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现招收博士与硕士研究生(以及博士后)。本团队聚焦互联网领域及交叉议题,从事立足中国、具有国际视野与影响力的研究工作。瞄准研究前沿,力争成为国际相关领域的一支活跃力量。欢迎同学们加入! Check out this - 16 Oct 2018 _ Session 2. Yu Hong.mp4 洪宇 (Yu Hong),美国伊利诺伊大学(U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)传播学博士,先后在伊利诺伊大学、穆伦堡文理学院任助教和访问助理教授,2010-2017年任美国南加州大学(Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California) 安娜伯格新闻传播学院 [专业世界排名#1]助理教授、博士生导师。2017年8月起,以“百人计划”文科A类入职浙江大学传媒学院任研究员、博士生导师,任浙江大学传播研究所所长,兼任浙江大学清源学社副社长、浙江大学公共外交与战略传播研究中心副主任、浙江大学竺可桢学院18级班主任。2020年起任首批浙江大学全球合作大使(ZJU Global Partnership Ambassador)、浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院院长助理、浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院副院长(实践锻炼)。 SSCI期刊论文与知名国际学术出版社英文专著评审专家。2015年获清华大学苏世明学院学术顾问委员会“杰出访问教授”提名。 致力于传播政治经济学方面的前沿研究和教学。研究围绕传播与媒介技术的政策、政治及政治经济学,重点关注互联网技术、新媒体和数字经济的历史、理论与实践, 领域涵盖传播技术与发展理论,数字经济时代的国家资本主义理论, 国际网络治理与国际传播次序等 。现承担国家社科基金重点项目“国家网络治理与中国互联网全球化协同研究” (18AXW009)。 已发表两部英文学术专著,包括2017年通过美国伊利诺伊大学出版社出版的 <>,该书已受到多位国际顶级学者、China Quarterly、Journal of Information Policy、Asian Communication Research、Asiascape、Mass Communication and Society 、Chinese Journal of Communication 的积极评价, 获得美国大学和研究图书馆协会权威书评机构Choice的推荐,并获教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖、中国新闻史学会新闻传播学学会优秀学术奖。 在Media, Culture & Society, the International Journal of Communication, Telecommunications Policy , Asian Survey, the Chinese Journal of Communication等主要国际学术刊物上发表一系列学术论文。作品还被收录于传播政治经济研究领域重要合集中:Global Media Giants (2016), The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media (2015) , The Internet in China (2015)。 作为博士生导师,在南加州大学、悉尼大学、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校参与博士培养过程。南加州大学期间,已在5位博士生的博士资格考试委员会担任委员,在3位博士候选人的论文答辩委员会担任委员, 指导2位国际访问博士生,主持5次一对一博士生独立阅读课程。还参与Communication Managment和Global Communication硕士项目, 教授包括“传播与媒体经济学”、“媒体、传播和全球化概论”、”批判传播学理论” 以及 “中国传播与社会变革”等本、硕博阶段课程 2021年预备开设本科生课程:互联网与全球传播 2020年秋学期预备开设硕士生课程:数字中国研究专题 本课程拟设计为冬学期“信息社会:理论与前沿”的姊妹篇。我们将以“数字中国”为命题,在整体传播研究视阈下围绕:1)地域政治;2)网络外交;3)城市传播;4)基层传播;5)环境传播;6)技术政治与价值传播;7)风险传播等交叉议题,阅读并研讨国内外相关理论资源,形成传播学元视阈下以及跨学科视阈下辨识与研究数字中国的基本理论框架。 开设本科专业课程:传播学概论 课程简介:在泛媒介化、泛网络化的整体传播时代,传播不仅是人类活动的基本特征,也成为贯穿国内外政治、经济、社会各个领域,建构并反映权力关系的基础设施、组织形态和观念动能。本课程通过整体性和全球化视野,面向新闻传播学本科生以及非新闻传播学的本科学生,介绍人类传播活动的所涉主体、机制、语境和场景,了解在传播学视野下,不同梯度的权力格局和社会关系的建构过程,并把握传播学的理论焦点和历史脉络。本课程主要涉及三方面的内容:一、传播学的历史和研究对象:传播学的研究对象、体系和意义,传播学的渊源与孕育,传播学地位的产生与确立,传播学的现状和趋势。二、传播过程及其相关要素:传播的概念、特点、分类、革命、模式和功能;传播者、传播体制、传播符号、传播媒介、受众和信息环境。三、传播全球化与数字化趋势:了解发展传播学与全球传播政治经济研究的理论关照与研究径路。 开设慕课课程:传播理论前沿 [首批浙江省优秀研究生课程】 本课程为同学们了解传播学的学科前沿和交叉领域提供丰富的材料和视野,并对当代传播所涉的时代议题进行专题性介绍。课程内容从基调性理论起步,落脚于当代传播的重点、热点与难点,其中包括全球传播、传媒经济和出版、健康传播、风险传播、传媒批判理论、无障碍传播等。通过整体性和前沿性视野,本课程面向传媒大类专业的硕博学生和社会公众各个领域专业人士,帮助学生了解传播学的演进历史及当前的学科进展;掌握分析传播现象的基本理论及思考方法;能够用不同学科的理论和视角进行与传播学科的交叉研究。课程授课老师为浙江大学传播研究所教授:洪宇、吴赟、李东晓、黄清、陈宏亮。 开设全英文博士课程:信息社会:理论与前沿 Information Society: Theories and Frontiers This course provides a theoretical overview of the emergence and development of information society. Through a series of readings drawn from the multi-disciplinary field, this class is intended to expose students to the range of theories, perspectives, and concepts that inform this area of study and to identify key issues and debates. Looking at information society across contexts, scales, and units, students will engage with the dialectical tensions, say, between normative values and ideological-political interests, social agency and power relations, technological materiality and meaning making. 