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水资源与数值模拟研究专家,1976年5月出生于河北省沧州市。1998年、2000年先后获得清华大学环境工程学士学位、市政工程硕士学位。2005年获得University of Central Florida 市政工程专业水资源方向博士学位。2009年作为 “国外引进杰出人才”回国并获得2010年度中国科学院“****”支持。回国前曾联合主持美国能源部和国防部重大研究项目2项,作为项目骨干成员参与完成美国环保署、能源部和国防部等项目8项。目前主持自然基金和中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目2项,作为项目骨干成员参与全球变化专项1项。发表学术论文28篇,其中SCI文12篇,会议报告47次。(2010年3月更新) 招生专业 070501-自然地理学 070501-自然地理学 招生方向 水文与水资源 教育背景 • 2000年8月-2005年5月 美国中佛罗里达大学 市政工程专业 博士 • 1998年9月-2000年7月 清华大学 市政工程专业 硕士 • 1994年9月-1998年7月 清华大学 环境工程专业 学士 工作简历 • 2009年9月-至今 中国科学院青藏高原研究所 研究员 • 2008年4月-2009年9月 美国橡树岭国家实验室环境科学所 Research Staff Scientist • 2005年5月-2008年3月 美国橡树岭国家实验室环境科学所 Research Associate • 2000年8月- 2005年5月 美国中佛罗里达大学 Research Assistant 奖励信息 • Best Paper Award, GeoShanghai 2010 • Who’s Who in America, Marguis Who’s Who, 2009 • Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union, 2003 • Kersten Graduate Fellowship, University of Central Florida, 2002-2004 • Graduate Travel Fellowship, University of Central Florida, 2002 • 光华奖学金, 清华大学, 1999 • 优良毕业生, 清华大学, 1998 • IET奖学金, IET教育基金, 1997-1998 • 优秀学生一等奖学金, 清华大学,1995-1996 • 优秀学生一等奖学金, 清华大学,1994-1995 负责项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“稳定同位素与水循环耦合模型的建立及在喜马拉雅山卡鲁雄曲-空莫错-沉错流域的应用”(Development of stable isotope and water cycle coupling model and its application to a basin in the Himalaya Mountains), 批准号:41001034,执行期间:2011.1-2013.12。 2. 院知识创新工程重要方向项目“高寒地区流域水文与生物地球化学过程综合模拟平台及其在藏东南的应用”( Hydrology and the biogeochemistry process simulation platform for basins in high and cold region and its application to southeast Tibet),批准号:KZCX2-EW-112, 执行期间:2011.1-2013.12。 3. 美国国防部项目“军事操练区土壤非饱和层包气带中微粒及溶解性军火成分的运移研究”(Mobility of Particulate and Dissolved Munitions Constituents in the Vadose Zone at Operational Ranges)(Co-PI) U.S. Dept. of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, 2009-2012, $1,114,675 4. 美国能源部项目“金属、放射性核物质与共存污染物在地下的固定化和自然净化的速率与机理的多尺度研究”(Multiscale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface)(Co-PI) U.S. Dept. of Energy, Environmental Remediation Science Program, Oak Ridge Integrated Field Challenge, 2007-2012, $15,000,000 参与项目 1. 全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划项目“青藏高原气候系统变化及其对东亚区域的影响与机制研究“(Study on the Tibet Plateau Climate System Change and Mechanism of its Impact on East Asia),批准号2010CB951700,执行期间:2010.6-2014.12。 2. 地下水反应物运移模型不确定性评估的平行计算,橡树岭国家实验室项目。“Parallel Computing for Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling” (Collaborator) ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing (HPC) Grant, 2009-2012, $75,000 3. 加速实施场地尺度模型对污染场地微生物修复模拟的指南,美国能源部项目。“Roadmap to Accelerate Deployment of Field-Scale Models to Simulate Microbially-Mediated Remediation of Contaminated Sites” U.S. Dept. of Energy, 2007-2008, $25,000 4. 对控制放射性铀在Hanford 沉积物中多尺度下运移与归宿的水文学、地球化学以及矿物学过程的量化研究,美国能源部项目。“Quantification of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Mineralogical Processes Governing the Fate and Transport of Uranium over Multiple Scales in Hanford Sediments” U.S. Dept. of Energy, 2006-2008, $1000,000 5. 氯代有机溶剂监测式自然衰减长期持续性的综合评价方案,美国国防部项目。“Integrated protocol for assessment of long-term sustainability of monitored natural attenuation of chlorinated solvent plumes”. U.S. Dept. of Defense, 2004-2007 6. 田纳西州橡树岭保留地NABIR污染场地研究,美国能源部项目。“Proposal for a NABIR Field Research Center on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee” U.S. Dept. of Energy, 2000-2006, $12,600,000 7. Loxahatchee河地表与地下水三维整合模型,南佛罗里达州水资源管理局-佛罗里达州环保署合作项目。“Loxahatchee River Three Dimensional Integrated Surface and Groundwater Model.” South Florida Water Management District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 2004 2006. $275,000 8. WASH123D模型介绍,美国陆军工程兵团项目。“Document of WASH123D” US Army Corps of Engineers, 2003, $10,000 9. 用于流域生态评价的机理模型,美国环保局项目。“Mechanistic-based Watershed Modeling for Evaluation of Ecosystem Conditions.” Environmental Protection Agency, 2001-2005, $844,604 参与会议 1. Zhang, F., J. Parker, M. Ye, G. Tang, W. Wu, T. Mehlhorn, T. M. Gihring, C. Schadt, D. B. Watson, S. C. Brooks. (B51C-0362) Simulation of in situ uranium bioremediation with slow-release organic amendment injection. The AGU 2010 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 13-17 (2010). 2. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, B. Gu, W.