glycosylation and methylation of anthocyanins in peach. Plant Physiology 166: 1044-1058 Ma J, Li J, Zhao J, Zhou H, Ren F, Wang L, Gu C, Liao L, Han YP* (2014) Inactivation of a gene encoding carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD4) leads to carotenoid-based yellow coloration of fruit flesh and leaf midvein in peach. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 32: 246-257 Zhou Y, Han YP* (2014) Identification of genes involved in the regulation of leaf red coloration in ornamental peach. Acta Horticulturae 1048: 37-40 Potts SM, Khan MA, Han YP, Kushad MM, Korban SS (2014) Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for Fruit Quality Traits in Apple. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 32: 109-116 Chang YS, Sun R, Sun HH, Zhao YB, Han YP, Chen DM, Wang Y, Zhang XZ, Han ZH (2014) Mapping of quantitative trait loci corroborates independent genetic control of apple size and shape. Scientia Horticulturae 174: 126-132 Sun R, Li H, Zhang Q, Chen DM, Yang FQ, Zhao YB, Wang Y, Han YP, Zhang XZ, Han ZH (2014) Mapping for quantitative trait loci and major genes associated with fresh-cut browning in apple. Hortscience 49: 25-30 Cui MS, Zhuang Y, Shen F, Yang LL, Wang Y, Wu T, Zhao YB, Li CM, Han YP, Chen DM (2014) QTL mapping for susceptibility to apple fruit ring rot and candidate gene predicting. Journal of Fruit Science 31: 793-800 Zhang Q, Li L, VanBuren R, Liu Y, Yang M, Xu L, Bowers JE, Zhong C, Han YP, Li S, Ming R (2014) Optimization of linkage mapping strategy and construction of a high-density American lotus linkage map. BMC Genomics 15: 372 Vimolmangkang S, Zheng D, Han YP, Khan MA, Soria-Guerra RE, Korban SS (2014) Transcriptome analysis of the exocarp of apple fruit identifies light-induced genes involved in red color pigmentation. Gene 534: 78-87 Ming R, Vanburen R, Liu Y, Yang M, Han YP, et al. (2013) Genome of the long-living sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.). Genome Biology 14: R41 Wang L, Zhao S, Gu C, Zhou Y, Zhou H, Ma J, Cheng J, Han YP* (2013) Deep RNA-Seq uncovers the peach transcriptome landscape. Plant Molecular Biology 83: 365-377 Gu C, Wang L, Zhang L, Liu Y, Yang M, Yuan Z, Li S, Han YP* (2013) Characterization of genes encoding granule-bound starch synthase in sacred lotus reveals phylogenetic affinity of Nelumbo to Proteales. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 31: 1157-1165 Vimolmangkang S?, Han YP?, Wei G, Korban SS (2013) An apple MYB transcription factor, MdMYB3, is involved in regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis and flower development. BMC Plant Biology 13: 176 (co-first author) Zhou Y, Guo D, Li J, Cheng J, Zhou H, Gu C, Gardiner S, Han YP* (2013) Coordinated regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis through photorespiration and temperature in peach (Prunus persica f. atropurpurea). Tree Genetics Genomes 9: 265–278 Zhou Y, Li J, Korban SS, Han YP* (2013) Apple SSRs present in coding and noncoding regions of expressed sequence tags show differences in transferability to other fruit species in Rosaceae. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 93: 1-8 Khan MA, Han YP, Zhao YF, Troggio M, Korban SS (2012) A Multi-Population Consensus Genetic Map Reveals Inconsistent Marker Order among Maps Likely Attributed to Structural Variations in the Apple Genome. PLoS One 7: e47864 Zhang Q, Ma B, Li H, Chang Y, Han Y, Li J, Wei G, Zhao S, Khan MA, Zhou Y, Gu C, Zhang X, Han Z, Korban SS, Li S, Han YP* (2012) Identification, characterization, and utilization of genome-wide simple sequence repeats to identify a QTL for acidity in apple. BMC Genomics 13: 537 Cheng J, Khan MA, Qiu WM, Li J, Zhou H, Zhang Q, Guo W, Zhu T, Peng J, Sun F, Li S, Korban SS, Han YP* (2012) Diversification of genes encoding granule-bound starch synthase in monocots and dicots is marked by multiple genome-wide duplication events. PLoS One 7: e30088 (Corresponding author) Yang M, Han Y, Vanburen R, Ming R, Xu L, Han YP*, Liu Y (2012) Genetic linkage maps for Asian and American lotus constructed using novel SSR markers derived from the genome of sequenced cultivar. BMC Genomics 13: 653 (co-corresponding author) Han YP*, Vimolmangkang S, Soria-Guerra RE, Korban SS (2012) Introduction of apple ANR genes into tobacco inhibits expression of both CHI and DFR genes in flowers, leading to loss of anthocyanin. J Exp Bot 63: 2437-2447 (Corresponding author) Khan MA, Han YP, Zhao YF, Korban SS (2012) A high-throughput apple SNP genotyping platform using the GoldenGate? assay. Gene 494: 196-201 Zhang Q, Li J, Zhao Y, Korban SS, Han YP* (2012) Evaluation of genetic diversity in Chinese wild apple species along with apple cultivars using SSR markers. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 30:539–546 (Corresponding author) Liu H, Yang W, Liu D, Han YP, Zhang A, Li S (2011) Ectopic expression of a grapevine transcription factor VvWRKY11 contributes to osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Mol Biol Rep 38:417-427 Rosales-Mendoza S, Soria-Guerra RE, Moreno-Fierros L, Han YP, Alpuche-Solís AG, Korban SS (2011) Transgenic carrot tap roots expressing an immunogenic F1-V fusion protein from Yersinia pestis are immunogenic in mice. J Plant Physiol 168:174-180 Han YP, Zheng D, Vimolmangkang S, Khan MA, Beever JE, Korban SS (2011) Integration of physical and genetic maps in apple confirms whole-genome and segmental duplications in the apple genome. J Exp Bot 62:5117-5130 Han YP, Korban SS (2011) Transgenic Approaches to Improve Fruit Quality. (Book chapter) Han YP, Korban SS (2010) Stategies for Map-Based Cloning in Apple.Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.29:265-284 Han YP, Vimolmangkang S, Soria-Guerra RE, Rosales-Mendoza S, Zheng D, Lygin AV and Korban SS (2010) Ectopic expression of apple F3'H genes contributes to anthocyanin accumulation in the Arabidopsis tt7 mutant grown under nitrogen stress. Plant Physiol 153(2): 806-820 Han YP, Chagné D, Gasic K, Rikkerink EHA, Beever JE, Gardiner SE, Korban SS(2009)BAC-end sequence-based SNPs and Bin mapping for rapid integration of physical and genetic maps in apple. Genomics 93: 282-288 Gasic K, Han YP, Kertbundit S, Shulaev V, Iezzoni AF, Stover EW, Bell RL, Wisniewski ME, Korban SS (2009) Transferability of apple EST-SSRs to other Rosaceae species. Mol Breeding 23:397-411 Gasic K, Gonzalez DO, Thimmapuram J, Malnoy M, Gong G, Han YP, Vodkin LO, Liu L, Aldwinckle HS, Carroll NJ, Orvis KS, Goldsbrough P, Clifton S, Pape D, Fulton L, Martin J, Theising B, Wisniewski ME, Fazio G, Feltus AF, Korban SS (2009) Comparative analysis and functional annotation of a Large expressed sequence tag collection of apple (Malus x domestica). The Plant Genome 2:23-38 Han YP, Korban SS (2008) An overview of the apple genome through BAC end sequence analysis. Plant Mol Biol 67(6):581-588 Chagnéa D, Gasic K, Crowhurstc RN, Han YP, Bassetta HC, Bowattea DR, Lawrencec TJ, Rikkerinkc EHA, Gardinera SE, Korban SS (2008) Development of a set of SNP markers present in expressed genes of the apple. Genomics 92(5):353–358 Han YP, Gasic K, Korban SS (2007) Multiple-copy cluster-type organization and evolution of genes encoding O-methyltransferases in apple. Genetics 176:2625-2635 Han YP, Gasic K, Sun FJ, Xu ML, Korban SS. (2007) A gene encoding starching branching enzyme I (SBEI) in apple (Malus x domestica, Rosaceae) and its phylogenetic relationship to Sbe genes from other angiosperms. Mol Phylogenet Evol 43:852-863 Han YP, Gasica K, Marron B, Beever JE, Korban SS (2007) A BAC-based physical map of the apple genome. Genomics 89:630-637 Han YP, Bendik E, Sun FJ, Gasic K, Korban SS (2007) Genomic isolation of genes encoding starch branching enzyme II (SBEII) in apple: towards characterization of evolutionary disparity in SbeII genes between monocots and eudicots. Planta 226:1265-1276 Han YP, Sun FJ, Korban SS (2007) Three orthologous encoding starch branching enzymes in rice, Arabidopsis, and Populus are different from the previously reported SBE gene families in plants. Gene 401:123-130 Han YP, Korban SS (2007) Spring: a novel family of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements is associated with genes in apple. Genomics 90:195-200 He Y, Han YP, Jiang L, Xu CW, Lu JF, Xu ML (2006) Functional analysis of starch-synthesis genes in determining rice eating and cooking qualities. Mol Breeding 18:277-290 Liu XY, Gu MH, Han YP, Ji Q, Lu JF, Gu SL, Zhang R, Li X, Chen JM, Korban SS, Xu ML (2004) Developing gene-tagged molecular markers for functional analysis of starch-synthesizing genes in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Euphytica 135:345–353 Han YP, Xu ML, Liu XY, Yan CJ, Korban SS, Chen XL, Gu MH (2004) Genes coding for starch branching enzymes are major contributors to starch viscosity characteristics in waxy rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Sci 166:357-364 Han YP, Xing YZ, Gu SL, Chen ZX, Pan XB, Chen XL (2003) Effect of morphological traits on sheath blight resistance in rice. Acta Botanica Sinica 45:825–831 韩月澎,徐明良,严长杰,陈秀兰,顾铭洪(2004)水稻糯性突变对淀粉理化特性的影响。中国水稻科学,18(2):125–129 韩月澎,陈秀兰,何震天,王锦荣,杨鹤峰(2003)二棱大麦白化颖壳和旗叶紫耳突变状的遗传分析。中国农业科学,36(6):722–725 韩月澎,邢永忠,陈宗祥,顾世梁,潘学彪,陈秀兰,张启发(2002)杂交水稻亲本明恢63对纹枯病水平抗性的QTL定位。遗传学报,29(7):622–626


2008- 至今 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 副编辑 2010-至今 Canadian Journal of Plant Science 副编辑 2012-至今 PLoS ONE 编委 湖北省遗传学会 理事