参与'马克思主义新闻观'本科教学(首批国家级一级本科课程) 主持“五四读书会:信息社会理论与前沿” 担任浙江大学竺可桢学院”人社1801”班主任(浙江大学2018-2019学年优秀班主任) 负责“全球传播”全英文博士项目 曾教授“Critical Approaches to Global Media and Communications', “Chinese Media and Society', “Communication and Social Change in China', 'Communication and Media Economics', 'Media, Communication and Globalization' 等本科及研究生阶段课程 研究项目 Co-principle investigator: the ICCI-Zizhu Research Collaboration Grant ($30,000) 负责国家社科基金重点项目“国家网络治理与中国互联网全球化协同研究” (18AXW009) 自2017年,本课题组硕士生3人次获得校年度“优秀研究生”、2人次获得“校级优秀毕业生”荣誉称号 陈帅,延安大学历史学硕士,浙江大学传播学博士在读,主要研究领域为新媒体、全球互联网历史、互联网治理,近期学术兴趣主要集中在梳理中国参与全球互联网治理的历程,运用传播学、国际关系学、政治经济学等理论方法分析和理解该过程中的格局变化和权力关系。 第二作者. 从网络空间视角看特朗普在总统选举中的互联网策略[J]. 汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版),2017,33(01):47-57. 第二作者.中国参与ICANN的演进历程、经验总结和对策建议[J]. 新闻与写作,2017,(06):26-33. 第二作者. 从特朗普百日新政研判中美网络安全问题发展态势[J].现代传播(中国传媒大学学报),2017,39(06):136-140. 刘福利,四川省社会科学院新闻学硕士,浙江大学传播学博士在读,主要研究领域为传媒的公共性、传播政治经济学,关注在新媒体环境下政治、经济、技术对传媒公共性的影响以及传媒与弱势群体的互动;同时对新疆少数民族地区的信息传播也有所涉猎。 主持完成教育部人文社科青年项目一项《中外媒体关于新疆热点事件报道的比较研究》(13XJJC860001)。 第一作者:南疆地区高校维吾尔族大学生微信使用情况研究——以对塔里木大学20名维吾尔族大学生的调查为例[J].西部学刊.2018(03):88-91. 第一作者:淡化差异 寻找共通:新疆对外传播的重要策略——以纪录片《我从新疆来》为例[J].声屏世界.2019(02):41-43. 韦旖然,台湾大学政治学硕士,浙江大学传播学博士在读,主要研究领域为传播政治经济学、媒介外交、政治传播,关注传播媒介、数字技术与国际关系的政治经济互动,对网络民族主义、国际关系的美学转向也有相当兴趣。 第一作者. 中国大陆央地媒体涉台选举新闻之比较,《传播、文化与政治》,2020,11:45-83. 第一作者. 中国外交冲突中的媒体策略:信号传递与心理博弈,第十四届中国传播学大会论文集(出版中). Books [学术专著] 1. Yu Hong (2017). Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy. The University of Illinois Press. 购书点击 Recommended.'--Choice 'This is one of the most enlightening pieces of writing on the evolution of the information and communications technology sector in China.'--Chinese Journal of Communication 'Yu Hong's book Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy is an important contribution to the increasing body of literature on Chinese digital media and communication. . . . The book is well written and exemplary in research.'--China Quarterly 'Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy provides a much needed critical assessment of China's engagement with ICTs, telecommunications and media. . . . The book represents the most well-articulated discussion of the imminent rise of techno-nationalism and economic development in China.'--Asian Communication Research 'Hong shines a bright light on the high cost and precarious prospects of making telecoms, the internet, ICTs and media the center of a nation's economic development strategy. It's a must-read for all who want to understand China's embrace of digital capitalism and the political economy of communication therein.'--Mass Communication and Society 'A bold and wide-ranging overview of seven decades of media, telecommunications, and information sector developments in China. Professor Hong manages both to stay engaged with the minutiae of this complex story, but also to identify the critical trends and themes that animated its unfolding. This is no mean achievement, and marks out Professor Hong as a notable scholar of information technology studies as well as a perspicacious observer of China.'--Journal of Information Policy 'In great detail and with the careful reflection of a seasoned scholar, Yu Hong describes the astounding growth of digital technology in China and its complex and powerful ramifications at home and abroad.'