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谢素超,湖南省优青,湖南省青年骨干教师,2015年入选中南大学“升华育英”人才计划,2018年获批中南大学“创新驱动”人才项目。从2005年开始师从我国轨道行业的知名专家田红旗院士,一直从事车辆结构分析、列车行车安全及乘员被动安全保护的研究。在国内外知名学术期刊发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录43篇,EI收录6篇,CSCD收录3篇,申请公开发明专利25项,授权16项,获得国家计算机软件著作权1项;获中国铁道科技奖特等奖1项、铁道科技奖一等奖1项、湖南省科技进步一等奖1项、湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖1项、获中南大学“青年岗位能手”、“优秀班导师”、鑫恒教育奖励金、优秀毕业论文指导教师等各类校级奖励10余项;参与完成的科技成果“列车碰撞吸能技术研究与应用”及“大风灾害环境下铁路行车安全关键技术研究及应用”被鉴定为国际先进应用技术;主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、湖南省教育厅项目1项,各类横向课题10余项,主持的课题总经费1500余万元;参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家重点研发计划项目、铁道部重点项目、湖南省重点项目等各类国家及省部级项目20余项;作为主要负责人(国家内审员)申报的15项测试项目成功纳入国家实验室认可体系(CNAS)、 23项测试项目成功纳入国家计量认证体系(CMA)。 工作经历 2020/09 – 至今,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,教授 2015/09 – 2020/08,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,副教授 2012/08 – 2015/08,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,讲师 2009/12 – 2012/08,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,助教 受教育经历 2008/09 – 2012/06,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,研究生(博士) 2005/09 – 2007/12,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,研究生(硕士) 2001/09 – 2005/07,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,本科 讲授课程 本科生课程《机车车辆工程》 本科生课程《列车牵引与制动》 本科生课程《计算机辅助应用技术基础》 本科生课程《车辆结构强度与动力学》 本科生课程《工程图学测绘实践》 研究生课程《Locomotive Engineering》 专 利 (1) 谢素超,田红旗,高广军,姚松,许平,鲁寨军,王中钢. 一种铁道车辆底架承载式吸能结构及其碰撞性能模拟方法,2013.9,中国,CN 103303329 A(公开号) (2) 谢素超,田红旗,许平,姚松,高广军,姚曙光. 一种乘员碰撞损伤的预测方法,2013.9,中国,CN 103279795 A(公开号) (3) 谢素超,梁习锋,许平,姚松,高广军,姚曙光,傅敏. 一种铁道列车多车辆碰撞仿真的模型简化方法,2013.9,中国,CN 103294860 A(公开号) (4) 谢素超,梁习锋,周辉,许平,姚松,高广军,姚曙光. 一种复合式吸能结构及车辆底架结构,2014.6,中国,CN 103863350 A(公开号) (5) 谢素超,田红旗,周辉,高广军,姚松,许平,鲁寨军. 一种扩径切削复合式能量耗散装置及车辆,2014.6,中国,CN 103863351 A(公开号) (6) 田红旗,姚松,姚曙光,谢素超,彭勇,周伟,张 健. 耦合乘员行为检测的轨道车辆撞击试验系统,2014.7,中国,CN 103940624 A(公开号) (7) 田红旗,梁习锋,刘国伟,许平,高广军,谢素超,彭勇. 液压节流式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统,2014.7,中国,CN 103940569 A(公开号) (8) 田红旗,梁习锋,许平,鲁寨军,高广军,张健,谢素超. 双滚筒制动式轨道车辆实车撞击试验系统,2014.7,中国,CN 103954421 A(公开号) (9) 高广军,鲁寨军,梁习锋,许平,姚松,姚曙光,谢素超,王中钢. 一种隔板插销式串联多孔固体元件的撞击吸能装置,2014.4,中国,ZL 201210174509.9(授权证书) (10) 鲁寨军,高广军,梁习锋,许平,张健,谢素超,王中钢. 一种隔板套筒式串联多孔固体元件的撞击吸能装置,2012.9,中国,CN 102689638 A(公开号) 主持和承担的科研项目: (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“铁道车辆碰撞过程中的纵向失稳机制及其抑制方法研究(51775558)”(主持,总经费:60万) (2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金“铁道车辆碰撞过程中非约束乘员动力学响应及致伤因素研究(51405516)”(主持,总经费:25万) (3) 中南大学创新驱动人才项目“Nomex蜂窝-金属薄壁组合结构耦合机制及其在动车组耐撞及吸能结构中的应用(2018CX023)”(主持,总经费:65万) (4) 湖南省教育厅项目“耐冲击城轨车辆复合式吸能结构耗能机理研究”(主持) (5) 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司项目“动车组空气动力学性能及设备仓结构安全性能试验”(主持,总经费:288万); (6) 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司项目“大风条件下车体变形测试 ”(主持,总经费:82万); (7) 四方机车车辆股份有限公司项目“中国标准动车组头车端部吸能结构碰撞试验—主吸能结构撞击试验”(主持) (8) 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司项目“CRH5G型高寒动车组长期跟踪试验 ”(主持,总经费:182万); (9) 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司项目“动车组转向架区域流场试验”(主持,总经费:50万); (10)中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司项目“大风条件下车体运行姿态测试”(主持,总经费:50万); (11) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“高速列车车辆间碰撞理论及耐撞性关键技术研究(U1334208)”(承担) (12) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“动车组铝合金车体耐撞性研究(51275532)”(承担) (13) 湖南省科技重点项目“城市轨道车辆耐冲击关键技术研究(2013GK2001)”(承担) (14) 四方机车车辆股份有限公司项目“动车组原型车碰撞性能分析(2011J022-A)”(承担) (15) 教育部重点项目“动车组车端吸能设计与试验关键技术研究(113051A)”(承担) 学术奖励 (1) 2019年1月获湖南省优青 (2) 2018年10月入选湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师 (3) 2018年1月获批中南大学“创新驱动”人才项目 (4) 2017年湖南省科技进步一等奖 (5) 2017年中南大学“青年岗位能手” (6) 2017年度鑫恒教育奖励金 (7) 2016年度中国铁道科学技术奖特等奖 (8) 2016年度中南大学优秀班导师 (9) 2016年全国交通科技大赛二等奖指导教师 (10) 2015年入选中南大学“升华育英”人才计划 (11) 2015年度中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖 (12) 2013-2014年度中南大学优秀班导师 (13) 2014年度湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖 (14) 2013年度中南大学优秀博士学位论文奖 (15) 中南大学2014届优秀毕业论文二等奖指导教师 (16) 中南大学2013届优秀毕业论文二等奖指导教师


