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王接喜,冶金物理化学与化学新材料研究所所长,湖南省杰青,入选芙蓉学者计划、湖湘青年英才计划、博士后创新人才支持计划。2015年毕业于中南大学,获博士学位,先后在香港科技大学和香港大学从事访学和博士后科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项,省部及校企合作项目9项。在Chem Soc Rev、Adv Energy Mater、Energy Storage Mater、Nano Energy、Appl Catal B Environ、Hydrometallurgy等高影响力国际权威期刊发表学术论文90余篇,引用4000余次,H-index=40,申请国家发明专利70项,已授权20余项。获中国有色金属工业科技进步一等奖1项、广东省科技进步二等奖1项;曾获湖南省优秀博士学位论文、宝钢教育基金特等奖等荣誉。主讲本科生课程:《电化学原理》、《化学电源设计与制造工艺学》、《冶金研究方法》;主讲研究生课程:《理论电化学》、《科技写作》。 欢迎本科生、硕士生、博士生与博士后加入课题组!本课题组与国内外知名学府及科研机构建立了良好的合作关系,课题组氛围融洽,经费充足,毕业研究生均进入ATL、CATL、BYD、华为等该领域领头企业工作,已有近40名博士毕业生就职于全国高校! 教育经历 Education Background 2006.9 2010.6 中南大学 冶金工程 学士学位 2010.9 2015.6 中南大学 冶金物理化学 博士学位 工作经历 Work Experience 2019.11 至今 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 冶金物化与化学新材料研究所所长 副教授 2017.2 2019.10 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 副教授 2015.10 2017.5 The University of Hong Kong Department of Civil Engineering Research Associate, 合作导师: X.Y. Li (李晓岩 教授); K. Shih (施凯闵 教授) 2015.8 2015.10 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Visiting Scholar, 合作导师: T.S. Zhao (赵天寿 院士) 科研项目 亚熔盐体系高振实密度镍基多元正极材料的可控制备及高效稳定界面原位构筑,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51874360),60万,2019-2022,主持,在研 锂离子电池正极材料氟磷酸钒锂/碳纳米簇微球的设计合成及性能调控,国家自然科学基金青年项目 (51704332),23万,2018-2020,主持,在研 有色金属资源综合利用与能源材料物理化学,湖南省杰出青年基金 (2020JJ20047),50万,2020-2022,主持,在研 湖湘青年英才计划 (2019RS2002),50万,2019-2021,主持,在研 学术领军人才-青年芙蓉,湘教通[2020]58号,25万,2020-2022,主持,在研 功能材料冶金与能源材料物理化学,中南大学创新驱动项目 (2020CX027),60万,2020-2022,主持,在研 全电池DCR分析与仿真计算,校企合作项目,80万,2021-2023,主持,在研 动力型锰酸锂研制技术开发,校企合作项目,60万,2019-2020,主持,在研 锂离子电池过充安全性的基础研究及关键技术开发,校企合作项目,50万,2018-2020,主持,在研 钠离子电池正极材料纳微结构NaVPO4F/C复合材料的设计合成及稳定界面构筑,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目 (2018JJ3669),5万,2018-2019,主持,已结题 综合利用镍钴资源短流程制备锂离子电池三元正极材料及微结构调控,中南大学创新驱动项目 (2018CX006),55万,2018-2019,主持,已结题 钠离子电池正极材料氟磷酸钒钠/碳纳米颗粒的合成及稳定界面构筑,博士后创新人才支持计划 (BX201700290),60万,2017-2019,主持,已结题 综合利用镍钴资源短流程制备协同敏化型三元正极材料,国家博士后科学基金一等资助 (2018M630911),8万,2018-2019,主持,已结题 基于非贵金属化合物异质结构复合材料的设计构筑及氧还原催化性能研究,中南大学科研启动经费,80万,2017-2019,主持,已结题 获奖信息 教学获奖:《科技写作》湖南省研究生优秀教学团队,2020年,获奖人:李运姣,王接喜,周秋生,王志兴,蒋兰英,贺振江,湛菁,肖睿洋,赵飞平,何汉兵 科研获奖:高功率锂离子电池关键技术研发及产业化,广东省科技进步二等奖,2019年,获奖人:胡清平,刘焱,陶芝勇,郭华军,颜果春,王接喜,刁 胜; 科研获奖:锂云母资源高效利用制备电池级碳酸锂与钾铷铯综合利用的绿色增值冶金新技术,中国有色金属工业科技进步一等奖,2018年,获奖人:李新海、王接喜、胡启阳、刘金炼、曾小毛、颜果春、郭华军、王志兴、彭文杰、常文斗、欧阳红勇、陈清; 专利成果 一种NaVPO4F/C复合材料及其制备方法,王接喜 盖晓臣 李新海 王志兴 郭华军 彭文杰 胡启阳 两段氯化焙烧-碱液浸出法从锂云母中提锂制备碳酸锂的方法,彭文杰,胡启阳,颜果春,郭华军,王志兴,李新海,肖晓,王接喜 一种利用PVC热解从锂云母提取锂的方法,彭文杰,胡启阳,颜果春,郭华军,王志兴,李新海,肖晓,王接喜 三元正极材料、其前驱体及该材料和前驱体的制备方法,王接喜 李艳 王志兴 李新海 郭华军 李滔 胡启阳 彭文杰 高振实密度金属氧化物、制备方法及锂离子电池,王接喜 冷进 王志兴 李新海 郭华军 胡启阳 彭文杰 梁红梅 锂离子电容器及其制备方法,王接喜 颜志梁 郭华军 彭文杰 杨哲伟 李新海 王志兴 胡启阳 一种Li3V(MoO4)3锂离子电池负极材料及其制备方法,等,彭文杰,刘朝孟,王接喜 一种MoS2/C/LiVPO4F复合正极材料及其制备方法,等,彭文杰,刘朝孟,王接喜 一种球形锂离子电池复合正极材料氟磷酸钒锂-磷酸钒锂的制备方法,等,李新海,王接喜,王志兴 一种制备三元复合正极材料LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO2的方法,等,李新海,王接喜,王志兴 一种制备锂离子电池正极材料氟磷酸钒锂的方法,等,李新海,王接喜,王志兴 磷酸铁锂基复合正极材料及其制备方法和应用,等,王志兴,王接喜,李新海 一种改性锂离子电池锰系正极及制备方法,等,王志兴,王接喜,李新海 一种对称式水溶液锂离子电池,等,王志兴,王接喜,李新海


锂(钠)离子电池、电容及其关键材料 电池电化学反应机理 面向能源存储的功能材料冶金物理化学