--Vincent Mosco, author of To the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbulent World 'Yu Hong's book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the role China's cutting-edge information technology sector has played in the nation's unprecedentedly rapid economic development. She provides excellent insight into the nuances of state policies on key communications systems, and does so with a keen, discerning eye for the vital issues affecting the present and future course of China's networked economy.'--Eric Harwit, author of China's Telecommunications Revolution 2. Yu Hong (2011). Labor, Class Formation and China’s Informationized Policy of Economic Development. Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publisher. 特邀学术报告 第十八届中国互联网研究年会主旨发言The 18th Chinese Internet Research Conference, 墨尔本皇家理工大学,Australian, 2021. 'Alternatives to Digital Capitalism' The 25 de Mayo Instituto para la Democracia sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Foregin Affairs, Dec 18, 2020 The first Silkologies Initiativeevent - Silk Roads/Smart Territories, Human Sciences Centers (MSH) of Paris North, Nov 4-5, 2019 艾伯特基金会(FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG)第三期大会主旨发言 Digital Capitalism congress, Berlin, 29-30,October 2019 国际传播学会2019年大会开幕主旨发言opening plenary talk,ICA 2019 Opening Plenary 'Communication beyond Boundaries' Washington DC, 24 May, 2019 巴塞罗那市政厅主办欧盟跨学科2018年度论坛特邀报告, DECODE Symposium 2018 'Beyond surveillance capitalism: in search of Europe’s digital sovereignty', Barcelona City Council, Spain, Oct 16-17, 2018. Invited keynote talk at the 'Communication, Culture and Governance in China and East Asia' symposium, Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, and Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, University of Queensland, August 2-3, 2018 昆士兰科技大学“传播、文化与治理”论坛特邀主旨报告 Invited keynote talk, “网络世界的数字化转型:全球信息传播秩序的历史与反思”座谈会,北京大学新闻与传播学院,July 14, 2018. 邀请报告 Invited keynote talk at the China-Australia Conference, Curtin Univerity 科廷大学“社会技术、用户群体、文化知识” 为主题的U40中澳学术会议特邀主旨报告,Feb 21-23, 2018 Invited keynote talk at the symposium “Digital Transaction in Asia” at Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology 昆士兰科技大学“数字交易在亚洲”论坛特邀主旨报告, August 8-10, 2017 Invited book talk at the Center for the Study of Contemporary China at the University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学当代中国研究中心邀请报告, April 10, 2017 Invited book talk in the Research Seminar Series of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan密歇根大学中国研究中心“学术研讨会系列”邀请报告, Ann Arbor, March 27, 2017. Invited Speaker, the First Summit Forum on Global Internet Governance中国社科院新闻与传播研究所全球互联网治理论坛特邀报告, organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Normal University and the McLuhan Centre in Culture & Technology, October 22-23, 2016. Invited Speaker, 第二届河阳论坛暨“乡村、文化与传播”学术周特邀报告 organized by the Chinese University of Communication, October 11-12, 2016. Invited keynote speaker, the “Revisiting ICT and Social Change: Potentialities and Limitation” workshop organized by the School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, May 14-15, 2016. Delivered a research presentation titled “Pivot to Internet+: China’s Roadmap out of Economic Crisis and Its Trials.” 中山大学社会学人类学学院新媒体实验室、中山大学中国公益慈善研究院主办的2016年度“深度社会整合下的互联网与信息通信技术:潜力与局限”工作坊特邀主旨演讲。 Invited speaker, School of Communication, Sun Yat-sen University, May 16, 2016. Delivered a research presentation titled “Networking China: The Digital Transformation of the Chinese Economy.” 中山大学传播与设计学院学术沙龙邀请报告。 Invited speaker, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, August 7, 2015. Delivered a research presentation titled “Networking the Nation: Communications and Economic Restructuring in China.” 