Bugnot, A., Coleman, R., Figueira, W., Marzinelli, E. (2016). Effects of the receiving assemblage and disturbance on the colonisation of an invasive species. Marine Biology, 163(7), 1-9. [More Information]
Ferrari, R., Bryson, M., Bridge, T., Hustache, J., Williams, S., Byrne, M., Figueira, W. (2016). Quantifying the response of structural complexity and community composition to environmental change in marine communities. Global Change Biology, 22(5), 1965-1975. [More Information]
Figueira, W., Ferrari, R., Weatherby, E., Porter, A., Hawes, S., Byrne, M. (2015). Accuracy and Precision of Habitat Structural Complexity Metrics Derived from Underwater Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing, 7(12), 16883-16900. [More Information]
Bewley, M., Friedman, A., Ferrari, R., Hill, N., Hovey, R., Barrett, N., Pizarro, O., Figueira, W., Meyer, L., Babcock, R., Byrne, M., Williams, S., et al (2015). Australian sea-floor survey data, with images and expert annotations. Scientific Data, 2, 1-12. [More Information]
Bugnot, A., Coleman, R., Figueira, W., Marzinelli, E. (2015). Community-level impacts of the invasive isopod Cirolana harfordi. Biological Invasions, 17(4), 1149-1161. [More Information]
Kelaher, B., Tan, M., Figueira, W., Gillanders, B., Connell, S., Goldsworthy, S., Hardy, N., Coleman, M. (2015). Fur seal activity moderates the effects of an Australian marine sanctuary on temperate reef fish. Biological Conservation, 182, 205-214. [More Information]
Liggins, L., Booth, D., Figueira, W., Treml, E., Tonk, L., Ridgway, T., Harris, D., Riginos, C. (2015). Latitude-wide genetic patterns reveal historical effects and contrasting patterns of turnover and nestedness at the range peripheries of a tropical marine fish. Ecography, 38(12), 1212-1224. [More Information]
Mayer-Pinto, M., Johnston, E., Hutchings, P., Marzinelli, E., Ahyong, S., Birch, G., Booth, D., Creese, B., Doblin, M., Figueira, W., et al (2015). Sydney Harbour: A review of anthropogenic impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of one of the world's largest natural harbours. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66(12), 1088-1105. [More Information]
Johnston, E., Mayer-Pinto, M., Hutchings, P., Marzinelli, E., Ahyong, S., Birch, G., Booth, D., Creese, B., Doblin, M., Figueira, W., et al (2015). Sydney Harbour: What we do and do not know about a highly diverse estuary. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66(12), 1073-1087. [More Information]
Beck, H., Feary, D., Figueira, W., Booth, D. (2014). Assessing range shifts of tropical reef fishes: a comparison of belt transect and roaming underwater visual census methods. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90(2), 705-721. [More Information]
Matis, P., Figueira, W., Suthers, I., Humphries, J., Miskiewicz, A., Coleman, R., Kelaher, B., Taylor, M. (2014). Cyclonic entrainment? The ichthyoplankton attributes of three major water mass types generated by the separation of the East Australian Current. ICES Journal of Marine Science: journal du conseil, 71(7), 1696-1705. [More Information]
Feary, D., Pratchett, M., Emslie, M., Fowler, A., Figueira, W., Luiz, O., Nakamura, Y., Booth, D. (2014). Latitudinal shifts in coral reef fishes: why some species do and others do not shift. Fish and Fisheries, 15, 593-615. [More Information]
Bugnot, A., Coleman, R., Figueira, W., Marzinelli, E. (2014). Patterns of the Non-Indigenous Isopod Cirolana harfordi in Sydney Harbour. PloS One, 9(1), 1-7. [More Information]
Vergés, A., Steinberg, P., Hay, M., Poore, A., Campbell, A., Ballesteros, E., Heck Jr, K., Booth, D., Coleman, M., Feary, D., Figueira, W., et al (2014). The tropicalization of temperate marine ecosystems: Climate-mediated changes in herbivory and community phase shifts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281(1789), 1-10. [More Information]
Bridge, T., Ferrari, R., Bryson, M., Hovey, R., Figueira, W., Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Harborne, A., Byrne, M. (2014). Variable responses of benthic communities to anomalously warm sea temperatures on a high-latitude coral reef. PloS One, 9(11), 1-20. [More Information]
Curley, B., Jordan, A., Figueira, W., Valenzuela Davie, V. (2013). A review of the biology and ecology of key fishes targeted by coastal fisheries in south-east Australia: identifying critical knowledge gaps required to improve spatial management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 23, 435-458. [More Information]
Galaiduk, R., Figueira, W., Kingsford, M., Curley, B. (2013). Factors driving the biogeographic distribution of two temperate Australian damselfishes and ramifications for range shifts. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 484, 189-202. [More Information]
Smith, A., Munro, U., Figueira, W. (2013). Modelling urban populations of the Australian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca) to inform management. Population Ecology, 55, 567-574. [More Information]
Figueira, W., Coleman, F. (2010). Comparing landings of United States recreational fishery sectors. Bulletin of Marine Science, 86(3), 499-514.
Figueira, W., Booth, D. (2010). Increasing ocean temperatures allow tropical fishes to survive overwinter in temperate waters. Global Change Biology, 16(2), 506-516. [More Information]