Superorbital Flows with Separation
This project is directed towards the influence that real gas effects may have on separation regions in superorbital hypersonic flows.
Boundary-layer combustion
Injection, ignition and combustion of fuel into the boundary layer of a supersonic flow can lead to substantial reductions in skin friction. This has potential for improvement of the performance of scramjet-powered vehicles.
Force Measurement in Impulse Facilities
Measurement of aerodynamic forces on bodies in short-duration impulse facilities. A number of such facilities exist at The University of Queensland.
Scramjet Testing in Shock Tunnels
Generally half the drag of hypersonic vehicles will be caused by air friction on the aircraft?s skin. A new method of reducing skin friction has been discovered. The range of conditions under which this method will be effective are being investigated.
Boundary-layer Transition
This project studies the processes by which a laminar boundary layer transitions to a turbulent one under conditions of hypervelocity flow. This will lead to a better understanding and improved modelling of the high-speed transition process.
Chan, Wilson Y. K., Mee, David J., Smart, Michael K. and Turner, James C. (2015) Drag reduction by boundary-layer combustion: effects of flow disturbances from rectangular-to-elliptical-shape-transition inlets. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 31 5: 1256-1267. doi:10.2514/1.B35335
Chan, Wilson Y. K., Mee, David J., Smart, Michael K. and Turner, James C. (2015) Drag reduction by boundary-layer combustion: influence from disturbances typical of cross-stream fuel-injection. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 31 5: 1486-1491. doi:10.2514/1.B35665
Tanimizu, Katsuyoshi, Mee, David J., Stalker, Raymond J. and Jacobs, Peter A. (2013) Nozzle design study for a quasi-axisymmetric scramjet-powered vehicle at Mach 7.9 flight conditions. Shock Waves, 23 5: 453-460. doi:10.1007/s00193-013-0449-4
Aminossadati, S. M. and Mee, D. J. (2013) An experimental study on aerodynamic performance of turbine nozzle guide vanes with trailing-edge span-wise ejection. Journal of Turbomachinery, 135 3: 031002.1-031002.12. doi:10.1115/1.4006663
Chan, W. Y. K., Jacobs, P. A. and Mee, D. J. (2012) Suitability of the k-omega turbulence model for scramjet flowfield simulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 70 4: 493-514. doi:10.1002/fld.2699
Kirchhartz, Rainer M., Mee, David J. and Stalker, Raymond J. (2012) Supersonic skin-friction drag with tangential wall slot fuel injection and combustion. AIAA Journal, 50 2: 313-324. doi:10.2514/1.J051073
Ejlali, A., Mee, D.J., Hooman, K. and Beamish, B.B. (2011) Numerical modelling of the self-heating process of a wet porous medium. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 25-26: 5200-5206. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2011.08.025
Tanimizu, K, Mee, DJ, Stalker, RJ and Jacobs, PA (2011) Thrust nozzle design study for a quasi-axisymmetric scramjet-powered vehicle. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 27 1: 40-49. doi:10.2514/1.48586
Kirchhartz, Rainer M., Paull, Allan, Mee, David J. and Olivier, Herbert (2010) Self ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures with inclined porthole injection in supersonic flows. International Journal of Hypersonics, 1 4: 199-208. doi:10.1260/1759-3107.1.4.199
Creagh, Michael and Mee, David (2010) Attitude guidance for spinning vehicles with independent pitch and yaw control. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 33 3: 915-922. doi:10.2514/1.44430
Kirchhartz, RM, Mee, DJ, Stalker, RJ, Jacobs, PA and Smart, MK (2010) Supersonic boundary-layer combustion: Effects of upstream entropy and shear-layer thickness. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 26 1: 57-66. doi:10.2514/1.44485
Tanimizu, K, Mee, DJ, Stalker, RJ and Jacobs, PA (2009) Drag force on quasi-axisymmetric scramjets at various flight Mach numbers: Theory and experiment. SHOCK WAVES, 19 2: 83-93. doi:10.1007/s00193-009-0194-x
Frost, Myles A., Gangurde, Dhananjay Y., Paull, Allan and Mee, David J. (2009) Boundary-layer separation due to combustion-induced pressure rise in a supersonic flow. AIAA Journal, 47 4: 1050-1053. doi:10.2514/1.40868
Abdel-Jawad, Madhat M., Mee, David J. and Morgan, Richard G. (2007) New calibration technique for multiple-component stress wave force balances. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78 6: 065101-1-065101-7. doi:10.1063/1.2744235
Ramanah, D., Raghunath, S., Mee, D. J., Rosgen, T. and Jacobs, P. A. (2007) Background oriented schlieren for flow visualisation in hypersonic impulse facilities. Shock Waves, 17 1-2: 65-70. doi:10.1007/s00193-007-0097-7
Hayne, M.J., Mee, D.J., Gai, S.L. and McIntyre, T.J. (2007) Boundary layers on a flat plate at suband superorbital speeds. Journal of Thermophysics And Heat Transfer, 21 4: 772-779. doi:10.2514/1.26894
Suraweera, M. V., Mee, D. J. and Stalker, R. J. (2006) Reynolds analogy in high-enthalpy and high-Mach-number turbulent flows. Aiaa Journal, 44 4: 917-919. doi:10.2514/1.18939
Robinson, M. J., Mee, D. J. and Paull, A. (2006) Scramjet lift, thrust and pitching-moment characteristics measured in a shock tunnel. Journal Of Propulsion And Power, 22 1: 85-95. doi:10.2514/1.15978
Stalker, R. J., Paull, A., Mee, D. J., Morgan, R. G. and Jacobs, P. A. (2005) Scramjets and Shock Tunnels: The Queensland Experience. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 41 6: 471-513. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2005.08.002
Sahoo, N., Suryavamshi, K., Reddy, K. P. J. and Mee, D. J. (2005) Dynamic force balances for short-duration hypersonic testing facilities. Experiments In Fluids, 38 5: 606-614. doi:10.1007/s00348-005-0932-5