加拿大西蒙. 弗雷泽大学传播学院及中国传媒大学全球传播双学位项目特邀主旨报告。 Invited speaker, Annual Conference on Critical Research in Communication: The Political Positioning of Chinese Media, Fudan University Journalism School, July 7-8, 2014. Delivered a research presentation with student co-author titled “拥抱传播:中国媒体发展战略下的劳动与产业” [Embracing Communication: China’s Post-2008 Economic Restructuring and Labor]. 复旦大学批判传播学年会“中国媒体的政治坐标”邀请报告。 Invited speaker, the Second Huaihai Forum on Change and Innovation of Media Landscape, Shanghai Academy of Social Science, June 21-22, 2014. Delivered a research presentation titled “拥抱传播:中国媒体发展战略下的劳动与产业” [Embracing Communication: China’s Post-2008 Economic Restructuring and Labor]. 上海社会科学院新闻研究所 “媒介格局的突破与创新” 第二届淮海新闻论坛邀请报告。 Invited keynote speech, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) network conference 'Dynamics of Virtual Work,' Darmstadt, Germany, April 8-10, 2013. I was unable to make it due to medical conditions. 欧洲科技合作组织会议特邀主旨报告。 Invited speaker, the International Conference on Communication and Global Power Shifts, Communication University of China, Beijing, Oct 12-13, 2012. Delivered a research presentation titled “Between Market Development and Public Service: The State in China’s Cultural System Reform.” 中国传媒大学“传播与全球权力迁移”国际研讨会邀请报告。 Invited speaker, the “Communication and Social Transformation: New Marxist Perspectives” conference, Fudan University, Shanghai, May 13–14, 2011. Delivered a research presentation titled “Reading the Twelfth Five-Year Plan: China’s Communication-Driven Mode of Economic Restructuring.” 复旦大学“当代马克思主义视野下的传播与社会变迁”国际研讨会邀请报告。 权威国际学术会议报告 Co-chair 联席主席,PRECONFERENCE: CONCEPTUALIZING A POST-AMERICAN INTERNET: TECHNOLOGY, GOVERNANCE, AND GEOPOLITICS, GOLD COAST, ASUSTRALIA, MAY 21, 2020 Presenter报告, 'Towards Fragmented Platform Governance in China,' paper selected for presetantion at the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Madrid, July 6-11, 2019 Presenter 报告, 'How to Think about Sovereignty: The Case of China,' paper selected for presentation at the International Communication Association, Washington, D. C., May 24-28, 2019 Co-chair 联席主席,PRECONFERENCE: CONCEPTUALIZING THE NEW SILK ROADS AS COMMUNICATION: TOWARDS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER? International Communication Association Prague, May 23, 2018 Chair 主席, “The Geopolitical Economy of China’s Cyber Power Strategy: Contexts, Strategies, and Rivalries,” panel at the International Communication Association, San Diego, May 25-29, 2017. Presenter报告, “Reading the 13th Five-Year Plan: Reflections on China’s ICT Policy,” paper selected for presentation at the International Communication Association, San Diego, May 25-29, 2017. Co-presenter 共同报告, “Mapping information technology aid flows from China to 50 African countries: 2000-2012,” paper selected for presentation at the International Communication Association, San Diego, May 25-29, 2017. Chair 主席, “How has Information Society been Imagined in China? The Dynamics of Informatization and the Future of Digital Socialism,” International Association for Media and Communication Research, Leister, UK, July 27-31, 2016. Presenter 报告, “Media Giants in the Making: Tencent, China Mobile and Shanghai Media Group,” International Association for Media and Communication Research, Leister, UK, July 27-31, 2016. Co-presenter共同报告with François Bar and