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洪华嫦:1979年生、浙江浦江人、双龙学者特聘教授、硕士/博士生导师、入选金华321人才,担任国家级、省部级基金项目评委,10多个主流SCI期刊审稿人,主持国家级、省部级等各类项目10余项。同时担任浙江师范大学地环学院环科教工支部书记,2018年获评浙江省“千名好支书”。 硕士毕业于中山大学,师从蓝崇钰教授,指导老师周海云、栾天罡;博士毕业于香港浸会大学,师从黄铭洪教授(长江学者)和梁岩教授(中科院百人)。所学专业涉及生物、化学和环境等方面,具有较好的跨学科背景。 主要致力于消毒副产物等微污染物分析、环境毒理和水污染控制等方面的研究。围绕这些方向,在Water Res、J Hazardous Mater、Sci Total Environ、Environ Pollut等刊物上发表学术论文80多篇,基本上为中科院分区二区及以上期刊论文,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文43篇,被引2600多次,h因子为27(最近Web of Science统计),其中1篇论文(联合一作)被评为2018年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,相关研究成果获浙江省科学技术奖三等奖3项。目前是Water Res,J Hazard Mater,Sci Total Environ 等十多个国际主流期刊的审稿人。 ◆工作学习经历 2010.5.02-至今,浙江师范大学,地环学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2009.05-2010.04,浙江师范大学,生化学院,讲师; 2004.02-2008.11,香港浸会大学大学,环境科学,博士; 2001.09-2003.12,中山大学,生态学专业,硕士; 1997.09-2001.07,浙江师范大学,生物教育,学士。 ◆主要科研项目 1. 2012.01-2014.12,国家自然科学基金项目,饮用水消毒中HNMs形成的关键因子识别与调控原理(21207119) 2. 2018.01-2020.12,浙江省公益研究计划项目” 饮用水消毒副产物的潜在胚胎发育毒性及控制技术研究”(LGF18H260005) 3. 2015.06-2017.06,省属科研院所扶持专项项目子项目,新型消毒副产物卤代硝基甲烷的前驱物解析及去除工艺研究 4. 2011.01-2013.12,浙江省自然科学基金项目,饮用水消毒中HNMs形成的关键因子辨析及控制对策研究(Y5110157) 5. 2020.01-2022.12,浙江师范大学自主设计科研项目,消毒副产物的毒性、作用机制及风险控制(2019ZS0502) 6. 2017.06-2020.12,上海敏芯科技信息有限公司横向课题,常见家用处理方法对常规及新型DBPs分布的影响(KYH06Y17123) 7. 2014. 6-2016.6, 金华市科技局一般项目,金华地区供水系统中消毒副产物的分布、预测及健康风险评估(2014-3-030) 8. 2010.6-2012.6,金华市科技局一般项目,金华地区饮用水源水NOM的分布、DBPs的形成及预测研究(2010-3-090) 9. 2009.06-2013.05,浙江师范大学博士启动基金,金华市饮用水中氯化消毒副产物的分布、形成及控制技术研究 10. 2010.01-2010.12,浙江师范大学青年科学基金项目,亚慢性铝毒对鱼的生物学效应研究 11. 2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金项目,基于转录组学解析砷对甲状腺内分泌系统的干扰机制(21707123);(主要参与者) 12. 2016.01-2019.12,国家自然科学基金项目,膜生物反应器中膜污染的界面热力学机制及其调控研究(51578509);(主要参与者) 13. 2012.01-2014.12,国家自然科学基金项目,正渗透MBR中膜污染因子识别及超声波控制研究(主要参与者) 14. 2010.01-2012.12,浙江省钱江人才计划,污水降解性复合微生物分离鉴定的关键技术研究(主要参与者) ◆入选梯队及获奖情况 1. 2018.9,浙江省“千名好支书”; 2. 2017.10,《膜法水处理中膜污染的界面热力学机制及控制》获浙江省科学技术奖自然科学奖三等奖。 3. 2016.09,《基于膜分离和光催化的新型污水资源化技术的关键机制》获浙江省科学技术奖自然科学奖三等奖 4. 2015.05,金华市三二一人才第二梯队; 5. 2010.06,校优秀中青年骨干教师,第四人才梯队; 6. 2012.12,《膜生物反应器的膜污染机理及新型膜生物反应器技术开发》获浙江省高等学校科研成果奖三等奖; 7. 2013.09,《高效水环境治理和污水资源化新技术》获浙江省科学技术奖三等奖。 ◆教学情况 为本科生主讲课程有《环境生态学》、《环境生态学实验》、《环境毒理学》、《环境毒理学实验》等4门课题;为研究生开设《环境生态学》等课程。 ◆学生指导 指导本科生毕业论文三十余人,指导培养硕士研究生(毕业)10名,指导本科以第一作者发表SCI、一级学报论文3人次,二级学报2人次。指导学生黄秋琳、宋倩云获浙江省新苗人才计划立项;指导肖卓群、宁萍获国家创新训练计划立项。另外推荐多人赴香港留学。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2020年度 1. Zheng Lili, Sun Hongjie, Wu Chouye, Wang Yibo, Zhang Yuanyuan, Ma Guangcai, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang*, Precursors for brominated haloacetic acids during chlorination and a new useful indicator for bromine substitution factor, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 698: 134250. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=5.589, 链接) 2. Kuang Lihong, Hou Yizhong, Huang Fangqu, Hong Huachang*, Sun Hongjie, Deng Wenjing, Lin Hongjun, Pesticide residues in breast milk and the associated risk assessment: A review focused on China, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 727: 138412. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=5.589,链接) 3. Lin Hongjun, Dai Qunyun, Zheng Lili, Hong Huachang*, Deng Wenjing, Wu Fuyong, Radial basis function artificial neural network able to accurately predict disinfection by-product levels in tap water: Taking haloacetic acids as a case study. Chemosphere, 2020, 248: 125999. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.108, 链接) 4. Sun Hong-Jie, Zhao Wen-Jun, Teng Xiao-Qiang, Shu Shui-Ping, Li Shi-Wei, Hong Hua-Chang*. Guan Dong-Xing, 2020. Antioxidant responses and pathological changes in the gill of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after chronic exposure to arsenite at its reference dose. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. In press, 2020 (SCI 2区, IF2018=4.527, 链接) 5. Wu Binbin, Hong Huachang(共同第一), Xia Zhengyuan, Liu Hailong, Chen Xi, Chen Junhui, Yan Bin, Liang Yan, 2020. Transcriptome analyses unravel CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 as novel biomarkers for disinfection by-products (DBPs) derived from chlorinated algal organic matter. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 387: 121685. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=7.65, 链接) 6. Wu Mengfei, Chen Yifeng, Lin Hongjun*, Zhao Leihong, Shen Liguo, Li Renjie, Xu Yanchao, Hong Huachang, He Yiming, Membrane fouling caused by biological foams in a submerged membrane bioreactor: Mechanism insights, Water Research, 2020: 115932. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=7.913, 链接) 7. Long Ying, You Xiujia, Chen Yifeng, Hong Huachang, Liao Bao-Qiang, Lin Hongjun*, Filtration behaviors and fouling mechanisms of ultrafiltration process with polyacrylamide flocculation for water treatment, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 703: 135540. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=5.589,链接) 8. Chen Yifeng, Shen Liguo, Li Renjie, Xu Xianchao, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong*, Quantification of interfacial energies associated with membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor by using BP and GRNN artificial neural networks. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 565: 1-10. (SCI 2区, IF2018=6.361,链接) 2019年度 9. Wu Binbin, Zhang Yanling, Hong Huachang*, Hu Mei, Liu Hailong, Chen Xi, Liang Yan, Hydrophobic organic compounds in drinking water reservoirs: Toxic effects of chlorination and protective effects of dietary antioxidants against disinfection by-products. Water Research 2019, 166: 115041. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=7.913, 链接) 10. Sun Hong-Jie, Zhang Yu, Zhang Jing-Ying, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang*. The toxicity of 2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone on the early life stage of zebrafish: A survey on the endpoints at developmental toxicity, oxidative stress, genotoxicity and cytotoxicity, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 245: 719-724. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.714, 链接). 11. Zhou Xiaoling, Zheng Lili, Chen Shiyan, Du Hongwei, Gakoko Raphael Benimana Muhire, Song Qianyun, Wu Fuyong, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun, Hong Huachang*, Factors influencing DBPs occurrence in tap water of Jinhua Region in Zhejiang Province, China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 171: 813-822. (SCI 2区, IF2018=4.527, 链接) 12. Zhang Yu, Sun Hong-Jie, Zhang Jing-Ying, Ndayambaje Emmanuel, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang*, Chronic exposure to dichloroacetamide induces biochemical and histopathological changes in the gills of zebrafish, Environmental Toxicology, 2019, 34: 781-787. (SCI 3区, IF2018=2.649,链接) 13. Hong-Jie Sun, Jing-Ying Zhang, Qiang Wang, Engao Zhu, Wenrong Chen, Hongjun Lin, Jianrong Chen, Huachang Hong, Environmentally relevant concentrations of arsenite induces developmental toxicity and oxidative responses in the early life stage of zebrafish, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 254: 113022 (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.714, 链接). 14. Teng Jiaheng, Zhang Meijia, Leung Kam-Tin, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun, Liao Bao-Qiang. A unified thermodynamic mechanism underlying fouling behaviors of soluble microbial products (SMPs) in a membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 2019, 149: 477-487. (SCI 1区top, IF2018=7.913, 链接). ESI高被引论文,被引76次 2018年度 16.Hong Huachang, Wu Huan, Chen Jia, Wu Binbin, Yu Haiying, Yan Bin, Liang Yan, Cytotoxicity induced by iodinated haloacetamides via ROS accumulation and apoptosis in HepG-2 cells. Environmental Pollution 2018, 242: 191-197. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.714, 链接) 17. Sun Hongjie, Song Xuhui, Ye Ting, Hu Junbiao, Hong Huachang*, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun, Yu Haiying, Formation of disinfection by-products during chlorination of organic matter from phoenix tree leaves and Chlorella vulgaris, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243: 1887-1893. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.714,链接). 18. Dong Wenqi, Sun Hongjie, Zhang Yu, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang*. Impact on growth, oxidative stress, and apoptosis-related gene transcription of zebrafish after exposure to low concentration of arsenite, Chemosphere, 2018, 211: 648-652. (SCI 2区top, IF2018=5.108, 链接). 19. Lin Jiajia, Chen Xi, Ansheng Zhu, Hong Huachang*, Liang Yan, Sun Hongjie, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Regression models evaluating THMs, HAAs and HANs formation upon chloramination of source water collected from Yangtze River Delta Region, China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 160: 249-256. (SCI 2区, IF2018=4.527,链接). 20. Sun Hongjie, Zhang Yu, Ndayambaje Emmanuel, Dong Wenqi, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang*. The effect of short-term exposure to low pH/aluminum on the ion regulation, related ATPase activities and haematological parameters of juvenile common carp. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(5A): 3318-3325. (SCI 4区, IF2018=0.691, 链接). 21. Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang (共同第一), Lin Hongjun, Shen Liguo, Yu Haiying, Ma Guangcai, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-Qiang. Mechanistic insights into alginate fouling caused by calcium ions based on terahertz time-domain spectra analyses and DFT calculations, Water Research, 2018, 129: 337-346 (SCI 1区top, IF2018=7.913, 链接). 2017年度 22. Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang (第一作者), Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo, Yu Haiying, Ma Guangcai, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-Qiang. Mechanistic insights into alginate fouling caused by calcium ions based on terahertz time-domain spectra analyses and DFT calculations, Water Research, 2018, 129: 337-346 (SCI 1区top, IF2016=6.942, 链接). 23. Hong Huachang*, Yan Xiaoqing, Song Xuhui, Qin Yanyan, Sun Hongjie, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Liang Yan. Bromine incorporation into five DBP classes upon chlorination of water with extremely low SUVA values. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 590–591: 720-728. (SCI 2区, IF2015=3.976, 链接) 24. Gan Guojuan, Hong Huachang*, Mazumder Asit, Pan Xiangliang, Liang Yan. Effect of Nitrite on the Formation of Trichloronitromethane (TCNM) during Chlorination of Polyhydroxy-phenols and Sugars. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 2017, 228(6): 208 (SCI 4区, IF=1.551, 链接). 25. Hong Huachang, Cai Xiang, Shen Liguo, Li Renjie, Lin Hongjun*. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: new method and its applications in interfacial interaction quantification. Bioresource Technology. 2017, 241: 406-414. (SCI 1区top, IF2016=5.651, 链接). 26. Li Renjie, Wang Xuena, Cai Xiang, Lin Hongjun*, Shen Liguo*, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Liao Bao-Qiang. A facile strategy to prepare superhydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based membranes and the thermodynamic mechanisms underlying the improved performance, Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 197: 271-280. (SCI 2区, IF2016=3.359, 链接). 27. Yu Genying, Cai Xiang, Shen Liguo, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Li Renjie*. A novel integrated method for quantification of interfacial interactions between two rough bioparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 516:295-303. (SCI 2区, IF2016=4.233, 链接). 