-M. Wu, G. Tang, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and S. C. Brooks. Multi-scale Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Modeling for Subsurface Uranium Contamination and Remediation Study. Proceeding of the fifth Straits two sides soil and groundwater contamination and remediation workshop. Taibei, Taiwan, October 24-31 (2010) 3. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, B. Gu, W.-M. Wu, G. Tang, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and S. C. Brooks. Multi-scale Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Modeling for Subsurface Uranium Contamination and Remediation Study. The fifth Straits two sides soil and groundwater contamination and remediation workshop. Taibei, Taiwan, October 24-31 (2010) 4. Zhang, F., Lide Tian, Fengjing Liu, Jing Gao, Yongqin Liu and Tongliang Gong. Incorporating stable water isotopes into WASH123D hydrologic model for understanding stream water sources in the Yamzho Lake Basin in southern Tibetan Plateau. International Conference on Cryospheric Change and its Influences. Lijiang, China. 12 - 14 August, 2010 5. Zhang, F., Lide Tian, Fengjing Liu, Jing Gao, Yongqin Liu and Tongliang Gong. Development of WASH123D model to simulate stable water isotopes for catchment hydrology study. The Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation. Lhasa, China. 21–23 July, 2010 6. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson, D.Phillips, and P. M. Jardine. Simulation of Groundwater Composition Change Due to Deposition of Uranium Minerals in Dolomite Gravel Fill. GeoShanghai 2010, Shanghai, China. June 3-5 (2010). 7. Jack Parker, F. Zhang, Guoping Tang, Jian Luo, Wei-Min Wu, Baohua Gu, Brian Spalding, Scott Brooks, David Watson, and Philip Jardine. Multi-Process and Multi-Scale Modeling and Data Analysis at the IFRC site. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 5th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Washington D.C. March 29-31 (2010) 8. Zhang, F.. Multiscale Investigations of Subsurface Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants at the OR-IFRC site China-US Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil and Water Resources, Shenyang, Liaoning, China. January 5-8 (2010). 9. Zhang, F., W.-M. Wu, J. Parker, T. Mehlhorn, S. D. Kelly, K. M. Kemner, G. Zhang, C. Schadt, S. C. Brooks, C. S. Criddle, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine. Comparison of biogeochemical models to simulate uranium (VI) bio-reduction under sulfate reduction conditions. The AGU 2009 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 14-18 (2009). 10. Miller, G., M. Ye, G. Tang, F. Zhang, J. Parker, D. Watson, and P. Jardine. High Performance Computing for Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling. The AGU 2009 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 14-18 (2009). 11. Mayes, M. A., L. D. McKay, F. Zhang, K. Koehn, E. Perfect, and B. Lavoie. Mobility of Particulate and Dissolved Munitions Constituents in the Vadose Zone at Operational Ranges. SERDP & ESTCP's Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop. Washington, D.C., USA. December 1-3, 2009. 12. Watson, D. B., M. Mueller and F. Zhang. Overview of ORNL’s Mercury-Related Modeling Program: A Systems Analysis Approach. "Mercury Summit" held by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Groundwater and Soil Remediation. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. October 22 and 23, 2009. 13. G.-T. Yeh, J.-P. Gwo, M.D. Siegel, M.-H. Li, Y. Fang, F. Zhang, and W. Luo. Innovative Mathematical Modelling in Environmental Remediation. International Conference on Remediation of Land Contaminated by Radioactive Material Residues Astana, Kazakhstan. May 18 – 22, 2009 14. W-M. Wu, G. Zhang, S. D. Kelly, F. Zhang, T. Mehlhorn, S. Green, K. M. Kemner, S. Brooks, J. Kostka4, , C. S. Criddle, C. Schadt , D. Watson, P. M. Jardine, 2009. Reduction of Uranium (VI) in Sediments with Complicated Organic Electron Donors. The 109th ASM General Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, USA. May 17 – 21, 2009 15. Zhang, F., In situ U(VI) bioreduction modeling at the ORFRC. Breakout Session 2: Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 16. Zhang, F., G. Tang, J. C. Parker, J. Luo, W.