Rong Wang, “Mapping information technology aid flows from China to 50 African countries: 2000-2012,” the 14th Chinese Internet Research Conference, Fudan University, June 14-15, 2016. Chair主席, “Building ‘Digital Asia’ for Economic Recovery: Contradictions and Contestations,” panel at the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, June 9-13, 2016 Presenter报告, “Pivot to Internet Plus: China’s Roadmap out of Economic Crisis?” paper presented at the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, June 9-13, 2016. Presenter报告, “Harnessing the Internet for Sustainable Economic Recovery: China’s New Communication Agenda and Its Trials,” the Association for Asian Studies annual conference, Seattle, Washington, March 31-April 3, 2016. Chair 主席, “China’s Internet Giants: A Rising Force? The Political Economy of Internet through Four Case Studies,” panel at the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Montreal, Canada, July 12-16, 2015. Panel organizer 召集人, “Pivoting Digital Capitalism?: Political Economy, Power, and Conflict of Information Technology and China,” panel at the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21-25, 2015. Presenter 报告, “Go Digital and Go Global: China’s Strategies towards Global Internet Governance,” the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 21-25, 2015. Presenter 报告, “Building Network Nation: Domestic Thrusts and Global Impacts,” the Association for Asian Studies annual conference, Chicago, IL, March 26-29, 2015. Discussant评议人, “At Crossroads: China’s Digital Policy and the Global Communications Landscape” panel at International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, May 22-26, 2014. Presenter 报告, “Between Corporate Development and Public Service: The Cultural System Reform in the Chinese Media Sector,” International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, May 22-26, 2014. Presenter 报告, “The Rise of a Broadband-based Economy in China: Its Context, Efforts, and Futility,” the Association for Asian Studies annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 27-March 30, 2014. Presenter 报告, “Broadband Internet in the Chinese Crisis Economy” the TPRC/41th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, September 27-29, 2013, George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, Virginia Presenter 报告, “Chinese Telecommunications on the Threshold of Convergence: Possibilities of and Impediments to Forging a Nation-Centric Developmental Model,” the 9th Chinese Internet Research Conference, Georgetown University, May 23-24, 2011 Presenter报告, “China's Communication-Based Economic Restructuring in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Recession,” the 8th Chinese Internet Research Conference “Internet and Modernity with Chinese Characteristics: Institutions, Cultures and Social Formations,” Peking University, China, June 29-30, 2010 Presenter报告, “Will Chinese ICT Workers Unite in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis?” the Seventh International Conference of Rethinking Marxism, University of Massachusetts in Amherst, November 5-8, 2009 Presenter报告, 'Information Economy, New Labor, and Vocational Education -- An Open Question about Equity and Economic Growth” the 2009 Union for Democratic Communication conference May 28-31, 2009 Presenter报告, “Neoliberal Development and the Ascending Power of Capital in China’s Communication Industries: Social and Class Analysis Perspectives” the 