1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于Mannich反应的芳伯胺染料—蛋白质纤维共价键合染色机制及其构效关系”(51673176)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“双母体叠合型紫外线吸收剂的合成及构效、量效关系研究”(21106135)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于合成苯并三唑结构的蛋白质侧基修饰及其光稳定化作用”(51173168)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于醌式杂环结构的高发色性纺织染料设计及其构效关系”(21808210)
5. 浙江省重点研发计划项目“高性能环保染料研发及产业化——基于全过程环保优化的稳储型高强度免水洗液体分散染料”(2021C01058)
6. 浙江省自然科学基金 “环保耐晒型可碱清洗分散染料的分子结构设计、合成与构效关系”(LY21B060010)
7. 浙江省自然科学基金 “基于Mannich反应蚕丝光稳定修饰剂的分子设计及构效关系”(LY16B060006)
8. 浙江省科技厅公益项目“易洗低污羧酸乙酯型分散染料的研发及应用”(2015C31032)
9. 浙江省自然科学基金 “双母体叠合型涤用紫外线吸收剂的设计合成与构效关系”(Y4090227)
10. 浙江省科技创新团队子项目“耐久性高效纺织品光稳定剂的合成及应用技术研究”(2010R50038)
11. 浙江理工大学上虞工业技术研究院项目“环保型耐晒可碱清洗分散染料体系的开发及产业化”(合作企业:浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司)
12. 金华市科技计划项目“锦纶专用可反应性酸性染料染色体系的构建及产业化”(合作企业:金华双宏化工有限公司)
13. 企业委托项目“高耐晒分散染料的复配性能研究”(委托企业:浙江博澳新材料股份有限公司)
14. 企业委托项目“两种精细化学品的制备工艺开发”(委托企业:金华双宏化工有限公司)
15. 企业委托项目“活性染料染色棉织物耐汗光复合牢度影响机理与解决方案”(委托企业:浙江传化股份有限公司)
16. 企业委托项目“高温匀染剂对蓝色分散染料染色织物的变色机理研究”(委托企业:浙江传化股份有限公司)
17. 企业委托项目“三种新型酸性染料的制备工艺研发”(委托企业:绍兴金美珂化工有限公司)
18. 企业委托项目“数码印花活性墨水耐晒牢度增进剂研发”(委托企业:杭州天马思宏数码科技有限公司)
19. 浙江省博士后择优资助项目(2015年)
1. 蒽醌型羧酸酯分散染料及其制备方法, ZL 201811610069.0
2. 含H酸结构双偶氮型耐晒酸性染料及其制备方法, ZL 201910293111.9
3. 磺酰胺蓝色分散染料及其制备方法, ZL 201810572931.7
4. 蓝色K型活性染料及其制备方法, ZL 201810607217.7
5. 红色耐晒K型活性染料及其制备方法, ZL 201810793731.4
6. 二苯甲酮-受阻胺复合型光稳定剂及其制备方法, ZL 201610210564.7
7. 适用于蚕丝的共价键着色方法, ZL 201310737395.9
8. 蛋白质反应性紫外线吸收剂及其制备方法, ZL 201210077119.X
9. 苯并三唑-受阻胺复合型光稳定剂及其制备方法, ZL 201210535984.4
10. 双母体叠合型紫外线吸收剂及其制备方法, ZL 201210077158.X
11. 可碱清洗羧酸酯型分散染料, ZL 201010265111.7
12. 含氮杂环苯并三唑型紫外线吸收剂及其制备方法, ZL 201010542721.7
13. 聚乳酸纤维染色用偶氮结构羧酰胺型染料及其制备方法, ZL 200810162925.0
1. 染料、光稳定剂等精细化学品的合成及应用研究
2. 蛋白质纤维的化学修饰及机理研究
3. 染料的光稳定化机理研究
1. An intramolecular Mannich type reaction of ortho-amino aromatic azo dye and its detection effect for formaldehyde. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2020.108376.
2. Reactive dyeing of silk using commercial acid dyes based on a three-component Mannich-type reaction. Coloration Technology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/cote.12471.
3. Synthesis of novel multifunctional photostabilizers containing UVA and HALS moieties and their effects on polymers and dyes. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.21740.
4. A novel reactive dyeing method for silk fibroin with aromatic primary amine-containing dyes based on the Mannich reaction. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 168: 300–310.
5. Weiguo Chen, Pu Gao, Hua Jiang, Zhihua Cui*. A novel reactive dyeing method for silk fibroin with aromatic primary amine-containing dyes based on the Mannich reaction. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 168: 300–310.
6. Hua Jiang, Qian Hu, Jinfang Cai, Zhihua Cui*, Jinhuan Zheng, Weiguo Chen. Synthesis and dyeing properties of indophenine dyes for polyester fabrics. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 166: 130–139.
7. Hua Jiang, Li Zhang, Jinfang Cai, Jiahong Ren, Zhihua Cui*, Weiguo Chen. Quinoidal bithiophene as disperse dye: Substituent effect on dyeing performance. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 151: 363–371.
8. Zhi-Hua Cui*, Gang Xia, Jian-Rong Gao, Wei-Guo Chen, Ni-Ping Liu, Qi Ou, Ren-Liang Wang. Synthesis and Properties of Alkali-Clearable Azo Disperse Dyes Containing a Carboxylic Ethyl Ester Group. Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18: 1708–1717.
9. Weiguo Chen, Zongqian Wang, Zhihua Cui*, Donghui Pan, Keith Millington. Improving the photostability of silk using a covalently-bound UV absorber. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2015, 121: 187–192.
10. Xiao-Jun Zhao, Zhi-Hua Cui*, Ren-Liang Wang, Wei-Guo Chen. Synthesis of an electron-rich aniline-containing dye and its dyeing behaviors on silk through a three-component Mannich-type reaction. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2015, 26: 259–262.
11. Zhihua Cui, Xiaohong Cheng, Xin Li, Hong-Hui Lu, Xidong Wang, Weiguo Chen. Facile synthesis and properties of alkali-clearable azo disperse dye containing a carboxylic ester moiety. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014, 25(8):1121-1124.
12. Weiguo Chen, Zongqian Wang, Zhihua Cui*, Zhaocheng Meng, Min Huang, Donghui Pan. Study on coloration of silk based on coupling reaction with a diazonium compound. Fibers and Polymers, 2014, 15: 966–970.
13. Zhihua Cui, Xin Li, Xidong Wang, Kemei Pei, Weiguo Chen. Structure and properties of N-heterocycle-containing benzotriazoles as UV absorbers, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013, 1054-1055: 94-99.
14. Kemei Pei, Zhihua Cui*, Weiguo Chen. An adduct of Cl-substituted benzotriazole and hydroxy benzophenone as a novel UVA/UVB absorber: Theory-guided design, synthesis, and calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013, 1032: 100–104.
15. Zhihua Cui, Xidong Wang, Weiguo Chen, Enling Hu, Kai Liu. Synthesis, spectral and dyeing properties of phenylazopyrazolone-containing acylamide disperse dyes designed for poly(lactic acid). Coloration Technology, 2012, 128: 283–289.
16. Zhi Hua Cui, Xi Dong Wang, Jiang Chao Guo, Wei Guo Chen. Synthesis, spectroscopic properties and applications of novel N-heterocycle-containing benzotriazoles as UV absorbers. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012, 23:1019-1022.