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王志兴,男,1970年生,冶金与环境学院教授委员会主任委员,中国有色金属学会冶金物理化学学术委员会副主任委员。1998年毕业于中南工业大学(现中南大学),获冶金物理化学博士学位。2001~2002年在日本东京工业大学留学。研究涉及电化学、材料化学、新能源材料与器件等领域。主持国家973课题、国家自然科学基金、校企合作项目等10余项。获中国授权发明专利130余件,发表学术论文200余篇,撰写《现代电化学》等教材与专著3部,成果“高能量密度、高安全性锂离子电池及其关键材料制造技术”获得国家科学技术进步二等奖。培养的3名硕士研究生的学位论文被评定为湖南省优秀硕士学位论文。 团队构成 李新海,教授,博士生导师 王志兴,教授,博士生导师 郭华军,教授,博士生导师 彭文杰,教授,博士生导师 胡启阳,副教授,硕士生导师 王接喜,副教授,硕士生导师 颜果春,讲师 教育经历 1994.09~1998.04,中南工业大学冶金物理化学与化学新材料研究所,冶金物理化学专业,博士 1992.09~1994.07,中南工业大学化学系,冶金物理化学专业,硕士研究生 1988.09~1992.07,中南工业大学化学系,冶金物理化学专业,学士 工作经历 2005.09~至今,中南大学冶金与环境学院,教授 2000.09~2005.08,中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,副教授 2001.09~2002.08,东京工业大学,应用化学专业,访问学者 1998.04~2000.08,中南工业大学冶金科学与工程学院,讲师 课程教学 1)本科生:电化学原理、新能源材料与器件发展动态、新生课; 2)研究生:现代电化学、冶金物理化学若干前沿问题、冶金物理化学原理和应用。 教材与专著 合著“现代电化学”、“红土镍矿多元材料冶金”、“钛铁矿多元材料冶金”。 科研获奖及荣誉 1) 嵌布式复相磷酸盐正极材料的结构设计与调控理论,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖,2016年,排名第4。 2)难处理镍钴资源材料化增值冶金新技术, 中国有色金属工业科技进步一等奖,2016年,排名第5。 3)全氯循环法高效利用难处理氧化矿制备高性能镍钴材料,湖南省技术发明一等奖,2011年,排名第2。 4)高能量密度、高安全性锂离子电池及其关键材料制造技术,国家科学技术进步二等奖,2008年,排名第2。 5)锂离子动力电池关键材料及器件制造技术,教育部技术发明二等奖,2007年,排名第4。 6)锂离子电池及其关键材料制备技术与产业化,湖南省科学技术进步一等奖,2006年,排名第2。 7)湖南省青年创新十大杰出集体,2006年 8)锂离子电池制作技术,中国有色金属工业协会科学技术进步二等奖,2003年,排名第2。 9)低钴高倍率非化学计量贮氢合金制备技术,中国有色金属工业协会科学技术进步二等奖,2002年,排名第2。 10)锂离子电池用高密度锰氧化物的制备技术,中国有色金属工业协会科学技术进步三等奖,2005年,排名第4。 11)周期性外场梯度生长法制备微掺杂型钴酸锂技术,中国有色金属工业协会科学技术进步三等奖,2004年,排名第5。 12)C60系列产品制备新工艺,中国有色金属工业总公司科学技术进步三等奖,1998年,排名第6。 人才培养 1、指导4名研究生获省级或校级优秀学位论文 1)锂离子电池镍基LiNi1-2xCoxMnxO2正极材料的合成及改性研究,2014年中南大学优秀博士学位论文; 2)“碳热还原法制备LiFePO4及其性能研究”, 2010年湖南省优秀硕士学位论文; 3)“高电压锂离子电池正极材料LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4的合成及性能研究”,2008年湖南省优秀硕士学位论文; 4)“锂离子电池用正极材料LiMnPO4的研究”,2007年度湖南省优秀硕士学位论文。 2、教学成果 战略性新兴产业本科专业“新能源材料与器件”的建设研究,湖南省高等教育省级教学成果二等奖,2016年,排名第2。 科研项目 1)“嵌布式”有序无序杂化硅基负极材料的设计合成及高效稳定界面原位构筑,国家自然科学基金,2021~2024年; 2)超级电容器复合材料NixCo3-xS4/石墨烯的合成及储能机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2017~2020年; 3)锂云母资源高效利用制备电池级碳酸锂关键技术研究与示范,国家科技支撑计划项目, 2016-2018年; 4)基于多金属协同配位体系的材料化冶金基础,国家973计划课题,2014~2018年; 5)高容量多核型核-壳结构硅炭复合负极材料关键技术开发,湖南省科技重大专项课题,2011~2013年; 6)全固态双相电解质薄膜材料的技术开发,湖南省科技重大专项课题,2009~2011年; 7)共生氧化矿多元材料化冶金基础,国家973计划课题,2007~2011年; 8)动力型超级电容电池系统负极材料的研发,国家科技支撑计划重点项目子课题,2007~2011年; 9)锂离子电池用橄榄石结构LiMnPO4的基础研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2004年; 10)CFA6470-HEV混合动力车用锂离子电池组及管理系统的开发,湖南省科技厅重点攻关项目,2003年; 11)动力型锂离子电池用掺杂尖晶石LiMn2O4的合成与应用研究,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目,2003年。




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2017年 126、Jin Leng, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Tao Li, Hongmei Liang. Self-templated formation of hierarchical NiCo2O4 yolk-shell microspheres with enhanced electrochemical properties. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 244:154–161. 125、Jin Leng, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Hangkong Li, Kaimin Shih, Guochun Yanac, Jiexi Wang. Accurate construction of a hierarchical nickel–cobalt oxide multishell yolk–shell structure with large and ultrafast lithium storage capability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5: 14996–15001. 124、Hongmei Liang, Zhixing Wang , Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang, Jin Leng. Improvement in the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material by Li2ZrO3 coating. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 423 : 1045–1053. 123、Hongmei Liang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li. Unique porous yolk-shell structured Co3O4 anode for high performance lithium ion batteries. Ceramics International, 2017, l43:11058–11064. 122、Junkai Zhao, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li. Enhanced electrochemical properties of LiNiO2-based cathode materials by nanoscale manganese carbonate treatment. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 403:426. 121、Mingxia Dong, Zhixing Wang, Hangkong Li, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Kaimin Shih, Jiexi Wang. Metallurgy Inspired Formation of Homogeneous Al2O3 Coating LayerTo Improve the Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 Cathode Material. