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教育经历 2011/09-2013/04,加拿大,多伦多大学,机械与工业工程系,联合培养博士,导师:Shaker A. Meguid 教授 2009/09-2013/04,湖南大学,机械与运载工程学院,非线性振动,博士,导师:徐道临、傅衣铭教授 2007/09-2009/09,湖南大学,力学与航空航天学院,固体力学,硕士,导师:傅衣铭 教授 2003/09-2007/06,湖南大学,力学与航空航天学院,工程力学,学士 工作经历 2017/09至今,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,高速列车研究中心,副教授 2016/03-2017/09,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,高速列车研究中心,讲师 2015/06-2016/03,新加坡,南洋理工大学,新加坡3D打印中心,博士后,合作导师:Kun Zhou 2013/07-2016/01,湖南大学,机械与运载工程学院,助理研究员 科研项目: 1. 2020.4-2022.4 高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室自主研究课题“高速列车振动环境下超结构减振机理研究”(ZZYJKT2020-04),经费18万,主持 2. 2019.1-2022.12 湖南省自然科学青年基金项目“全局-直接传递关系振动噪声传递路径与能量传播规律研究”(2019JJ50752) ,经费5万,主持 3. 2017.7-2020.6 国家“十三五”重点研发计划“面向全生命周期成本的轨道交通设计、节能与环境友好”项目“轨道交通列车环境友好技术”课题,子任务“轨道交通系统噪声识别、传播及控制”(2017YFB1201103-04),经费105万,主持 4. 2016.7-2020.6 国家“十三五”重点研发计划“时速400公里及以上高速客运装备关键技术”项目“基于噪声主动控制的综合舒适度控制技术研究”课题,子任务“气动噪声机理及仿真分析技术研究” ( 2016YFB1200503-03),经费40万,排名第二 5. 2016.5-2020.12 中南大学升华猎英计划“高速列车振动噪声控制研究”, 经费50万,主持 6. 2015.1-2017.12 国家自然科学青年基金项目“高维准零刚度浮筏系统的混沌化频谱重构”(11402082),经费25万,主持 讲授课程 本科生课程: 《Vehicle structure strength and dynamics》 《Structural mechanics》 《轨道交通概论》 《计算机工程图学》(二) 《机械振动》 研究生课程: 《声学基础》 《Railway vehicle dynamics》 教改项目: 1. 2021.1-2022.12 中南大学研究生教学案例库建设项目“轨道交通振动与声学教学案例库”(2019JG072),经费2.5万,主持 2. 2020.7-2021.6 中南大学本科生教育教学改革研究校级项目“《轨道交通概论》课程“浸入式”教学”(2020jy057-2),经费1万,主持 3. 2019.7-2021.6 中南大学研究生教育教学改革研究校级项目“面向交通领域环境《声学基础》混合式教学研究与实践”(2019JG072),经费1万,主持 4. 2020.7-2021.6 中南大学本科生教育教学改革研究校级项目“新工科项目背景下工科专业本科毕业设计教学改革与实践——以载运工具运用工程专业为例”(2020jy058),本科生新工科项目,排第3 5. 2020.1-2021.12 湖南省研究生优质课程建设《冲击动力学》,排第5 6. 2020.7-2022.6 中南大学研究生教育教学改革研究校级项目“载运工具运用工程《振动理论与应用》混合式教学模式研究”,排第4 教改论文: 1. 李盈利,杨志刚,彭勇. 轨道交通《声学基础》课程混合式实践教学. 教育现代化,2020 学术奖励 铁道科技奖,列车碰撞试验系统及安全评估技术,第22完成人,特等奖,2016040328-K0-002-R22 2016年入选中南大学第十一批升华猎英计划


低频振动与噪声控制; 力学/声学超材料; 仿生减振结构; 声学超表面、声学黑洞; 非线性振动


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yingli Li*, Yong Wang, Song Yao. Multipolar resonance and bandgap formation mechanism of star-shaped lattice structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.106163 [2] Yingli Li*, Xuening Wang, Gengwang Yan.Configuration effect and bandgap mechanism of quasi-one-dimensional periodic lattice structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.106017 [3] Yingli Li*, Hao Li. Bandgap merging and widening of elastic metamaterial with heterogeneous resonator. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/abab2b [4] Yingli Li*, Gengwang Yan. Band gaps and vibration transfer characteristics of one dimensional triangular arrangement elastic metamaterials. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab8c7e [5] Yingli Li*, Yonglin Zhang, Suchao Xie. A lightweight multilayer honeycomb membrane-type acoustic metamaterial. Applied Acoustics.2020, 168, 107427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107427 [6] 闫庚旺,闫磊,李盈利*. 车底设备激励下地铁车体结构响应分析.《噪声与振动控制》,2020,40(3) [7] 张咏琳,汪凯森,赵艳菊,李盈利*. 车辆型材结构的隔声性能优化研究.《噪声与振动控制》,2019,39(5) [8] 何娇, 李盈利,谭晓明,杨志刚,刘加利.EMU6动车组气动声学性能分析[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2018,15(08):1911-1919. [9] Yingli Li, Kun Zhou*, Pengfei Tan, Shu Beng Tor, Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong. Modelling temperature and residual stress fields in selective laser melting. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018,136:24-35. (Impact factor:2.884, SCI索引号: 000402353200017, ISSN: 0020-7403) [10] Yingli Li*, Daolin Xu. Force transmissibility of floating raft systems with quasi-zero-stiffness isolators. