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教育经历 硕博: 2008-2013 天津大学 专业:系统工程 联培:2011-2012 威斯康星麦迪逊分校 专业:交通工程 本科:2004-2008 中南大学 专业:信息与计算科学 工作经历 2017.9-至今: 中南大学交通运输工程学院,副教授,博士生导师 2013.7-2017.9:中南大学交通运输工程学院,讲师,博士后 国家发明专利 [1] 郑亮,马寿峰,贾宁,朱宁,王鹏飞。一种非参数回归短时交通流预测中状态向量的选取方法,专利号:ZL201010514111.6, 授权公告日:2012-05-09. [2] 贾宁,马寿峰,朱宁,郑亮,王鹏飞。一种交通流短时预测系统,专利号:ZL201010299197.5, 授权公告日:2012-07-25. [3] 朱宁,马寿峰,贾宁,郑亮,王鹏飞。一种城市地理信息系统中电子地图匹配方法,专利号:ZL201010506525.4, 授权公告日:2012-01-11. 学术荣誉 中南大学“升华育英计划”入选者 国家自然科学基金委项目评审专家 中国公路学会科学技术二等奖 中南大学交通运输工程学院青年科协副主席 首届教育部博士研究生学术新人奖 第五届全国研究生数学建模竞赛国家一等奖 主持科研项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目 湖南省科技厅重点研发计划项目 中南大学创新驱动计划青年人才项目


1. 宏、微观交通流建模与仿真; 2. 基于大数据驱动的交通预测; 3. 城市交通管控措施仿真优化


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期刊论文(*通讯作者) [1] Liang Zheng, Shoufeng Ma, Ning Jia. The cellular automation model of traffic flow based on the driving behavior. Acta Phys Sin, 2010,59(7):4490-4498. [2] Liang Zheng, Shoufeng Ma, Shiquan Zhong. Analysis of honk effect on the traffic flow in a cellular automaton model. Physica A, 2011,390(6):1072-1084. [3] Zheng Liang, Ma Shou-Feng, and Zhong Shi-Quan. Influence of lane change on stability analysis for two-lane traffic flow. Chinese Physics B, 2011,20(8):088701. [4] Liang Zheng, Shiquan Zhong, Peter J Jin, Shoufeng Ma. Influence of lateral discomfort on the stability of traffic flow based on visual angle car-following model. Physica A, 2012,391(23):5948-5959. [5] Liang Zheng, Shiquan Zhong, Shoufeng Ma. Controlling traffic jams on a two-lane road using delayed-feedback signals. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2012,13(8):620-632. [6] Liang Zheng, Shiquan Zhong, Shoufeng Ma. Towards the bi-directional cellular automaton model with perception ranges. Physica A, 2013,392(14):3028-3038. [7] Liang Zheng. An improved monkey algorithm with dynamic adaption. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013,222:645-657. [8] Liang Zheng. Detailed string stability analysis for bi-directional optimal velocity model. Journal of Central South University, 2015,22,1563-1573. [9] Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He. A new car following model from the perspective of visual imaging. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015,26(8):1550090. [10] Liang Zheng, Peter J. Jin, Helai Huang. An Anisotropic Continuum Model Considering Bi-directional Information Impact. Transportation Research Part B, 2015,75:36-57. [11] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Wei Guan. A simple nonparametric car-following model driven by field data. Transportation Research Part B, 2015,80:185-201. [12] Xia Wan, Peter J. Jin, Liang Zheng, Yang Cheng, Bin Ran. Speed Synchronization Process of Merging Vehicles from the Entrance Ramp. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013, No.2391,pp.11-21. [13] Hang Jiang, Gang Ren, Liang Zheng, Jingxu Chen, Zhengfeng Huang, Properties analyses for the heterogeneous nonmotorized vehicle traffic based on cellular automaton model. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2014,28(16):1450099. [14] Xiuying Xin, Ning Jia, Liang Zheng, Shoufeng Ma. Power-law in pedestrian crossing flow under the interference of vehicles at an un-signalized midblock crosswalk, Physica A, 2014, 406: 287-297. [15] Helai Huang, Shuiyan Hu, Liang Zheng*. Crash-level analysis on passenger car’s total secondary safety. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2014,16(9),613-623. [16] Helai Huang, Duo Wang, Liang Zheng*, Xiaoqing Li. Evaluating time-reminder strategies before amber: Common signal, green flashing and green countdown. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2014,71:248-260. [17] Ni Dong, Helai Huang, Liang Zheng. Support vector machine in crash prediction at the level of traffic analysis zones: Assessing the spatial proximity effects. