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1.李 颖,肖学英,文 静,黄 青,常成功,董金美,安生霞,郑卫新. 原料配比对氯氧镁水泥稳定砾石土强度的影响研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2017,36 (S2): 4158~4166. 2.Li Y., Li Z., Pei H., and Yu H., The influence of FeSO4 and KH2PO4 on the performance of magnesium oxychloride cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. 102, Part 1: p. 233-238 3.李 颖, 余红发, 基于测量高温侵蚀厚度的氯氧镁水泥抗水性的快速评价方法. 硅酸盐学报, 2014. 42(8): p. 1047-1054. 4.Li Y., Yu H., Zheng L., Wen J., Wu C., and Tan Y., Compressive strength of fly ash magnesium oxychloride cement containing granite wastes. Construction and Building Materials, 2013. 38: p. 1-7. 5.李颖, 余红发, 董金美, 文静, 谭永山, 氯氧镁水泥的水化产物、相转变规律和抗水性评价方法的研究进展. 硅酸盐学报, 2013. 41(11): p. 1465-1473. 6.Ma H., Li Y. Discussion of the paper “Characterisation of magnesium potassium phosphate cement blended with fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag” by L.J. Gardner et al. Cement and Concrete Research,  2018, 103, 245-248. 7.Tan Y., Dong J., Yu H., Li Y., Wen J., and Wu C., Study on the injectability of a novel glucose modified magnesium potassium phosphate chemically bonded ceramic. Materials Science and Engineering C, 2017. 79: p. 894-900. 8.Tan Y., Yu H., Li Y., Bi W., and Yao X., The effect of slag on the properties of magnesium potassium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. 126: p. 313-320.  9.Pei H., Li Z., and Li Y., Early-age shrinkage and temperature optimization for cement paste by using PCM and MgO based on FBG sensing technique. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. 117: p. 58-62. 10.Dong J., Yu H., Xiao X., Li Y., Wu C., Wen J., Tan Y., Chang C., and Zheng W., Effects of calcination temperature of boron-containing magnesium oxide raw materials on properties of magnesium phosphate cement as a biomaterial. Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, 2016. 31(3): p. 671-676. 11.Tan Y., Yu H., Li Y., Wu C., Dong J., and Wen J., Magnesium potassium phosphate cement prepared by the byproduct of magnesium oxide after producing Li2CO3 from salt lakes. Ceramics International, 2014. 40(8 PART B): p. 13543-13551. 12.Wen J., Yu H., Li Y., Wu C., and Dong J., Effects of citric acid on hydration process and mechanical properties of thermal decomposed magnesium oxychloride cement. Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, 2014. 29(1): p. 114-118. 13.Wen J., Yu H., Xiao X., Li Y., Dong J., and Zheng W., Heat release characteristics and mechanical property of thermal decomposition magnesium oxychloride cement. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2014. 45(12): p. 4175-4180. 14.谭永山, 余红发, 李颖, 董金美; 文静; 吴成友; 肖卫. 利用盐湖提锂副产含硼氧化镁制备粉煤灰磷酸钾镁水泥. 硅酸盐学报, 2014. 42(11): 1362-1369
