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◆ 学习经历 2010~2013, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室, 生态学, 博士 2006~2009, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室, 生态学, 硕士 2002~2006, 华东师范大学, 资源与环境学院, 地理信息系统, 学士 ◆ 工作经历 2018~现在, 浙江师范大学, 地理与环境科学学院, 讲师, 硕士研究生导师, 副教授 2013~2018, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室, 助理研究员 2017~2017, 美国佐治亚理工学院, 地球与大气科学学院, 访问学者 2011~2011, 奥地利国际应用系统分析研究所, 青年科学家 2009~2010, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室, 研究助理 ◆ 科研项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金—面上项目“基于叶绿素含量和最大羧化速率同步观测的亚热带常绿针叶林生产力模拟研究(41871084)”(2019.01-2022.12), 主持, 项目负责人 [2] 国家自然科学基金—青年项目“中亚热带人工针叶林碳通量对干旱响应的模拟研究(41401110)”(2015.01-2017.12), 主持, 项目负责人 [3] 国家重点研发计划科技专项“京津冀城市群高时空分辨率碳排放监测及应用示范”第五课题子课题“京津冀网格化地物功能信息识别和碳排放可视化应用平台GIS支持(2017YFB0504005-05)”(2017.07-2021.06), 主持, 子课题负责人 [4] 国家重点研发计划科技专项“地球资源环境动态监测技术”第一课题(2016YFB0501501)子课题“多尺度多源地表要素监测技术和卫星产品验证”(2016.07-2020.12), 主持, 子课题负责人 [5] 中国科学院先导专项“生态系统固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”第七课题子课题“中国陆地生态系统碳收支的多元数据整合分析与评估(XDA05050702)”中的专题“基于模型的中国陆地生态系统碳增汇模拟”(2014.01-2015.12), 主持, 专题负责人 [6] 中国科学院科技服务网络计划“自然资源资产负债表原型研究与应用”第二课题“自然资源核算与资源资产动态变化研究”中的专题“生物资源核算及其资产动态变化研究(KFJ-EW-STS-001-02-01)”(2014.05-2016.04), 主持, 专题负责人 [7] 资源与环境信息国家重点实验室开放基金“中亚热带人工针叶林生产力的高光谱遥感反演研究”(2015.07-2016.12), 主持, 项目负责人 [8] 遥感科学国家重点实验室开放基金“中亚热带人工针叶林光能利用率的遥感反演(OFSLRSS201405)”(2014.01-2015.12), 主持, 项目负责人 [9] 浙江省自然科学基金—一般项目“森林冠层内叶片光合性状梯度分布的光驱动机制研究” (2019.01-2021.12), 参与, 2/6 [10] 国家自然科学基金—面上项目“基于光谱观测的亚热带人工针叶林叶绿素荧光与光合作用能力关系的研究(41571192)”(2016.01-2019.12), 参与, 2/5




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[1] 周蕾, 迟永刚*, 刘啸添, 戴晓琴, 杨风亭. 2020.日光诱导叶绿素荧光对亚热带常绿针叶林物候的追踪. 生态学报, (12), DOI:10.5846/stxb201901010004. [2] Zhuang J, Wang Y, Chi Y*, Zhou L*, Chen J, Zhou W, Song J, Zhao N, Ding J. 2020. Drought stress strengthens the link between chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and photosynthetic traits. Peer J, 8, e10046. [3] Yu Q*, Mickler RA, Liu Y*, Sun L, Zhou L, Zhang B, Deng H, Liang L. 2020. Remote sensing of potamogeton crispus L. in dongping lake in the North China Plain based on vegetation phenology. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1007/s12524-020-01103-w. [4] Chi Y, Yang Q, Zhou L*, Shen R, Zheng S, Zhang ZY, Zhang ZZ, Xu M*, Wu C, Lin X, Jin J. 2020. Temperature sensitivity in individual components of ecosystem respiration increases along the vertical gradient of leaf-stem-soil in three subtropical forests. Forests, 11, 140. [5] Zhou L, Wang Y*, Chi Y, Wang S, Wang Q. 2019. Contrasting post-fire dynamics between Africa and South America based on MODIS observations. Remote Sensing 11, 1074. [6] He H, Wang S, Zhang L, Wang J, Ren X, Zhou L, Piao S, Yan H, Ju W, Gu F, Yu S, Yang Y, Wang M, Niu Z, Ge R, Yan H, Huang M, Zhou G, Bai Y, Xie Z, Tang Z, Wu B, Zhang L, He N, Wang Q, Yu G*. 