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1988年-1992年于南京林业大学化工学院制浆造纸专业本科学习,毕业获得工学学士学位;1992年-1995年于南京林业大学化工学院林产化学加工专业硕士研究生学习,毕业获得工学硕士学位;1995年6月开始在南京林业大学化工学院制浆造纸教研室任教,1997年10月获日本文部省奖学金,进入日本九州大学生物资源化学研究科攻读博士课程,进行新型造纸化学品的合成和应用的研究,于2000年9月毕业获农学博士学位。回国后进入浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院造纸教研室从事教学和科研工作至今。主持过浙江省自然科学基金项目等多项省部级科研项目。在国际国内学术刊物发表论文30余篇,其中3篇被SCI收录、5篇EI收录、8篇ISTP收录。获得发明专利两个。 在研项目:: 1) 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目“竹纤维的可控不饱和改性及其复合材料的应用研究(2013C32085)”2013.7-2015.6 2) 浙江省自然科学基金,竹纤维基纳米微晶纤维素药物靶向传递载体的设计构建及性能研究,LY14C160004,2014.1-2016.12 获得发明专利: 臺灣发明专利,高亮度晶片型發光二極體,I 265647,2006年11月获得专利权。 中国专利, 大功率发光二极管芯片的一种封装结构与制造方法。200810059695.5,2012年9月获得专利权。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Xiumei Zhang, Jianfeng Ji Yanjun Tang,Yu Zhao, Wood Pulp Fibers Grafted with Polyacrylamide through Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 396-398, pp 1458-1461, 2012. (EI). (2)Xiumei Zhang, Peng Zhou, Guoxin Xue,Yong Zhang, STUDY ON THE FUNCTIONS OF WATER-SOLUBLE EPOXY ACRYLATE RESIN IN PAPERMAKING, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology, Vol.1, p643-646, 2012. (ISTP) (3)Xiumei Zhang, Hualiang Wen, Jinlong Chen,Preparation of Hydrostable Fiber Crosslinking Agent Containing Glycidyl Groups, Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Textile Materials & Manufacturing Technology, Hangzhou, p468-471, 2010. (ISTP) (4)Xiumei Zhang, Fang Wu, Peng Zhou, Preparation of Low-AOX PAE Resin and Its Modification with Acrylic Acid,The Proceedings of International Conference on Chemical and Biological Utilization of Biomass Resources, Nanjing, p492-496, 2010. (5)Xiumei Zhang, Fang Wu, Peng Zhou, Modification of PAE and the Applications for Paper Strengthening, Research Progress in Paper Industry and Biorefinery, 4th ISETPP, Guangzhou, p1527-1530, 2010. (ISTP) (6)Xiumei Zhang, Fang Wu, Peng Zhou, Investigation for the Polymer with Vinyl Groups in Paper Strength Improvement, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology Vol.1, p483-486, 2008.(ISTP) (7)张秀梅,薛国新,异氰酸酯聚合物作为造纸增湿强剂的应用,中华纸业,2007,vol.173(3),p54-58 (8) Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, Copolymerization of Glycidyl Methacrylate with Styrene and Applications of the Copolymer as Paper Strength Additive, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 80, p334-339, 2001 (SCI) (9)Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, Influence of Retention System and Curing on Wet Strength Effectiveness of the Copolymer Containing Glycidyl Groups, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.81, p2791-2797, 2001 (SCI) (10) Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, Synthesis of Polymers Containing Isocyanate Groups and Use of Polymers as Paper Dry and Wet Strength Additives, Journal of Wood Science, Vol. 45, No. 5, p425-430, 1999 (SCI) (11)Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, Preparation of Polymers with Isocyanate Groups and their Applications as Paper Strength Additives, Proceedings of pre-symposium of 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Seoul, Korea, June, 1999.(ISTP) (12)Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, Synthesis of Polymers Containing Glycidyl Groups and Effect of the Polymers in Paper Dry and Wet Strength Improvement,Proceedings of 49th annual conference of Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, Japan, April, 1999 (13)Xiumei Zhang, Hiroo Tanaka, The Influence of Carboxymethylation of Pulps on Paper Strengthening Using PGS as Paper Wet strength Agent, Proceedings of 50th annual conference of Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, Japan, April, 2000