Ø 车辆结构分析及结构优化 Ø 复合材料研究及应用 Ø 列车撞击理论及应用 Ø 吸能结构优化研究 Ø 乘员二次撞击分析


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[56] Xie Suchao, Wang Da, Feng Zhejun, Yang Shichen. Sound absorption performance of microperforated honeycomb metasurface panels with a combination of multiple orifice diameters[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 158: 107046. (SCI/EI) [55] Liu Xiang, Liu Xiao, Xie Suchao(*). A highly accurate analytical spectral flexibility formulation for buckling and wrinkling of orthotropic rectangular plates[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 168: 105311. (SCI/EI) [54] Yang Chengxing, Xu Ping, Xie Suchao(*), Yao Shuguang. Mechanical performances of four lattice materials guided by topology optimisation[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2020, 178: 339-345. (SCI/EI) [53] Ma Wen, Li Zhixiang, Xie Suchao(*). Crashworthiness analysis of thin-walled bio-inspired multi-cell corrugated tubes under quasi-static axial loading[J]. Engineering Structures, 2020, 204: 110069. (SCI/EI) [52] Xie Suchao, Jing Kunkun, Zhou Hui, Liu Xiang. Mechanical properties of Nomex honeycomb sandwich panels under dynamic impact[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 235: 111814. (SCI/EI) [51] Xie Suchao, Yang Shichen, Yang Chengxing, Wang Da. Sound absorption performance of a filled honeycomb composite structure[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 162: 107202. [50] Ma Wen, Xie Suchao(*), Li Zhixiang. Mechanical performance of bio-inspired corrugated tubes with varying vertex configurations[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 172: 105399. (SCI/EI) [49] Xie Suchao, Feng Zhejun, Zhou Hui, Wang Da. Three-point bending behavior of Nomex honeycomb sandwich panels: Experiment and simulation[J]. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2020, 2020: 1-15. (SCI/EI) [48] Xie Suchao, Wang Hao, Yang Chengxing, Zhou Hui, Feng Zhejun. Mechanical properties of combined structures of stacked multilayer Nomex® honeycombs[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 151: 106729. (SCI/EI) [47] Yang Chengxing, Xu Kai, Xie Suchao(*). Comparative study on the uniaxial behaviour of topology-optimised and crystal-inspired lattice materials[J]. Metals, 2020, 10(4): 491. (SCI/EI) [46] Wang Da, Xie Suchao(*), Feng Zhejun, Liu Xiang, Li Yingli. Investigating the Effect of Dimension Parameters on Sound Transmission Losses in Nomex Honeycomb Sandwich[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(9): 3109. (SCI/EI) [45] Li Yingli, Zhang Yonglin, Xie Suchao. A lightweight multilayer honeycomb membrane-type acoustic metamaterial[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 168: 107427. (SCI/EI) [44] Xie Suchao, Feng Zhejun, Zhou Hui, Wang Da, Ma Wen. In-plane and out-of-plane compressive mechanical properties of Nomex honeycombs and their prediction[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42(9): 460. (SCI/EI) [43] Yang Weilin, Xie Suchao(*), Li Haihong, Chen Zengtao. Design and injury analysis of the seated occupant protection posture in train collision[J]. Safety Science, 2019, 117: 263-275. (SCI/EI) [42] Xie Suchao, Du Xuanjin, Zhou Hui, Wang Da, Feng Zhejun. Analysis of the crashworthiness design and collision dynamics of a subway train[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2019: 1791263635. (SCI/EI) [41] Xie Suchao, Du Xuanjin, Zhou Hui, Wang Jin, Chen Pengfei. Crashworthiness of Nomex® honeycomb-filled anti-climbing energy