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教育经历 2012/09–2015/12,中南大学,交通运输工程,博士,导师:高广军教授 2014/11–2015/11,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,机械与航空航天工程学院,联合培养博士,导师:John Sheridan教授。 2009/09–2011/12,中南大学,载运工具运用工程,硕士,导师:梁习锋教授 2005/09–2009/06,中南大学,交通设备信息工程,学士 工作经历 2018/12-至今,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,教授 2016/09-2018/11, 瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学,力学与海洋科学学院,博士后,导师:Sinisa Krajnovic教授和Rickard Bensow教授。 2016/01-2016/08,中南大学,交通运输工程学院,助研。


风环境下的列车行车安全及优化 列车空气阻力及减阻 列车-隧道空气动力学 局部风场风速特性 结构抗风 钝体空气动力学 主被动流动控制 地面交通空气动力学以及广泛的风工程研究等。 涉及数值模拟、风洞试验、实车试验、动模型试验


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Anirudh Narayan Rao, Jie Zhang*, Guglielmo Minelli, Branislav Basara, Sinisa Krajnovic* (2019). Qualitative assessment of the bi-stable states in the wake of a finite-width double backward facing step. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 186: 241-249. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jie Zhang, Kan He, Jiabin Wang, Tanghong Liu, Xifeng Liang, Guangjun Gao (2019). Numerical simulation of flow around a high-speed train subjected to different windbreak walls and yaw angles. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 12(4): 1137-1149. (SCI, JCR Q3) Xiaohui Xiong, Aihua Li, Xifeng Liang, Jie Zhang* (2019). Response to the discussion by C. Baker on “Field study on high-speed train induced fluctuating pressure on a bridge noise barrier” by Xiong et al. (2018). Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 185: 55-56. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jiabin Wang, Jie Zhang, Yan Zhang, Xifeng Liang, Sinisa Krajnovic, Guangjun Gao* (2019). Impact of rotation of wheels and bogie cavity shapes on snow accumulating on the bogies of high-speed trains. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 159: 58-70. (SCI, JCR Q2) Jiabin Wang, Dongrun Liu, Guangjun Gao, Yan Zhang, Jie Zhang* (2019). Numerical investigation of the effects of sand collision on the aerodynamic behaviour of a high-speed train subjected to yaw angles. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 12(2): 379-389. (SCI, JCR Q3) Guangjun Gao, Feng Li, Kan He, Jiabin Wang, Jie Zhang*, Xiujuan Miao (2019). Investigation of bogie positions on the aerodynamic drag and near wake structure of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 185: 41-53. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jiabin Wang, Guangjun Gao, Mingyang Liu, Fei Xie, Jie Zhang* (2018). Numerical study of snow accumulation on the bogies of a high-speed train using URANS coupled with discrete phase model. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 183: 295-314. (SCI, JCR Q1) Anirudh Rao, Guglielmo Minelli, Jie Zhang, Branislav Basara, Sinisa Krajnovic (2018). Investigation of the near-wake flow topology of a simplified heavy vehicle using PANS simulations. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 183:243-272. (SCI, JCR Q1) Guangjun Gao, Yani Zhang, Jie Zhang, Fei Xie, Yan Zhang and Jiabin Wang (2018). Effect of bogie fairings on the snow reduction of a high-speed train bogie under crosswinds using a discrete phase method. Wind and Structures, 27(4): 255-267. (SCI, JCR Q3) Anirudh Narayan Rao, Jie Zhang, Guglielmo Minelli, Branislav Basara, Sinisa Krajnovic* (2018). An LES Investigation of the Near-Wake Flow Topology of a Simplified Heavy Vehicle. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 1-27. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jie Zhang*, Guglielmo Minelli, Anirudh Rao, Branislav Basara, Richard Bensow, Sinisa Krajnovic (2018). Comparison of PANS and LES of the flow past a generic ship. Ocean Engineering, 165: 221-236. (SCI, JCR Q1) Xiaohui Xiong, Aihua Li, Xifeng Liang, Jie Zhang* (2018). Field study on high-speed train induced fluctuating pressure on a bridge noise barrier. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 177: 157-166. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jie Zhang, Jiabin Wang, Qianxuan Wang, Xiaohui Xiong, Guangjun Gao* (2018). A study of the influence of bogie cut outs' angles on the aerodynamic performance of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 175: 153-168. (SCI, JCR Q1) Kan He, Guangjun Gao, Jiabin Wang, Min Fu, Xiujuan Miao, Jie Zhang* (2018). Performance of a turbine driven by train-induced wind in a tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 82: 416-427. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jiabin Wang, Jie Zhang*, Fei Xie, Yan Zhang, Guangjun Gao (2018). A study of snow accumulating on the bogie and the effects of deflectors on the de-icing performance in the bogie region of a high-speed train. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 148: 121-130. (SCI, JCR Q2) Guangjun Gao, Yan Zhang, Fei Xie, Jie Zhang*, Kan He, JiabinWang, Yani Zhang (2018). Numerical study on the anti-snow performance of deflectors in the bogie region of a high-speed train using the discrete phase model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 1-19. (SCI, JCR Q3) Jiabin Wang, Guangjun Gao, Yan Zhang, Kan He, Jie Zhang* (2018). Anti-snow performance of snow shields designed for brake calipers of a high-speed train. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 1-20. (SCI, JCR Q3) Jiabin Wang, Jie Zhang, Yan Zhang, Fei Xie, Sinisa Krajnovi,Guangjun Gao* (2018). Impact of bogie cavity shapes and operational environment on snow accumulating on the bogies of high-speed trains. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 176: 211-224. (SCI, JCR Q1) Tang-hong Liu, Zheng-wei Chen, Xiao-dong Chen, Tai-zhong Xie, Jie Zhang* (2017). Transient loads and their influence on the dynamic responses of trains in a tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 66: 121-133. (SCI, JCR Q1) J. Zhang, K. He, X. Xiong, J. Wang, G. Gao* (2017). Numerical Simulation with a DES Approach for a High-Speed Train Subjected to the Crosswind. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10(5): 1329-1342. (SCI, JCR Q3) J. Zhang*, G. Gao, T. Liu, Z. Li (2017). Shape Optimization of a Kind of Earth Embankment Type Windbreak Wall along the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10(4): 1189-1200. (SCI, JCR Q3) F. Xie, J. Zhang, G. Gao*, K. He, Y. Zhang, J. Wang , Y. Zhang (2017). Study of Snow Accumulation on a High-Speed Train's Bogies Based on the Discrete Phase Model. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10(6): 1729-1745. (SCI, JCR Q3) Jie Zhang, Jingjuan Li, Hongqi Tian, Guangjun Gao*, John Sheridan (2016). Impact of ground and wheel boundary conditions on numerical simulation of the high-speed train aerodynamic performance. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 61: 249-261. (SCI, JCR Q1) Jie Zhang, Guangjun Gao, Xiaohui Xiong*, Tanghong Liu, Feng Liu (2016). Influence of types of steel poles on measurements by wind speed sensors along high-speed railways. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9(1): 243-251. (SCI, JCR Q3) Jie Zhang, Guangjun Gao*, Tanghong Liu, Zhiwei Li (2015). Crosswind stability of high-speed trains in special cuts. Journal of Central South University, 22(7): 2849-2856. (SCI, JCR Q3) Jie Zhang, Guangjun Gao, Sha Huang, Tanghong Liu* (2015). Effect on measurements of anemometers due to a passing high-speed train. Wind and Structures, 20(4): 549-564. (SCI, JCR Q3) Guangjun Gao, Jie Zhang*, Xiaohui Xiong (2014). Location of Anemometer along Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway. Journal of Central South University, 21(9): 3698-3704. (SCI, JCR Q3) Tanghong Liu*, Jie Zhang (2013). Effect of landform on the aerodynamic performance of high-speed train in cutting under cross wind. Journal of Central South University, 20(3):830-836. (SCI, JCR Q3) 张洁, 刘堂红*, 牛纪强 (2014). 兰新铁路挡沙墙位置对低矮路堑中客车气动性能的影响. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 45(11): 4043-4049. (EI) 张洁, 刘堂红* (2014). 兰新铁路土堤式挡风墙阶梯式设计. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 45(4): 1334-1340. (EI) 张洁, 高广军*, 李靓娟 (2013). 高速铁路桥梁上透风式挡风墙高度优化. 交通运输工程学报, 13(6): 28-35. (EI) 张洁, 刘堂红* (2012). 新疆单线铁路土堤式挡风墙坡角优化研究. 中国铁道科学, 33(2): 28-32.(EI) 张洁, 梁习峰*, 刘堂红, 逯林锋 (2011). 强侧风作用下客车车体气动外形优化. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 42(11): 3578-3584. (EI) 李靓娟, 张洁*, 刘堂红 (2014). 动车组车轮流场数值模拟分析. 铁道科学与工程, 11(4): 115-120. (CSCD) 蔡军爽, 张洁, 刘堂红* (2014). 基于DES的高速列车气动阻力分布特性研究. 铁道科学与工程, 11(5): 64-69. (CSCD)


国际期刊《Transportation Safety and Environment》编委。 国际期刊《Journal of Fluids and Structures》、《Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit》、《Wind and Structures》、《Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics》、《Vehicle System Dynamics》、《Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics》等审稿人。