2019. Altered trends in carbon uptake in China's terrestrial ecosystems under the enhanced summer monsoon and warming hiatus. National Science Review, 6, 505-514. [7] Chi Y, Xu Z, Zhou L*, Yang Q, Zheng S, Li S. 2019. Differential roles of species richness versus species asynchrony in regulating community stability along a precipitation gradient. Ecology and Evolution, DOI:10.1002/ece3.5857. [8] Tan Y, Li E, Zhang Z*, Lin X, Chi Y, Zhou L, Wu C, Wang Q. 2019. Validation of POLDER-3/GRASP aerosol products using AERONET measurements over China. Atmospheric Environment, 215, 116893. [9] Zhang Z*, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Tao S, Fang X, Chi Y, Zhou L, Lin X, Wu C, 2019. The accumulated response of deciduous Liquidambar formosana Hance and evergreen Cyclobalanopsis glauca Thunb. seedlings to simulated nitrogen additions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1596. [10] Chi Y, Zhou L*, Yang Q, Li S, Zheng S. 2019. Increased snowfall weakens complementarity of summer water use by different plant functional groups. Ecology and Evolution, DOI:10.1002/ece3.5058. [11] 于泉洲, 刘煜杰*, 周蕾, 石浩, 孙雷刚. 2019. 基于遥感反演的中国森林冠层叶氮浓度空间格局初步研究. 中南林业科技大学学报, 39(12), 93-100. [12] 周蕾, 迟永刚*, 李悦. 2019. 基于多源数据的2001-2010年我国干旱时空分布特征. 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版), 42(4), 448-455. [13] Li Y, Zhou L*, Wang S*, Chi Y, Chen J. 2018. Leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) driving stomatal conductance and biochemical processes of leaf photosynthetic rate in a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation. Sustainability, 10, 4063. [14] Zhang L, Ren X, Wang J, He H*, Wang S, Wang M, Piao S, Yan H, Ju W, Gu F, Zhou L, Niu Z, Ge R, Li Y, Lv Y, Yan H, Huang M, Yu G. 2018. Interannual variability of terrestrial net ecosystem productivity over China: regional contributions and climate attribution. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 014003. [15] Chi Y*, Zhou L*, Li S, Zheng S, Yang Q, Yang X, Xu M. 2018. Rainfall-dependent influence of snowfall on species loss. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 094002. [16] Zhou L*, Wang S*, Chi Y, Ju W, Huang K, Mickler R, Wang M, Yu Q. 2018. Changes in the carbon and water fluxes of subtropical forest ecosystems in South-Western China related to drought. Water, 10, 821. [17] Zhou L*, Wang S, Chi Y, Wang J. 2018. Drought impacts on vegetation indices and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in Southwestern China during 2001-2012. Chinese Geographical Science, 28(5), 784-796. [18] Li Y, Shi H*, Zhou L, Eamus D, Huete A, Li L, Cleverly J, Hu Z, Harahap M, Yu Q, He L, Wang S.