1. 何婷婷, 王一漫, 陈文锋*. (2023). 社会比较和社会评价的背景效应——来自联合评估视角的启示. 心理科学进展 , 31(6), 1055-1067.
2. 王一漫, 何婷婷, 陈文锋*. (2022). 面孔可信度评价的跨维度同化效应: 社会经济地位调节下的内群体偏好不对称性. 科学通报,68(2-3), 229 - 237
3. 励奇添, 陈文锋*. (2022). 集群表征在不同刺激及属性间的差异. 科学通报, 67(21), 2463-2472.
4. 刘春晓, 刘立志, 王丹, 陈文锋*. (2022). 集体仪式促进群体情绪感染的机制. 心理科学进展, 30(8), 1870-1882.
5. 齐玥, 秦邵天, 王可昕, 陈文锋. (2022). 面孔可信度评价调节:经验迁移假说的提出与验证. 心理科学进展 , 30(4), 715-722.
6. 王丹, 王典慧, 陈文锋*. (2022). 青少年心理韧性与恶意创造性行为倾向的关系:应激调节下的应对方式中介作用. 心理学报, 54(2), 154-167.
7. Liu, C.H., Young, A.W., Li, J., Tian, X., Chen,W.* (2022). Predicting attractiveness from face parts reveals multiple covarying cues. British Journal of Psychology, 113(1), 264-286. PMID: 34541676 DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12532
8. Li H, Ji L, Li Q and Chen W* (2021). Individual Faces Were Not Discarded During Extracting Mean Emotion Representations. Front. Psychol. 12:713212. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.713212
9. 田欣然, 侯文霞, 欧玉晓, 易冰, 陈文锋*, 尚俊辰. (2021). 基于合成平均刺激的平均表征机制——来自平均面孔吸引力的证据. 心理学报, 53(7), 714-728.
10. 侯文霞, 田欣然, 刘立志, 易冰, 欧玉晓, 陈文锋*, 尚俊辰. (2021). 面孔吸引力同化的连续性效应. 心理科学进展 , 29(7), 1210-1215.
11. Shang J, Liu Z, Yang H, Wang C, Zheng L, Chen W* and Liu CH (2020). Perceptual Advantage of Animal Facial Attractiveness: Evidence From b-CFS and Binocular Rivalry. Front. Psychol. 11:1670.
12. Liu, C., Young, A. & Basra, G. & Ren, N. & Chen, W*. (2020). Perceptual integration and the composite face effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73(7), 1101-1114
13. Peng S., Liu C.H., Yang X., Li H., Chen W., Hu P. (2020). Culture variation in the average identity extraction: The role of global vs. local processing orientation, Visual Cognition, 28(3), 180-191. DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2020.1751762
14. 尚俊辰,李雨桐,刘智慧,陈文锋*.(2020). 群体情绪和个体情绪对疼痛加工的影响:一项ERP 研究.中国健康心理学杂志, 28(3), 401-409.
15. Wang H, Tong S, Shang J and Chen W* (2019) The Role of Gender in the Preconscious Processing of Facial Trustworthiness and Dominance. Front. Psychol. 10:2565.
16. Shen X*, Chen W*, Zhao G and Hu P (2019) Editorial: Recognizing Microexpression: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Front. Psychol. 10:1318.
17. Peng S, Zhang L, Xu R, Liu CH, Chen W and Hu P (2019) Self-Construal Priming Modulates Ensemble Perception of Multiple-Face Identities. Front. Psychol. 10:1096.
18. Yan, Y., Li, F., Xu, P., Zheng, S., Chen, W., ...&Liu, Z. (2018). Photoplethysmography based psychological stress detection with pulse rate variability feature differences and elastic net.Inteational Journal of distributed sensor networks,14(9),14.
19. Liu, C., Chen, W. (2018). The Boundary of Holistic Processing in the Appraisal of Facial Attractiveness. Royal Society Open Science, 5, 171616; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171616.
20. Ji, L., Chen, W., Loeys, T., Pourtois, G. (2018). Ensemble representation for multiple facial expressions: Evidence for a capacity limited perceptual process. Journal of Vision, 18(3):17. https://doi.org/10.1167/18.3.17.
21. 刘亚萍*, 陈文锋*, 傅小兰. (2018). 孤独症儿童生活和学习能力的正向干预模式. 科学通报, 63 (15), 1474- 1481.
22. 马琳, 陈文锋*, 傅小兰, 王桐桐. (2018). 抑郁症患者的表情及微表情识别. 科学通报, 63 (20), 2048- 2056.
23. 尚俊辰, 刘智慧, 陈文锋*, 傅小兰 . (2018). 美感对西方绘画无意识加工的影响. 心理学报, 50(6), 1-10.
24. 马琳, 陈文锋*, 王桐桐, 张东. (2018). 延期毕业研究生MMPI人格测验分析. 中国心理卫生杂志, 32 (4) , 350-352.
25. 尚俊辰, 陈文锋*, 季琭妍. (2018). 面孔吸引力在认知过程中的作用及其神经机制. 心理科学进展, 26 (2): 241-253.