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. , 2017, 5 (11), 10199–10205. 120、Kui Meng, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li. Enhanced cycling stability of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 by reducing surface oxygen defects. Electrochimica Acta, 2017,234,99-107. 119、Xun Liu, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li. Chitosan: A N-doped carbon source of silicon-based anode material for lithium ion batteries. IONICS, 2017,23 (9), 2311–2318. 118、Yong Yang, Zhixing Wang , Guochun Yan, , Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang, Xinhai Li, Yu Zhou, Rong Zhou. Pitch carbon and LiF co-modified Si-based anode material for lithium ion batteries. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(12): 8590-8595. 117、Yong Yang, Zhixing Wang, Yu Zhou, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li. Synthesis of porous Si/graphite/carbon nanotubes@C composites as a practical high-capacity anode for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters 2017,84-87. 116、Kui Meng, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang. A compact process to prepare LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material from nickel-copper sulfide ore. Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 174: 1-9. 2016年 115、Meng Kui, Wang Zhixing, Guo Huajun, Li Xinhai, Wang Ding. Improving the cycling performance of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 by surface coating with Li2TiO3. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 211:822-831 114、Huang Zhenjun, Wang Zhixing, Jing Qun, Guo Huajun, Li Xinhai, Yang Zhihua. Investigation on the effect of Na doping on structure and Li-ion kinetics of layered LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode material. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 192:120-126 113、Huang Zhenjun, Wang Zhixing, Guo Huajun, Li Xinhai. Influence of Mg2+ doping on the structure and electrochemical performances of layered LiNi0.6Co0.2-xMn0.2MgxO2 cathode materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 671:479-485 112、Wang Ding, Wang Zhixing, Li Xinhai, Guo Huajun, Xu Yan, Fan Yulei, Pan Wei. Effect of surface fluorine substitution on high voltage electrochemical performances of layered LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 cathode materials. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 371:172-179 111、Yang Yong, Wang Zhixing, Zhou Rong, Guo Huajun, Li Xinhai. Effects of lithium fluoride coating on the performance of nano-silicon as anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2016, 184:65-68 110、Bai Maohui, Wang Zhixing, Li Xinhai, Guo Huajun, He Zhenjiang, Zhao Junkai. Enhanced electrochemical properties of Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 via lithium boron oxide glass surface treatment. Solid State Ionics, 2016, 292:66-69 2015年 109、Zhenjiang He, Zhixing Wang, Zimo Huang, Hao Chen, Xinhai Li, and Huajun Guo, A novel architecture designed for lithium rich layered Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 oxides for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015. 3(32):16817-16823 108、He, Zhenjiang, Wang, Zhixing, Chen, Hao, Huang, Zimo, Li, Xinhai, Guo, Huajun, Wang, Renheng, Electrochemical performance of zirconium doped lithium rich layered Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 oxide with porous hollow structure, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 299 : 334-341 107、Xun-Hui Xiong, Zhi-Xing Wang, Hua-Jun Guo, and Xin-Hai Li, Facile synthesis of ultrathin nickel hydroxides nanoflakes on nickel foam for high-performance supercapacitors. Materials Letters, 2015. 138:5-8 106、Junkai Zhao, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Zhenjiang He, and Tao Li, Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of Zn-doped Li-rich layered Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 cathode material. Ceramics International, 2015. 