-M. Wu, G. Zhang, S. Kelly, T. Mehlhorn, J. Carley, K. M. Kemner, C. Criddle, C. Schadt, W. Luo, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine. Multi-Process and Multi-Scale Modeling and Data Analysis at IFC site, Oak Ridge, TN. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 17. W-M. Wu, D. Watson, T. Mehlhorn, G. Zhang, C. Schadt , F. Zhang, S. D. Kelly, K. Lowe, K. M. Kemner, C. S. Criddle, Brian Spalding, S. Brooks, Y. Wu, Gregory Baker, Susan Hubbard, P. M. Jardine. Laboratory and In-Situ Biostimulation of Uranium Reduction and Immobilization using Long Chain Fatty Acids-containing Organics as Sustained Release Electron Donors at the Oak Ridge IFC site. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 18. Spalding, B., D. W. and P. Jardine, F. Zhang, G. Tang, J. E. Kostka, S. J., Green, O. Prakash, W.-M. Wu, G. Zhang, S. Kelly, T. Mehlhorn, J. Carley, K. Kemner, C. Criddle, C. Schadt, W. Luo, B. Gu, J. Horita, and S. Brooks, Site-Wide Oak Ridge FRC Watershed Monitoring of Contaminant Distribution and Attenuation Processes. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 19. Gu, B., F. Zhang , W. Luo, K. M. Kemner, S. Kelly, W.-M. Wu, C. Schadt, J. Kostka, J. Zhou, B. P. Spalding, D. B. Watson, J. C. Parker, P. M. Jardine. Subsurface pH Manipulation and Geochemical Modeling for the Immobilization of Uranium. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 20. P.M. Jardine, David B. Watson, G. Baker, Craig C. Brandt, Scott C. Brooks, Craig S. Criddle, Chuck T. Garten, Baohua Gu, Juska Horita, Susan S. Hubbard, Lawrence, Shelly Kelly, Ken Kemner, Peter K. Kitanidis, Joel Kostka, Jian Luo, Anthoney V. Palumbo, Jack C. Parker, Chris W. Schadt, Brian P. Spalding, Wei-M Wu, Joe Zhou, F. Zhang. Research Highlights and Future Directions of the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 4th Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 20-23, 2009 21. Jardine, P. M., D. B. Watson, G. Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, T J. Phelps, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita, S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.N. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. An Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Multi-scale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface. The AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 15-19 (2008). 22. Luo, W., F. Zhang, S. D. Kelly, K. Kemner, J. Zhou, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine, B. Gu. Subsurface pH Manipulation for the Immobilization of Uranium. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. October 5-9, 2008. 23. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, W. Luo, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, and P. M. Jardine. Subsurface transport and biogeochemistry modeling at IFC site, Oak Ridge, TN. Fall 2008 National ACS Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA. August 17-21, 2008. 24. Jardine, P. M., D. B. Watson, G. Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita, S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Phelps, C.W. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.N. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. Research Highlights and Future Directions of the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Implications to Future EM Remedial Decisions and Strategies. Fall 2008 National ACS Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA. August 17-21, 2008. 25. Zhang, F., W. Luo, D. B. Watson, J. C. Parker, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding and P. M. Jardine. A reactive transport model to simulate uranium immobilization through pH manipulation. Goldschmidt Conference 2008 - "from Sea to Sky". Vancouver, Canada. July 13-18, 2008. 26. Wang, C., G. T. Yeh, F. Zhang, and G. Huang. An Integrated Hydrology/Hydraulic and Water Quality Model for Watershed-scale Simulations. XVII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. San Francisco, California, USA. June 6-10 (2008). 27. Zhang, F., J. Luo, W. Luo, J. C. Parker, B. Gu, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine. Multi-Process and Multi-Scale Modeling and Data Analysis at IFC site, Oak Ridge, TN. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 3rd Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia. April 7-9, 2008 28. Gu,B., W-M. Wu, W. Luo, C. Schadt, G. Zhang, S. Brooks, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, F. Zhang, J. Parker, A. Palumbo, J. Zhou, J. Kostka, C. Criddle, D. Watson, and P. Jardine. Oak Ridge IFC: Subsurface pH and Oleate Manipulation for the Immobilization of Uranium. Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 3rd Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia April 7-9, 2008 29. Jardine, P.M., D.B. Watson, G. Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita1, S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Phelps, C.W. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.N. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. Research Highlights and Future Directions at the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Department of Energy’s Environmental Remediation Science Program 3rd Annual Principal Investigator Meeting, Lansdowne, Virginia April 7-9, 2008 30. P. M. Jardine, D. B. Watson, G. Baker, C.C. Brandt, S.C. Brooks, C.S. Criddle, C.T. Gaten, B. Gu, J. Horita1, S.S. Hubbard, S. Kelly, K. Kemner, P. K. Kitanidis, J. Kostka, J. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.C. Parker, T.J. Phelps, C.W. Schadt, B.P. Spalding, W.-M. Wu, F. Zhang, and J. Zhou. Exploring Uranium Fate and Transport in Contaminated Subsurface Environments: Technology Transfer Opportunities for Uranium Mine Restoration. Canadian Uranium Symposium: Fueling the Nuclear Renaissance. Vancouver, Canada. April 2-3, 2008. 31. Yeh, G.-T., Y. Fang, J. Sun, M.-H. Li, F. Zhang, and M. D. Siegel. Numerical Modeling of Coupled Fluid Flow and Thermal and Reactive Biogeochemical Transport in Porous and Fractured Media. The International Workshop on Modeling Reactive Transport in Porous Media. Trasbourg, France. January 21-24, 2008. 32. Parker J., Palumbo A. V., Chapelle F., Fang Y., Hazen T., Istok J., Kitanidis P., Luo J., Scheibe T., Widdowson M., Yabusaki S., Mahadevan K., Bond D., Brooks S., Burgos B., Roden E., Schadt C., Sobecky P., and Zhang F. (2008) Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated by Nuclear Waste. A Workshop on Accelerating Development of Practical Field-Scale Bioremediation Models. An Online Meeting, 23 January to 20 February 2008. EOS Trans. AGU 89(30), 271. 33. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, B. Gu, W. Luo, S. C. Brooks, B. P. Spalding, P. M. Jardine, D. B. Watson. A Geochemical Reaction Model for Titration of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater at the Oak Ridge Reservation. The AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 10-14 (2007). 34. Parker J. C. and F. Zhang. Efficient Heat and Mass Transfer Formulations for Oil Shale Retorting. The AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 10-14 (2007). 35. Parker, J., F. Zhang and E. Park. A Model for dissolved solvent transport with DNAPL Source Depletion, volatilization and decay: numerical and analytical solutions and uncertainty analysis. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop. Washington, D.C., USA. November 28-30 (2006). 36. Zhang, F., J. Parker, P. Jardine, M. Mayes, T. Mehlhorn, J.-P. Guo, and S. Cesar. Scale Effects on Apparent Reaction Kinetics at the Oak Ridge FRC. Environmental Remediation Sciences Program Fall Meeting. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 23-25 (2006). 37. Yeh, G. T., F. Zhang, T. S. Wu, and G. Hu. “A Bay-Estuarine Model to Simulate Hydrodynamics and Thermal, Salinity, Sediment, and Water Quality Transport in 3-Dimensions (BEST3D)”. 2005 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. Duck Key, Florida, USA. December 11-14 (2005). 38. Yu, J., G. Yeh, F. Zhang, T. Wu, and G. Hu. “A Reaction-based Diagonalization Approach to Modeling Surface Water Quality”. The AGU 2005 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 5-9 (2005). 39. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson, E. Park, and S. C. Brooks. “Subsurface Flow and Non-reactive Transport Modeling at the Oak Ridge FRC”. Oak Ridge Field Research Center Workshop. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 24-26 (2005). 40. Zhang, F., J. Parker, D. Watson, K. Lowe, K. Hyder, and S. Brooks. “FRC Local Area 3 Model Development”. Oak Ridge Field Research Center Workshop. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 24-26 (2005). 41. Zhang, F. and G. Yeh. “A General Paradigm of Modeling Three-Dimensional Subsurface Water Quality.” The AGU 2004 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 13-17 (2004). 42. Shan, H., F. Zhang, G. Yeh, G. Hu, and T. Wu. “An Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Model of Fluid Flow and Thermal, Salinity, Sediment and Reactive Biogeochemical Transport.” The AGU 2004 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 13-17 (2004). 43. J. Parker, E. Park, F. Zhang, and G. Yeh. 2004. FRC Numerical Modeling Update. Oak Ridge Field Research Center Workshop. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 18-20 (2004). 44. Zhang, F. and G. Yeh. “A New Paradigm of Modeling Two-Dimensional Overland Watershed Water Quality”. The AGU 2003 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 8-12 (2003). 45. Yeh, G., H. Cheng, H. Lin, F. Zhang, E. V. Edris, and D. R. Richards. “Integrated Modeling of Infiltration, Evapotranspiration, Recharge, Subsurface Flow, Surface Runoff, and River Flow with First Principle, Physics-based Approaches”. The AGU 2003 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 8-12 (2003). 46. Yeh, G. T., Y. Fang and F. Zhang, “A New Paradigm of Modeling Reactive Biogeochemical Transport”. The SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences. Austin, Texas, USA. March 17-20 (2003). 47. Zhang, F., G. Yeh, and Y. Fang. “A New Paradigm of Modeling One-Dimensional River/stream Watershed Water Quality”. The AGU 2002 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 6-10 (2002).





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1. Tang, G., E. F. D’Azevedo, F. Zhang, J. C. Parker, D. B. Watson and P. M. Jardine. Application of A Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Approach for Parallel Groundwater Model Calibration on Multi-Core Computers. Computers and geosciences. Accepted (2009). 2. Yeh, G. T., J. P. Gwo, M. D. Siegel, M. H. Li, Y. L. Fang, F. Zhang, W. S. Luo, S. B .Yabusaki. Innovative Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Remediation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Special issue on Remediation of Land Contaminated by Radioactive Material Residues. Accepted (2010). 3. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine and B. Gu. Prediction of uranium and technetium sorption during titration of contaminated acidic groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 178: 42-48 (2010). 4. Zhang, F. and J. C. Parker. An Efficient Modeling Approach to Simulate Heat Transfer rate between Fracture and Matrix Regions for Oil Shale Retorting. Transport in porous media. In press (2010). 5. Yeh, G. T., Y. Fang, F. Zhang, J. Sun, Y. Li, M. H. Li, and M. D. Siegel. “Numerical Modeling of Coupled Fluid Flow and Thermal and Reactive Biogeochemical Transport in Porous and Fractured Media”. Computational Geosciences. 14(1): 149-170. (2010). 6. Mayes, M. A., G. Tang, P. M. Jardine, L. D. McKay, X. L. Yin, M. N. Pace, J. C. Parker, F. Zhang, T. L. Melhorn and R. Dansby-Sparks. Influence of Sedimentary Bedding on Reactive Transport Parameters under Unsaturated Conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 73:1938-1946 (2009) 7. Zhang, F., J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine and D. B. Watson. Comparison of Approaches to Calibrate a Surface Complexation Model for U(VI) Sorption to Weathered Saprolite. Transport in Porous Media Journal. 78 (2): 185-197. (2009) 8. Zhang, F., W. Luo, J. C. Parker, B. P. Spalding, S. C. Brooks, D. B. Watson, P. M. Jardine, and B. Gu Geochemical Modeling of Reactions and Partitioning of Trace Metals and Radionuclides during Titration of Contaminated Acidic Sediments.. Environmental Science and Technology. 42 (21): 8007-8013 (2008). 9. Yan X., E. Radwan, F. Zhang, and J. C. Parker. Evaluation of Dynamic Passing Sight Distance Problem Using a Finite Element Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 134:225-235. (2008). 10. Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, and P. M. Jardine. “A reaction-based river/stream water quality model: Model development and numerical schemes”. Journal of Hydrology. 348: 496-509 (2008). 