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2017: 107754631770846. (Impact factor:2.101, SCI索引号:, ISSN: 1077-5463) [11] Yingli Li*, Daolin Xu. Vibration attenuation of high dimensional quasi-zero stiffness floating raft system. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017,126: 186-195. (Impact factor:2.884, SCI索引号: 000402353200017, ISSN: 0020-7403) [12] Yingli Li, Kun Zhou*, Shu Beng Tor, Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong. Heat transfer and phase transition in the selective laser melting process. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017,108: 2408-2416. (Impact factor:3.458, SCI索引号: 000399357700107, ISSN: 0017-9310) [13] Yang Chen*, Yiming Fu, Jun Zhong, Yingli Li. Nonlinear dynamic responses of functionally graded tubes subjected to moving load based on a refined beam model. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11071-016-3321-0. (Impact factor:3.464, SCI索引号: 000398943900045, ISSN: 0924-090X) [14] Jiaxi Zhou*, Kai Wang, Daolin Xu, Huajiang Ouyang, Yingli Li. A six-DOF vibration isolation platform supported by a hexapod of quasi-zero-stiffness struts. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2017, doi:10.1115/1.4035715. (Impact factor:1.692, SCI索引号:, ISSN: 1048-9002) [15] Jiaxi Zhou*, Qingyu Xiao, Daolin Xu, Huajiang Ouyang, Yingli Li. A novel quasi-zero-stiffness strut and its applications in six-degree-of-freedom vibration isolation platform. Journal of Sound & Vibration,2017, 394: 59-74. (Impact factor:2.593, SCI索引号: 000388826400014, ISSN: 0022-460X) [16] Yingli Li*, Daolin Xu. Spectrum reconstruction of quasi-zero stiffness floating raft systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2016, 93:123-129. (Impact factor:2.158, SCI索引号: 000355890200011, ISSN: 0960-0779) [17] Yingli Li, Daolin Xu*. Chaotification of quasi-zero-stiffness system with time delay control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 86:353-368. (Impact factor:2.915, SCI索引号: 000383024200027,ISSN: 0924-090X) [18] Jun Zhong*, Yiming Fu, Yang Chen, Yingli Li. Analysis of nonlinear dynamic responses for functionally graded beams resting on tensionless elastic foundation under thermal shock. Composite Structures, 2016, 142: 272–277. (Impact factor:3.853, SCI索引号: 000372691300025,ISSN: 0263-8223) [19] Jun Zhong*, Yiming Fu , Detao Wan , Yingli Li. Nonlinear bending and vibration of functionally graded tubes resting on elastic foundations in thermal environment based on a refined beam model.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 1–14. (Impact factor:2.158, SCI索引号: 000355890200011,ISSN: 0307-904X) [20] Yingli Li*, Yiming Fu. A thermo-elasto-plastic model for a fiber-metal laminated beam with interfacial damage. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015,39(12):3317-3310. (Impact factor:2.158, SCI索引号: 000355890200011,ISSN:0307-904X) [21] Yingli Li*, Yiming Fu. Reliability analysis for the stability of piezoelectric delaminated axisymmetric laminated cylindrical shells. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2014, 21 (4), 284-292. (Impact factor:0.664,SCI索引号: 000328471900005, ISSN:1537-6494) [22] Yingli Li, Shaker A. Meguid*, Yiming Fu, Daolin Xu. Nonlinear analysis of thermally and electrically actuated functionally graded material microbeam. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2014, 470, 2162, 20130473; doi: 10.1098/rspa. 2013. 0473.( Impact factor:1.998,SCI索引号: 000332393700003, ISSN:1364–5021) [23] Yingli Li, Daolin Xu*, Yiming Fu, Jing Zhang. Dynamic effects of delayed feedback control on nonlinear vibration isolation floating raft systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 2665-2676.