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胡洁,女,“百人计划”研究员(文科A类),博士生导师。英国约克大学硕士,英国华威大学博士。现任浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师、语言与翻译系副主任。入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。 近年来,主持教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目、国家社科基金项目“连接主义视阈下培养英语专业本科生思辨能力的研究”、英国社科基金项目“通过远程教育交互式实践社区手段提高研究生学术英语阅读水平”、中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目“基于智慧教育理论的智慧型人才培养及其应用研究”、重点项目“分级法在高校英语专业网络学习中的可行性研究”。成果在 A&HCI、SSCI、SCI、EI、ESCI 级别刊物以第一或通讯作者公开发表;出版英文专著1部、中文专著2部。 奖励和荣誉 1. 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2. 教育部教指委全国高等学校计算机课件评比 三等奖 3. 省级优秀教育技术科研成果奖 一等奖 4. 入选省级“海外高层次人才” 5. 香港王宽诚教育基金会 科研奖励 6. 校级个人记功一次 7. “外研社杯”大学生英语辩论赛全国总决赛 优秀评委 8. 中国模拟联合国大赛 优秀指导教师 9. 英国 Professional Classes Aid Council 优秀科研成果奖 所授课程: 大学英语IV 综合英语、高级英语、英语泛读、 中级英语口语、英美散文选读 英语教育技术 国际会议与国际交流 所主持教改项目: 2020:教育部高等教育司2019年第二批产学合作协同育人项目“面向大数据的“外语+”国际组织核心素养师资培训” 2018:线上线下混合式教学模式改革试点项目 2018:浙江大学高等教育“十三五”第一批教学改革研究项目 近年来,主持以下纵向科研项目: 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目(已结题) 国家社科基金项目“连接主义视阈下培养英语专业本科生思辨能力的研究”(已结题) 2020年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题 重点项目“核心素养视域下的高校英语素养培养研究”(在研) 中央高校基本科研业务费 交叉项目“基于大数据的外语核心素养评价研究”(在研) 英国社科基金项目“通过远程教育交互式实践社区手段提高研究生学术英语阅读水平”(已结题) 中央高校基本科研业务费 重大项目“基于智慧教育理论的智慧型人才培养及其应用研究”(已结题) 中央高校基本科研业务费 重点项目“分级法在高校英语专业网络学习中的可行性研究”(已结题) Recent Publications from 2018: I. 专著 Books: 胡洁.连接主义视阈下英语专业学生创新型思辨能力研究,重庆大学出版社,2020 胡洁.文化自信视域下高校国际化人才培养研究,浙江大学出版社,2019 成果在 A&HCI、SSCI、SCI、EI、ESCI 级别刊物以第一或通讯作者公开发表;出版英文专著1部、中文专著1部;曾获得国际学术会议“最佳论文奖”(ICCSE, Best Paper Award)。 1. 教育部教指委全国高等学校计算机课件评比 三等奖 2. 省级优秀教育技术科研成果奖 一等奖 3. 香港王宽诚教育基金会 科研奖励 4. 曾宪梓国际交流基金 5. 英国 Professional Classes Aid Council 优秀科研成果奖