11. Zhang, F., L. Jiang, G. T. Yeh, and J. C. Parker. “An Adaptive Local Grid Refinement and Peak/Valley Capture Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Transport Problems with Moving Sharp-Fronts”. Transport in Porous Media Journal. 72: 53-69. (2008). 12. Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, J. C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, M. N. Pace, Y.-J. Kim, P. M. Jardine, and D. B. 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Parker J. C. and F. Zhang. Modeling in Situ Shale Oil Retorting. Proceedings of the 26th Oil Shale Symposium. Golden, Colorado, USA. October 16-18 (2006). 4. Yeh G. T., F. Zhang, T.-S. Wu, and G. Hu. BEST3D: A Numerical Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Model: 2 – Water Quality. Proceedings of the seventh international conference on hydroscience and engineering. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. September 10-13 (2006). 5. Yeh, G. T., G. B. Huang, F. Zhang, H. P. Cheng, H. C. Lin, J. R. Cheng, E. Edris, and D. Richards. “An Integrated Media, Integrated Processes Watershed Model-WASH123D: Part 1-Model Descriptions and Features”. Proceedings of the XVIth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-22 (2006). 6. Zhang, F., and G. T. Yeh. “An Integrated Media, Integrated Processes Watershed Model-WASH123D: Part 6-Sediment and Reactive Chemical Transport in Stream/River Networks”. Proceedings of the XVIth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-22 (2006). 7. Zhang F. and G. T. Yeh. “An Integrated Media, Integrated Processes Watershed Model-WASH123D: Part 7-Sediment and Reactive Chemical Transport in Surface Runoff”. Proceedings of the XVIth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-22 (2006). 8. Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, J.C. Parker, S. C. Brooks, M.N. Pace, Y. J. Kim, and P.M. Jardine “An Integrated Media, Integrated Processes Watershed Model-WASH123D: Part 8-Reactive Chemical Transport in Subsurface Media”. Proceedings of the XVIth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 18-22 (2006). 9. Yeh, G. T., F. Zhang, J. Yu, T. S. Wu, and G. Hu. “A Reaction-based, Diagonalization Approach to Water Quality Modeling”. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling -- Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference. Charleston, South Carolina, USA. October 31-November 2 (2005). 10. Yeh, G. T., F. Zhang, T. S. Wu, and G. Hu. “Are the status quo water quality models adequate for TMDL?” Proceedings of the Third Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load). Atlanta, Georgia, USA. March 5-9 (2005). 11. Yeh, G. and F. Zhang. An Adaptive Local Grid Refinement and Peak/Valley Capture Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Transport Problems with Moving Sharp-Fronts. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Singapore, June 21-24 (2004). 12. Yeh, G., H. Shan, F. Zhang, and G. Hu. A Bay-Estuarine Model to Simulate Hydrodynamics and Thermal, Salinity, Sediment, and Water Quality Transport in Three Dimensions (BEST3D). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Singapore, June 21-24 (2004). 13. Zhang, F. and G. T. Yeh. “A General Paradigm of Modeling Two-Dimensional Overland Watershed Water Quality“. Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. June 13-17 (2004). 14. Zhang, F. and G. T. Yeh. ”A General Paradigm of Modeling Three-Dimensional Coastal Water Quality”. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Hydro-science and Engineering. Brisbane, Australia. May 30-June 3 (2004). 15. Zhang, F., G. T. Yeh, and H. Suk. “An Investigation of various Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Methods and Lagragian-Eulerian Finite Element Methods to Solve Transport Problems”. Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Delft, the Netherlands. June 23-28 (2002).


• 学术期刊副主编Journal of Hydrologic Engineering; • 学术期刊编委Journal of Water Resource and Protection • 项目申请评审US Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II Proposal, 2008; • 学术期刊评审Ground Water, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Environmental Management, Environmental Science & Technology, Waste Management, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, Computational Geosciences, Water Resources Research, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Transport in Porous Media Journal;