(一)先进电池关键材料的制备新方法及构效关系 (a)为实现锂离子电池材料高效合成,提出了高温多物理场对流强化制备功能粉体材料的新思路。阐明了金属氯化物热解多相反应的物质转化规律、热处理过程的形貌与结构演变机制,构建了前驱体的形貌、结构调控原理及振实密度提升策略,揭示了材料微观组织形态与电化学性能之间的构效关系,建立了“高温多物理场对流强化制备粉体材料及微纳结构调控”新方法,研发了高性能锂离子电池多元正极材料及其高活性前驱体的高效制造技术。 (b)氟磷酸钒锂(钠)是一种低成本、高安全性的锂(钠)离子电池正极材料,在大规模储能、电动汽车领域具有广阔的应用前景。但是,传统高温固相法难以精确调控材料的化学组成。我们致力于开发高效短流程合成方法,实现对氟磷酸盐的可控制备。发明了氟磷酸盐的机械活化-喷雾组装(MRSC)制备新技术,提出氟磷酸钒锂非等化学当量缺陷敏化设计与高效稳定界面构筑,强化氟磷酸钒锂电子/离子传输特性,提升材料的综合性能。 (c)发明了水热法规模化绿色制备碳量子点方法,通过调控孔结构和石墨化度,制备了系列具有优异电化学性能的碳基功能材料,并实现其高效储能。制备量子点过程在水溶液中进行,无需采用丙酮等有毒溶剂,环保无污染;阐明了金属催化作用机制,揭示了金属碳熔体析碳动力学及其与材料形貌结构的内在关联,实现了二维石墨化碳材料石墨化度和比表面积等理化性质的精准调控,应用于锂离子电容电池,具有优异的倍率性能纳米异质结构的构筑。 (二)有色金属资源功能材料冶金 锂、镍、钴均为战略金属资源,在国民经济及国防事业中占据重要地位,也是我国新能源汽车发展的重大战略需求。而我国锂镍钴资源匮乏且品位低,多以共伴生矿为主。传统方法处理这些资源需要对杂质元素进行彻底分离,难以实现有价元素的综合利用,存在工艺流程复杂、能源消耗量大、资源利用率低、环境污染严重等问题。面向新能源汽车国家战略需求,针对动力锂离子电池所需的锂、镍、钴等关键有色金属资源,进行低品位锂云母及镍钴硫化物矿绿色增值利用的基础研究和技术开发。


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Y. Liu, Q. Hu, J. Zhong, Z. Wang, H. Guo, G. Yan, X. Li, W. Peng, J. Wang.Y. Liu, Q. Hu, J. Zhong, Z. Wang, H. Guo, G. Yan, X. Li, W. Peng, J. Wang, A Renewable Sedimentary Slurry Battery: Preliminary Study in Zinc Electrodes, iScience, 23 (2020) 101821. Guangchao Li,Guangchao Li,Guangchao Li, Yaling Huang, Zhoulan Yin, H. Guo, Yong Liu, H. Cheng, Y. Wu, X. Ji,Jiexi Wang*.Defective synergy of 2D graphitic carbon nanosheets promotes lithium-ion capacitors performance.[J]:Energy Storage Materials,2020,24:304-311 X. Xiao, X. Li, Z. Wang, G. Yan, H. Guo, Q. Hu, L. Li, Y. Liu, J. Wang*.Robust template-activator cooperated pyrolysis enabling hierarchically porous honeycombed defective carbon as highly-efficient metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst for Zn-air batteries.[J]:Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2020,265:118603 M. Yu, Z. Yin, G. Yan, Z. Wang, H. Guo, G. Li, Y. Liu, L. Li, J. Wang*.Synergy of interlayer expansion and capacitive contribution promoting sodium ion storage in S, N-Doped mesoporous carbon nanofiber.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2020,449:227514 X. Ding, Y. Zhou, G. Yan, J. Li, J. Wang*.High-performance spherical LiVPO4F/C cathode enabled by facile spray pyrolysis.[J]:SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,2020 Y. Guo, X. Li, Z. Wang, H. Guo, J. Wang*.Bifunctional Li6CoO4 serving as prelithiation reagent and pseudocapacitive electrode for lithium ion capacitors.[J]:Journal of Energy Chemistry,2020,47:38-45 Z. Xi, Z. Wang, W. Peng, H. Guo, J. Wang*.Effect of copper and iron substitution on the structures and electrochemical properties of LiNi0. 8Co0. 15Al0. 05O2 cathode materials.[J]:Energy Science & Engineering,2020 丁晓博, 吴华龙, 莫文彬, 李新海, 王志兴, 郭华军, 颜果春, 王接喜*.多壳层中空材料的制备及其应用.[J]:科学通报,2019,34:4 Jin Leng, Zhixing Wang, Jiexi Wang,* H.-H. Wu, G. Yan, Xinhai Li, H. Guo, Y. Liu, Q. Zhang,* Z. Guo*.Advances in Nanostructures Fabricated via Spray Pyrolysis and Their Applications in Energy Storage and Conversion.[J]:Chemical Society Reviews,2019,48:3015-3072 Guangchao Li, Zhoulan Yin, Huajun Guo, Zhixing Wang, G. Yan, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Xiaobo Ji, Jiexi Wang*.Metalorganic Quantum Dots and Their Graphene-Like Derivative Porous Graphitic Carbon for Advanced Lithium- Ion Hybrid Supercapacitor.