英语教育、二语习得 英语教育技术、教育大数据 国际组织与全球教育治理


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊文章 Journal Papers: (* 通讯作者 Corresponding author,浙江大学为第一单位) Chen, X., & Hu, J.* (2020). ICT-related behavioral factors mediate the relationship between adolescents' ICT interest and their ICT self-efficacy: Evidence from 30 countries. Computers & Education. (SSCI Indexed, IF = 5.239) Chen, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, J.* (2020). Synergistic effects of instruction and affect factors on high- and low-ability disparities in elementary students’ reading literacy. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. https://rdcu.be/b5BAV (SSCI Indexed) Hu. J., Chen, K., & Liu, D*. (2020). Chinese university faculty members’ visiting experience and professional growth in American universities. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal. (SSCI Indexed) Li, F., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Tang, J., Yang, Q., Zhang, Y… Hu, J.*, Xue, W., Qiu, Y., He, Q., Yang, B., & Zhu, F.* (2020). SSizer: Determining the sample sufficiency for comparative study. Journal of Molecular Biology. (SCI Indexed) Hu. J.* (2020). Book Review: Processes of change: Studies in Late Modern and present-day English. Language in Society. (SSCI Indexed) Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2020). Differentiating critical thinking dispositions of newly enrolled EFL undergraduates and postgraduates through SVM approach. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI Indexed) Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (Online, 2019). Discrimination of the contextual features of top performers in scientific literacy using a machine learning approach. Research in Science Education. https://rdcu.be/btN56 (SSCI Indexed) Xiao, Y., Liu, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Regression analysis of ICT impact factors on early adolescents’ reading proficiency in five high-performing countries. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI Indexed) Hu, J.*, & Wei, Y. (2019). The centrality of creativity: A new perspective on English language teaching. English Today. (A&HCI, SSCI Indexed) Cui, X. J., Yang, Q. X., Li, B., Tang, J., Zhang, X. Y... Hu, J.*, Lou, Y., Qiu, Y. Q., Xue, W. W., & Zhu. F.* (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of direct data merging strategy in long-term and large-scale. Frontiers in Pharmacology. (SCI Indexed) Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Assessment of optimal pedagogical factors for Canadian ESL learners’ reading literacy through artificial intelligence algorithms. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Dong, X., & Hu, J.* (2019). An exploration of impact factors influencing students’ reading literacy in Singapore with machine learning approaches. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Differentiating critical thinking dispositions of newly enrolled EFL undergraduates and postgraduates through a support vector machine approach. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI, ESCI Indexed) Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The moderation examination of ICT use on the association between Chinese mainland students’ socioeconomic status and reading achievement. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. (EI, ESCI Indexed) Chen, X., & Hu, J.* (2019). Evolution of U.S. presidential discourse over 230 years: A psycholinguistic perspective. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Chen, X., Yan, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). A corpus-based study of Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s linguistic styles. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Xiao, Y., Li, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative in Chinese and American media: A critical discourse analysis based on self-built corpora. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The influence of ICT attitudes on closing the reading literacy gap of students from different economic, social and cultural backgrounds. Proceedings of IEEE the 14th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. (EI Indexed) Xiao, Y., & Hu, J.* (2019). The inheritance and spreading of Confucianism in modern China and South Korea. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. (CPCI-SSH Indexed) Chen, J., & Hu, J.* (2018). Enhancing L2 learners’ critical thinking skills through a connectivism-based intelligent learning system. International Journal of English Linguistics. (ESCI Indexed) Wei, Y., Yang, Q., Chen, J., & Hu, J.* (2018). The exploration of a machine learning approach for the assessment of learning styles changes in different grade levels. Mechatronic Systems and Control. (EI Indexed) Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2018). The impact of the digital learning on EFL students’ critical thinking disposition. Proceedings of IEEE the 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. (EI Indexed) Nie, T., & Hu, J.* (2018). EFL students’ satisfaction with the college English education in the MOOC: An empirical study. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. (CPCI-SSH Indexed) Wei, Y., & Hu, J.* (2018). A cross-sectional evaluation of EFL students' critical thinking dispositions in digital learning. The International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science 2018. (CPCI-SSH Indexed)


1.国际学术会议分会主席(Chair of Technical Session on E-learning) 2.加拿大International Journal of English Linguistics期刊Associate Editor 3.加拿大Control and Intelligent Systems期刊学术编辑(Editor) 4.加拿大Mechatronic Systems and Control期刊学术编辑(Editor) 5.美国Journal of Computer Science Applications and Education学术期刊编委 6.中国高等学校计算机教育研究会理事(国家一级学会) 7.中国高等学校计算机教育研究会对外联络委员会副秘书长 8.Computers&Education,Computer Assistant Langugae Learning,System,International Journal of English Linguistics等学术期刊审稿人