* 2018. Disentangling climate and LAI effects on seasonal variability in water use efficiency across terrestrial ecosystems in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, DOI:10.1029/2018JG004482. [19] Wang M, Wang S*, Wang J, Yan H, Mickler R, Shi H, He H, Huang M, Zhou L. 2018. Detection of positive gross primary production extremes in terrestrial ecosystems of China during 1982-2015 and analysis of climate contribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, DOI:10.1029/2018JG004489. [20] Hu Z*. Shi H*, Cheng K, Wang Y, Piao S, Li Y, Zhang L, Xia J, Zhou L, Yuan W, Running S, Li H, Hao Y, He N, Yu Q, Yu G. 2018. Joint structural and physiological control on the interannual variation in productivity in a temperate grassland: A data-model comparison. Global Change Biology, DOI:10.1111/gcb.14274. [21] 于泉洲*, 周蕾, 王绍强, 孙雷刚, 刘煜杰, 汤庆新, 曹建荣. 2018. 基于EO-1 Hyperion的中国典型森林冠层高光谱特征分析. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 40(5), 947-954. [22] 刘啸添, 周蕾*, 石浩, 王绍强, 迟永刚. 2018. 基于多种遥感植被指数、叶绿素荧光与CO2通量数据的温带针阔混交林物候特征对比分析. 生态学报, 38(10), 3482-3494. [23] 王苗苗, 周蕾*, 王绍强, 汪小钦. 2018. 东北地区生长季长度变化及其对总初级生产力的影响分析. 地理科学, 38(2), 284-292. [24] Yu Q, Wang S*, Zhou L. 2017. Investigation into the role of canopy structure traits and plant functional types in modulating the correlation between canopy nitrogen and reflectance in a temperate forest in northeast China. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11(4), 046013. [25] 于泉洲, 董杰, 刘恩峰, 周蕾, 梁春玲*, 张怀珍, 曹建荣. 2017. 基于MODIS的南四湖植被覆盖变化的时空特征研究. 林业资源管理, 1, 144-152. [26] 周蕾, 王绍强*, 周涛, 迟永刚, 戴铭. 2016. 1901-2010年中国森林碳收支动态: 林龄的重要性. 科学通报, 61(18), 2064-2073. [27] 廖亮林, 周蕾*, 王绍强, 汪小钦. 2016. 2005-2013年中国新增造林植被生物量碳库固碳潜力分析. 地理学报, 71(11), 1939-1947. [28] 王苗苗, 周蕾*, 王绍强, 汪小钦, 孙雷刚. 2016. 空间分辨率对总初级生产力模拟结果差异的影响. 地理研究, 35(4), 617-624. [29] 孙雷刚*, 刘剑锋, 徐全洪, 王绍强, 周蕾. 2016. 环京津区域城市碳排放效应及时空格局分析. 地理与地理信息科学, 32(4), 113-118. [30] Zhou L, Wang S*, Chi Y Li Q, Huang K, Yu Q. 2015. Responses of photosynthetic parameters to drought in subtropical forest ecosystem of China. Scientific Reports, 5:18254. [31] Yu Q, Wang S*, Huang K, Zhou L, Chen D. 2015. An analysis of the specttums between different canopy structures based on hyperion hyperspectral data in a temperate forest of Northeast China. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 35(7), 1980-1985. [32] Wang S, Huang K*, Yan H, Yan H, Zhou L, Wang H, Zhang J, Yan J, Zhao L, Wang Y, Shi P, Zhao F, Sun L. 2015. Improving the light use efficiency model for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production by the inclusion of diffuse radiation across ecosystems in China. Ecological Complexity, 23, 1-13. [33] 陈蝶聪, 王绍强*, 黄昆, 周蕾, 于泉洲, 王辉民, 孙雷刚. 2015. 基于通量和光谱观测的中亚热带人工针叶林光能利用效率的反演. 