[J]:Advanced Energy Materials,2019,9:1802878 Tiancheng Liu, Q. Hu, X. Li, Lei Tan, G. Yan, Z. Wang, H. Guo, Y. Liu, Yuping Wu, Jiexi Wang*.Lithiophilic Ag/Li composite anodes via a spontaneous reaction for Li nucleation with a reduced barrier.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019,7:20911-20918 Meichen Zhang, Yongmao Zhou, Xiaobo Ding, Guochun Yan, Zhixing Wang, Jiexi Wang*.Novel LiV(PO4)0.9F1.3 with ultrahigh rate capability and prolonged cycle life.[J]:Chemical Communications,2019,55:11175-11178 Xi, Zhao, Zhixing Wang, Guochun Yan, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Qiyang Hu, Wenjie Peng, Jiexi Wang*.Hydrometallurgical Production of LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 Cathode Material from High-Grade Nickel Matte.[J]:Hydrometallurgy,186:30-41 Jin Leng, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Guochun Yan, Qiyang Hu, Wenjie Peng, Jiexi Wang*.A Novel Dried Plum-Like Yolk-Shell Architecture of Tin Oxide Nanodots Embedded into Carbon Matrix: Ultra-Fast Assembly and Superior Lithium Storage Property.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019,7:5803-5810 Guangchao Li, Z. Yang, Zhoulan Yin, Huajun Guo, Zhixing Wang, G. Yan, Y. Liu, L. Li, Jiexi Wang*.Non-Aqueous Dual-Carbon Lithium-Ion Capacitors: A Review.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019,7:15541-15563 Xiaochen Ge, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Guochun Yan, Xianwen Wu, Jiexi Wang*.Facile synthesis of NaVPO4F/C cathode with enhanced interfacial conductivity towards long-cycle and high-rate sodium-ion batteries.[J]:Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,357:458-462 De-Gao Wang, Lei Tan, Huan Wang, Min Song, Jiexi Wang*, Gui-Chao Kuang*.Multiple Covalent Triazine Frameworks with Strong Polysulfide Chemisorption for Enhanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.[J]:ChemElectroChem,2019,6(10):2777-2781 Yan Li, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Tao Li, Kui Meng, Jiexi Wang*.A novel hierarchical precursor of densely integrated hydroxide nanoflakes on oxide microspheres toward high-performance layered Ni-rich cathode for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2018,2:1822-1828 Mingxia Dong, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang*.A smart architecture of nickel-cobalt sulfide nanotubes assembled nanoclusters for high-performance pseudocapacitor.[J]:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,765:505-511 W. Pan, W. Peng, G. Yan, H. Guo, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Weihua Gui, Jiexi Wang*, Ning Chen*.Suppressing the voltage decay and enhancing the electrochemical performance of Li1.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13O2 by multifunctional Nb2O5 coating.[J]:Energy Technology,2018,6:2139–2145 Zhao Xi, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Guochun Yan, Jiexi Wang*.Improving the desulfurization degree of high-grade nickel matte via a two-step oxidation roasting process.[J]:Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,2018,49B:1834-1840 Yan Li, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang*.An Ostwald ripening route towards Ni-rich layered cathode material with cobalt-rich surface for lithium ion battery.