刘惠颖,1991年10月生,女,湖南长沙人,中南大学公共管理学院社会学系特聘教授, 中南大学社会调查与民意研究中心秘书长。
2016年至2019年 香港大学社会工作与社会行政系博士研究生 (PhD)
2014年至2016年 香港大学社会工作与社会行政系硕士研究生 (MPhil)
2010年至2014年 南开大学社会工作与社会政策系本科
1. Liu, Huiying, and Vivian WQ Lou. "Transitioning into spousal caregiving: contribution of caregiving intensity and caregivers’ multiple chronic conditions to functional health." Age and ageing. 48.1 (2018): 108-114.
2. Liu, Huiying, and Vivian WQ Lou. "Developing a smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment protocol to collect biopsychosocial data with community-dwelling late-middle-aged and older adults." Translational behavioral medicine (2018). Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 711–719
3. Liu, Huiying, and Wei Qun Vivian Lou. "Continuity and changes in three types of caregiving and the risk of depression in later life: a 2-year prospective study." Age and ageing 46.5 (2017): 827-832.
4. Liu, Huiying, et al. "Continued social participation protects against depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: Longitudinal evidence from three waves of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey." Geriatrics & Gerontology International (2019). 1– 5. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.13752
5. Liu, Huiying, Qian Wen Xie, and Vivian WQ Lou. "Everyday social interactions and intra-individual variability in affect: A systematic review and meta-analysis of ecological momentary assessment studies." Motivation and Emotion 43.2 (2019): 339-353.
6. Liu, Huiying, and Vivian WQ Lou. "Functional recovery of older stroke patients discharged from hospital to home: The effects of cognitive status and different levels of therapy intensity." Journal of clinical nursing 28.1-2 (2019): 47-55.
7. Liu, Huiying, and Vivian WQ Lou. "Patterns of productive activity engagement as a longitudinal predictor of depressive symptoms among older adults in urban China." Aging & mental health 21.11 (2017): 1147-1154.
8. Liu, Huiying, and Wei Qun Lou. "Patterns of productive activity engagement among older adults in urban China." European journal of ageing 13.4 (2016): 361-372.
9. Liu, Huiying, et al. "The relationship between comorbidities in dementia patients and burden on adult–child primary caregivers: Does having a secondary caregiver matter?" International journal of mental health nursing (2019). doi:10.1111/inm.12640
10. Fang, B., Liu, H. , Yang, S. , Xu, R. and Chen, G. (2019), Effect of Subjective and Objective Sleep Quality on Subsequent Peptic Ulcer Recurrence in Older Adults. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 67: 1454-1460.
11. Fang, B., Yang, S., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., Xu, R., & Chen, G. (2019). Association between depression and subsequent peptic ulcer occurrence among older people living alone: A prospective study investigating the role of change in social engagement. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 122, 94-103.
12. Fang, B., Liu, H. , Yang, S. , Xu, R. and Chen, G. (2019), A 4-Year Longitudinal Study on Objective Measure of Sleep Duration and Peptic Ulcer Recurrence in Older Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment Following Helicobacter pylori Eradication: Does Change in the Severity of Depression Matter. Health Psychology. (accepted)
13. Fang, B., Liu, H. , Yang, S. , Xu, R. and Chen, G. (2019), Impact of Social Isolation on Subsequent Peptic Ulcer Recurrence in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Role of Change in the Severity of Depression. Psychosomatic Research(accepted)
担任国际期刊Aging and Mental Health, Gerontology等审稿人;