1981年生,天津人,研究员,博士生导师,中科院青促会会员;2003、2007年获同济大学大地测量本科、硕士学位,2011获中国科学院上海天文台天体测量天体力学博士学位; 2007年至今在上海天文台从事北斗卫星导航系统精密定轨与时间同步关键技术研究。
1、周善石*,胡小工,吴斌,区域监测网精密定轨与轨道预报精度分析,中国科学:物理学力学 天文学, 2010年第40卷 第6期:800-808
2、Zhou Shanshi*, Hu Xiaogong, Wu Bin, Orbit determination and prediction accuracy analysis for a regional tracking network, SCINECE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2010, Vol.53, No.6: 1130-1138(SCI)
3、ZHOU ShanShi*, HU XiaoGong, WU Bin, LIU Li, QU WeiJing, GUO Rui, HE Feng,CAO YueLing, Wu XiaoLi, ZHU LingFeng, SHI Xin , TAN HongLi. Orbit determination and time synchronization for a GEO/IGSO satellite navigation constellation with regional tracking network. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 54(6):1089–1097, 2011 (SCI) 20 47
4、Zhou Shanshi*, Cao Yueling, Zhou Jianhua, Hu Xiaogong, Tang Chengpan, Liu Li, Guo Rui, He Feng, Chen Junping, Wu Bin, Positioning accuracy assessment for the 4GEO/5IGSO/2MEO constellation of COMPASS. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 55(12), 2290-2299 2012 (SCI) 19 24
5、Zhou Shanshi*, Xiaogong Hu, Jianhua Zhou, Junping Chen, Xiuqiang Gong, Chengpan Tang, Bin Wu, Li Liu, Rui Guo, Feng He, Xiaojie Li, Hongli Tan, Accuracy Analyses of Precise Orbit Determination and Timing for BeiDou/COMPASS-2 4GEO/5IGSO/4MEO Constellation, Sun Jiadong. Proceeding of CSNC 2013(LNEE Volume 245),89-102,2013 (EI)
6、Gang Zhao*, Shanshi Zhou, Xuhua Zhou, Bin Wu, Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou satellites Using Satellite Laser Ranging, Sun Jiadong. Proceeding of CSNC 2013(LNEE Volume 245), 221-226, 2013(EI)
7、He F*, Zhou Shanshi, et al, Satellite-Station Time Synchronization Information Based Real-Time Orbit Error Monitoring and Correction of Navigation Satellite in Beidou System. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron,57(1),2014 (SCI)
8、Zhou Shanshi*, HU Xiaogong, Liu Li, Guo Rui, Zhu Lingfeng, Chang Zhiqiao, Tang Chengpan, Gong Xiuqiang, Li Ran Yu Yang, Applications of Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer in the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 59(10),2016
9、Zhou ShanShi*, Wu Bin Hu XiaoGong Cao YueLing Yu Yang,Signal-in-space accuracy for BeiDou navigation satellite system: Challenges and solutions, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 60(1),2017
10、Ziqian Wu1, Shanshi Zhou*, Xiaogong Hu1, Li Liu, Tao Shuai, Yonghui Xie, Chengpan Tang,Junyang Pan,Lingfeng Zhu,Zhiqiao Chang,Performance of the BDS3 experimental satellite passive hydrogen maser,GPS Solutions (2018) 22:43