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Leader of the EVOLUTIONARY AND ECOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY LAB, focusing on responses of animals to changing environments, and how these responses have evolved in space and time. Areas of Interest: - Physiological Ecology - Evolutionary Physiology - Thermal Biology - Heat transfer - Ectothermy, Endothermy - Cardiac Function, Heart Rate - Reptiles - Crocodilians - Dinosaurs - Lizards


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Seebacher, F., Borg, J., Schlotfeldt, K., Yan, Z. (2016). Energetic cost determines voluntary movement speed only in familiar environments. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(11), 1625-1631. [More Information] Beaman, J., White, C., Seebacher, F. (2016). Evolution of Plasticity: Mechanistic Link between Development and Reversible Acclimation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31(3), 237-249. [More Information] Fraser, C., Seebacher, F., Lathlean, J., Coleman, R. (2016). Facing the Heat: Does Desiccation and Thermal Stress Explain Patterns of Orientation in an Intertidal Invertebrate? PloS One, 11(3), 1-16. [More Information] Farrell, H., O'Connor, W., Seebacher, F., Harwood, D., Murray, S. (2016). Molecular detection of the SXTA gene from Saxitocin-producing Alexandrium Minutum in commercial oysters. The Journal of Shellfish Research, 35(1), 169-177. [More Information] Farrell, H., O'Connor, W., Seebacher, F., Harwood, D., Murray, S. (2016). Molecular Detection of the Sxta Gene from Saxitoxin-Producing Alexandrium minutum in Commercial Oysters. The Journal of Shellfish Research, 35(1), 169-177. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Webster, M., James, R., Ward, A., Tallis, J. (2016). Morphological differences between habitats are associated with physiological and behavioural trade-offs in stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Royal Society Open Science, 3(6), 160316. [More Information] Grigaltchik, V., Webb, C., Seebacher, F. (2016). Temperature modulates the effects of predation and competition on mosquito larvae. Ecological Entomology, in press. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C. (2016). Ultraviolet B radiation alters movement and thermal selection of zebrafish. Biology Letters, 12, e20160258. [More Information] Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C., Seebacher, F. (2016). UV-B exposure reduces locomotor performance by impairing muscle function but not mitochondrial ATP production. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(1), 96-102. [More Information] Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C., Seebacher, F. (2016). UV-B radiation interacts with temperature to determine animal performance. Functional Ecology, 30(4), 584-595. [More Information] Bywater, C., Seebacher, F., Wilson, R. (2015). Building a dishonest signal: the functional basis of unreliable signals of strength in males of the two-toned fiddler crab, Uca vomeris. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218, 3077-3082. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Post, E. (2015). Climate change impacts on animal migration. Climate Change Responses, 2(5), 1-2. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Grigaltchik, V. (2015). Developmental thermal plasticity of prey modifies the impact of predation. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(9), 1402-1409. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Ducret, V., Little, A., Adriaenssens, B. (2015). Generalist-specialist trade-off during thermal acclimation. Royal Society Open Science, 2(1), 1-9. [More Information] Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015). Inter-individual variation partially explains patterns of orientation on steeply sloped substrata in a keystone grazer, the limpet Cellana tramoserica. Aquatic Ecology, 49, 189-197. [More Information] Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015). It's not where you are, it's what you do after that matters: Tide-in patterns of orientation do not predict where or when limpets forage. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471, 119-125. [More Information] Fraser, C., Coleman, R., Seebacher, F. (2015). Orientation in a keystone grazer: interactions between habitat and individual identity drive patterns of resting behaviour. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 522, 145-156. [More Information] Seebacher, F., White, C., Franklin, C. (2015). Physiological plasticity increases resilience of ectothermic animals to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 61-66. [More Information] Kern, P., Cramp, R., Seebacher, F., Kazerouni, E., Franklin, C. (2015). Plasticity of protective mechanisms only partially explains interactive effects of temperature and UVR on upper thermal limits. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 190, 75-82. [More Information] Seebacher, F., Little, A., James, R. (2015). Skeletal muscle contractile function predicts activity and behaviour in zebrafish. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(24), 3878-3884. [More Information]