41(9, Part A):11396-11401 105、Zhenjiang He , Zhixing Wang, Hao Chen, Zimo Huang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Renheng Wang,Electrochemical performance of Zr doped lithium rich layered Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 oxide with porous hollow structure, Journal of Power Sources,2015,299:334-341 104、Zhenjun Huang, Zhixing Wang, Xiaobo Zheng, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Qun Jing, Zhihua Yang,Effect of Mg doping on the structural and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode materials, Electrochimica Acta,2015,182:795-802 103、Zhenjun Huang, Zhixing Wang, Xiaobo Zheng, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Qun Jing, Zhihua Yang,Structural and electrochemical properties of Mg-doped nickel based cathode materials LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2-xMgxO2 for lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 88773-88779 102、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng,Xinhai Li, Synthesis of Li2MnO3-stabilized LiCoO2 cathode material by spray-drying method and its high-voltage performance, Journal of alloy and compounds, 2015,626:228-233 101、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng, Xinhai Li, Guochun Yan, Jiexin Wang, Mg doping and zirconium oxyfluoride coating co-modification to enhance the high-voltage performance of LiCoO2 for lithium ion battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 621:212-219 100、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng, Xinhai Li, Improving the cycling stability of LiCoO2 at 4.5 V through co-modification by Mg doping and zirconium oxyfluoride coating, Ceramics International,2015,41:469-474 2014年 99、Xunhui Xiong, Dong Ding, Zhixing Wang, Bin Huang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Surface modification of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 with conducting polypyrrole, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2014, 18: 2619-2624. 98、Xunhui Xiong, Dong Ding, Yunfei Bu, Zhixing Wang, Bin Huang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Enhanced electrochemical properties of a LiNiO2-based cathode material by removing lithium residues with (NH4)2HPO4, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2: 11691-11696. 97、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang, Enhanced high-voltage electrochemical performance of LiCoO2 coated with ZrOxFy, Materials Letters, 2014, 123: 93-96. 96、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Wenjie Peng, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang, Ai Qi, Structure and electrochemical performance of LiCoO2 cathode material in different voltage ranges, Ionics ,2014, 20: 1525-1534. 95、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Wenjie Peng, Xinhai Li, Improving the cycling stability of LiCoO2 at 4.5 V through co-modification by Mg doping and zirconium oxyfluoride coating, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 469-474. 94、Zhiguo Wang, Zhixing Wang, Wenjie Peng, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, An improved solid-state reaction to synthesize Zr-doped Li4Ti5O12 anode material and its application in LiMn2O4/Li4Ti5O12 full-cell, Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 10053-10059. 93、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Guochun Yan, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Role of V2O5 coating on LiNiO2-based materials for lithium-ion barrery. Journal of Power Sources,2014,245:183-193. 92、Xing Yin, Zhixing Wang, Jiexi Wang, Guochun Yan, Xunhui Xiong, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo. One-step facile synthesis of porous Co3O4 microspheres as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2014, 120: 73-75. 2013年 91、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Peng Yue, Huajun Guo, Feixiang Wu, Jiexi Wang, Xinhai Li, Washing effects on electrochemical performance and storage characteristics of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Power Sources, 2013,222:318-325. 