absorbing devices[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/13588265.2019.1688506 (SCI/EI) [40] Yang Yue, Qiu Wensheng, Zeng Wei, Xie Huan, Xie Suchao. A prediction method of rail grinding profile using non-uniform rational B-spline curves and Kriging model[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(1): 230-240. (SCI/EI) [39] Xie Suchao, Yang Weilin, Xu Ping. Simulation analysis of a multiple-vehicle, high-speed train collision using a simplified model[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2018, 2018: 1-11. (SCI/EI) [38] Yang Chengxing, Xu Ping, Yao Shuguang, Xie Suchao(*), Li Qingming, Peng Yong. Optimization of honeycomb strength assignment for a composite energy-absorbing structure[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127: 741-755. (SCI/EI) [37] Xie Suchao, Li Haihong, Yang Weilin, Wang Ning. Crashworthiness optimisation of a composite energy-absorbing structure for railway vehicles[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 57(4): 1793-1807. (SCI/EI) [36] Xie Suchao, Wang Ning, Yang Weilin, Li Haihong. Energy absorption performance of thin-walled metal plate due to upheaval deformation based on experiments and numerical simulation[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 131: 258-273. (SCI/EI) [35] Xie Suchao, Li Haihong, Yang Chengxing, Yao Shuguang. Crashworthiness optimisation of a composite energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles based on hybrid particle swarm optimisation[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 58(5): 2291-2308. (SCI/EI) [34] Zhou Hui, Xu Ping, Xie Suchao(*), Feng Zhejun, Wang Da. Mechanical performance and energy absorption properties of structures combining two Nomex honeycombs[J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 185: 524-536. (SCI/EI) [33] Xie Suchao, Yang Weilin, Wang Ning, Li Haihong. Crashworthiness analysis of multi-cell square tubes under axial loads[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 121: 106-118. (SCI/EI) [32] Zou Xiang, Gao Guangjun, Dong Haipeng, Xie Suchao, Chen Gong, Tan Tan. Crashworthiness analysis and structural optimisation of multi-cell square tubes under axial and oblique loads[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2017, 22(2): 129-147. (SCI/EI) [31] Zeng Wei, Yang Yue, Qiu Wensheng, Xie Huan, Xie Suchao. Optimization of the target profile for asymmetrical rail grinding in sharp-radius curves for high speed railways[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(2): 1-12. (SCI/EI) [30] Liu Guowei, Xie Jun, Xie Suchao(*). Experimental and numerical investigations of a new U-shaped thin plate energy absorber subjected to bending and friction[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 115: 215-224. (SCI/EI) [29] Zhou Hui, Xu Ping, Xie Suchao(*). Composite energy-absorbing structures combining thin-walled metal and honeycomb structures[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2017, 231(4): 394-405. (SCI/EI) [28] Xie Suchao, Yang Weilin, Li Haihong, Wang Ning. Impact characteristics and crashworthiness of multi-cell, square, thin-walled, structures under axial loads[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2017, 22(5): 503-517. (SCI/EI) [27] Xie Suchao, Liang Xifeng, Zhou Hui, Li Jian. Crashworthiness optimisation of the front-end structure of the lead car of a high-speed train[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016, 53(2): 339-347. (SCI/EI) [26] Xie Suchao, Liang Xifeng, Zhou Hui. Design and analysis of a composite energy-absorbing structure for use on railway vehicles[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2016, 230(3): 825-839. (SCI/EI) [25] Li Jian, Gao Guangjun, Dong Haipeng, Xie Suchao, Guan