Morgan, S., Gagnon, M., Mintzes, B., Lexchin, J. (2016). A better prescription: Advice for a national strategy on pharmaceutical policy in Canada. Healthcare Policy, 12(1), 18-36.
Vitry, A., Mintzes, B., Lipworth, W. (2016). Access to new cancer medicines in Australia: dispelling the myths and informing a public debate. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 9(3), 1-6. [More Information]
Hanley, G., Mintzes, B. (2016). In Reply. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 128(2), 406-406. [More Information]
Hanley, G., Smolina, K., Mintzes, B., Oberlander, T., Morgan, S. (2016). Postpartum Hemorrhage and Use of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressants in Pregnancy. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 127(3), 553-561. [More Information]
Cosgrove, L., VAnnoy, S., Mintzes, B., Shaughnessy, A. (2016). Under the Influence: The Interplay among Industry, Publishing, and Drug Regulation. Accountability in Research: policies and quality assurance, 23(5), 257-279. [More Information]
Jarvinen, T., Michaelsson, K., Jokihaara, J., Collins, G., Perry, T., Mintzes, B., Musini, V., Erviti, J., Gorricho, J., Wright, J., et al (2015). Authors' reply to lee and colleagues. BMJ, 351, 1-2. [More Information]
Mintzes, B., Lexchin, J., Quintano, A. (2015). Clinical trial transparency: Many gains but access to evidence for new medicines remains imperfect. British Medical Bulletin, 116(1), 43-53. [More Information]
Jarvinen, T., Michaelsson, K., Jokihaara, J., Collins, G., Perry, T., Mintzes, B., Musini, V., Erviti, J., Gorricho, J., Wright, J., et al (2015). Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture. BMJ, 350, 1-7. [More Information]
Smolina, K., Hanley, G., Mintzes, B., Oberlander, T., Morgan, S. (2015). Trends and Determinants of Prescription Drug Use during Pregnancy and Postpartum in British Columbia, 2002-2011: A Population-Based Cohort Study. PloS One, 10(5), 1-16. [More Information]
Mintzes, B. (2015). When drugs don't make it to market. BMJ, 350, 1-2.
Nguyen, C., MacEntee, M., Mintzes, B., Perry, T. (2014). Information for physicians and pharmacists about drugs that might cause dry mouth: A study of monographs and published literature. Drugs and Aging, 31(1), 55-65. [More Information]
Herder, M., Gibson, E., Graham, J., Lexchin, J., Mintzes, B. (2014). Regulating prescription drugs for patient safety: Does Bill C-17 go far enough? CMAJ, 186(8), E287-E292. [More Information]
Fortin, P., Mintzes, B., Innes, M. (2013). A Systematic Review of Intravitreal Bevacizumab for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, 3(1), 12-19.
Mintzes, B., Smith, M. (2013). Evidence-based medicine: Strengths and limitations. Australian Prescriber, 36(S2), 17-21.
Mintzes, B. (2013). Medication safety: opening up the black box. BMJ Quality and Safety, 22(9), 702-704. [More Information]
Mintzes, B., Lexchin, J., Wilkes, M., Beaulieu, M., Reynolds, E., Sutherland, J., Durrieu, G. (2013). Pharmaceutical sales representatives and patient safety. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28(11), 1395-1395. [More Information]
Mintzes, B., Lexchin, J., Sutherland, J., Beaulieu, M., Wilkes, M., Durrieu, G., Reynolds, E. (2013). Pharmaceutical sales representatives and patient safety: A comparative prospective study of information quality in Canada, France and the United States. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28(10), 1368-1375. [More Information]
Shnier, A., Lexchin, J., Mintzes, B., Jutel, A., Holloway, K. (2013). Too Few, Too Weak: Conflict of Interest Policies at Canadian Medical Schools. PloS One, 8(7), 1-9. [More Information]
Mintzes, B. (2012). Advertising of prescription-only medicines to the public: Does evidence of benefit counterbalance harm? Annual Review of Public Health, 33(21 April), 259-277. [More Information]
Tejani, A., Siu, J., Wright, J., Bassett, K., Musini, V., Mintzes, B., Perry, T. (2012). Another hypertension visit. Canadian family physician (medcin de famille canadien), 58(8), 829-830.