[J]:Science China Materials,2018,61(5):719-727 Yu Zhou, Huajun Guo, Guochun Yan, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Zhewei Yang, A. Zheng, Jiexi Wang*.Fluidized bed reaction towards crystalline embedded amorphous Si anode with much enhanced cycling stability.[J]:Chemical Communications,2018,54(30):3755-3758 Jiexi Wang#*, G. Zhang#,Z. Liu#,H. Li, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, X. Li, K. Shih*, L. Mai*.Li?3V(MoO?4)?3 as a novel electrode material with good lithium storage properties and improved initial coulombic efficiency.[J]:Nano Energy,2018,44:272-278. Kui Meng, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang*.A compact process to prepare LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material from nickel-copper sulfide ore.[J]:Hydrometallurgy,2017,174C:1-9 Mingxia Dong, Zhixing Wang, Hangkong Li, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Kaimin Shih, Jiexi Wang*.Metallurgy inspired formation of homogeneous Al2O3 coating layer to improve the electrochemical properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material.[J]:ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017,5(11):10199–10205 Zhiliang Yan, Qiyang Hu, Guochun Yan*, H. Li, Kaimin Shih, Z. Yang, X. Li, Z. Wang, Jiexi Wang*.Co3O4/Co nanoparticles enclosed graphitic carbon as anode material for high performance Li-ion batteries.[J]:Chemical Engineering Journal,2017,321:495–501 Jin Leng, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Hangkong Li, Kaimin Shih, Guochun Yan, Jiexi Wang*.Accurate construction of a hierarchical nickel–cobalt oxide multishell yolk–shell structure with large and ultrafast lithium storage capability.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5:14996-15001 Tao Li, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Yan Li, Jiexi Wang*.A new design concept for preparing nickel-foam-supported metal oxide microspheres with superior electrochemical properties.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5:13469-13474 Zhaomeng Liu, Wenjie Peng, Z. Xu, K. Shih, Jiexi Wang*, Zhixing Wang, X. Lv, J. Chen, Xinhai Li.Molybdenum Disulfide-Coated Lithium Vanadium Fluorophosphate Anode: Experiments and First-Principles Calculations.[J]:ChemSusChem,2016, 9:2122-2128. Zhaomeng Liu, Wenjie Peng, K. Shih, Jiexi Wang*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Guochun Yan, Xinhai Li.A MoS2 coating strategy to improve the comprehensive electrochemical performance of LiVPO4F.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2016, 315:294-301. Jiexi Wang*, Zhaomeng Liu, Guochun Yan, Hangkong Li, Wenjie Peng, Xinhai Li, Liubin Song, K. Shih*.Improving the electrochemical performance of lithium vanadium fluorophosphate cathode material: Focus on interfacial stability.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2016, 329:553-557. Jiexi Wang#, Qiaobao Zhang#, Xinhai Li, Bao Zhang*, Liqiang Mai*, Kaili Zhang*.Smart construction of three-dimensional hierarchical tubular transition metal oxide core/shell heterostructures with high-capacity and long-cycle-life lithium storage.