( Impact factor:1.857,SCI索引号: 000335274100001, ISSN:22-460X) [24] Yingli Li, Shaker A. Meguid*, Yiming Fu, Daolin Xu. Unified nonlinear quasistatic and dynamic analysis of RF-MEMS switches. Acta Mechanica, 2013, 224 (8): 1741-1755.(Impact factor:1.268,SCI索引号: 000322154900012, ISSN:0001-5970) [25] Yingli Li, Daolin Xu*, Yiming Fu, Jiaxi Zhou. Chaotification of a nonlinear vibration isolation system by dual time delayed feedback control. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2013, 23(6)1350096. (Impact factor:1.017,SCI索引号: 000321583400006, ISSN: 0218-1274) [26] Yingli Li*, Daolin Xu, Yiming Fu, Jiaxi Zhou. Chaotification and optimization design of a nonlinear vibration isolation system. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2012, 18(14):2129-2139.( Impact factor:4.355, SCI索引号: 000310877700004, ISSN:1077-5463) [27] Yingli Li, Daolin Xu*, Yiming Fu, Jiaxi Zhou. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of 2-DOF nonlinear vibration isolation floating raft systems with feedback control. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45: 1092-1099.( Impact factor:1.503,SCI索引号: 000309315800003, ISSN:0960-0779) [28] Yingli Li*, Yiming Fu, Hongliang Dai. Postbuckling and delamination growth for delaminated piezoelectric elasto-plastic laminated beams under hygrothermal conditions. Journal of Mechanic of Materials and Structures, 2012, 7(1): 85-102(Impact factor:0.675,SCI索引号: SCI索引号: 000302878500004, ISSN:1559-3959) [29] Jing Zhang, Daolin Xu*, Jiaxi Zhou, Yingli Li. Chaotification of Vibration Isolation Floating Raft System via Time-delay Feedback Control. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45: 1255-1265.( Impact factor:1.503,SCI索引号:000309315800020, ISSN:0960-0779) [30] Yingli Li*, Yiming Fu, Yiqi Mao. Analysis of delamination fatigue growth for delaminated piezoelectric elasto-plastic laminated beams under hygrothermal conditions. Composite Structures, 2011, 93(2): 889-901(Impact factor:3.12,SCI索引号: 000284861600063, ISSN:0263-8223) [31] Yingli Li, Daolin Xu*, Yiming Fu, Jiaxi Zhou. Stability and chaotification of vibration isolation floating raft systems with time-delayed feedback control. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2011, 21, 033115 (Impact factor:1.795,SCI索引号: 000295619000015, ISSN:1054-1500) [32] Yiqi Mao*, Yiming Fu, Changping Chen, Yingli Li. Nonlinear dynamic response for functionally graded shallow spherical shell under low velocity impact in thermal environment. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011, 35:2887–2900. (Impact factor:2.158,SCI索引号:000288829200023, ISSN:0307-904X) [33] 周加喜, 徐道临*, 李盈利. 基于最优时延反馈控制的主-被动非线性隔振方法研究. 振动工程学报, 2011, 24(6): 639-645. (Jiaxi Zhou, Daolin Xu, Yingli Li. An active-passive nonlinear vibration isolation method based on optimal time-delay feedback control. Journal of Vibration Engineering, 2011, 24(6):639-645.) [34] Jiaxi Zhou, Daolin Xu*, Yingli Li. Chaotifing Duffing-type System with Large Parameter Range Based on Optimal Time-Delay Feedback Control. Proceedings of 2010 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractal Theories and Applications. Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2010. [35] 傅衣铭, 李盈利*. 湿热条件下具脱层压电层合梁的后屈曲及脱层扩展分析. 固体力学学报. 2009, 30(3): 309-317 [36] 朱石坚,徐道临.舰船机械隔振系统线谱混沌化控制. 国防工业出版社,2014-8-1.参与此著作第五、六、九、十章的撰写。 [37] 李盈利,杨志刚,梁习锋.一种轨道吸音板,ZL201620761968.0(实用新型) [38] 李盈利,张咏琳. 一种复合吸声结构,202020324209.4(实用新型) [39] 徐刚,李盈利,高宝杰,王京军,赵艳菊. 一种隔振设备及应用该设备的轨道车辆. CN 111457042 A (发明专利)