90、Zhenjiang He, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Peng Yue, Jiexi Wang, Xunhui Xiong,Synthesis and electrochemical performance of xLi2MnO3· (1-x) LiMn0.5Ni0.4Co0.1O2 for lithium ion battery, Powder Technology, 2013, 235: 158-162. 89、Zhenjiang He, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Wu Xianwen, Peng Yue, Jiexi Wang, A simple method of preparing graphene-coated Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 for lithium-ion batteries,Materials Letters, 2013, 91: 261-264. 88、Jiexi Wang, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Wei Xiao, Silin Huang, Zhenjiang He. Comparative investigations of LiVPO4F/C and Li3V2(PO4)3/C synthesized in similar soft chemical route. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2013, 17:1-8. 87、Jiexi Wang, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Xianwen Wu, Xiaoping Zhang, Wei Xiao. xLi3V2(PO4)3·LiVPO4F/C composite cathode materials for Lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 87: 224-229. 86、Wang Jie-xi, Wang, Zhi-xing, Shen Li, Li Xin-hai, Guo Hua-jun, Tang Wei-jia, Zhu Zhen-guo. Synthesis and performance of LiVPO4F/C-based cathode material for lithium ion battery. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 2013, 23: 1718-1722. 85、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xunhui Xiong, Xinhai Li. A low temperature fluorine substitution on the electrochemical performance of layered LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2-zFz cathode materials. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 92: 1-8. 84、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Jiexi Wang, Huajun Guo, Xunhui Xiong, Xinhai Li. Effect of fluorine on the electrochemical performance of spherical LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode materials via a low temperature method. Powder technology, 2013, 237: 623-626. 83、Wei Xiao, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Yunhe Zhang, Qian Zhang, Lei Gan. A facile PVP-assisted hydrothermal fabrication of Fe2O3-Graphene composite as high performance anode material for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, 560: 208-214. 82、Wei Xiao, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Jiexi Wang, Silin Huang, Lei Gan. Fe2O3 particles enwrapped by graphene with excellent cyclability and rate capability as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 266: 148-154. 81、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Xunhui Xiong, Jiexi Wang, Xianwen Wu, The enhanced electrochemical performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode materials by low temperature fluorine substitution. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 95:112-118. 80、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Qian Zhang, Guochun Yan, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Synthesis and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2/Reduced Graphene Oxide cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Ionics, 2013, 19: 1329-1334. 79、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Qian Zhang, Xinhai Li, Enhanced electrochemical properties of lithium-reactive V2O5 coated on the LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material for lithium ion battery at 60℃, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1: 1284-1288. 78、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Xin Yin, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, A modified LiF coating process to enhance the electrochemical performance characteristics of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode materials, Materials Letters, 110 (2013) 4–9. 77、Zhenjiang He, Zhixing Wang, Lei Cheng, Tao Li, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Feixiang Wu, Conductive surface modification with copper of Li4Ti5O12 as anode materials for Li-ion batteries, Materials Letters, 2013, 107:273-275. 76、Mingru Su, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Silin Huang, Lei Gan, Wei Xiao, Enhanced cycling performance of Si/C composite prepared by spray-drying as anode for Li-ion batteries, Powder Technology, 2013, 249: 105-109. 