O'Mara, D., Quinnell, R., Rothnie, I., Davies, L., Pye, M. (2014). ExamBank: a Pedagogic and Administrative System to Provide Effective Student Feedback and Stable Assessment Across Disciplines. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 22(3), 62-73.
Pettit, L., Pye, M., Wang, X., Quinnell, R. (2014). Designing a bespoke App to address Botanical literacy in the undergraduate science curriculum and beyond. 31st Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2014), Dunedin: ASCILITE.
Pettit, L., Pye, M., Wang, X., Quinnell, R. (2014). Supporting botanical literacy in the undergraduate science curriculum and beyond with a bespoke campus app. 20th Annual UniServe Science Conference: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) 2014, Sydney: UniServe Science, University of Sydney.
Martin, M., Jones, B., Pye, M., Quinnell, R. (2014). Teach to learn: using new technologies to support agriculture undergraduates in biology. 20th Annual UniServe Science Conference: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) 2014, Sydney: UniServe Science, University of Sydney.