Weiyuan. Study on the energy absorption of the expanding–splitting circular tube by experimental investigations and numerical simulations[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 103: 105-114. (SCI/EI) [24] Suchao Xie, Hui Zhou. Analysis and optimisation of parameters influencing the out-of-plane energy absorption of an aluminium honeycomb[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 89: 169-177. (SCI/EI) [23] Dong Hai-peng, Gao Guang-jun, Xie Su-chao, Li Jian. Collision performance of bitubular tubes with diaphragms[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(9): 3657-3665. (SCI/EI) [22] Suchao Xie, Hui Zhou. Research on the crashworthy structures of subway vehicles[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2014, 19(6): 555-566. (SCI/EI) [21] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui. Impact characteristics of a composite energy absorbing bearing structure for railway vehicles[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014, 67: 455-463. (SCI/EI) [20] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui. Forecasting impact injuries of unrestrained occupants in railway vehicle passenger compartments[J]. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2014, 15(7): 740-747. (SCI/SSCI) [19] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui. Multi-objective optimisation of a vehicle energy absorption structure based on surrogate model[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(6): 2539-2546. (SCI/EI) [18] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui,LIANG Xifeng,REN Xin. Contrastive analysis and crashworthiness optimization of two composite thin-walled structures[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014,21(11):4386-4394. (SCI/EI) [17] Xie Suchao,Tian Hongqi. Influencing factors and sensitivity analysis of occupant impact injury in passenger compartment[J]. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013,14(8):816-822. (SCI/SSCI) [16] Xie Suchao,Tian Hongqi. Dynamic simulation of railway vehicle occupants under secondary impact[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2013, 51(12): 1803-1817. (SCI/EI) [15] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui,Zhao Junjie,Zhang Yicheng. Energy-absorption forecast of thin-walled structure by GA-BP hybrid algorithm[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(4):1122-1128. (SCI/EI) [14] Xie Suchao,Zhou Hui. Research on the crashworthy structures of subway vehicles[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2014,19(6):555-566. (SCI/EI) [13] 赵俊杰,鲁寨军,谢素超. 电机轴滚花过盈配合数值模拟与试验研究[J]. 机械传动,2013,37(1):101-104. (CSCD收录) [12] 谢素超,田红旗. 铁道车辆承载吸能结构优化研究[J]. 中国铁道科学,2012, 33(6):60-68. (EI收录号:20130315910624) [11] 谢素超,周辉. 基于Kriging法的铁道车辆客室结构优化[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012,43(5):1990-1998. (EI收录) [10] 赵俊杰,鲁寨军,谢素超. 散粒货物对铁道货车的侧、端墙动侧压力研究[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报,2012,9(6):113-118. (CSCD收录) [9] 谢素超,高广军. 薄壁结构吸能预测的多元非线性回归分析[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报,2010,18(4):714-721. (EI收录) [8] 谢素超,田红旗,周辉. 基于显式有限元的薄壁结构吸能特性预测[J]. 振动与冲击,2010,29(5):183-186. (EI收录) [7] 周辉,杨岳,谢素超,等. 基于改进的BP神经网络的产品生产成本估算[J]. 铁路计算机应用,2009,18(9):34-37. [6] 谢素超,田红旗,周辉. 耐冲击地铁车辆设计及整车碰撞研究[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报,2008,5(5):65-70. (CSCD收录) [5] 谢素超,田红旗,姚松. 车辆吸能部件的碰撞试验与数值仿真[J]. 交通运输工程学报,2008,8(3):1-5. (CSCD收录) [4] 卢衍祥,谢素超,姚松. 铁道车辆板梁结构多方案对比分析[J]. 铁道机车车辆,2008,28(1):18-20. [3] 周辉,谢素超. 铁道车辆寿命周期费用软件分析[J]. 长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版),2008,9(4):222-223. [2] 谢素超,姚松. 基于ANSYS的铁道机车车辆车体建模研究[J]. 铁道机车车辆,2007,27(4):28-30. [1] 谢素超,田红旗,姚松. 板梁偏心连接结构有限元分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报,2006,6(4):5-9. (EI收录)