75、Mingru Su, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Silin Huang, Lei Gan, Wei Xiao, Si/Graphite@Graphene composite as anode for Lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Powder Technology, 2013, 24: 921-925. 2012年 74、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Feixiang Wu, Zhenjiang He, Xinhai Li, "Effect of synthesis routes on the electrochemical performance of Li[Ni0.6Co0.2Mn0.2]O2 for lithium ion batteries". Journal of solid state electrochemistry,2012,16: 3849-3854. 73、Feixiang Wu, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Peng Yue, Xunhui Xiong, Zhenjiang He, Qian Zhang,Characterization of spherical-shaped Li4Ti5O12 prepared by spray drying,Electrochimica Acta, 2012,78:331-339 72、Zhaohui Tang, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Wenjie Peng, Influence of lithium content on the electrochemical performance of Li1+x(Mn0.533Ni0.233Co0.233)1−xO2 cathode materials, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 208:237-241 71、Zhaohui Tang, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Wenjie Peng, Preparation and electrochemical properties of Co-doped and none-doped Li[LixMn0.65(1−x)Ni0.35(1−x)]O2 cathode materials for lithium battery batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 204: 187-192 70、Xianwen Wu, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Yunhe Zhang, Wei Xiao, Effect of lithium difluoro(oxalato)borate and heptamethyldisilazane with different concentrations on cycling performance of LiMn2O4, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 204:133-138 69、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Feixiang Wu, Peng Yue, High performance LiV3O8 cathode materials prepared by spray-drying method, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 71: 206-212 68、Xunhui Xiong, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Study on ultrafast synthesis of LiV3O8 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, Materials Letters, 2012, 76: 8-10 67、Zhenjiang He, Zhixing Wang, Feixiang Wu, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Xunhui Xiong,Spherical Li4Ti5O12 synthesized by spray drying from a different kind of solution,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 540:39-45 66、马婷婷,王志兴,李新海,郭华军,方杰,彭文杰,胡启阳,张云河,复合材料LiMn2O4/活性炭的电化学行为,中南大学学报,2012, 43(1):17~22 2011年 65、熊训辉; 王志兴; 伍凌; 李新海; 吴飞翔; 郭华军; 彭文杰,Al 掺杂对Li4Ti5O12 结构及性能的影响,中国有色金属学报,2011, 21(9): 2146-2150 64、Feixiang Wu, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo,Hydrogen titanate and TiO2 nanowires as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011, 21(34): 12675-12681 63、Feixiang Wu, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Ling Wu, Xiaojuan Wang, Xiaoping Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Xunhui Xiong, Huajun Guo, Preparation and characterization of spinel Li4Ti5O12 anode material from industrial titanyl sulfate solution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(3): 596-601 62、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Wenjie Peng, Lingjun Li, Wei Chen, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li,Spray-drying synthesized LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 and its electrochemical performance as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries,Powder Technology, 2011,214(3):279~282 61、Peng Yue, Zhixing Wang, Wenjie Peng, Lingjun Li, Huajun Guo, Xinhai Li, Qiyang Hu, Yunhe Zhang, Preparation and electrochemical properties of submicron LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 as cathode material for lithium ion batteries, Scripta Materialia, 2011: 65(12): 1077-1080 2010年 60、Ling Wu, Zhixing Wang, Xinhai Li, Huajun Guo, Lingjun Li, Xiaojuan Wang, Junchao Zheng, Cation-substituted LiFePO4 prepared from the FeSO4·7H2O waste slag as a potential Li battery cathode material, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 497(1/2): 278-284 59、Ling WU, Zhi-xing WANG, Xin-hai LI, Ling-jun LI, Hua-jun GUO, Jun-chao ZHENG, Xiao-juan WANG, Electrochemical performance of Ti4+-doped LiFePO4 synthesized by co-precipitation and post-sintering method, Trans. 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