Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Kelly, S., Percival, R. (2015). Back problems, comorbidities, and their association with wealth. The Spine Journal, 15(1), 34-41. [More Information]
Veerman, J., Shrestha, R., Mihalopoulos, C., Passey, M., Kelly, S., Tanton, R., Callander, E., Schofield, D. (2015). Depression prevention, labour force participation and income of older working aged Australians: A microsimulation economic analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(5), 430-436. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Percival, R., Kelly, S., Passey, M. (2015). Labour force participation and the influence of having arthritis on financial status. Rheumatology International, 35(7), 1175-1181. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Shrestha, R., Cunich, M., Tanton, R., Kelly, S., Passey, M., Veerman, L. (2015). Lost productive life years caused by chronic conditions in australians aged 45-64 years, 2010-2030. Medical Journal of Australia, 203(6), 260e1-260e6. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Kelly, S., Percival, R. (2015). Multiple chronic health conditions and their link with wealth assets. European Journal of Public Health, 25(2), 285-289. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Cunich, M., Kelly, S., Passey, M., Shrestha, R., Callander, E., Tanton, R., Veerman, L. (2015). The impact of diabetes on the labour force participation, savings and retirement income of workers aged 45-64 years in Australia. PloS One, 10(2), 1-10. [More Information]
Fuller, N., Williams, K., Shrestha, R., Ahern, A., Holzapfel, C., Hauner, H., Jebb, S., Caterson, I. (2014). Changes in physical activity during a weight loss intervention and follow-up; a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Obesity, 4(3), 127-135. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Shrestha, R., Kelly, S., Veerman, L., Tanton, R., Passey, M., Vos, T., Cunich, M., Callander, E. (2014). Health&WealthMOD2030: A Microsimulation Model of the Long Term Economic Impacts of Disease Leading to Premature Retirements of Australians Aged 45-64 Years Old. International Journal of Microsimulation, 7(2), 94-118.
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Percival, R., Kelly, S. (2014). How co-morbidities magnify the effect of arthritis on labour force participation and economic status: a costs of illness study in Australia. Rheumatology International, 34(4), 481-489. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Percival, R., Kelly, S. (2014). Indirect economic impacts of comorbidities on people with heart disease. Circulation Journal, 78(3), 644-648. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Cunich, M., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Veerman, L., Callander, E., Kelly, S., Tanton, R. (2014). The economic impact of diabetes through lost labour force participation on individuals and government: evidence from a microsimulation model. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-8. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Cunich, M., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Kelly, S., Tanton, R., Veerman, L. (2014). The impact of chronic conditions of care recipients on the labour force participation of informal carers in Australia: which conditions are associated with higher rates of non-participation in the labour force? BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-9. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Cunich, M., Shrestha, R., Callander, E., Passey, M., Kelly, S., Tanton, R., Veerman, L. (2014). The Impact of Diabetes on the Labour Force Participation and Income Poverty of Workers Aged 45–64 Years in Australia. PloS One, 9(2), 1-7. [More Information]
Fuller, N., Colagiuri, S., Schofield, D., Olson, A., Shrestha, R., Holzapfel, C., Wolfenstetter, S., Holle, R., Ahem, A., Hauner, H., Caterson, I., et al (2013). A within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis of primary care referral to a commercial provider for weight loss treatment, relative to standard care - an international randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Obesity, 37(6), 828-834. [More Information]
Callander, E., Schofield, D., Shrestha, R. (2013). Chronic health conditions and poverty: a cross-sectional study using a multidimensional poverty measure. BMJ Open, 3(11), 1-7. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Shrestha, R., Callander, E., Byles, J., Kimman, M. (2013). Costs of being a carer: labour force participation and lost earnings among older working-aged Australians. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37(2), 192-193. [More Information]
Callander, E., Schofield, D., Shrestha, R. (2013). Freedom poverty: A new tool to identify the multiple disadvantages affecting those with CVD. International Journal of Cardiology, 166(2), 321-326. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Passey, M., Percival, R., Kelly, S. (2013). Multiple chronic health conditions and their link with labour force participation and economic status. PloS One, 8(11), 1-7. [More Information]
Pit, S., Shrestha, R., Schofield, D., Passey, M. (2013). Partial and complete retirement due to ill-health among mature age Australians. Public Health, 127(6), 561-571. [More Information]
Schofield, D., Callander, E., Shrestha, R., Percival, R., Kelly, S., Passey, M. (2013). Premature retirement due to ill health and income poverty: a cross-sectional study of older workers. BMJ Open, 3(5), 1-6. [More Information]