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男,博士,助理研究员,2003年毕业于四川农业大学,获理学学士学位;2008年毕业于湖南农业大学,获农学硕士学位;2013年毕业于南京农业大学,获农学博士学位。2014年至今在中国农科院上海兽医研究所从事动物病毒感染与免疫逃逸相关研究。 承担科研项目情况: 主持国家青年科学基金项目1项,院所长基金1项;参与973项目(2014CB542702)、乙脑国际科技合作项目、国家公益性行业专项项目、欧盟第七框架协议项目等研究。 获得专利: 1.陈溥言; 侯凤香; 刘珂. 一种重组鸡α干扰素基因及其重组载体: 中国, 2008101239974[P]. 2009-01-07. 2.黄丽; 陈溥言; 刘珂; 茅翔; 魏建超; 曹瑞兵; 王秀花; 侯凤香; 冯秀丽; 周斌; 王凤娟; 张丽颖. 一种复合猪α干扰素基因及其重组载体: 中国, 201010125057 [P]. 2011-10-12. 3.沈婷; 陈溥言; 刘珂; 曹瑞兵; 周斌. 一种能抑制乙型脑炎病毒复制与感染的shRNA及其应用: 中国, 2010105072987 [P]. 2012-10-14. 4.沈婷; 陈溥言; 刘珂; 曹瑞兵; 周斌. 一种能抑制乙型脑炎病毒复制与感染的shRNA及其应用: 中国, 2011103598136 [P]. 2012-10-14.




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Liu K, Feng X, Ma Z, Luo C, Zhou B, et al. (2012) Antiviral activity of phage display selected peptides against Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in vitro. Virology. Liu K, Hou F, Shen T, Zhou B, Cao R, et al. (2011) Antiviral activity of rChIFN-alpha against vesicular stomatitis virus and Newcastle disease virus: a novel recombinant chicken interferon-alpha showed high antiviral activity. Res Vet Sci. Liu K, Liao X, Zhou B, Yao H, Fan S, et al. (2013) Porcine alpha interferon inhibit Japanese encephalitis virus replication by different ISGs in vitro. Res Vet Sci. Liu K, Zhou B, Shao DH, Ma GN, Huan BL, et al. (2016) Phage display library based antiviral screening: porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus endoribonuclease is a target for antiviral screening. J Vet Med Sci. Zhou B, Liu K, Wei JC, Mao X, Chen PY (2010) Inhibition of replication of classical swine fever virus in a stable cell line by the viral capsid and Staphylococcus aureus nuclease fusion protein. J Virol Methods 167: 79-83. Zhou B, Liu K, Jiang Y, Wei JC, Chen PY (2011) Multiple linear B-cell epitopes of classical swine fever virus glycoprotein E2 expressed in E.coli as multiple epitope vaccine induces a protective immune response. Virol J 8: 378. Dong W, Chen X, Liu K, Chen H, Sun Z (2011) Serum antibody coupled with the construction of gentamicin sulfate for the Escherichia coli targeted drug. Res Vet Sci 91: e136-143. Huang L, Cao RB, Wang N, Liu K, Wei JC, et al. (2012) The design and recombinant protein expression of a consensus porcine interferon: CoPoIFN-alpha. Cytokine 57: 37-45. Pang R, He DN, Zhou B, Liu K, Zhao J, et al. (2013) In vitro inhibition of Japanese encephalitis virus replication by capsid-targeted virus inactivation. Antiviral Res 97: 369-375.
