Reef, Ruth, Slot, Martijn, Motro, Uzi, Motro, Michal, Motro, Yoav, Adame, Maria F., Garcia, Milton, Aranda, Jorge, Lovelock, Catherine E. and Winter, Klaus (2016) The effects of CO2 and nutrient fertilisation on the growth and temperature response of the mangrove Avicennia germinans. Photosynthesis Research, 129 2: 159-170. doi:10.1007/s11120-016-0278-2
Sidik, Frida, Neil, David and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2016) Effect of high sedimentation rates on surface sediment dynamics and mangrove growth in the Porong River, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 107 1: 355-363. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.048
Bayraktarov, Elisa, Saunders, Megan I., Abdullah, Sabah, Mills, Morena, Beher, Jutta, Possingham, Hugh P., Mumby, Peter J. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2016) The cost and feasibility of marine coastal restoration. Ecological Applications, 26 4: 1055-1074. doi:10.1890/15-1077
Samper-Villarreal, Jimena, Lovelock, Catherine E., Saunders, Megan I., Roelfsema, Chris and Mumby, Peter J. (2016) Organic carbon in seagrass sediments is influenced by seagrass canopy complexity, turbidity, wave height, and water depth. Limnology and Oceanography, 61 3: 938-952. doi:10.1002/lno.10262
Runting, Rebecca K., Lovelock, Catherine E., Beyer, Hawthorne L. and Rhodes, Jonathan R. (2016) Costs and opportunities for preserving coastal wetlands under sea level rise. Conservation Letters, . doi:10.1111/conl.12239
Madin, Joshua S., Anderson, Kristen D., Andreasen, Magnus Heide, Bridge, Tom C.L., Cairns, Stephen D., Connolly, Sean R., Darling, Emily S., Diaz, Marcela, Falster, Daniel S., Franklin, Erik C., Gates, Ruth D., Hoogenboom, Mia O., Huang, Danwei, Keith, Sally A., Kosnik, Matthew A., Kuo, Chao-Yang, Lough, Janice M., Lovelock, Catherine E., Luiz, Osmar, Martinelli, Julieta, Mizerek, Toni, Pandolfi, John M., Pochon, Xavier, Pratchett, Morgan S., Putnam, Hollie M., Roberts, T. Edward, Stat, Michael, Wallace, Carden C., Widman, Elizabeth and Baird, Andrew H. (2016) The Coral Trait Database, a curated database of trait information for coral species from the global oceans. Scientific Data, 3 . doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.17
Castro-Sanguino, Carolina, Lovelock, Catherine and Mumby, Peter J. (2016) The effect of structurally complex corals and herbivory on the dynamics of Halimeda. Coral Reefs, 35 2: 1-13. doi:10.1007/s00338-016-1412-5
Woodroffe, C. D., Rogers, K., McKee, K. L., Lovelock, C. E., Mendelssohn, I. A. and Saintilan, N. (2016) Mangrove sedimentation and response to relative sea-level rise. Annual Review of Marine Science, 8 243-266. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-122414-034025
Mills, Morena, Leon, Javier X., Saunders, Megan I., Bell, Justine, Liu, Yan, O’Mara, Julian, Lovelock, Catherine E., Mumby, Peter J., Phinn, Stuart, Possingham, Hugh P., Tulloch, Vigitskaia, Mutafoglu, Konar, Morrison, Tiffany, Callaghan, David, Baldock, Tom, Klein, Carissa and Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove (2015) Reconciling development and conservation under coastal squeeze from rising sea-level. Conservation Letters, . doi:10.1111/conl.12213
Atwood, Trisha B., Connolly, Rod M., Ritchie, Euan G., Lovelock, Catherine E., Heithaus, Michael R., Hays, Graema C., Fourqurean, James W. and Macreadie, Peter I. (2015) Predators help protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems. Nature Climate Change, 5 12: 1038-1045. doi:10.1038/nclimate2763
Feller, Ilka C., Dangremond, Emily M., Devlin, Donna J., Lovelock, Catherine E., Proffitt, C. Edward and Rodriguez, Wilfrid (2015) Nutrient enrichment intensifies hurricane impact in scrub mangrove ecosystems in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Ecology, 96 11: 2960-2972. doi:10.1890/14-1853.1
Lovelock, Catherine E., Cahoon, Donald R., Friess, Daniel A., Guntenspergen, Glenn R., Krauss, Ken W., Reef, Ruth, Rogers, Kerrylee, Saunders, Megan L., Sidik, Frida, Swales, Andrew, Saintilan, Neil, Thuyen, Le Xuan and Triet, Tran (2015) The vulnerability of Indo-Pacific mangrove forests to sea-level rise. Nature, 526 7574: 559-563. doi:10.1038/nature15538
Lovelock, Catherine E., Simpson, Lorae T., Duckett, Lisa J. and Feller, Ilka C. (2015) Carbon budgets for Caribbean mangrove forests of varying structure and with phosphorus enrichment. Forests, 6 10: 3528-3546. doi:10.3390/f6103528
Swales, Andrew, Bentley Sr., Samuel J. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2015) Mangrove-forest evolution in a sediment-rich estuarine system: opportunists or agents of geomorphic change?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40 12: 1672-1687. doi:10.1002/esp.3759
Mazarrasa, I., Marba, N., Lovelock, C. E., Serrano, O., Lavery, P. S., Fourqurean, J. W., Kennedy, H., Mateo, M. A., Krause-Jensen, D., Steven, A. D. L. and Duarte, C. M. (2015) Seagrass meadows as a globally significant carbonate reservoir. Biogeosciences, 12 16: 4993-5003. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4993-2015,10.1093/biosci/biv088
Duarte, Carlos M., Fulweiler, Robinson W., Lovelock, Catherine E., Pandolfi, John M., Martinetto, Paulina, Saunders, Megan I. and Gelcich, Stefan (2015) 10.1093/biosci/biv088. Bioscience, 65 8: 746-747. doi:10.1093/biosci/biv088
Scharler, U. M., Ulanowicz, R. E., Fogel, M. L., Wooller, M. J., Jacobson-Meyers, M. E., Lovelock, C. E., Feller, I. C., Frischer, M., Lee, R., McKee, K., Romero, I. C., Schmit, J. P. and Shearer, C. (2015) Variable nutrient stoichiometry (carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus) across trophic levels determines community and ecosystem properties in an oligotrophic mangrove system. Oecologia, 179 3: 863-876. doi:10.1007/s00442-015-3379-2
Alongi, D. M., Murdiyarso, D., Fourqurean, J. W., Kauffman, J. B., Hutahaean, A., Crooks, S., Lovelock, C. E., Howard, J., Herr, D., Fortes, M., Pidgeon, E. and Wagey, T. (2015) Indonesia’s blue carbon: a globally significant and vulnerable sink for seagrass and mangrove carbon. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 24 1: 3-13. doi:10.1007/s11273-015-9446-y
Reef, Ruth, Winter, Klaus, Morales, Jorge, Adame, Maria Fernanda, Reef, Dana L. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2015) The effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations on the performance of the mangrove Avicennia germinans over a range of salinities. Physiologia Plantarum, 154 3: 358-368. doi:10.1111/ppl.12289
Balke, Thorsten, Swales, Andrew, Lovelock, Catherine E., Herman, Peter M. J. and Bouma, Tjeerd J. (2015) Limits to seaward expansion of mangroves: Translating physical disturbance mechanisms into seedling survival gradients. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 467 16-25. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2015.02.015