26. Chen, W., Ren, N., Young A.W., Liu, C. H.* (2018). Interaction Between Social Categories in the Composite Face Paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Leaing, Memory, and Cognition, 44(1), 34-49. doi: 10.1037/xlm0000418
27. Wang, L., Chen, W.*, Li, H. (2017). Use of 3D faces facilitates facial expression recognition in children. Scientific Reports,7, 45464. doi:10.1038/srep45464
28. Fu, Q.*, Liu, Y. J., Dienes, Z., Wu, J., Chen, W., & Fu, X. (2017). Neural Correlates of Subjective Awareness for Natural Scene Categorization of Color Photographs and Line-Drawings. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:210. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00210
29. Li H, Ji L, Tong K, Ren N, Chen W*, Liu CH and Fu X. (2016). Processing of Individual Items during Ensemble Coding of Facial Expressions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1332. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01332
30. Liu, C. H.*, Chen, W.*, Ward, J., & Takahashi, N. (2016). Dynamic emotional faces generalise better to a new expression but not to a new view. Scientific Reports, 6, 31001; doi: 10.1038/srep31001.
31. Fu, Q.*, Liu, Y. J., Dienes, Z., Wu, J., Chen, W., & Fu, X. (2016). The role of edge-based and surface-based information in natural scene categorization: Evidence from behavior and event-related potentials. Consciousness and Cognition, 43, 152–166.
32. 梁静, 颜文靖, 陈文锋, 傅小兰.(2016). 影响说谎行为的情境因素--基于自我概念维持理论的视角. 心理与行为研究, 14(5), 709-714.
33. 张吟,李慧云,陈文锋*,傅小兰. (2016). 异族面孔分类中情绪的调节作用. 生物化学与生物物理进展,43(4), 406-412.
34. Tong, K., Ji, L., Chen, W. *, Fu, X. (2015). Unstable Mean Context Causes Sensitivity Loss and Biased Estimation of Variability. Journal of Vision, 5(4):15, 1–12. doi: 10.1167/15.4.15.
35. Liu, Y., Yu, M., Fu, Q., Chen, W., Liu, Y., Xie, L. (2016). Cognitive mechanism related to line drawings and its applications in intelligent processing of visual media: A Survey. Frontiers of Computer Science, 10(2), 216-232.
36. Zhao, M. F., Zimmer, H. D., Shen, X., Chen, W., & Fu, X.* (2016). Exploring the Cognitive Processes Causing the Age-Related Categorization Deficit in the Recognition of Facial Expressions. Experimental Aging Research, 42(4), 348-364. doi: 10.1080/0361073X.2016.1191854
37. Liu*, C. H., Chen*, W., Wards, J. (2015). Effects of Exposure to Facial Expression Variation in Face Leaing and Recognition. Psychological Research, 79(6):1042-1053.
38. 仝可, 唐薇, 陈文锋*, 傅小兰.(2015). 统计概要表征的内容与机制. 心理科学进展, 23 (10), 1723-1731.
39. Chen W, Liu CH, Li H, Tong K, Ren N and Fu X (2015) Facial expression at retrieval affects recognition of facial identity. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:780. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00780
40. Liu*, C. H., Chen*, W., Wards, J. (2014). Remembering Faces with Emotional Expressions. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:1439. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01439
41. 陈文锋*, 唐薇, 季琭妍, 仝可, 禤宇明, 傅小兰.(2014). 情绪加工老龄化机制:表情的自动加工和控制加工视角. 心理科学进展, 22(9), 1372–1382.
42. Zhao N, Chen W, Xuan Y, Mehler B, Reimer B, Fu X. (2014). Drivers' and non-drivers' performance in a change detection task with static driving scenes: is there a benefit of experience. Ergonomics,57(7):998-1007.
43. Ji, L., Chen, W. *, Fu, X. (2014). Different roles of foveal and extrafoveal vision in ensemble representation for facial expressions. LNAI 8532, pp. 164-173.
44. Yang, C., Ji, L., Chen, W. *, Fu, X. (2014). Positive affective learning improves memory.in D. Harris (Ed.): EPCE 2014, LNAI 8532, pp. 293–300.
45. Liu C H, Chen W, Han H, & Shan S.(2013). Effects of Image Preprocessing on Face Matching and Recognition in Human Observers, Applied Cognitive Psychology (ACP), 27(6), 718-724.
46. Fu*, X., Cai, L., Liu, Y., Jia, J., Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Zhao, G., Liu, Y. J., & Wu, C. (2014). A computational cognition model of perception, memory, and judgment. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 57(3), 1-15.
47. Yang L.*, Chen W., Ng A. H., Fu X. (2013). Aging, Culture, and Memory for Categorically Processed Information. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68(6):872-881.
48. Liu. T., Chen, W.*, Liu, C. H., Fu, X. (2012). Benefits and costs of uniqueness in multiple object tracking: the role of object complexity. Vision Research, 66, 31-38.
49. Chen W., Liu C.H., Nakabayashi K. (2012). Beauty Hinders Attention Switch in Change Detection: The Role of Facial Attractiveness and Distinctiveness. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32897. doi:10.1371/Journal.pone.0032897
50. Liu, C.H., & Chen W. (2012). Beauty is Better Pursued: Effects of Attractiveness in Multiple-Face Tracking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(3), 553-564.
51. Chen, W., Lander, K. and Liu, C. H. (2011). Matching faces with emotional expressions. Front. Psychology 2:206. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00206
52. Liu, Y. J., Luo, X., Xuan, Y. M., Chen, W. F., & Fu, X. L. (2011). Image Retargeting Quality Assessment. Computer Graphics Forum, 30(2), 583–592.
53. 赵楠, 陈文锋, 禤宇明, 傅小兰* (2011). 驾驶中视觉注意的聚焦和转移. 人类工效学, 17(4), 85-88,51.
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55. 陈文锋,禤宇明,刘烨,傅小兰,付秋芳. (2009). 创伤后应激障碍的认知功能缺陷与执行控制:5.12震后创伤恢复的认知基础. 心理科学进展, 17, 610-615.