谭静强,地质资源系主任,主要从事非常规油气地质与地球化学、非常规储层改造及其环境影响等领域的应用性基础和前瞻性交叉科学研究。先后留学于德国波茨坦地球科学中心(GFZ-Potsdam)、德国柏林工业大学(Technical University of Berlin)和美国休斯敦大学(The University of Houston)。曾多次入选国家级、省部级人才计划,先后荣获 “国家优秀自费留学生奖”、“侯德封青年科学家奖”、“中国侨届贡献奖”等奖励。先后获邀为地球科学顶级期刊Reviews of Geophysics、能源与环境顶级期刊Energy and Environmental Science、Energy、Energy&Fuels等撰写论文。已发表论文70余篇,8篇论文入选ESI-1%高被引用论文。
(1)Brian Horsfield(德国):顾问,中南大学荣誉教授、德国工程院院士、国际大陆科学钻探计划(ICDP)执委会主席
(2)Jeffrey Dick(美国):教授,美国加州大学伯克利分校博士,2017年加入课题组
(4)吕桥: 特聘副教授,武汉大学-澳大利亚莫纳什大学联合培养博士,2017年加入课题组从事博士后研究,2019年留校工作;
(1)李磊: 中国科学院大学-德国汉堡大学联合培养博士,2018年加入课题组
(3)Asim Shahzad(英国):2018级博士
(1) 2010.10~2014.05:德国地球科学中心(GFZ-Potdam)-柏林工业大学(TU-Berlin),博士
(2) 2006.09~2009.07:中国科学院大学,理学硕士
(3) 2002.09~2006.07:中南大学,工学学士
(1) 2019.03~现在:地质资源系主任
(2) 2017.01~现在:中南大学,教授,博士生导师
(3) 2014.12~2016.11:美国休斯敦大学,博士后
(4) 2010.08~2014.11:德国地球科学中心,青年地质学家
(5) 2009.07~2010.07:中国科学院,研究助理
(1) 石油地质学(40学时)
(2) 地质专业英语(32学时)
(3) 油气地球化学(32学时)
(4) 非常规油气地质学前沿(32学时)
(1) Zhijun Jin, Jingqiang Tan (Managing guest editor), Jinchuan Zhang, Xu Shang, Brian Horsfield, Michael McGlue, Simon Clark. Early Paleozoic over-mature marine shale gas systems in South China: Geological characterization, enrichment mechanism, and resource potential. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020.
2014-2016:美国休斯顿大学Postdoctoral Fellowship;
2018:Marine and Petroleum Geology杰出审稿人;
2018:Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 杰出审稿人;
2017:Marine and Petroleum Geology 杰出审稿人;
2016:Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 杰出审稿人;
2015:Marine and Petroleum Geology 杰出审稿人。
(1)Lei Li, Jingqiang Tan*, Benjamin Schwarz, Franti?ek Staněk, Natalia Poiata, Peidong Shi, Leon Diekmann, Dirk Gajewski. Recent advances and challenges of waveform-based seismic location methods at multiple scales. Reviews of Geophysics, 2020 (IF=21.45)
(2)Jingqiang Tan, Zhanghu Wang, Wenhui Wang, Jason Hilton, Jianhua Guo, Xikai Wang. Depositional environment and hydrothermal controls on organic matter enrichment in the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Shale, South China. AAPG Bulletin, 2020.
(3)Jingqiang Tan, Ruining Hu, Wenhui Wang, Jeffrey Dick. Palynological analysis of the late Ordovician - early Silurian black shales in South China provides new insights for the investigation of pore systems in shale gas reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020.
(4)Jingqiang Tan, Lyu Qiao, et al., Multi-fractal analysis for the AE energy dissipation of CO2 and CO2+brine/water treated low-clay shales under uniaxial compressive tests. Fuel, 2019, 246: 330-339.
(5)Qiao Lyu, Jingqiang Tan*, et al., Stress–Strain Modeling and Brittleness Variations of Low-Clay Shales with CO2/CO2-Water Imbibition. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52:2039-2052.
(6)Lei Li, Jingqiang Tan*, et al., A review of the current status of induced seismicity monitoring for hydraulic fracturing in unconventional tight oil and gas reservoirs. Fuel, 2019, 242:195-210.
(7)Lei Li, Jingqiang Tan*, et al., Waveform-based microseismic location using stochastic optimization algorithms: A parameter tuning workflow. Computers and Geosciences, 2019, 124:115-127.
