Senior, A., Lihoreau, M., Charleston, M., Buhl, J., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S. (2016). Adaptive collective foraging in groups with conflicting nutritional needs. Royal Society Open Science, 3(4), 1-15. [More Information]
Aryal, A., Lamsal, R., Ji, W., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Are there sufficient prey and protected areas in Nepal to sustain an increasing tiger population? Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 28(1), 117-120. [More Information]
Hewson-Hughes, A., Colyer, A., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Balancing macronutrient intake in a mammalian carnivore: disentangling the influences of flavour and nutrition. Royal Society Open Science, 3(6), 1-12. [More Information]
Heflin, L., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S., Watts, S. (2016). Balancing macronutrient intake in cultured Lytechinus variegatus. Aquaculture, 450, 295-300. [More Information]
Sperfeld, E., Wagner, N., Halvorson, H., Malishev, M., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Bridging Ecological Stoichiometry and Nutritional Geometry with homeostasis concepts and integrative models of organism nutrition. Functional Ecology. [More Information]
Sperfeld, E., Raubenheimer, D., Wacker, A. (2016). Bridging factorial and gradient concepts of resource co-limitation: Towards a general framework applied to consumers. Ecology Letters, 19(2), 201-215. [More Information]
Machovsky-Capuska, G., Priddel, D., Leong, P., Jones, P., Carlile, N., Shannon, L., Portelli, D., McEwan, A., Chaves, A., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Coupling bio-logging with nutritional geometry to reveal novel insights into the foraging behaviour of a plunge-diving marine predator. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 50(3), 418-432. [More Information]
Campbell, C., Raubenheimer, D., Badaloo, A., Gluckman, P., Martinez, C., Gosby, A., Simpson, S., Osmond, C., Boyne, M., Forrester, T. (2016). Developmental contributions to macronutrient selection: A randomized controlled trial in adult survivors of malnutrition. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health, 2016 (1), 158-169. [More Information]
Cogger, V., Mohamad, M., Solon-Biet, S., Senior, A., Warren, A., O'Reilly, J., Tung, B., Svistounov, D., McMahon, A., Fraser, R., Raubenheimer, D., Holmes, A., Simpson, S., Le Couteur, D. (2016). Dietary Macronutrients and the Aging Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 310(9), H1064-H1070. [More Information]
Machovsky-Capuska, G., Senior, A., Zantis, S., Barna, K., Cowieson, A., Panyda, S., Pavard, C., Shiels, M., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Dietary protein selection in a free-ranging urban population of common myna birds. Behavioral Ecology, 27(1), 219-227. [More Information]
Gosper, E., Raubenheimer, D., Machovsky-Capuska, G., Chaves, A. (2016). Discrepancy between the composition of some commercial cat foods and their package labelling and suitability for meeting nutritional requirements. Australian Veterinary Journal, 94(1-2), 12-17. [More Information]
Koirala, R., Ji, W., Aryal, A., Rothman, J., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Dispersal and ranging patterns of the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) in relation to their interactions with humans in Nepal. Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 28(2), 221-231. [More Information]
Remonti, L., Balestrieri, A., Raubenheimer, D., Saino, N. (2016). Functional implications of omnivory for dietary nutrient balance. Oikos, 125, 1233-1240. [More Information]
Stannard, H., Thompson, P., McAllan, B., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Hematology and serum biochemistry reference ranges of healthy captive Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and their association with age, gender and seasonal variation. Mammalian Biology, 81(4), 393-398. [More Information]
Senior, A., Grueber, C., Machovsky-Capuska, G., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Macronutritional consequences of food generalism in an invasive mammal, the wild boar. Mammalian Biology, 81(5), 523-526. [More Information]
Coogan, S., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Might macronutrient requirements influence grizzly bear–human conflict? Insights from nutritional geometry. Ecosphere, 7(1), 1-15. [More Information]
Machovsky-Capuska, G., Coogan, S., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Motive for Killing: What Drives Prey Choice in Wild Predators? Ethology, 122, 703-711. [More Information]
Machovsky-Capuska, G., Coogan, S., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D. (2016). Motive for Killing: What Drives Prey Choice in Wild Predators? Ethology, 122(9), 703-711. [More Information]
Wilder, S., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S. (2016). Moving beyond body condition indices as an estimate of fitness in ecological and evolutionary studies. Functional Ecology, 30, 108-115. [More Information]
Le Couteur, D., Solon-Biet, S., Wahl, D., Cogger, V., Willcox, B., Willcox, D., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S. (2016). New Horizons: Dietary protein, ageing and the Okinawan ratio. Age and Ageing, 45(4), 443-447. [More Information]