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【教育背景】 2009.10~2012.09 工学博士 斯特拉斯堡大学 机械工程 2007.09~2009.09 工学硕士 湖南大学 机械工程 2003.09~2007.07 工学学士 山东理工大学 机械工程 【工作经历】 2015.10至今 教授 中南大学 交通运输工程学院 2013.06~2015.09 副教授 中南大学 交通运输工程学院 2012.11~2013.05 讲师 中南大学 交通运输工程学院 2014.11~2017.03 博士后 中南大学 交通运输工程 【科研项目】 1. 中央高校基本科研业务费,主持。 2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(U1334208),承担。 3. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(2015JJ3155),主持。 4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51405517),主持。 5. 中国博士后科学基金(一等资助)(2015M570691),主持。 6. 国家重点研发计划子任务(2016YFB1200505-17),主持。 7. 国家重点研发计划子任务(2017YFB1201304-18),主持。 8. 中南大学“创新驱动”人才项目,主持。 9. “湖湘青年英才”人才项目(2018RS3002),主持。 10. 高端外国专家引进计划(团体项目)(G20190018004),主持。 11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52075553),主持。 12. 湖南省科技青年人才托举工程项目( 2019TJ-N08),主持。 讲授课程 科学计算与Matlab语言(本科生) 动车组运用工程(本科生) 城市轨道车辆(本科生) 车辆强度与动力学(援外研究生) 冲击动力学(研究生) 学术奖励 [1] 2016年中国铁道学会科学技术特等奖(排4) [2] 2017年湖南省科技进步一等奖(排4) [3] 2018年湖湘青年英才 [4] 2019年湖南省技术发明一等奖(排3) [5] 2020年中南大学茅以升科研奖 [6] 2020年中南大学研究生课堂教学质量优秀奖 [7] 2020年中南大学“十佳青年” [8] 2020年中南大学优秀班导师标兵


