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余厚咏,工学博士,校特聘教授,校团委副书记(兼),入选2019年浙江省“院士结对英才计划”(结对纤维素领域院士张俐娜教授)、2017年浙江省高等学校中青年学科带头人、第四届2018-2020年度中国科协青年托举人才项目、2018年湖州“南太湖精英人才”创新领军人才。第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Materials Chemistry A、ACS Applied Mater. Interface、Chem Eng. J等国际知名期刊发表SCI 论文78篇(SCI一区论文30余篇),总引用次数google schloar1928次;获得国家授权专利27 项;2019年6月被Chem Eng J主编推荐作为旗下Materials Science for Energy Technologies(SCI杂志)的editorial board member(编委会成员)。 2018-2019 加拿大滑铁卢大学化工学院资助(博士后)访学 师从K.C.Tam教授 (全球纤维素纳米晶知名学者、ESI数目排名第三,ACS Sus. Chem.杂志副主编) 2014-2017期间浙江省经济和信息化委员会轻纺办主任助理(挂职)、义乌市科技局挂职。 2012年11月硕博连读(提前一年)毕业于东华大学材料科学与工程专业,同年7月至9月于通用电气全球塑料研究中心担任研发工程师,同年12月进入浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院,主要从事全生物可降解纳米复合材料的制备及其应用等相关领域的研究。2015年10月晋升副教授(28周岁);2020年1月起,校特聘教授(33周岁)。 参加工作以来,先后主持国家级、省部级、企业合作等项目10 余项;获中国纺织工业联合会科学技术二等奖、三等奖各1项,香港桑麻纺织科技二等奖,中冶集团科学技术进步二等奖。 指导学生获批省级“新苗计划”项目7项,教育部国创项目5项,本科生发表SCI 论文20 余篇。 学生获奖情况 【1】王怡博,黄慧敏,孙斌,叶桉,雷晓霞,汪梦琦. 作品《壁得净纳米氧化锌竹炭丝绸壁纸》获2014年浙江理工大学“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛优秀奖。 【2】孙斌,黄灿,汪梦琦,叶桉,雷晓霞,宋笑笑,王怡博. 作品《杭州“百齿灵”医药股份有限公司》获2014年浙江理工大学“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛三等奖。 2.申请项目及发表论文 【1】12级启新学生杨兴远获得国家创新创业项目1项,其作为参与作者发表SCI论文2篇; 【2】11级启新学生孙斌获得省新苗计划项目1项,其作为参与作者发表SCI论文4篇,获得授权专利3项目,第一作者发表SCI论文1篇; 【3】11级非织造学生张冬子获得省新苗计划项目1项,其作为参与作者发表SCI论文1篇,在投SCI论文1篇,申请发明专利3项。 3.协助指导研究生 截止目前协助姚菊明教授指导博士研究生3名,研究生4名,目前学生成果较为丰硕,第一作者及参与作者发表SCI论文10余篇,3篇SCI论文在投。



1. 多功能绿色纳米复合材料的制备及其在绿色包装材料的应用研究 2. 纤维素材料的再生溶解与再生结构解译研究 3. 多功能复合纳米纤维素仿生皮肤传感材料的结构设计与人机交互机制研究 4. 丝绸壁纸功能化的研发及其清洁化工艺探究 5. 植物纤维素及其纤维素纤维等废弃纺织品的高附加值开发及再生利用技术 6. 多级结构功能性无纺布材料的应用开发 7.生物质纤维素基纳米杂化材料结构设计及其气凝胶材料的应用研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yu H Y*, Abdalkarim S Y H, Zhang H, et al. Simple process to produce high-yield cellulose nanocrystals using recyclable citric/hydrochloric acids[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019.7, 5, 4912-4923 2. Yu H Y, Zhang H, Abdalkarim S Y H, et al. Interfacial compatible poly (ethylene glycol) chains modified cellulose nanosphere as bifunctional reinforcements in green polylatic acid for food packagings[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 95: 583-593. 3. Abdalkarim S Y H, Yu H Y, et al. Green synthesis of sheet-like cellulose nanocrystal–zinc oxide nanohybrids with multifunctional performance through one-step hydrothermal method[J]. Cellulose, 2018, 25(11): 6433-6446. 4. Ye S, Yu H Y, et al. Green acid-free one-step hydrothermal ammonium persulfate oxidation of viscose fiber wastes to obtain carboxylated spherical cellulose nanocrystals for oil/water Pickering emulsion[J]. Cellulose, 2018, 25(9): 5139-5155. 5 Duan-Chao Wang, Hou-Yong Yu,et al.High Aspect Ratio Carboxylate Cellulose Nanofibers Cross-linked to Robust Aerogels for Superabsorption–Flocculants: Paving Way from Nanoscale to Macroscale[J].ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10(24): 20755-20766. 6.Song M, Yu H Y, et al. Chemical cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanocrystal composite films with high structural stability by spraying Fenton reagent as initiator[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2018, 113: 171-178. 7 Yu H Y, Zhang H, Song M L, et al. From Cellulose Nanospheres, Nanorods to Nanofibers: Various Aspect Ratio Induced Nucleation/Reinforcing Effects on Polylactic Acid for Robust-Barrier Food Packaging[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(50): 43920-43938. 8 Yu, H. Y.*, Wang, C., & Abdalkarim, S. Y. H. Cellulose nanocrystals/polyethylene glycol as bifunctional reinforcing/compatibilizing agents in poly (lactic acid) nanofibers for controlling long-term in vitro drug release. Cellulose 2017, 24, 4461–4477 9 Abdalkarim S Y H, Yu H Y*, Wang D, et al. Electrospun poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxy-valerate)/cellulose reinforced nanofibrous membranes with ZnO nanocrystals for antibacterial wound dressings[J]. Cellulose, 2017, 24(7): 2925-2938. 