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纪盈如,浙江大学百人计划研究员,博士生导师;香港中文大学传播学哲学博士(2019),浙江大学传播学硕士,浙江大学文学学士(并辅修竺可桢学院创新与创业管理强化班)。 近年来致力于研究数字媒体时代企业危机的舆论发酵机制以及企业危机对消费者和社会的影响。论文发表于传播学和管理学SSCI期刊New Media & Society, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment Management, Public Relations Review, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,和 Asian Journal of Communication; 传播学CSSCI期刊《当代传播》以及TSSCI期刊《传播研究与实践》和《传播与社会》。 在读期间,曾三次获得传播学国际顶级会议——国际传播学会年会(ICA)及新闻和大众传播教育学会年会(AEJMC)——最佳学生论文奖; 也曾获浙江大学竺可桢奖学金、浙江大学十佳大学生、美国百人会英才奖。 代表性成果 Ji, Y*., & Kim, S. (2020). Crisis-induced public demand for regulatory intervention: Examining the moderating roles of perceived government controllability and collective efficacy. New Media & Society. 22(6), 959-983. (SSCI, 传播学一区,五年影响因子 5.267) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819874473 专著章节 Kim, S*., & Ji, Y. (2018). Gap Analysis. In R. L. Heath & W. Johansen. (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, NJ: Wiley. 代表性荣誉 Top Student Paper Award (first place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 101st Annual Conference, Washinton DC, USA Top Student Paper Award (third place), Public Relations Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 101st Annual Conference, Washinton DC, USA Top Student Paper Award (third place), Public Relations Division, International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech. Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award, Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society, Washington DC, USA 浙江大学竺可桢奖学金 浙江大学十佳大学生 美国百人会英才奖 教学与课程 公共关系学 本科生专业必修课(主讲) 危机传播 本科生专业选修课(主讲) 传播学理论 博士生专业必修课(主讲,全球传播项目[全英文]) 当代传播层面与交叉理论 硕士生专业必修课(参与) 招生与培养计划: 2021-2022学年计划招收博士研究生和硕士研究生各一名。 支持本科生毕业设计和其他科研训练项目。 研究方向: 包括但不限于危机传播、公共关系、策略传播和新媒体研究。 研究方法以量化研究为主。 申请方式: 欢迎有意向的学生发邮件咨询,请附送个人简历。 相关招生政策参见: 浙江大学研究生院:http://grs.zju.edu.cn/yjszs/index.php 浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院:http://www.cmic.zju.edu.cn/35565/list.htm





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学术期刊论文列表(* 代表通讯作者) Kim, S., Kang, H., Ji, Y*., Chen, X., & Qu, J., (2021). Online Firestorms in Social Media: Comparative Research between China Weibo and USA Twitter. Public Relations Review. (SSCI, 传播学二区,五年影响因子 2.013)  Ji, Y*., & Kim, S. (2020). Crisis-induced public demand for regulatory intervention: Examining the moderating roles of perceived government controllability and collective efficacy. New Media & Society. 22(6), 959-983. (SSCI, 传播学一区,五年影响因子 5.267) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819874473  Ji, Y*., & Kim, S. (2019). Communication-mediated psychological mechanisms of Chinese publics’ post-crisis corporate associations and government associations. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 27(2), 182-194. (SSCI, 管理学四区,五年影响因子 1.880) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12255    Dong, C., & Ji, Y*. (2018). Connecting young adults to democracy via government social network sites. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 762-775. (共同一作,按姓氏排序) (SSCI, 传播学二区,五年影响因子 2.013) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2018.05.004    Ji, Y*., Zhou, Y., & Kim, S. (2017). A moderated mediation model of political collective action in Hong Kong: Examining the roles of social media consumption and social identity. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(5), 497-516.  (SSCI, 传播学四区,五年影响因子 1.182) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2017.1336777  Kim, S*., & Ji, Y. (2017). Chinese consumers’ expectations of corporate communication on CSR and sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 24(6), 570-588. (SSCI, 管理学一区,五年影响因子 7.131) 下载链接:https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1429  苏钥机、罗文辉*、纪盈如 (2019)。<香港免费报对付费报的替代与时间取代效果:长期追踪调查研究>。《传播研究与实践》。第9卷第一期,页105-130。[TSSCI] 罗文辉*、纪盈如、李宗亚 (2018)。<中文新闻传播学术期刊之评估>。《传播与社会学刊》。第46期,页183-212。[TSSCI] 李岩、纪盈如*(2013)。<网络文本的“生产者式”解读>。《当代传播》。第9期,页22-25。[CSSCI] 顶级国际会议论文(匿名同行评议): Kim, S., Ji, Y., & Rim, H. (August 2020). The process of online keyword activism participation in political crisis: Moderating roles of like-minded public opinion and government controllability of crisis outcomes. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA. Kim, S., Kang, H., Ji, Y., Chen, X., & Qu, J., (August 2020). Online Firestorms in Social Media: Comparative Research between China Weibo and USA Twitter. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 103rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA. Ji, Y. (August 2018). Moderating effects of perceived government controllability over crisis outcomes and consumer collective efficacy on responsibility attribution and demands for regulatory intervention. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 101st Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA. (The 1st Place Top Student Paper at Public Relations Division) Ji, Y. (August 2018). Exploring publics’ expectations for crisis outcomes: a communication mediated psychological mechanism in social media era. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 101st Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA. (The 3rd Place Top Student Paper at Public Relations Division) Dong, C., & Ji, Y. (May 2018). Connecting young adults to democracy via government social network sites. International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech. (The 3rd Place Top Student Paper at Public Relations Division) Ji, Y., & Kim, S. (May 2017). Corporate crises in china: publics’ institutional associations of government ability and social responsibility. International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA. Kim, S., & Ji, Y. (May 2017). Chinese consumers’ expectations of corporate communication on CSR and sustainability. International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA. Ji, Y., Zhou, Y., & Kim, S. (December 2016) Understanding Chinese publics on Weibo in a trans-border crisis: A case study of chou Tzuyu’s flag incident. 1st PRSC & 9th PRAD Conference, Hong Kong. Ji, Y., & Zhou, Y. (August 2016). The moderating effect of social identity on the participation of collective political action among college students in Hong Kong. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 99th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, USA. Ji, Y., & Chen, X. (May 2014). Mobile internet usage and civic participation in mainland China. International Communication Association (ICA) 64th Annual Conference, Seattle, USA.


