4. 参与柔性结构型碳纤维吸波材料产业化应用,江苏省科技厅(No.: HB2012-70);结题
在Carbon, Composite part B, Journal of Electronic Materials等期刊上发表第1作者SCI论文7篇(1区5篇)、通讯作者1篇,授权发明专利2项。同时为国际期刊Journal of Electronic Materials, Textile Research Journal, Journal of Industrial Textiles等国际期刊兼职审稿人。
1.Xinghua Hong, Andi Wang, Weidong Yu, and D.D.L. Chung. Graphite oxide as a polarizable electrically conductive paper in the through-thickness direction. CARBON 2016 (07/2016, State College, PA, USA). 口头报告.
2. Andi Wang, Xinghua Hong, D.D.L Chung. Carbon materials exhibiting high values of the relative dielectric constant. Materials Science & Technology 2015 (10/2015, Columbus, OH, USA). Oral presentation given by Chung.
1. 无机非金属材料(膨胀石墨、氧化石墨、还原氧化石墨烯、硼碳纳米管)介电、导电和电磁屏蔽性能;
2. 碳纤维混织织物压电、电磁屏蔽;
3. 智能传感织物;
1. Xinghua, Hong, and D. D. L. Chung. "Exfoliated graphite with relative dielectric constant reaching 360, obtained by exfoliation of acid-intercalated graphite flakes without subsequent removal of the residual acidity." Carbon91 (2015): 1-10.
2. Xinghua, Hong, Weidong Yu, Andi Wang, and D.D.L. Chung. "Graphite oxide as a polarizable electrical conductor." Carbon, 109 (2016):874-882.
3. Xinghua, Hong, Daojun Wang, and D. D. L. Chung. "Strong viscous behavior discovered in nanotube mats, as observed in boron nitride nanotube mats." Composites Part B: Engineering, 2016, 91: 56-64. (2区,IF:4.920)
4. Xinghua, Hong, Weidong Yu, and D.D.L. Chung. "Electric permittivity of reduced graphite oxide." Carbon, 111 (2017): 182-190. (1区,IF:7.082)
5. Xinghua, Hong, and D.D.L. Chung." Carbon nanofiber mats for electromagnetic interference shielding." Carbon, 111(2017): 529-537. (1区,IF:7.082)
6. Xinghua, Hong, Weidong Yu, and D.D.L. Chung. "Significant effect of sorbed water on the electrical and dielectric behavior of graphite oxide." Carbon, 119(2017): 403-418.