列车撞击理论及应用 乘员安全保护技术 轨道交通医学损伤 乘员健康及舒适性


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1. Peng, Y. *, Chen, Y., Yang, J., Otte, D., & Willinger, R. (2012). A study of pedestrian and bicyclist exposure to head injury in passenger car collisions based on accident data and simulations. Safety science, 50(9), 1749-1759. 2. Peng, Y. *, Han, Y., Chen, Y., Yang, J., & Willinger, R. (2012). Assessment of the protective performance of hood using head FE model in car-to-pedestrian collisions. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17(4), 415-423. 3. Peng, Y. *, Deck, C., Yang, J., & Willinger, R. (2012). Effects of pedestrian gait, vehicle-front geometry and impact velocity on kinematics of adult and child pedestrian head. International journal of crashworthiness, 17(5), 553-561. 4. Peng, Y., Yang, J., Deck, C., & Willinger, R. (2013). Finite element modeling of crash test behavior for windshield laminated glass. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 57, 27-35. 5. Peng, Y. *, Deck, C., Yang, J., Otte, D., & Willinger, R. (2013). A study of adult pedestrian head impact conditions and injury risks in passenger car collisions based on real-world accident data. Traffic injury prevention, 14(6), 639-646. 6. Peng, Y. *, Yang, J., Deck, C., Otte, D., & Willinger, R. (2014). Development of head injury risk functions based on real-world accident reconstruction. International journal of crashworthiness, 19(2), 105-114. 7. Peng, Y., Li, R., Li, G. B., Yang, X. M., & Zhou, D. (2015). Method for investigation of child occupant impact dynamics based on real-world accident. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 16(5):791-797. 8. Peng, Y., Deng, W., Xu, P., & Yao, S. (2015). Study on the collision performance of a composite energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles. Thin-Walled Structures, 94: 663-672. 9. Li, R., Xu, P., Peng, Y.*, & Xie, Y. Q. (2015). Scaled tests and numerical simulations of rail vehicle collisions for various train sets. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2015, 0954409715605126. 10. Peng, Y., Wang, X., Xiong, X., Xu, X. (2016). Crashing analysis and multi-objective optimisation of duplex energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicle. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 21(4):338-352. 11. Xu, P., Yang, C., Peng, Y.*, Yao, S., Zhang, D., & Li, B. (2016). Crash performance and multi-objective optimization of a gradual energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 107:1-12. 12. Li, R., Xu, P., Peng, Y.*, & Ji, P. (2016). Multi-objective optimization of a high-speed train head based on the FFD method. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 152: 41-49. 13. Xu, P., Yang, C., Peng, Y.*, Yao, S., Xing, J., & Li, B. (2016). Cut-out grooves optimization to improve crashworthiness of a gradual energy-absorbing structure for subway vehicles. Materials & Design, 103, 132-143. 14. Peng, Y., Hou, L., Yang, M., & Tian, H. (2017). Investigation of the train driver injuries and the optimization design of driver workspace during a collision. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231(8), 902-915. 15. Peng, Y., Wang, S., Yao, S., & Xu, P. (2017). Crashworthiness analysis and optimization of a cutting-style energy absorbing structure for subway vehicles. Thin-Walled Structures, 120, 225-235. 16. Peng, Y., Wang, X., Peng, S., Huang, H., Tian, G., & Jia, H. (2018). Investigation on the injuries of drivers and copilots in rear-end crashes between trucks based on real world accident data in China. Future Generation Computer Systems. 86:1251-1258. 17. Peng, Y., Peng, S., Wang, X., & Tan, S. (2018). An investigation on fatality of drivers in vehicle–fixed object accidents on expressways in China: Using multinomial logistic regression model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2018, 232(7): 643-654. 18. Peng, Y., Chen, X., Peng, S., Chen, C., Li, J., & Liu, G. (2018). Strain Rate-Dependent Constitutive and Low Stress Triaxiality Fracture Behavior Investigation of 6005 Al Alloy. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 2712937, 14 pages. 19. Peng, Y., Hou, L., Che, Q., Xu, P., Li, F. (2019). Multi-objective robust optimization design of a front-end underframe structure for a high-speed train. Engineering Optimization, 51(50):753-774. 20. Peng, Y., Ma, W., Wang, S., Wang, K., & Gao, G. (2019). Investigation of the fracture behaviors of windshield laminated glass used in high-speed trains. Composite Structures, 207:29-40. 21. Peng, Y., Wu, Y., Wang, K., Gao, G., & Ahzi, S. (2019). Synergistic reinforcement of polyamide-based composites by combination of short and continuous carbon fibers via fused filament fabrication. Composite Structures, 207:232-239. 22. Peng, Y., Fan, C., Hu, L., Peng, S., Xie, P., Wu, F., & Yi, S. (2019). Tunnel driving occupational environment and hearing loss in train drivers in China. Occup Environ Med, 76(2), 97-104. 23. Peng, Y., Li, J., Tang, X., Yang, W., Chen, X., Fan, C., & Wang, K. (2019). Molecular Dynamics Study on the Tribological Properties of Phosphorene/Polyethylene Composites. Coatings, 9(5), 342. 24. Zhang, H., Peng, Y. *, Hou, L., Tian, G., & Li, Z. (2019). A hybrid multi-objective optimization approach for energy-absorbing structures in train collisions. Information Sciences, 481, 491-506. 25. Chen, X., Peng, Y. *, Chen, C., Li, J., Wang, K., & Wang, T. (2019). Mechanical behavior and texture evolution of aluminum alloys subjected to strain path changes: Experiments and modeling. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 757 (29), 32-41. 26. Xie, P., Peng, Y. *, Hu, J., Peng, A., & Yi, S. (2019). Assessment methodology for pressure-related aural discomfort in high-speed trains using airtightness experiments and mathematical models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 0954409719851441. 27. Xie, P., Peng, Y. *, Hu, J., Peng, A., & Yi, S. (2019). Assessment of hearing loss induced by tympanic membrane perforations under blast environment. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1-9. 28. Zhang, H.H., Peng, Y. *, Hou, L., Wang, D.Q., Tian, G.D., Li, Z.W.,(2019). Multistage impact energy distribution for whole vehicles in high-speed train collisions: Modeling and solution methodology. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics., 16(4), 2486-2499. 29. Peng, Y., Li, J., Tang, X., Liu, B., Chen, X., & Bai, L. (2020). Friction Reduction of Hydrogenated Graphene by Strain Engineering. Tribology Letters, 68(1), 22. 30. Xie, P., Peng, Y. *, Wang, T., Wu, Z., Yao, S., Yang, M., & Yi, S. (2020). Aural comfort prediction method for high-speed trains under complex tunnel environments. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 81, 102284.


【审稿专家】 国际刊物Accident Analysis & Prevention 审稿专家 国际刊物Traffic Injury Prevention审稿专家 国际刊物Materials & Design审稿专家 国际刊物Thin-Walled Structures审稿专家 国际刊物Safety Science审稿专家 国际刊物International Journal of Mechanical Sciences审稿专家
