Frank, A., Wardle, G., Greenville, A., Dickman, C. (2016). Cattle removal in arid Australia benefits kangaroos in high quality habitat but does not affect camels. Rangeland Journal, 38(1), 73-84. [More Information]
Popic, T., Davila, Y., Wardle, G. (2016). Cheater or mutualist? Novel florivory interaction between nectar-rich Crotalaria cunninghamii and small mammals. Austral Ecology, 41(4), 396-404. [More Information]
Tredennick, A., Adler, P., Grace, J., Harpole, W., Borer, E., Seabloom, E., Anderson, T., Bakker, J., Biederman, L., Brown, C., Wardle, G., et al (2016). Comment on “Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness�? Science, 351(6272), 457-a-457-a. [More Information]
Kwok, A., Wardle, G., Greenville, A., Dickman, C. (2016). Long-term patterns of invertebrate abundance and relationships to environmental factors in arid Australia. Austral Ecology, 41, 480-491. [More Information]
Greenville, A., Wardle, G., Nguyen, V., Dickman, C. (2016). Population dynamics of desert mammals: similarities and contrasts within a multispecies assemblage. Ecosphere, 7(5), 1-19. [More Information]
Kerr, N., Baxter, P., Salguero-Gomez, R., Wardle, G., Buckley, Y. (2016). Prioritizing management actions for invasive populations using cost, efficacy, demography and expert opinion for 14 plant species world-wide. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(2), 305-316. [More Information]
Greenville, A., Wardle, G., Nguyen, V., Dickman, C. (2016). Spatial and temporal synchrony in reptile population dynamics in variable environments. Oecologia, 182, 475-485. [More Information]
Morgan, J., Dwyer, J., Price, J., Prober, S., Power, S., Firn, J., Moore, J., Wardle, G., Seabloom, E., Borer, E., et al (2016). Species origin affects the rate of response to interannual growing season precipitation and nutrient addition in four Australian native grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science, in press. [More Information]
Emery, N., Henwood, M., Offord, C., Wardle, G. (2015). Actinotus helianthi populations across a wide geographic range exhibit different climatic envelopes and complex relationships with plant traits. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 176(8), 739-750. [More Information]
Lindenmayer, D., Burns, E., Tennant, P., Dickman, C., Green, P., Keith, D., Metcalfe, D., Russell- Smith, J., Wardle, G., Williams, D., et al (2015). Contemplating the future: Acting now on long-term monitoring to answer 2050's questions. Austral Ecology, 40(3), 213-224. [More Information]
Wardle, G., Greenville, A., Frank, A., Tischler, M., Emery, N., Dickman, C. (2015). Ecosystem risk assessment of Georgina gidgee woodlands in central Australia. Austral Ecology, 40(4), 444-459. [More Information]
Nguyen, V., Greenville, A., Dickman, C., Wardle, G. (2015). On the validity of visual cover estimates for time series analyses: a case study of hummock grasslands. Plant Ecology, 216(7), 975-988. [More Information]
Salguero-Gomez, R., Jones, O., Archer, C., Buckley, Y., Che-Castaldo, J., Caswell, H., Hodgson, D., Scheuerlein, A., Conde, D., Brinks, E., Wardle, G., et al (2015). The compadre Plant Matrix Database: An open online repository for plant demography. Journal of Ecology, 103(1), 202-218. [More Information]
Greenville, A., Wardle, G., Tamayo, B., Dickman, C. (2014). Bottom-up and top-down processes interact to modify intraguild interactions in resource-pulse environments. Oecologia, 175(4), 1349-1358. [More Information]
Andersen, A., Beringer, J., Bull, C., Byrne, M., Cleugh, H., Christensen, R., French, K., Harch, B., Hoffmann, A., Lowe, A., Wardle, G., et al (2014). Foundations for the future: A long-term plan for Australian ecosystem science. Austral Ecology, 39(7), 739-748. [More Information]
Frank, A., Wardle, G., Dickman, C., Greenville, A. (2014). Habitat- and rainfall-dependent biodiversity responses to cattle removal in an arid woodland - grassland environment. Ecological Applications, 24(8), 2013-2028.
McIntosh, E., Rossetto, M., Weston, P., Wardle, G. (2014). Maintenance of strong morphological differentiation despite ongoing natural hybridization between sympatric species of Lomatia (Proteaceae). Annals of Botany, 113(5), 861-872. [More Information]
Renner, M., Brown, E., Wardle, G. (2013). Averaging v. outlier removal. Decrypting variance among cryptic Lejeunea species (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida) using geometric morphometrics. Australian Systematic Botany, 26(1), 13-30. [More Information]
Tischler, M., Dickman, C., Wardle, G. (2013). Avian functional group responses to rainfall across four vegetation types in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Austral Ecology, 38(7), 809-819. [More Information]
Popic, T., Davila, Y., Wardle, G. (2013). Evaluation of Common Methods for Sampling Invertebrate Pollinator Assemblages: Net Sampling Out-Perform Pan Traps. PloS One, 8(6), 1-9. [More Information]