28. Jin Yi, Gan Guojuan, Yu Xiaoyun, Wu Dongdong, Zhang Li, Yang Na, Hu Jiadan, Liu Zhiheng, Zhang Lixin, Hong Huachang, Yan Xiaoqing, Liang Yan, Ding Linxian, Pan Yonglong Isolation of Viable but Non-culturable Bacteria from Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Bioreactor Based on Resuscitation Promoting Factor. Current microbiology, 2017: 1-11. (SCI 4区, IF2015=1.519, 链接) 29. Cai Xiang, Yang Lining, Wang Zhiwei, Zhang Meijia, Shen Liguo, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Yu Genying*. Influences of fractal dimension of membrane surface on interfacial interactions related to membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 500: 79-87. (SCI 2区, IF2015=3.782, 链接). 30. Shen Liguo, Wang Xuena, Li Renjie, Yu Haiying, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong*, Liao Bao-Qiang. Physicochemical correlations between membrane surface hydrophilicity and adhesive fouling in membrane bioreactors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 505: 900-909. (SCI 2区, IF2016=4.233, 链接). 31. Cai Xiang, Shen Liguo, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: an unified approach to construct topography and to evaluate interaction energy between two randomly rough surfaces. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 243: 1121-1132. (SCI 1区top, IF2016=5.651, 链接). 32. Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Yu Genying, Wang Fangyuan, Liao Bao-Qiang. Quantitative assessment of interfacial forces between two rough surfaces and its implications for anti-adhesion membrane fabrication. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 189, 238-245. (SCI 2区, IF2016=3.359, 链接). 33. Ma Guangcai, Yuan Quan, Yu Haiying, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Development and evaluation of predictive model for bovine serum albumin-water partition coefficients of neutral organic chemicals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 138: 92-97. (SCI 3区, IF2016=3.743, 链接) 2016年度 34. Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun, Mei Rongwu, Zhou Xiaoling, Liao Bao-Qiang, Zhao Leihong, Membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor: A novel method for membrane surface morphology construction and its application in interaction energy assessment. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 516: 135-143. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=5.557, 链接). 35. Hong Huachang*, Song Qianyun, Mazumder Asit, Luo Qian, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun,Yu Haiying,Shen Liguo,Liangyan. Using regression models to evaluate the formation of trihalomethanes and haloacetonitriles via chlorination of source water with low SUVA values in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2016, 38: 1303-1312. (SCI 3区, IF2015=2.079, 链接). 36. Gan Guojuan., Mei Rongwu., Qiu Lin., Hong Huachang*., Wang Qingjun., Mazumder Asit, Wu Shikai., Pan Xiangliang., Liang Yan., Effect of Metal Ions on the Formation of Trichloronitromethane during Chlorination of Catechol and Nitrite. Journal of Environmental Quality 2016, 45 (6): 1933-1940.(SCI 3区, IF=2.238) 37. Zhao Leihong, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-qiang, Lin Hongjun*. A new method for modeling rough membrane surface and calculation of interfacial interactions. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 200: 451-457. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=4.917, 链接). 38. Chen Jianrong, Shen Liguo, Meijia Zhang, Hong Huachang, He Yiming, Liao Bao-qiang,Lin Hongjun*. Thermodynamic analysis of effects of contact angle on interfacial interactions and its implications for membrane fouling control. Bioresoure Technology, 2016, 201: 245-252. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=4.917, 链接). 39. Zhao Leihong, Qu Xiaolu, Zhang Meijia,Lin Hongjun*, Zhou Xiaoling, Liao Bao-Qiang, Mei Rongwu, Hong Huachang. Influences of acid-base property of membrane on interfacial interactions related with membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor based on thermodynamic assessment. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 214: 355-362. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=4.917, 链接). 40. Cai HuiHui, Fan Hao, Zhao Leihong, Huachang Hong, Shen Liguo, He Yiming,Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong*. Effects of surface charge on interfacial interactions related to membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor based on thermodynamic analysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 465: 33-41. (SCI 3区, IF2015=3.782, 链接) 41. Sun HongJie, Xiang Ping, Luo Jun, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun, Li Hong-Bo*, Ma Lena Q.*, Mechanisms of arsenic disruption on gonadal, adrenal and thyroid endocrine systems in humans: A review. Environment International 2016, 95: 61-68. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=5.929, 链接). 2015年度 42. Hong Huachang*, Qian Lingya, Xiao Zhuoqun, Zhang Jianqing, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun, Yu Haiying, Shen Liguo, Liang Yan. Effect of nitrite on the formation of halonitromethanes during chlorination of organic matter from different origin. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 531: 802-809. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=3.043, 链接). 43. Hong Huachang*, Qian Lingya, Xiong Yujing, Xiao Zhuoqun, Lin Hongjun, Yu Haiying. Use of multiple regression models to evaluate the formation of halonitromethane via chlorination/chloramination of water from Tai Lake and the Qiantang River, China. Chemosphere. 2015, 119: 540-546 (SCI 2区top, IF2013=3.499, 链接). 44. Shen Liguo, Li Liang, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Yu Haiying, Hou Zhengchi, Lin Hongjun*, Lu Xiaofeng*. Effects of molecular weight distribution (Md) on the performances of the polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 490: 220-226. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=5.557, 链接). 45. Zhao Leihong, Shen Liguo, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*. Influence of membrane surface roughness on interfacial interactions with sludge flocs in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 446: 84-90. (SCI 3区, IF2013=3.552, 链接). 46. Li-guo Shen, Qian Lei, Jian-Rong Chen, Hua-Chang Hong, Yi-Ming He, Hong-Jun Lin*. Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: impacts of floc size. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 269: 328-334. (SCI 2区, IF2013=4.058, 链接). 47. Chen Jianrong, Mei Rongwu, Shen Liguo, Ding Linxian, He Yiming, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang. Quantitative assessment of interfacial interactions with rough membrane surface and its implications for membrane selection and fabrication in a MBR. Bioresoure Technology, 2015, 179: 367-372. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接). 48. Zhang Meijia, Liao Bao-qiang, Zhou Xiaoling, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong*, Effects of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of membrane on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175: 59-67. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接). 49. Zhao Leihong, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Hong Huachang, Chen Jianrong, Liao Bao-qiang, Lin Hongjun*, A new method for modeling rough membrane surface and calculation of interfacial interactions. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 200: 451-457. (SCI 1区top, IF2015=4.917, 链接). 