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曹小闯,博士,中国水稻研究所副研究员。 2009、2014年分别于安徽科技学院、浙江大学获农学学士、博士学位,2014年7月到中国水稻研究所工作,2017年1月晋升副研究员。 近期主持和参加国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金青年和面上基金、中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资助等项目7项,近5年以第一/共同第一作者在Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Environmental and Experimental Botany、Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant Physiology and Biochemistry、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、Plant Growth Regulation 等国内外期刊发表文章23篇,其中SCI论文18篇,申请发明专利12项。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Cao Xiaochuang#, Zhong Chu, Zhu Chunquan, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Wu Lianghuan, JinQianyu*. Ammonium uptake and metabolism alleviate PEG-induced water stress in rice seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018, 132:128-137. Cao Xiaochuang#, Zhu Chunquan, Zhong Chu, Sajid Hussain, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Wu Lianghuan, JinQianyu*. Mixed-nitrogen nutrition-mediated enhancement of drought tolerance of rice seedlings associated with photosynthesis, hormone balance and carbohydrate partitioning. Plant Growth Regulation. 2018, 84:451-465. Zhong Chu#, Cao Xiaochuang#, Bai Zhigang, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Huang Jianliang, Jin Qianyu*. Nitrogen metabolism correlates with the acclimation of photosynthesis to short-term water stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018, 125:52-62. Zhu Chunquan#, Zhang Junhua, Sun Liming, Zhu Lianfeng, Abliz Buhailiqem, Hu Wenjun, Zhong Chu, Bai Zhigang, Sajid Hussain, Cao Xiaochuang*, Jin Qianyu*. Hydrogen sulfide alleviates aluminum toxicity via decreasing apoplast and symplast Al contents in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 2018, 9:294. Zhu ChunQuan#, Zhang JunHua, Zhu LianFeng, Buhailiqem Abliz, Chu Zhong, Bai ZhiGang, Hu WenJun, SajidH ussain, Allen Bohr James, Cao XiaoChuang*, Jin QianYu*. NH4+ facilitates iron reutilization in the cell walls of rice (Oryza sativa) roots under iron-deficiency conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2018, 151:21–31 Cao Xiaochuang#, Zhong Chu, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Jjunhua, Sajid Hussain, Wu Lianghuan, Jin Qianyu*. Glycine increases cold tolerance in rice via the regulation of N uptake, physiological characteristics, and photosynthesis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017, 112:251~260. Cao Xiaochuang#, Zhong Chu#, Sajid Hussain, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Wu Lianghuan, Jin Qianyu*. Effects of watering regime and nitrogen application rate on the photosynthetic parameters, physiological characteristics and agronomic traits of rice. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2017, 39:135. Cao Xiaochuang#, Zhong Chu#, Ma Qingxhu, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Jin Qianyu*, Wu Lianghuan*, Zhu Yuanhong. Concentration and composition of soil amino compounds in major Chinese croplands. Chemistry and Ecology. 2017, 33(2):156~170. Cao Xiaochuang#, Wu Lianghuan, Ma Qingxu, Yuan Ling, Zhu Yuanhong, Jin Qianyu*. Effects of nitrogen rate and nitrogen form onglycine uptake by pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) under sterile culture. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2017, 40:476~485. Zhong Chu#, Cao Xiaochuang#, Hu Jijie, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Huang Jianliang, Jin Qianyu*. Nitrogen metabolism in adaptation of photosynthesis to water stress in rice grown under different nitrogen levels. Front. Plant Sci. 2017, 8:1079. Ma Qingxu#, Cao Xiaochuang#, Xie Yinan, Gu Yan, Feng Ying, Mi Wenhai, Yang Xin, Wu Lianghuang*. Effect of pH on the uptake and metabolism of glycine in pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2017, 133:139~150. Ma Qingxu#, Cao Xiaochuang#, Tan Xiaoli, Si Linlin, Wu Lianghuan*. Effects of cadmium stress on pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) growth and uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogenous compounds. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2017, 137:49~57. Ma Qingxu#, Cao Xiaochuan#, Ma Jinzhao, Tan Xiaoli, Xie Yinan, Xiao Han, Wu Lianghuan*. Hexavalent chromium stress enhances the uptake of nitrate but reduces theuptake of ammonium and glycine in pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2017, 139:384~393. Cao Xiaochuang#, Ma Qingxu#, Zhong Chu, Yang Xin, Zhu Lianfeng, Zhang Junhua, Jin Qianyu*, Wu Lianghuan*. Elevational Variation in Soil Amino Acid and Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations in Taibai Mountain, China. 2016, PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157979. Cao Xiaochuang#, Ma Qingxu, Wu Lianghuan*, Zhu Lianfeng, Jin Qianyu. Effects of ammonium application rate on uptake of soil adsorbed amino acids by rice. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology). 2016, 17(4):294~302. Ma Qingxu#, Cao Xiaochuang#, Wu Lianghuan*, Mi Wenhai, Feng Ying. Light intensity affcts the uptake and metabolism of glycine by pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Scientific Reports, 2016, 69:21200:1~12. Cao Xiaochuang#, Wu Lianghuan*, Yuan Ling, Li Xiaoyan, Zhu Yuanhong, Jin Qianyu. Uptake and uptake kinetics of nitrate, ammonium and glycine by pakchoi (Brassica Campestris L. ssp.Chinensis L. Makino) seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae. 2015, 186:247~253. Cao Xiaochuang#, Chen Xiaoyou, Li Xiaoyan, Yuan Ling, Wu Lianghuan*, Zhu Yuanhong. Rice uptake of soil adsorbed amino acids under sterilized environment, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2013, 62:13~21.