[J]:Nano Energy,2015, 12:437-446. Qiaobao Zhang#, Jiexi Wang#, Jichen Dong, Feng Ding, Xinhai Li, Bao Zhang*, Shihe Yang, Kaili Zhang*.Facile general strategy toward hierarchical mesoporous transition metal oxides arrays on three-dimensional macroporous foam with superior lithium storage properties.[J]:Nano Energy,2015, 13:77-91. Liyuan Chai#, Jiexi Wang#, Haiying Wang#, Liyuan Zhang*, Wanting Yu, Liqiang Mai*.Porous carbonized graphene-embedded fungus film as an interlayer for superior Li–S batteries.[J]:Nano Energy,2015, 17:224-232. Zhaomeng Liu, Wenjie Peng*, Yulei Fan, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang*.A new route for graphene wrapping LiVPO4F/C nano composite toward superior lithium storage property.[J]:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2015, 639:496-503. Zhaomeng Liu, Wenjie Peng*, Yulei Fan, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang*.One-step facile synthesis of graphene-decorated LiVPO4F/C nanocomposite as cathode for high-performance lithium ion battery.[J]:Ceramics International,2015, 41:9188-9192. Zhaomeng Liu#, Yulei Fan#, Wenjie Peng*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang*.Mechanical activation assisted soft chemical synthesis of Na-doped lithium vanadium fluorophosphates with improved lithium storage properties.[J]:Ceramics International,2015, 41:4267-4271. Yulei Fan#, Zhaomeng Liu#, Qiyang Hu*, Xinhai Li, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang*.Synthesis and performance of xLiVPO4F–yLi3V2(PO4)3 composites as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Ceramics International,2015, 41:13891-13895. Jiexi Wang, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Bin Huang, Zhiguo Wang, Guochun Yan.Systematic investigation on determining chemical diffusion coefficients of lithium ion in Li1?+?x VPO4F (0?≤?x?≤?2).[J]:Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2015, 19:153-160. Qiaobao Zhang#, Jiexi Wang#, Daguo Xu, Zhixing Wang*, Xinhai Li, Kaili Zhang*.Facile large-scale synthesis of vertically aligned CuO nanowires on nickel foam: growth mechanism and remarkable electrochemical performance.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2014, 2:3865-3874. Jiexi Wang#, Qiaobao Zhang#, Xinhai Li*, Daguo Xu, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Kaili Zhang*.Three-dimensional hierarchical Co3O4/CuO nanowire heterostructure arrays on nickel foam for high-performance lithium ion batteries.[J]:Nano Energy,2014, 6:19-26. Jiexi Wang, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Bin Huang, Zhiguo Wang, Huajun Guo.Nanosized LiVPO4F/graphene composite: a promising anode material for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2014, 251:325-330. Jiexi Wang, Xinhai Li*, Huajun Guo, Zhixing Wang, Bin Huang.Building Ionic/Electronic Three-Dimensional Conductive Framework to Enhance the Electrochemical Performance of LiVPO4F Cathode for Lithium Ion Batteries.[C]:Meeting Abstracts: The Electrochemical Society,2014:389. Jiexi Wang, Qiaobao Zhang, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Daguo Xu, Kaili Zhang*.Sputtering graphite coating to improve the elevated-temperature cycling ability of the LiMn2O4 electrode.[J]:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014, 16:16021-16029. 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