10 Abdalkarim S Y H, Yu H Y*, Song M L, et al. In vitro degradation and possible hydrolytic mechanism of PHBV nanocomposites by incorporating cellulose nanocrystal-ZnO nanohybrids[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 176: 38-49. 11 D C Wang, HY Yu*, M L Song, et al. Superfast adsorption-disinfection cryogels decorated with cellulose nanocrystal/zinc oxide nanorod clusters for water-purifying microdevice[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(8), 6776-6785.(Journal Impact Factor: 5.951) 12 M Cheng, Z* Qin, S Hu, HY* Yu, et al. Achieving long–term sustained drug delivery for electrospun biopolyester nanofibrous membranes by introducing cellulose nanocrystals[J]. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2017, 3, 1666-1676 13 H Zhang, H Y Yu*, C Wang, et al. Effect of silver contents in cellulose nanocrystal/silver nanohybrids on PHBV crystallization and property improvements[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 173:7-16 14 M Cheng, Z Y Qin*, S Hu, H Y Yu*, M F Zhu. Use of electrospinning to directly fabricate three-dimensional nanofiber stacks of cellulose acetate under high relative humidity condition. Cellulose, 2017, 24, 219-229 15 R T Yang, H Y Yu*, M L Song, Y W Zhou, J M Yao*. Flower-like zinc oxide nanorod clusters grown on spherical cellulose nanocrystals via simple chemical precipitation method, Cellulose, 2016, 23,1871-1884 16 H Y Yu*, D Zhang, F Lu, J M Yao*. New approach for single-step extraction of carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals for their use as adsorbents and flocculants. ACS. Sustainable. Chem.Eng.2016, 4, 2632-2643 17 H Y Yu*, J M Yao*. Reinforcing properties of bacterial polyester with different cellulose nanocrystals via modulating hydrogen bonds. Compos Sci Technol. 2016, 136, 53-60 18 H Y Yu*, X Yang, F Lu, G Chen, J M Yao*. Fabrication of multifunctional cellulose nanocrystals/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles by spraying method. Carbohydr. Polym. 2016, 140, 209-219 19 B Sun, H Y Yu*, Y Zhou, Z Huang, J M Yao*. Single-step extraction of functionalized cellulose nanocrystal and polyvinyl chloride from industrial wallpaper wastes. Ind. Crops Prod. 2016, 89, 66-77 20 F Lu, H Y Yu*, C Yan, J M Yao*. Polylactic acid nanocomposite films with spherical nanocelluloses as efficient nucleation agents: effects on crystallization, mechanical and thermal properties. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 46008-46018. 21 F Lu, H Y Yu*, Y Zhou, J M Yao*. Spherical and rod-like dialdehyde cellulose nanocrystals by sodium periodate oxidation: Optimization with double response surface model and templates for silver nanoparticles. Express Polym. Lett. 2016, 10, 965-976 22 G Y Chen, H Y Yu*, C H Zhang, Y Zhou, J M Yao*, A universal route for the simultaneous extraction and functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals from industrial and agricultural celluloses, J. Nanopart. Res., 2016, 18, 1-14.(Journal Impact Factor: 2.020) 23 H Y Yu*, R Chen, G Y Chen, L Liu, X G Yang, J M Yao*, Silylation of cellulose nanocrystals and their reinforcement of commercial silicone rubber, J. Nanopart. Res., 2015, 17, 1-13 24 C F Yan, H Y Yu*, J M Yao*, One-step extraction and functionalization of cellulose nanospheres from lyocell fibers with cellulose II crystal structure, Cellulose, 2015, 22, 3773-3788 25 H Y Yu*, G Y Chen, Y B Wang, J M Yao*, A facile one-pot route for preparing cellulose nanocrystal/zinc oxide nanohybrids with high antibacterial and photocatalytic activity, Cellulose, 2015, 22, 261-273 26 H Y Yu*, C F Yan, J M Yao*, Fully