应用生态学报, 26(11), 3421-3432. [34] Zhou L, Song M, Wang S*, Fan J, Liu J, Zhong H, Yu G, Gao L, Hu Z, Chen B, Wu W, Song T. 2014. Patterns of soil total nitrogen and soil 15N and their relationship with environmental factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Pedosphere, 24(2), 232-242. [35] Huang K, Wang S*, Zhou L, Wang H, Zhang J, Yan J, Zhao L, Wang Y, Shi P. 2014. Impacts of diffuse radiation on light use efficiency across terrestrial ecosystems based on eddy covariance observation in China. PLoS One, 9(11), e110988. [36] Yu Q, Wang S*, Mickler RA, Huang K, Zhou L, Yan H, Chen D, Han S. 2014. Narrowband bio-indicator monitoring of temperate forest carbon fluxes in Northeastern China. Remote Sensing, 6(9), 8986-9013. [37] Yu Q, Wang S*, Shi H, Huang K, Zhou L. 2014. An Evaluation of spaceborne imaging spectrometry for estimation of forest canopy nitrogen concentration in a subtropical conifer plantation of Southern China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5(1), 001-010. [38] 石浩, 王绍强*, 黄昆, 周蕾. 2014. PnET-CN模型对东亚森林生态系统碳通量模拟的适用性和不确定性分析. 自然资源学报, 29 (9), 1453-1464. [39] 于泉州, 刘煜杰, 梁春玲*, 周蕾. 2014. 基于遥感的南四湖湿地干旱响应特征研究. 资源科学, 36(7), 1519-1526. [40] Zhou L, Wang S*, Kindermann G, Yu G, Huang M, Mickler R, Kraxner F, Shi H, Gong Y. 2013. Carbon dynamics in woody biomass of forest ecosystem in China with forest management practices under future climate change and rising CO2. Chinese Geographical Science, 23(5), 519-536. [41] Zhou L, Wang S*, Ju W, Xiong Z, Kindermann G, Chen J, Shi H. 2013. Assessment of carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems in the Poyang Lake Basin responding to afforestation and future climate change. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 4(1), 11-19. [42] Huang K, Wang S*, Zhou L, Wang H, Liu Y, Yang F. 2013. Effects of drought and ice rain on potential productivity of a subtropical coniferous plantation from 2003 to 2010 based on eddy covariance flux observation. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 035021. [43] 王绍强, 陈蝶聪*, 周蕾, 何洪林, 石浩, 闫慧敏, 苏文. 2013. 中国陆地生态系统通量观测站点空间代表性. 生态学报, 33(24), 7715-7728. [44] 黄昆, 王绍强*, 王辉民, 仪垂祥, 周蕾. 2013. 中亚热带人工针叶林生态系统碳通量拆分差异分析. 生态学报, 33(17), 5252-5265. [45] 林飞燕, 吴宜进, 王绍强*, 周蕾. 2013. 秸秆还田对江西农田土壤固碳影响的模拟分析. 自然资源学报, 28(6), 981-993. [46] Wang S*, Fan J, Song M, Yu G, Zhou L, Liu J, Zhong H, Gao L, Hu Z, Wu W, Song T. 2012. Patterns of SOC and soil 13C and their relations to climatic factors and soil characteristics on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant and soil, DOI:10.1007/s11104-012-1304-6. [47] Wang S, Zhou L*, Chen J, Ju W, Feng X, Wu W. 2011. Relationships between net primary productivity and stand age for several forest types and their influence on China's carbon balance. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(6), 1651-1662. [48] 聂昊, 王绍强*, 周蕾, 王晶苑, 张游, 邓泽文, 杨风亭. 2011. 基于森林清查资料的江西和浙江森林植被固碳潜力. 应用生态学报, 22(10), 2581-2588. [49] 张游, 王绍强*, 葛全胜, 周蕾. 2011. 基于GIS 的江西省洪涝灾害风险评估. 长江流域资源与环境, 20, 166-172. [50] 周蕾, 王绍强*, 陈镜明, 冯险峰, 居为民, 伍卫星. 2009. 1991年至2000年中国陆地生态系统蒸散时空分布特征. 资源科学, 31, 962-972.
