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My work focuses on the ecology of terrestrial arthropods and their interactions with their environments, especially with respect to the plants with which they interact. We work at scales from landscapes down to individuals. I'm currently working on a diverse range of research questions that integrate my interests in community ecology and landscape ecology.


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McElroy, D., Doblin, M., Murphy, R., Hochuli, D., Coleman, R. (2016). A limited legacy effect of copper in marine biofilms. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109, 117-127. [More Information] Leonard, R., McArthur, C., Hochuli, D. (2016). A multistressor, multitrait approach to assessing the effects of wind and dust on Eucalyptus tereticornis. American Journal of Botany: the journal for all plant biologists, 103(8), 1466-1471. [More Information] Leonard, R., McArthur, C., Hochuli, D. (2016). Exposure to wind alters insect herbivore behaviour in larvae of Uraba lugens (Lepidoptera: Nolidae). Austral Entomology, 55(3), 242-246. [More Information] Low, P., McArthur, C., Hochuli, D. (2016). Head capsule stacking by caterpillars: morphology complements behaviour to provide a novel defence. PeerJ, 4(2), 1-13. [More Information] Low, P., McArthur, C., Hochuli, D. (2016). It is safe to go out on a limb: within-tree leaf age and location do not alter predation risk for insect herbivores. Austral Entomology, 55(3), 284-290. [More Information] Lowe, E., Wilder, S., Hochuli, D. (2016). Persistence and survival of the spider Nephila plumipes in cities: do increased prey resources drive the success of an urban exploiter? Urban Ecosystems, 19(2), 705-720. [More Information] Lydecker, H., Stanfield, E., Lo, N., Hochuli, D., Banks, P. (2015). Are urban bandicoots solely to blame for tick concerns? Australian Zoologist, 37(3), 288-293. [More Information] Taylor, L., Hochuli, D. (2015). Creating better cities: how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning enhance urban residents' wellbeing. Urban Ecosystems, 18(3), 747-762. [More Information] Ven den Berg, F., Thompson, M., Hochuli, D. (2015). When hot rocks get hotter: behavior and acclimatization mitigate exposure to extreme temperatures in a spider. Ecosphere, 6(5), Article 88. [More Information] Low, P., McArthur, C., Hochuli, D. (2014). Dealing with your past: experience of failed predation suppresses caterpillar feeding behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 90, 337-343. [More Information] Low, P., Sam, K., McArthur, C., Posa, M., Hochuli, D. (2014). Determining predator identity from attack marks left in model caterpillars: guidelines for best practice. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 152(2), 120-126. [More Information] Low, P., McArthur, C., Fisher, K., Hochuli, D. (2014). Elevated volatile concentrations in high-nutrient plants: do insect herbivores pay a high price for good food? Ecological Entomology, 39(4), 480-491. [More Information] Lowe, E., Wilder, S., Hochuli, D. (2014). Urbanisation at Multiple Scales Is Associated with Larger Size and Higher Fecundity of an Orb-Weaving Spider. PloS One, 9(8), 1-7. [More Information] Matias, M., Coleman, R., Hochuli, D., Underwood, A. (2013). Macrofaunal Responses to Edges Are Independent of Habitat-Heterogeneity in Experimental Landscapes. PloS One, 8(4), 1-8. [More Information] Low, P., Angus, W., Wagner, A., Wilkin, D., Shiels, M., Dockerill, R., Hochuli, D. (2013). Use of spider silk for nest building by the Regent Honeyeater Anthochaera phrygia and the Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix. Australian Zoologist, 36(3), 349-354. [More Information] Powell, F., Hochuli, D., Symonds, C., Cassis, G. (2012). Are psyllids affiliated with the threatened plants Acacia ausfeldii, A. dangarensis and A. gordonii at risk of co-extinction? Austral Ecology, 37(1), 140-148. [More Information] Powell, F., Hochuli, D., Cassis, G. (2011). A new host and additional localities for the rare psyllid Acizzia keithi Taylor and Moir (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 50(4), 441-444. [More Information] Matias, M., Underwood, A., Hochuli, D., Coleman, R. (2011). Habitat identity influences species-area relationships in heterogeneous habitats. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 437, 135-145. [More Information] Matias, M., Underwood, A., Hochuli, D., Coleman, R. (2010). Independent effects of patch size and structural complexity on diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Ecology, 91(7), 1908-1915. [More Information] Lomov, B., Keith, D., Hochuli, D. (2010). Pollination and Plant Reproductive Success in Restored Urban Landscapes Dominated by a Pervasive Exotic Pollinator. Landscape and Urban Planning, 96, 232-239. [More Information]
