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王冰,女,1983年11月出生,河北宣化人。中国农业科学院植物保护研究所副研究员、硕士生导师。 2007年获河北农业大学动植物检疫专业理学学士学位,2010年和2013年先后获中国农业科学院农业昆虫与害虫防治专业农学硕士学位和农学博士学位,2013年至2017年在中国农业科学院植物保护研究所昆虫功能基因组进行博士后研究。2016年晋升为副研究员。2017年9月加入昆虫功能基因组留所工作,入选青年英才计划“D”类人才。 在蚜虫识别报警信息素分子和神经机制的研究中取得了重要进展,主要利用比较基因组和转录组的方法鉴定保守的嗅觉受体基因,通过爪蟾卵母细胞体外表达-双电极电压钳技术和转基因果蝇异源表达系统-单细胞记录技术,分别在体内和体外揭示嗅觉受体的功能。利用RNA干扰技术敲除蚜虫报警信息素受体基因,蚜虫报警行为丧失,揭示了蚜虫用于灵敏、特异感受报警信息素的嗅觉受体和神经,阐明了蚜虫感受报警信息素的信号传导通路,建立了嗅觉受体和昆虫行为的关系,证实以气味受体为靶标筛选昆虫行为调控剂是可行性的,为发展绿色环保的害虫防治策略提供了新思路和新方法。 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、青年基金项目1项,博士后基金面上项目和特别资助各1项。参加国家自然科学基金杰青基金项目、面上项目等多项科研课题。已发表研究论文19篇,包括SCI论文11篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者在Current Biology、IBMB、BMC Genomics等SCI刊物发表论文8篇,获得发明专利1项。获得第十六届北京昆虫学会青年优秀科技论文基础研究类一等奖。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Bing Wang, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. Proceeding From in vivo Functions of Pheromone Receptors: Peripheral-Coding Perception of Pheromones From Three Closely Related Species, Helicoverpa armigera , H. assulta , and Heliothis virescens . Front. Physiol ., 2018, 9:1188. 2. Lixiao Du, Yang Liu, Jin Zhang, Xiwu Gao, Bing Wang*, Guirong Wang*. Identification and characterization of chemosensory genes in the antennal transcriptome of Spodoptera exigua . Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics , 2018, 27:54-65. 3. Wei-chan Cui#, Bing Wang# (co-first), Meng-bo Guo, Yang Liu, Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Shan-chun Yan*, Gui-rong Wang*. A receptor-neuron correlate for the detection of attractive plant volatiles in Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 2018, 97:31-39. 4. Bing Wang, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. Chemosensory genes in the antennal transcriptome of two syrphid species, Episyrphus balteatus and Eupeodes corollae (Diptera: Syrphidae). BMC Genomics , 2017, 18:586. 5. Ruibin Zhang#, Bing Wang# (co-first), Gerarda Grossi, Patrizia Falabella, Yang Liu, Shanchun Yan, Jian Lu, Jinghui Xi, Guirong Wang*. Molecular basis of alarm pheromone detection in aphids. Current Biology , 2017, 27:55-61. 6. Bing Wang, Yang Liu, Kang He, Guirong Wang*. Comparison of research methods for functional characterization of insect olfactory receptors. Scientific Reports . 2016, 6: 32806. 7. Jin Zhang#, Bing Wang# (co-first), Shuanglin Dong, Depan Cao, Junfeng Dong, William B. Walker, Yang Liu*, Guirong Wang*. Comparison of Chemosensory Gene Families in Two Closely Related Noctuidae Moths, Helicoverpa armigera and H. assulta . PLoS ONE . 2015, 10(2): e0117054. 8. Bing Wang, Li Guan, Tao Zhong, Kebin Li, Jiao Yin*, Yazhong Cao*. Potential Cooperations between Odorant-Binding Proteins of the Scarab Beetle Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). PLoS ONE . 2013, 8(12): e84795. 9. Yanan Zhang #*, Lixiao Du#, Jiwei Xu, Bing Wang, XiaoQing Zhang, Qi Yan*, Guirong Wang. Functional characterization of four sex pheromone receptors in the newly discovered maize pest Athetis lepigone , Journal of Insect Physiology (2018), doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2018.08.009. 10. Hetan Chang#, Mengbo Guo# (co-first), Bing Wang, Yang Liu, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang*. Sensillar expression and responses of olfactory receptors reveal different peripheral coding in two Helicoverpa species using the same pheromone components. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6: 18742. 11. Xujing Zhuang, Qianqian Wang, Bing Wang, Tao Zhong, Yazhong Cao, Kebin Li, Jiao Yin*. Prediction of the Key Binding Site of Odorant Binding Protein of Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeida). Insect Molecular Biology . 2014, 23(3):381-390.