biodegradable food packaging materials based on functionalized cellulose nanocrystals/poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) nanocomposites, RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 59792-59802 27 H Y Yu*, B Sun, D Z Zhang, G Y Chen, X Y Yang, J M Yao*, Reinforcement of biodegradable poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with cellulose nanocrystal/silver nanohybrids as bifunctional nanofillers, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, 2, 8479-8489 28 H Y Yu*, C F Yan, X X Lei, Z Y Qin, J M Yao*. Novel approach to extract thermally stable cellulose nanospheres with high yield, Mater. Lett., 2014, 131, 12-15.(Journal Impact Factor: 2.572) 29 H Y Yu*, Z Y Qin, C F Yan, J M Yao*. Green nanocomposites based on functionalized cellulose nanocrystals: A study on the relationship between interfacial interaction and property enhancement, ACS. Sustainable. Chem.Eng., 2014, 2, 875-886. 30 H Y Yu*, Z Y Qin, B Sun, X G Yang, J M Yao*. Reinforcement of transparent poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by incorporation of functionalized carbon nanotubes as a novel bionanocomposite for food packaging, Compos. Sci. Technol., 2014, 94, 96-104 31 H Y Yu*, Z Y Qin*, Surface grafting of cellulose nanocrystals with poly (3–hydroxybutyrate–co–3–hydroxyvalerate), Carbohydr. Polym., 2014, 101, 471-478 32 H Y Yu*, Z Y Qin, B Sun, C F Yan, J M Yao*. One-pot green fabrication and antibacterial activity of thermally stable corn-like CNC/Ag nanocomposites, J. Nanopart. Res., 2014, 16, 2202-2213 33 H Y Yu, Z Y Qin, L Liu, X G Yang, Y Zhou, J M Yao*. Comparison of the reinforcing effects for cellulose nanocrystals obtained by sulfuric and hydrochloric acid hydrolysis on the mechanical and thermal properties of bacterial polyester, Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013, 87, 22-28. 34 H Y Yu, Z Y Qin*, B L Liang, N Liu, Z Zhou, L Chen*. Facile preparation of thermally stable cellulose nanocrystals with high yield of 93% through hydrochloric acid hydrolysis under hydrothermal condition, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 3938-3944.(Journal Impact Factor: 9.931) 35 H Y Yu, J M Yao*, Z Y Qin*, Li Liu, X G Yang. Comparison of covalent and noncovalent interactions of carbon nanotubes on the crystallization behavior and thermal properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyve). J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013, 130, 4299-4307 36 H Y Yu, Z Y Qin*, L F Wang, Z Zhou*, Crystallization behavior and hydrophobic properties of biodegradable ethyl cellulose-g-poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate): The influence of the side-chain length and grafting density, Carbohydr. Polym., 2012, 87, 2447-2454 37 H Y Yu, Z Y Qin*, Y N Liu, L Chen, N Liu, Z Zhou*. Simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and thermal stability of bacterial polyester by cellulose nanocrystals, Carbohydr. Polym., 2012, 89, 971-978 38 H Y Yu, Z Y Qin*, Z Zhou, Cellulose nanocrystals as green fillers to improve crystallization behavior and hydrophilic property of poly(3–hydroxybutyrate–co–3–hydroxyvalerate), Prog. Nat. Sci., 2011, 21, 478-484 英文书稿 1 Preparation of Polysaccharide Nanocrystal-Based Nanocomposites, Hou-Yong Yu, Jin Huang, Youli Chen, and Peter R. Chang. Chapter 4 Chemical Industry Press WILEY-VCH. ISBN: 978-3-527-33420-9. Pg 109-154 2 Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanofibril (CNF)- and Cellulose Nanocrystal (CNC)-Based Nanocomposites, Hou-Yong Yu and Chen-Feng Yan. Chapter 12 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. ISBN: 393-443. Pg 393-445 3 Surface Grafting of Cellulose Nanowhisker, Hou-Yong Yu, Jin Huang, and Peter R. Chang. Chapter 22 CRC Press. ISBN: 9780824722920. Pg 497-514