58th Conference of the International Communications Associations, Montreal, May 22-26, 2008 Presenter报告, “The Composition of ICT Workforces and Its Indications of China’s Developmental Strategy,” the 58th Conference of the International Communications Associations, Montreal, May 22-26, 2008 Presenter报告, “ICT4D in the Chinese Developmental Context—The Directions and Characters of ICT Development in China,” the 57th Conference of the International Communications Association, San Francisco, May 24-28, 2007 Presenter报告, “Social Class and Communications” Working dissertation proposal presented at the Oxford Internet Institute Doctoral Summer Program, July 7-21, 2005 Edited Chapters [学术合集章节] 1. Yu Hong (2019), 批判传播政治经济学视角下的中国互联网 [China’s Internet from the Perspective of Critical Political Economy], in《传播新视野:危机与转机》 [New Communication Research Perspectives: Crisis and Transition] edited by 吕新雨, 赵月枝, and 冯建三, 华东师范大学六点出版社[East China Normal University Press]。 2. Yu Hong (2016) “Media Giants in the Making: Tencent, China Mobile, and Shanghai Media Group,” in Global Media Giants edited by Janet Wasko, Rodridgo Gomez, and Benjamin Birkinbine  3. Yu Hong and Wei Wang (2015) “Embracing Communication: China’s Post-2008 Economic Restructuring and Labor,” in The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media edited by Richard Maxwell  4. Yu Hong (2015). “Internet and economic development,” In Ashley Esarey & Randolph Kluver (Eds.), The Internet in China: Cultural, Political, and Social Dimensions (1980s–2000s) (pp. 10–18). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.  5. Yu Hong (2009), “北美‘媒体融合’研究的问题、现状与启示:一种传播政治经济学视角下的文献回顾” [A Critical Review of North American Scholarship on Media Convergence] in《中国传媒报告》[China Media Report], issue 3 (2009).  Book Reviews [书评] Y. Hong (2019), 'Book Review of China’s Media Go Global,' in Chinese Journal of Communication Yu Hong (2009), “Book Review of Communication and Empire: Media, Market and Globalization, 1860-1930,” in Chinese Journal of Communication 2, 2. Yu Hong (2009), “Book Review of From Iron Fist to Invisible Hand: The Uneven Paths of Telecommunications Reform in China,” in Journal of Asian Studies 68, 4: 1274-1276.


传播政治经济学 国际传播 互联网与信息技术的政治与政策 中国传播业史


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1、洪宇&陈帅'数字冷战再审视:从互联网地缘政治到地缘政治话语”,working paper 2、Hong&Wang,'走向平台化社会治理”working paper 3、Hong,'Reading the 14th Five-Year Plan' 4、洪宇(2021)“以数字中国为方法:新全球化语境下整体传播命题及学理路径重塑”,现代传播,upcoming Refereed Journal Publications[**SSCI论文] 1**R.Wang,F.Bar&Y.Hong(2020),'ICT Aid Flows From China to African Countries:  A Communication Network Perspective,'[中式数字全球化的机制与影响研究—以对非ICT援助为例],International Journal of Communication. 2**.Y.Hong&E.Harwit(2020),'China's globalizing internet:History,power,and governance,'Chinese Journal of Communication 3**.Y.Hong&G.T.Goodnight(2020),'How to Think about Cyber Sovereignty:The Case of China'[如何理解互联网主权],Chinese Journal of Communication,13(1). 4**.Y.Hong&J.Xu(2019),'Towards Fragmented Platform Governance in China:Through the Lens of Alibaba and the Legal-Judicial System'[混搭式平台治理体系:基于阿里巴巴的互联网法制研究],International Journal of Communication 5**.Yu Hong(2017)“Reading the 13th Five-Year Plan:Reflections on China’s ICT Policy.”International Journal of Communication 6**.Yu Hong(2017)“Pivot to Internet Plus:Molding China’s Digital Economy for Economic Restructuring?”International Journal of Communication 11:1-21. 7.Yu Hong(2015).