(8)Jeffrey Dick, Miao Yu, Jingqiang Tan*, Anhuai Lu. Changes in carbon oxidation state of metagenomes along geochemical redox gradients. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019.
(9)Yiwen Ju, Ying Sun, Jingqiang Tan*, Hongling Bu, Kui Han, Xiaoshi Li, Lizhi Fang. The composition, pore structure characterization and deformation mechanism of coal-bearing shales from tectonically altered coalfields in eastern China. Fuel 2018, 234, 626-642.
(10)Zhenghui Xiao, Jingqiang Tan*, Yiwen Ju, Jaso Hilton. Rongfeng Yang, Ping Zhou, Bowen Ning, Jisong Liu. Reservoir characterization and gas potential evaluation of transitional marine-lacustrine organic rich shales: A typical case in central Hunan province, South China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 55, 520-533.
(11)Qiao Lyu, Xinping Long, Ranjith PG., Jingqiang Tan *. Effects of CO2-brine-rock interactions on the brittleness of shale based on statistical damage constitutive models. Geofluids, 2018.
(12)Qiao Lyu, Xinping Long, Ranjith PG., Jingqiang Tan * and Kang Yong, Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviours of shale under water-based fluids. Engineering Geology 2018, 233,124-138 (ESI-1%高被引论文).
(13)Qiao Lyu, Xinping Long, Ranjith PG., Jingqiang Tan *, Wang Zhanghu and Luo Wenbin, A laboratory study of geomechanical characteristics of black shales after sub-critical/super-critical CO2+brine saturation. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2018, 3, 1-16.
(14)Qiao Lyu, Long Xinping, PG. Ranjith, Tan Jingqiang*, Kang Yong and Wang Zhanghu, Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of shale with different adsorption time in sub-/super-critical CO2. Energy 2018,147:1288-1298 (ESI-1%高被引论文).
(15)Adry Bissada, Jingqiang Tan*, Ewa Szymczyk, Mike Darnell, Mei Mei. Group-type characterization for crude oil and bitumen, part I: The enhanced separation and quantification of saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes (SARA fractions). Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 95, 21-28.
(16)Adry Bissada, Jingqiang Tan*, Ewa Szymczyk, Mike Darnell, Mei Mei. Group-type characterization for crude oil and bitumen, part II: The separation and quantification of normal paraffins, iso-paraffins and naphthenes of the saturated fraction. Fuel, 2016, 173, 217-22.
(17)Holing Bu, Yiwen Ju, Jingqiang Tan*, Guochang Wang. Fractal charasteristics of pores of non-marine organic shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 24:166-177 (ESI-1%高被引论文).
(18)Jingqiang Tan, Brian Horsfield, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, et al. Natural gas potential of Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic marine shales in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Geological and organic geochemical characterization. International Geology Review, 2015, 57,3:305-326.
(19)Jingqiang Tan, Brian Horsfield, Bernhard Krooss, et al. Shale Gas Potential of the Major Marine Shale Formations in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, Part II: Methane Sorption Capcity. Fuel, 2014, 129, 204-218 (ESI-1%高被引论文).
(20)Jingqiang Tan, Brian Horsfield, Jinchuan Zhang, et al. Shale Gas Potential of the Major Marine Shale Formations in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, Part III: Lithofacial, Petrophysical, and Rock Mechanical Properties. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28, 2322-2342 (ESI-1%高被引论文).
(21)Jingqiang Tan, Brian Horsfield, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, et al. Physical Properties of Petroleum Formed During Maturation of Lower Cambrian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, as inferred from PhaseKinetics Modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2013, 48, 47-56.
(22)Jingqiang Tan, Yiwen Ju, Wanming Yuan, et al. Thermochronological structural evolution of the Huaibei coalfield in eastern China: constrains from zircon fission-track data. Radiation Measurements, 2011, 46, 183-189.
(23)Jingqiang Tan, JU Yiwen, HOU Quanlin, et al. Heat flow and its effects on coalbed gas in the central-south area of the Huaibei coalfield, eastern China. Sci China Earth Sci, 2010, 53, 672–682.
(24)Jingqiang Tan, JU Yiwen, HOU Quanlin, et al. Distribution Characteristics and Influential Factors of the Present Geo-thermal Field in the Su-Lin Mine Area, Huaibei Coalfield. Ch. J Geophys, 2009, 52, 3, 732-739.