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周岚,女, 1979 年 3 月出生,博士,副教授,硕导。2001年4月浙江理工大学纺织化学与染整工程专业硕士研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位,并留校任教。2011年10月天津工业大学纺织化学与染整工程专业博士研究生毕业,获工学博士学位。一直从事纺织化学与染整工程学科、轻化工程专业的教学以及科研工作。2012年6月-10月和2015年6月-9月分别赴美国北卡罗来纳州立大学和德国亚琛工业大学DWI-Leibniz研究所作访问学者。 教学方面:主讲染整基础英语、纺织品染整新技术(双语)等课程;承担多项课程建设工作。 科研方面:主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,浙江省自然科学基金项目1项,教育部博士点基金1项,浙江省科技厅公益项目1项,浙江省科技厅创新团队子项目1项,横向项目4项;作为主要骨干参加国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省科技厅项目等10余项。研究内容主要包括:纺织品结构生色研究、相变微胶囊的制备及其应用、仿生材料设计与开发、纺织品的非水染色体系研究、无甲醛拔染剂的制备在涂料拔染印花中的应用、新型无机抗菌材料的研究及在纺织品中的应用开发、天然染料在纺织品上的染色技术研究等。在国内外学术刊物发表和录用论文30余篇, 其中,第一作者和通许作者发表SCI收录15篇;授权中国发明专利8项,授权美国和澳大利亚发明专利各1项。 科研成果奖:2013年获中国商业联合会科学技术奖一等奖1项;2011年获中国纺织工业协会科学技术奖二等奖1项;2007年国家教育部中国高等学校科学技术进步二等奖1项;2006年中国纺织工业协会科学技术奖一等奖1项;2006年浙江省科技进步三等奖1项。 硕士研究生招生方向: 1. 纺织化学与染整工程(学术); 2. 材料加工工程(学术); 3. 纺织工程领域(专硕) 专著 1. 邵建中, 周岚. 基于纳米构造的纺织品仿生结构生色. 中国纺织品整理及进展[M]. 北京: 中国轻工业出版社, 2015,97-128. 2. Jianzhong Shao, Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou. Biomimetic nanocoatings for structural coloration of textiles. Active coatings for smart textiles [M]. Elsevier(爱思唯尔)出版社, 2016, 269-300 授权专利 1. 周岚,林声伟,邵建中,柴丽琴. 基于真丝织物非损伤性改性的天然染料染色方法,2014, 中国,ZL 201110263404.6 2. Jianzhong Shao, Lan Zhou, Yani Chen, Dongming Qi, Jinqiang Liu. Environmentally-friendly paste discharge agent for textile printing and preparation method thereof, 2016, Unite States, US 93756887B2 3. 冯新星,周岚,李月荣,张建春,来侃,陈建勇,朱海霖. 一种白色印花浆料及其制备方法和用途,2016,中国,ZL 201410217720.3 3. 邵建中,周岚,戚栋明,黄江峰,刘国金. 一种用于纺织品数码印花结构生色的胶体微球墨水及其应用,2015,中国, ZL 201410039672.3 4.邵建中,周岚,陈雅妮,戚栋明,刘今强. 一种纺织品印花用环保型膏状拔染剂及其制备方法,2013.10,中国,ZL 201210165380.5 5. Jianzhong Shao, Lan Zhou, Yani Chen, Dongming Qi, Jinqiang Liu. Environmentally-friendly paste discharge agent for textile printing and preparation method thereof, 2012, Australian, 2012369652 6. 冯新星,陈建勇,张华鹏,朱海霖,周岚. 一种硅锌介孔材料载银抗菌剂及制备方法, 2012.11,中国,ZL 200910156604.4 7. 冯新星, 陈建勇, 张华鹏,朱海霖, 周岚. 一种无机纳米介孔抗菌剂及制备方法, 2012.05,中国,ZL 200910156605.9 8. 冯新星,陈建勇,张华鹏,朱海霖,周岚. 一种含银硅基介孔抗菌剂及其制备方法, 2012.12,中国,ZL 200910156602.5 9. 邵建中, 徐敏, 戚栋明, 柴丽琴, 周岚. 提高棉织物阳离子化改性均匀性的方法, 2012.01, 中国,ZL 201010159062.9 10. 冯新星,张建春,陈勇伟,张华,周岚,刘梅军,来侃,刘雪强,马天. 一种含磷阻燃聚酰胺及其制备方法与应用,2016,中国,ZL 201410467714.3 11. 邵建中,徐敏,戚栋明,柴丽琴,周岚. 提高棉织物阳离子化改性均匀性的方法,2012,中国,ZL 201010159062.9 l 行业标准 邵建中,周岚,刘今强,王胜鹏,赵梅,赵婷. 纺织染整助剂 抗紫外线整理剂 抗紫外线性能的测定,2015,全国染料标准化技术委员会,HG/T 4735-2014




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Liqin Chai, Lan Zhou*, Guojin Liu, Yichen Li, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Interface-gravity joint self-assembly behaviors of P(St-MAA) colloidal microspheres on polyester fabric substrates and the possible mechanisms[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(9): 5060-5071. (SCI 二区) 2. Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou*, Guoqing Zhang, Yichen Li, Liqin Chai, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Fabrication of patterned photonic crystals with brilliant structural colors on fabric substrates using ink-jet printing technology[J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 114: 10-17. (SCI 二区) 3. Lan Zhou, Yichen Li, Guojin Liu, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Study on the correlations between the structural colors of photonic crystals and the base colors of textile fabric substrates[J]. Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 133: 435-444. (SCI 二区) 4. Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou*, Qinguo Fan, Liqin Chai, Jianzhong Shao. The vertical deposition self-assembly process and the formation mechanism of poly (styrene-co-methacrylic acid) photonic crystals on polyester fabrics[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51 (6): 2859-2868. (SCI 二区) 5. Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou*, Cuicui Wang, Yujiang Wu, Yichen Li, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Study on the high hydrophobicity and its possible mechanism of textile fabric with structural colors of three-dimensional poly (styrene-methacrylic acid) photonic crystals[J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(77): 62855-62863. (SCI 二区) 6. Lan Zhou, Yujiang Wu, Liqin Chai, Guojin Liu, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Study on the formation of three-dimensionally ordered SiO2 photonic crystals on polyester fabrics by vertical deposition self-assembly [J]. Textile Research Journal, 2015: 1-10. (SCI 三区) 7. Lan Zhou, Yujiang Wu, Guojin Liu, Yichen Li, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Fabrication of high-quality silica photonic crystals on polyester fabrics by gravitational sedimentation self-assembly [J]. Coloration Technology, 2015, 131 (6): 413-423. (SCI 四区) 8. Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou*, Yujiang Wu, Cuicui Wang, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. Optical properties of three-dimensional P (St-MAA) photonic crystals on polyester fabrics[J]. Optical Materials, 2015, 42: 72-79. (SCI 三区) 9. Guojin Liu, Jianzhong Shao, Yun Zhang, Yujiang Wu, Cuicui Wang, Qinguo Fan, Lan Zhou*. Self-assembly behavior of polystyrene/methacrylic acid (P (St-MAA)) colloidal microspheres on polyester fabrics by gravitational sedimentation[J]. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2015, 106 (12): 1293-1305. (SCI 四区) 10. Guojin Liu, Lan Zhou*, Yujiang Wu, Cuicui Wang, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. The fabrication of full color P (St-MAA) photonic crystal structure on polyester fabrics by vertical deposition self-assembly[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132 (13): 4385-4393. (SCI 四区) 11. Lan Zhou, Guojin Liu, Yujiang Wu, Qinguo Fan, Jianzhong Shao. The synthesis of core-shell monodisperse P(St-MAA) microspheres and fabrication of photonic crystals structure with tunable colors on polyester fabrics[J]. Fibers and polymers, 2014, 15(6): 1112-1122. (SCI四区) 12. Lan Zhou, Jiang Shan, Xiaoyun Liu, Jianzhong Shao. Study of the application of modified thiourea dioxide discharge agent in D5 non-aqueous medium[J]. Coloration Technology, 2015, 131 : 149-156. (SCI 四区) 13. Lan Zhou, Jianzhong Shao, Xinxin Feng, Jianyong Chen, Effect of high temperature degumming on the constituents and structure of cotton stalk bark fiber[J], J Appl Polym Sci., 125, 573-579, 2012. (SCI四区)