“Colonial Legacies and Peripheral Strategies—Socio-spatial Logic of China’s Communications Development since 1840,”Global Media and Communication 11,2(August):89-102. 8**.Yu Hong(2014)“Between Corporate Development and Public Service:The Cultural System Reform in the Media Sector,”Media,Culture and Society 36:610-627. 9**.Yu Hong(2013)“Repurposing Telecoms for Capitals in China:System Development and Inequality,”Asian Survey 53,2(March/April):319-347. 10**.Yu Hong,François Bar,and Zheng An(2012).“Chinese Telecommunications on the Threshold of Convergence:Contexts,Possibilities,and Limitations of a Domestic Demand-Based Growth Model,”Telecommunications Policy 36,10-11(November-December):914-928. 11**.Yu Hong(2011),“Reading the Twelfth Five-Year Plan:China’s Communication-Driven Mode of Economic Restructuring,”International Journal of Communication 5:1-20. 12.Yu Hong(2010),“Will Chinese ICT Workers Unite?—New Signs of Change in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis,”Work Organization,Labour and Globalisation 4,2:60-82. 13**.Yu Hong(2010),“The Politics of Socialist Harmonious Society in the Aftermath of Neoliberalism,”in Chinese Journal of Communication 3,3:311-328. 14.Yu Hong(2008),'Distinctive Characteristics of China’s Path of ICT Development—A Critical Analysis of Chinese Developmental Strategies in Light of the Eastern Asian Model,”International Journal of Communication 2:456-471. 15**.Yu Hong(2008),“Information Society with Chinese Characteristics—Discursive Construction of the Neo-industrialization Strategy in the People’s Daily,”Javnost-The Public 15,3:23-38. 中文论文 1.洪宇,“全球互联网变局:危机、转机与未来趋势”,《人民论坛.学术前沿》,2020.08上 2.洪宇(2020),“后美国时代的互联网与国家”,国际新闻界,《中国人民大学报刊复印资料(新闻与传播)》转载,2020年第5期。 3.L.Gross(2019),洪宇(译),赵欣瑞(译),“传播与传播研究:历史与展望”,国际新闻界。 4.洪宇(2018),“世界互联网大会的全球意义:大变局中的新动能与新方案”[等同国内权威期刊刊发],光明网,理论版/地评线. 5.Yu Hong(2016),中国与国际互联网:博弈式的国际融合[China and the Global Internet:A Contested Convergence],《新闻与传播研究》 6、洪宇,“树立网络治理的整体意识与多维视角”,《中国社会科学报》,2020/5/6,p.4. 7.洪宇,“立足问题意识,唱响世界之中国”,人民日报社《新闻战线》,2019/11. 8、洪宇,“锻造浙江新闻传播力,正当其时”,浙江日报社《传媒评论》,2019/12 9、洪宇,“携手构建网络空间命运共同体”,光明网,理论专稿,2019/10. 10.洪宇,“透过两会看‘数字中国’:凝聚高质量发展共识”,光明网,理论专稿,2019/3. 11.洪宇,“践行网络强国战略:把握全球数字时代历史机遇期”,光明网,理论专稿,2019/3。 12.洪宇,“美国传媒自由的光环,经不起质疑”,光明网,理论频道,2019/6. 13.洪宇,“中国与数字技术的地缘政治”,El Confidencial西班牙机密报,采访专稿,2018 Reprints重印论文 Yu Hong(2014),寻找企业发展和公共服务之间的黄金平衡点:中国媒介行业的文化体制改革[Between Corporate Development and Public Service:The Cultural System Reform in the Media Sector],in《上海传媒发展报告(2014)》[Blue Book of Shanghai:Annual Report of Development of 2014]edited by强荧焦雨虹,Social Sciences Academic Press(China) Yu Hong(2013),“The Politics of a Socialist Harmonious Society in the Aftermath of China’s Neoliberal Development,”in Chinese Media edited by Michael Keane and孙皖宁,Routledge. Yu Hong(2010),“Will Chinese ICT Workers Unite?—New Signs of Change in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis,”in Getting the Message:Communications Workers and Global Value Chains edited by Catherine McKercher,Vincent Mosco and Ursula Huws,London:The Merlin Press Ltd.


2016年起任知名学术期刊 Global Media and Communication 书评编辑。2018年起任SSCI期刊 Chinese Journal of Communication 编辑顾问委员会委员; 2019年起任SSCI期刊International Journal of Communication 编委会委员;2018年起任China Media Research 副主编; 2020年起任《中国传媒报告》主编。2018-2019年任美国国际传播学会(International Communication Association)全球传播与社会变迁分会秘书长;2019-2023年任国际媒体与传播学研究学会(International Assocation for Media and Communication)政治经济分会副主席;2018年起任中国新闻史学会“全球传播与公共外交”二级学会秘书长、中国记协新媒体专业委员会委员、中信改革发展研究基金会咨询委员。