高被引论文 50. Yu Haiying*, Wondrousch Dominik, Yuan Quan, Lin Hongjun, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang and Schüürmann Gerrit Modeling and predicting pKa values of mono-hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (HO-PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (HO-PBDEs) by local molecular descriptors. Chemosphere, 2015, 138: 829-836. (SCI 2区top, IF2013=3.499, 链接). 2014年度 51. Wang Fangyuan, Ruan Mengyong, Lin Hongjun, Zhang Yu, Hong Huachang*, Zhou Xiaoling, Effects of ozone pretreatment on the formation of disinfection by-products and its associated bromine substitution factors upon chlorination/chloramination of Tai Lake water. Science of The Total Environment, 2014, 475: 23-28. (SCI 2区, IF2013=3.163, 链接) 52. Hong Huachang, Zhang Meijia, He Yiming, Chen Jianrong, Lin Hongjun*, Fouling mechanisms of gel layer in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 166: 295-302. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 53. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Mei Rongwu, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang. A novel approach for quantitative evaluation of the physicochemical interactions between rough membrane surface and sludge foulants in a submerged membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 171, 247-252. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接). 54. Yu Haiying, Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Hong Huachang, He Yiming, Wang Fangyuan, Zhao Leihong, Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor with focus on surface properties and interactions of cake sludge and bulk sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 169: 213-219. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 55. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, He Yiming, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Yu Haiying, Experimental evidence for osmotic pressure-induced fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 158: 119-126. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 56. Lin Hongjun*, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, Meng Fangang, Liao Bao-Qiang, Hong Huachang, Chen Jianrong, Gao Weijue, A critical review of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in membrane bioreactors: Characteristics, roles in membrane fouling and control strategies. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 460: 110-125. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=4.908, top25 hottest articles, 链接) 高被引论文 57. Wang Fangyuan, Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, He Yiming, Lin Hongjun*, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Yu Haiying, Effects of ionic strength on membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 156: 35-41. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 58. Zhang Ye, Zhang Meijia, Wang Fangyuan, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Wang Juan, Weng Xuexiang, Lin Hongjun*, Membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor: Effect of pH and its implications. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 7-14. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 59. Wang Fangyuan, Chen Jianrong, Hong Huachang, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Pollutant removal and membrane fouling in an anaerobic submerged membrane bioreactor for real sewage treatment. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69: 1712-1719. (SCI 4区, IF2013=1.212, 链接) 2013年度 60. Hong Huachang, Huang Fangqu, Wang Fangyuan, Ding Linxian, Lin Hongjun*, Liang Yan*, Properties of sediment NOM collected from a drinking water reservoir in South China, and its association with THMs and HAAs formation. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 476: 274-279. (SCI 1区, IF2013=3.053, 链接) 61. Hong Huachang, Xiong Yujing, Ruan Mengyong, Liao Fanglei, Lin Hongjun*, Liang Yan*, Factors affecting THMs, HAAs and HNMs formation of Jin Lan Reservoir water exposed to chlorine and monochloramine. Science of The Total Environment, 2013, 444: 196-204. (SCI 2区, IF2013=3.163, 链接) 62. Huang Fangqu, Ruan Mengyong, Yan Jidong., Hong Huachang*, Lin Hongjun, Xiong Yujing. An improved method for determining HNMs in drinking water. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2013, 13(5): 1257-1264. (SCI 4区, IF2013=1.212, 链接) 63. Hong Huachang, Huang Fangqu, Lin Hongjun, Yu Haiying, Wang Fangyuan*, Ding Linxian, Factors affecting formation of haloacetonitriles and haloketones during chlorination/monochloramination of Jinlan Reservoir water. Water Science and Technology: Water supply, 2013, 13: 1123-1129. (SCI 4区, IF2013=1.212, 链接) 64. Hong Huachang, Peng Wei, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Wang Fangyuan, Weng Xuexiang, Yu Haiying, Lin Hongjun*, Thermodynamic analysis of membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor and its implications. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146: 7-14. (SCI 1区top, IF2013=5.039, 链接) 65. Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Ding Linxian, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, Yu Haiying, Author's responses to the comment by Seong-Hoon Yoon on “A new insight into membrane fouling mechanism in submerged membrane bioreactor: Osmotic pressure during cake layer filtration” published in Water Research, vol. 47, pp. 2777–2786, 2013. Water Research, 2013, 47: 4790-4791. (SCI 2区top, IF2013=5.323, 链接) 66. Lin Hongjun, Peng Wei, Zhang Meijia, Chen Jianrong*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, A review on anaerobic membrane bioreactors: Applications, membrane fouling and future perspectives. Desalination, 2013, 314: 169-188. (SCI 2区top, IF2013=3.960, 链接) 高被引论文 67. Zhang Meijia, Peng Wei, Chen Jianrong, He Yiming, Ding Linxian, Wang Aijun, Lin Hongjun*, Hong Huachang*, Zhang Ye, Yu Haiying, A new insight into membrane fouling mechanism in submerged membrane bioreactor: Osmotic pressure during cake layer filtration. Water Research, 2013, 47: 2777-2786. (SCI 2区top, IF2013=5.323, 链接) 中文文章(近5年): 1. 宋倩云 ,宁萍,孙洪杰,林红军,陈建荣,洪华嫦*. 2017. 长三角部分水源水氯化消毒后卤乙酸形成的多元回归模型研究. 环境科学学报37(6): 2048-2054. 2. 张西, 宋倩云, 钱玲亚, 周小玲, 黄方取, 阮孟勇, 丁林贤, 洪华嫦*. 2015. 太湖、钱塘江取水口底泥及周边土壤有机物形成消毒副产物的特征研究. 环境科学学报 35 (10): 1-9. 3. 肖卓群, 钱玲亚, 张西, 徐龙乾, 黄秋琳, 张鑫, 洪华嫦*. 2015. 亚硝氮对梧桐落叶有机物氯胺化中形成HNMs的作用研究.水处理技术 41(1): 52-55. 4. 熊宇晶, 洪华嫦, 周小玲, 阮孟勇, 肖卓群, 李铭红. 2014. 亚硝氮在氯及氯胺消毒中形成三氯硝基甲烷的作用研究——以色氨酸为例. 环境科学学报 34 (10) : 2514-2519. 5. 翟竟余, 于海瀛*, 陈伟, 陈建荣, 林红军, 洪华嫦. 2014. 基于DFT方法建立多溴代联苯醚代谢产物的正辛醇-水分配系数的预测模型. 科学通报59(21): 2077-2083. 6. 林红军*, 陈建荣, 洪华嫦, 周小玲, 厌氧膜生物反应器处理市政污水的研究进展. 2014. 《2014中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集(第五章)》. 4330-4338. 7. 洪华嫦, 林红军, 丁林贤, 王方园, 周小玲, 陈建荣*. 2012. 几种模型物质在氯化中形成THMs、HAAs的特性研究. 环境科学学报32 (8), 1850-1855. 8. 丁林贤*, 张萍华, 洪华嫦, 林红军, 横田明. 2012. 藤黄微球菌Rpf活性蛋白的制取及其对红球菌VBNC菌体的复苏作用. 微生物学报, 52 (1): 77-82. 9. 周小玲, 陈建荣, 余根英, 洪华嫦, 金梨娟, 陆晓峰, 林红军*. 2012. 膜生物反应器中膜污染机理和控制研究新进展. 环境科学与技术, 35(10): 86-91. 10. 周小玲, 洪华嫦*, 王方园, 丁林贤, 林红军, 高杨. 2012. 酸和铝胁迫对锦鲤不同组织SOD活性的影响. 环境科学与技术 (35): 17-20. 11. 王方园, 陈昀*, 洪华嫦, 周小玲, 阮孟勇, 2012. 液相色谱测定土壤中4种硝基苯胺类化合物. 分析试验室 31 (08), 55-58. 12. 陈昀, 王方园*, 洪华嫦, 阮孟勇, 2012. 环境样品中苯胺类化合物检测方法的研究进展. 广州化工 40 (01), 12-15. 13. 王方园*, 洪华嫦, 岑艳, 陈昀, 2012. 东江流域底泥重金属分析及潜在环境生态风险. 环境化学 31 (09), 1328-1334. 14. 洪华嫦, 王方园, 丁林贤, 林红军. 环境毒理学课堂有效提问的探索. 科教创新导刊 2012 (7): 140-141. 15. 洪华嫦, 林红军, 王方园. 环境生态学课堂有效提问的方法探索.科教文汇 2012 (1): 44-45. 16. 王方园*, 张树云, 洪华嫦, 丁林贤, 林红军, 2011. 乡镇集中式饮用水水源地水质监测与评价. 供水技术 5 (06), 1-5. 17. 林红军*, 陈建荣, 陆晓峰, 王方园, 洪华嫦. 正渗透膜技术在水处理中的应用进展. 环境科学与技术, 2010, 33(12F): 411-415. 18. 宋倩云,宁萍,孙洪杰,林红军,陈建荣,洪华嫦*. 长三角部分水源水氯化消毒后卤乙酸形成的多元回归模型研究.环境科学学报, 2017, 37 (6) :2048-2054. 19. 杨朝琳;黄方取;洪华嫦*;周鸿艳;液相色谱-质谱联用法检测鸡蛋中8种氟喹诺酮类药物残留. 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2016, 39(1): 53-59.