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015, 82: 192-198. [18] Liang Zheng, Peter J.Jin, Helai Huang, Mingyun Gao, Bin Ran. A vehicle type-dependent visual imaging model for analyzing the heterogeneous car-following dynamics. Transportmetrica B, 2016,4(1):68-85. [19]Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng*, Wei Guan, Baohua Mao. A self-regulation traffic-condition-based route guidance strategy with realistic considerations: overlapping routes, stochastic traffic and signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016,20(6),545-558. [20] Ning Zhu, Shoufeng Ma, Liang Zheng*.Travel time estimation oriented freeway sensor placement problem considering sensor failure.Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017,21(1),26-40. [21] Liang Zheng, Bin Ran, Helai Huang. Safety evaluation for drivng behaviors under bi-directional looking context. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems,2017,21(4):255-270. [22] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng*, Liying Song, Ning Zhu. A jam-absorption driving strategy for mitigating traffic oscillations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017,18(4),802-813. [23] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng*. Visualizing traffic dynamics based on floating car data. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 2017,04017005. [24] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng*, Peng Chen, Wei Guan. Mapping to cells: a simple method to extract traffic dynamics from probe vehicle data. Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, 2017,32,252-267. [25] Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He, Tian He. A flexible traffic stream model and its three representation of traffic flow. Transportation Research Part C, 2017,75:136-167. [26] Liang Zheng, Zhengbing He, Tian He. An anisotropic continuum model and its calibration with an improved monkey algorithm. Transportmetrica A, 2017, 13(6):519-543. [27] Liang Zheng, Chuang Zhu, Ning Zhu, Tian He, Ni Dong, Helai Huang. Feature selection based approach for urban short-term travel speed prediction. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018,12(6):474-484. [28] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Lili Lu, Wei Guan. Erasing Lane Changes from Roads: A Design of Future Road Intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2018,3(2):173-184. [29] Yaru Gu, Meng Li, Liang Zheng, Helai Huang.Backwash-spread effects of transportaion corridors on the development of city groups. ASCE's Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2018,144(3):04018028. [30] Liang Zheng, Chuang Zhu, Zhengbing He, Tian He, Sisi Liu. Empirical validation of vehicle type-dependent car-following heterogeneity from micro- and macro-viewpoints. Transportmetrica B, 2018,10.1080/21680566.2018.1517057. [31] Liang Zheng, Chuang Zhu, Zhengbing He, Tian He. Safety Rule-Based Cellular Automaton Modeling and Simulation under V2V Environment. Transportmetrica A, 2018, 10.1080/23249935.2018.1517135. [32] Kunpeng Zhang,Liang Zheng*,Zijian Liu, Ning Jia.A Deep Learning based Multitask Model for Network-wide Traffic Speed Prediction.Neurocomputing,2019, 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.10.097. [33] Liang Zheng*,Xinfeng Xue,Chengcheng Xu,Bin Ran.A stochastic simulation-based optimization method for equitable and efficient network-wide signal timing under uncertainties.Transportation Research Part B,2019,122:287-308. [34] Liang Zheng*, Chengcheng Xu, Peter J.Jin, Bin Ran. Network-wide signal timing stochastic simulation optimization with environmental concerns. Applied Soft Computing Journal,2019,77:678-687. [35] Kunpeng Zhang, Zijian Liu,Liang Zheng*. Short-term Prediction of Passenger Demand in Multi-Zone Level: Temporal Convolutional Neural Network With Multi-Task Learning. IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems,2019, 10.1109/TITS.2019.2909571. [36] Zaitao Wang, Liang Zheng*,Ting Zhao, Junfang Tian. Mitigation strategies for overuse of Chinese bikesharing systems based on game theory analyses of three generations worldwide. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,227:1-10. [37] Kunpeng Zhang, Ning Jia, Liang Zheng*,Zijian Liu. A novel generative adversarial network for estimation of trip travel time distribution with trajectory data. Transportation research part C, 2019, 108: 223-244. [38] Huimin Huang, Kunpeng Zhang, Liang Zheng*. A multi-task Deep Learning Model for Short-term Taxi Demand Forecasting Considering Spatiotemporal Dependences. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (IN press). [39] Kunpeng Zhang, Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng*, Liang Zhao, Lan Wu. A Generative Adversarial Network for Travel Times Imputation Using Trajectories data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Second Round). [40] Liang Zheng, Huimin Huang, Chuang Zhu, Kunpeng Zhang. A Tensor-based K-Nearest Neighbors Method for Traffic Speed Prediction Under Data Missing. Transportmetrica B (Second Round). 会议论文 [1] Liang Zheng, Shoufeng Ma, Jing Jin, Bin Ran, Shiquan Zhong. Incorporating Backward-looking Behavior into Cellular Automaton Model, Presented at Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., 2012. [2] Liang Zheng, Peter J. Jin, Yang Cheng, Shoufeng Ma, Bin Ran. A Heterogeneous Visual Imaging Model for Analyzing the Impact of Vehicle Type on Car-Following Dynamics, Presented at Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., 2013. [3] Xia Wan, Peter J. Jin, Liang Zheng, Yang Cheng, Bin Ran. Empirical Analysis of the Speed Synchronization of Merge Vehicle from the Entrance Ramp, Presented at Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., 2013. [4] Ni Dong, Ming Ma, Helai Huang, Yanjun Ma, Liang Zheng. Support Vector Machine in Crash Prediction at the level of Traffic Analysis Zones: Accessing the Spatial Proximity Effects, Presented at Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2015. [5] Helai Huang, Meng Li, Liang Zheng*. Urban Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction under Missing Data. The 20th HKSTS International Conference.2015. [6] Zhengbing He, Liang Zheng, Liying Song, Jam-absorption driving strategy for mitigating traffic oscillations,Presented at Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.,2016. [7] Xinfeng Xue, Liang Zheng*, Jin Ye. A stochstic simulation-based optimization method for calibrating VISSIM simulator under uncertainties. The 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2019, Presentation. 中文期刊论文 [1] 郑亮, 张云丽. 综合交通大数据分析平台教学系统设计.物流科技, 2016, 39(7): 147-149. [2] 邓奇春, 李萌, 郑亮, 黄合来. 长株潭城市群公路网运输效率纵向对比研究.铁道科学与工程学报, 2016, 13(2): 388-393. [3] 何甜, 朱翔, 郑亮. 基于运输通道场理论的长株潭城市群经济聚散效应分析.经济地理, 2016, 36(2): 27-35. [4] 胡丽娟, 姚加林, 郑亮*. 基于NetLogo的地铁车站人员紧急疏散仿真研究.铁道科学与工程学报, 2017, 14(12): 2731-2738. [5] 罗慧敏, 郑亮*. 基于效率-安全评价的近距离错位交叉口信控优化.交通信息与安全, 2018, 36(1): 65-73.


International Journal of Intelligent Transporation Systems Research 编委 CICTP2019 Traffic Operations,Control and Management区域主编 《中国公路学报》智能网联交通流专刊组稿专家 国内外期刊及会议审稿人: 《IEEE Transactions on ITS》、《Transportation Research Part C》、《Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《Accident Analysis and Prevention》、《Transportmetrica A》、《Transportmetrica B》、《IET Intelligent Transport Systems》、《Physical A》、《Journal of Advanced Transportation》、《IEEE Access》、《PLOS one》、《中国公路学报》、Transportation Research Board:ADB10, ADB40
