他主持了国家自然科学青年基金和面上项目、湖南省自然科学优秀青年科学基金项目(湖南省“优青”)等多项课题;参与了973国家重大科学研究计划、国家自科基金重大项目、教育部重大课题攻关项目、中国工程院重大项目、加拿大国际发展研究中心(IDRC)项目等多项课题的理论与实证研究。研究成果发表在农业经济顶级刊物《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》以及国内《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《中国农村经济》等。撰写提交的六份政策建议分别被中办(2篇)、国家部委(教育部和水利部各1篇)和地方政府采纳(省委办公厅和省水利厅各1篇,后者获时任湖南省常务副省长重要批示)。
2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71503276,气候变化背景下我国玉米生产应对极端气候灾害的风险管理策略研究,2016/01-2018/12,已结题
3) 湖南省自然科学优秀青年科学基金项目,2020JJ3051,造林对生态和生计的影响评估:以长株潭城市群生态绿心地区为例,2020/01-2022/12,在研
1) Does mandatory air quality information disclosure raise happiness? Evidence from China; (with Jinxian Wang, Cuicui Sun, and Xiaohong Chen), under review, 2019.
2) Air pollution and subjective well-being: Evidence from a quasi-natural policy experiment in China; (with Juan Huang, and Xiaohong Chen), under review, 2019.
3) Environmental regulation and water pollution: A natural experiment from XiangJiang River Basin in China; (with Xiaohong Chen, Yangyang Li, and Zhen Lei), under review, 2018.
4) Pollution umbrella? The Impact of Economic Zones on Air Pollution in China ; (with Yangyang Li, and Xiaohong Chen), working paper, 2019.
5) Farmers' Adaptive Response on Adjusting Irrigation against Drought and Its effect on Maize Production in China; (with Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, Jing Jiang, and Xiaohong Chen), working paper, 2017.
6) Impact of Land Tenure on Farmers' Adaptive Investment in Coping with Climate Change in China; (with Jikun Huang), working paper, 2016.
1) Huang J., Wang, Y., and Wang, J. 2015. Farmer's Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events through Farm Management and Its Impacts on the Mean and Risk of Rice Yield in China. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(2): 602-617.
2) Wang, Y., Huang, J., and Chen, X. 2019. Do forests relieve crop thirst in the face of drought? Empirical evidence from South China. Global Environmental Change, 55: 105-114.
3)Wang, Y., Chen,X., and Ren, S. 2019. Clean Energy Adoption and Maternal Health: Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 84: 104517.
4) Wang, Y., Huang, J., Wang, J., and Findlay, C. 2018. Mitigating Rice Production Risks from Drought through Improving Irrigation Infrastructure and Management in China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 62: 161-176.
5) Wang, Y., and Chen, X. 2018. Are farmers' adaptations enhancing food production? Evidence from China, Regional Environmental Change, 18(6):1-14.
6)Li, Y., Wang, Y.*, and Chen, X. 2017. The roles of community assets in mitigating the impact of drought on grain yields in Northwest China. Natural Hazards, 89(2): 801-815.
7)Wang, Y., and Chen, X. 2016. Understanding Farmers' Perceptions and Risk Responses to Climate Change in China, Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2(3): 201-210.
8) Wang, Y., Huang, J., and Wang, J. 2014. Household and Community Assets and Farmers' Adaptation to Extreme Weather Event: the Case of Drought in China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(4): 687-697.
9) Hu, Y., Ren, S., Wang, Y., and Chen, X. 2020. Can carbon emission trading scheme achieve energy conservation and emission reduction? Evidence from the industrial sector in China, Energy Economics, 85:104590.
10)Ren S., D. Liu, B. Li, Wang Y., Chen X. 2020. Does emissions trading affect labor demand? Evidence from the mining and manufacturing industries in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 254: 109789.
11)Ren S., Hu, Y., Zheng, J., Wang, Y., and Li, S. 2020. Emissions trading and firm innovation: evidence from a natural experiment in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 155: 119989.
12) Huang, Ji., and Wang, Y. 2014. Financing sustainable agriculture under climate change with specifically focus on Foreign Aid, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13 (4): 698-712.
13) 陈晓红、蔡思佳、汪阳洁(通讯作者). 2020.我国生态环境监管体系的制度变迁逻辑与启示. 《管理世界》,36(11): 60-171.
14)陈晓红、朱蕾、汪阳洁(通讯作者). 2019. 驻地效应:来自国家土地督察的经验证据.《经济学(季刊)》,18(1): 99-122.
15) 陈晓红、唐湘博、李大元、汪阳洁、胡东滨.2020. 构建新时代两型工程管理理论与实践体系.《管理世界》,(5):189-203.
16) 汪阳洁、仇焕广、陈晓红. 2015. 气候变化对农业影响的经济学方法研究进展.《中国农村经济》,(9): 2-10. (人大复印资料全文转载)
17) 汪阳洁、姜志德、王晓兵. 2012. 退耕还林(草)补贴对农户种植业生产行为的影响.《中国农村经济》,(11): 56-68.
18) 汪阳洁、姜志德、王继军. 2015. 基于农业生态系统耦合的退耕还林工程影响评估.《系统工程理论与实践》,35(12): 3155-3163.
19) 汪阳洁、姜志德、王继军. 2010. 耕地保护的制度供给实施绩效差异研究. 《公共管理学报》,7(3): 21-30. (人大复印资料报刊索引)
20) 汪阳洁、张静. 2009. 基于区域发展视角的耕地保护政策失灵及对策选择. 《中国人口.资源与环境》,19(1): 76-81. (人大复印资料报刊索引)
21) 汪阳洁、唐湘博、陈晓红. 2020. 新冠肺炎疫情下我国数字经济产业发展机遇及应对策略. 《科研管理》,(6):157-171.
22)汪阳洁、麻瑛琳.2020. 城市行政级别对企业创新绩效的影响——基于中国工业企业数据的实证分析.《技术经济》,(8):59-69.
23) 侯麟科、仇焕广、汪阳洁、孙来祥. 2015. 气候变化对我国农业生产的影响--基于多投入多产出生产函数的分析. 《农业技术经济》,(3): 4-14.
24) 仇焕广、栾昊、李瑾、汪阳洁. 2014. 风险规避对农户化肥过量施用行为的影响.《中国农村经济》,(3): 85-96.
25) 汪阳洁、李世平. 2007. 耕地非农化中的利益动因分析--基于中央和地方政府的博弈.《农村经济》,(6): 20-23.